High Frequency Practice for practitioners and students

High Frequency Practice for practitioners and students

164 American Journal of Surgery Book Reviews speciahzes in gynecoIogy or treats the diseases pecuhar to women and aIso engages in genera1 practice...

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American Journal of Surgery



speciahzes in gynecoIogy or treats the diseases pecuhar to women and aIso engages in genera1 practice wiI1 proht by reading this book. It covers, in detai1, and from many angles not met with in the usua1 book on the subject, the matter of diagnosis. Excessive use of microscopic techniques and sections has been avoided. The book is divided into a genera1 and a specia1 section. The former deaIs with genera1 causa1 factors, pathoIogic processes, symptoms, and diagnosis, whiIe the Iatter considers the separate organs from the standpoint of diagnosis. HIGH FREQUENCY PRACTICE for Practitioners and Students. By Burton Baker Grover, M.D. Ed. 6. With Appendix. 65 I pp. 111~s. with engravings. ThoroughIy revised and rewritten. Kansas City, The EIectron Press, 193 I. That this is the sixth edition wouId indicate that there has been a demand for this book. In spite of this, the typography and genera1 makeup Ieave much to be desired. The subject is covered with a certain degree of thoroughness and the addition of portraits of the men who have contributed to the advancement of physioIogica1 therapeutics is admirabIe. However, the book suffers from the overenthusiasm of the author for physica therapy. He accepts as absoIute facts matters which may stiI1 be considered in the reaIm of theory. This, unfortunateIy, is a fauIt of many of the newer books on this subject. HISTORY OF THE ORLEANS MEDICAL SOCIETY 1878-1928. By A. E. Fossier, A.B., M.A., M.D. 243 Pp., iIh_lS., 1930. This is an interesting and concise history of the OrIeans Parish MedicaI Society with portraits of its prominent members both past and present. This type of book is very desirabIe and shouId be further encouraged in this country. The story of the deveIopment of one of the Iargest medica Iibraries in the country by a IocaI medica society makes very interesting reading. It is to be hoped that pubIications of this kind wiIl induce other 6w

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societies to produce simiIar voIumes so that a current record may be had of the medical history of the United States in the making. TEXT-BOOK FOR NURSES. By E. W. Hey Groves, M.D., B.SC., M.s., F.R.c.s., and J. M. Fortescue-BrickdaIe, M.A., M.D. (Oxon.), M.R.C.P. (Lond.). The MedicaI Section revised by J. A. Nixon, c.M.G., M.D. (Cantab.), F.R.C.P. (Lond.). Ed. 4, 665 pp., 229 iIIus., N. Y., Oxford Univ. 1930. This is a spIendid textbook on anatomy, physiology, surgery and medicine for nurses. The EngIish point of view may make it perhaps impractical as a teaching book in this country but as a reference book for those who instruct nurses we know of none better and many physicians wiI1 be gIad to have it in their Iibrary for reference. Like a11 Oxford pubIications, this is a mode1 of good book-making. OBSTETRICS. By J. Whitridge WiIIiams. Ed. 5, 1088 pp., I 7 pIates, 6go iIIus., N. Y ., D. AppIeton & Co., 1927. The fifth edition of a famous book. This edition has been entireIy revised, reset, and brought thoroughIy up-to-date. As in the this book is particuIarIy previous editions, strong in pathoIogy which has been so sadly negIected in so many American books on obstetrics. MEDICAL & SURGICAL YEAR-BOOK. Physicians HospitaI of PIattsburgh, Comprising Wednesday Afternoon Invitation Lectures, Papers of the Cardiac Round Table, The First Beaumont Lecture, CoIIected Papers by the Staff. 322 pp., iIIus., PIattsburgh, N. Y., The WiIIiam H. Miner Foundation, 1930. This voIume incIudes the papers indicated in the titIe and is a great step forward over the average hospita1 year-book. This book is of historica interest as coming from the town where Beaumont made his famous experiments in the physioIogy of digestion and is an indication that the spirit of Beaumont stiII prevaiIs there.