Bakers. Ultra-high vacuum substrate manipulators
Balzers introduces two improved models of uhv substrate manipulators with the following salient features: temperature range from 100 to 900°C with niobium heater and 1100°C with graphite heater; temperature stability better than f 0.5”C; exact setting of rotational speed and tilt angle; precise substrate orientation for transfer: free flanges for accessories. An important feature is also the easy alignment of the manipulator, even under vacuum. If rotation and tiltin are required, the model USM 250 5 is the right choice. For rotation on9y, the USM 250 meets all demands.
Hiden Analytical. Multistream
selector valves
Edwards. Multi-hearth magnetically focused electron beam source
other process accessories. It is available as a four pocket source for multi-layer depositions, the 4 cc crucibles allowin multiple coatings without recharging, as well as the deposition of thrc .R films. A 30 cc single crucible versron of the EB3 is also available. A permanent magnet is used to bend and focus the elctron beam through 270”. The asymmetnc desi n of the magnet prevents incorrect assembly and ensures that the electron 2 earn remains in the crucible Lone at all times. All EB3 sources are supplied with lateral and longitudinal electromagnetic beam sweep coils as standard. The beam sweep capability allows uniform heating and evaporation of difficult materials and efficient degassing of evaporant prior to coatin The EB3 source is powered by a 3 kW, constant vo9tage, air-cooled electron beam power supply. A separate source control module can be convenient1 positioned in the console close to the vacuum chamber. The power suppYy module can be free-standing, or the wheelbase can be removed so the unit can be installed in a 19 in rack. Other optional accessories for the EB3 include a beam sweep unit, manual or motorised turret indexing modules and vacuum feedthrough installation kits.
Hiden Analytical. Automated
The new Proteus multistream selector valve range from Hiden Analytical Ltd can perform rapid sample switching between up to 40 sample streams and a single point as analyser; the have been designed for process and R&D applications wa ere many sampYe pomts are served by a central analyser, examples of these being fermentation off-gas and atmospheric monitoring. The valves utilise a unique self-compensating face seal arrangement (patent pending) which has been developed to provide a high integrity seal with a low wear rate for hi h frequent automated operation. A short internal sample trans 9er flow-pat Y,, combined with fast actuation, provides response times of less than 1 sandeliminates the flushing delays and memory problems associated with valve manifolds. Actuation IS by direct drive stepper motor with integral encoder for dependable, closed-loop position control. The valve drive module accepts RS23,2C.,Blnarfy,BCD or discrete position commands for maximum applrcatrons f exrbrlrty, and also provides auxiliary drives for external calibration gas control valves. The valves are constructed from 316 stainless steel and Teflon composite seals for operation from vacuum to 4 bar pressure. An integral heater allows operation to 120°C for condensable samples.
Hiden Analytical announces a new on-line plasma monitor, the ESP.The E5P is a Langmuir type electrostatic rf corn ensated probe, with PC control providing automatic analysis and d!rsplay of the key parameters for uniform, reproducible and stable plasma processing; including plasma potential, ion and electron densities and electron temperature. The ESP is controlled from a PC computer under the WindowsTM raphical interface. Plasma parameters are plotted simultaneously as a 9unctron of time and position in a multi-window user configurable display. Data is stored to disc for review, comparison and reporting. The ESPWlndowsTMsoftware mcludes a comprehensive suite of postprocessing functions for detailed analysis of data, including pre-programmed uniary and binary operations, plus specialised functions for automatic or erther conflat type or