High-level expression, purification, and characterization of recombinant human basic fibroblast growth factor in Pichia pastoris

High-level expression, purification, and characterization of recombinant human basic fibroblast growth factor in Pichia pastoris

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Protein Expression and Purification 59 (2008) 282–288 www.elsevier.com/locate/yprep

High-level expression, purification, and characterization of recombinant human basic fibroblast growth factor in Pichia pastoris Xupeng Mu, Ning Kong, Weili Chen, Ting Zhang, Mohan Shen, Weiqun Yan * Depart­ment of Bio­chem­is­try, Insti­tute of Fron­tier Med­i­cal Sci­ences, Ji­lin Uni­ver­sity, Xinmindajie Street 1163, Changc­hun, Ji­lin 130021, China Received 11 November 2007, and in revised form 14 Feburary 2008 Available online 29 February 2008

Abstract Basic fibro­blast growth fac­tor [basic FGF (bFGF); FGF-2] is an impor­tant mem­ber of the FGF fam­ily, bFGF is a potent angio­ genic mol­e­cule in vivo and in vitro stim­u­late smooth muscle cell growth, wound heal­ing, and tis­sue repair. The full-length hbFGF cod­ing sequence, gained by RT-PCR, was cloned into the pPICZaA vec­tor in frame with the yeast a-fac­tor secre­tion sig­nal under the tran­ scrip­tional con­trol of the AOX pro­moter and inte­grated into Pi­chi­a pas­to­ris strain X33, and the high level expres­sion of rhbFGF has been achieved. SDS–PAGE and Western blot­ting assays of cul­ture broth from a meth­a­nol-induced expres­sion strain dem­on­strated that rhbFGF, an 18  kDa pro­tein, was secreted into the cul­ture medium. The growth con­di­tions of the trans­form­ant strain were opti­mized in 50  ml con­i­cal tubes includ­ing meth­a­nol con­cen­tra­tion, pH and induc­ing time. Under the opti­mal con­di­tions, sta­ble pro­duc­tion of rhbFGF around 150  mg/l was achieved. The expressed rhbFGF was puri­fied more than 94% purity using SP Sepharose ion exchange chro­ma­tog­ra­ phy and source™ 30RPC. A preliminary bio­chem­i­cal char­ac­ter­iza­tion of puri­fied rhbFGF was per­formed by bio­log­i­cal activ­ity anal­y­sis which was used by NIH/3T3 cell cul­tures, and the results dem­on­strated that the puri­fied rhbFGF stim­u­lated the growth of NIH/3T3 cells sim­i­larly to stan­dard mate­rial. © 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Keywords:  Basic fibro­blast growth fac­tor; Pi­chi­a pas­to­ris; Secre­tory expres­sion; Pro­tein puri­fi­ca­tion

The fibro­blast growth fac­tor (FGF)1 pro­tein fam­ily of hep­a­rin-bind­ing pro­teins cur­rently con­sists of 22 struc­tur­ ally-related poly­pep­tides with sim­i­lar bio­log­i­cal activ­i­ties. These include the two pro­to­types, FGF1 (aFGF) and FGF2 (bFGF) [1]. As a sin­gle-chain pro­tein, bFGF has 146 amino acids and pI of 9.6, and Mr is about 17,200. Nat­u­ral bFGF was iso­lated ini­tially from pitu­i­tary extracts. BFGF has pleio­ tro­pic eVects in diVer­ent cells and organ sys­tems. BFGF can stim­u­late smooth muscle cell growth, wound heal­ing, and tis­sue repair [2,3]. In addi­tion, bFGF may stim­u­late hema­to­ poi­e­sis [4] and may play an impor­tant role in the diVer­en­ti­a­ tion and/or func­tion of the ner­vous sys­tem [5,6], the eye [7], * Cor­re­spond­ing author. E-mail address: [email protected] (W. Yan). 1 Abbre­vi­a­tions used: bFGF, basic fibro­blast growth fac­tor; PBS, phos­ phate-buVered saline; OPD, ortho-phen­yl­ene­di­amine; DAB, 3,39-di­am­ inobenzi­dine; FCS, fetal calf serum; BSA, bovine serum albu­min; DMEM, Dul­becco’s mod­i­fied Eagle’s medium; MTT, meth­ylthiazol­etet­razo­li­um; DMSO, dimethyl sulf­ox­ide. 1046-5928/$ - see front matter © 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.pep.2008.02.009

and the skel­e­ton [8]. In ani­mal study, bFGF can pre­vent the brain from injury of ische­mia and reper­fu­sion in rats [9]. There­fore, obtain­ing large quan­ti­ties of recombinant bFGF is impor­tant for both clin­i­cal stud­ies and mech­a­nis­tic inves­ti­ga­tions. But it was almost impos­si­ble to obtain suY­ cient bFGF from ani­mal tis­sues due to its extremely low quan­tity and high expense. There­fore, in the last decade, genetic tech­nol­ogy has been employed to pro­duce bFGF at low cost. So far, recombinant bFGF which was used in clinic has been pro­duced by Esch­e­richia coli [10], the expres­ sion of rhbFGF by Pi­chi­a pas­to­ris has not been reported yet. P. pas­to­ris is a widely used, eY­cient expres­sion sys­tem for a wide vari­ety of mol­e­cules [11]. P. pas­to­ris is phys­i­cally robust and ame­na­ble to high-den­sity fer­men­ta­tion as E. coli but pos­sess the nec­es­sary cel­lu­lar machin­ery to carry out post-trans­la­tional mod­i­fi­ca­tions. With the advan­ta­ges of both pro­kary­otic and eukary­otic sys­tems, P. pas­to­ris pro­vides the potential for pro­duc­ing sol­u­ble, cor­rectly folded recombinant pro­teins that have

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under­gone all the post-trans­la­tional mod­i­fi­ca­tions required for func­tion­al­ity and is easy to han­dle and its fer­men­ta­tion con­di­tions are very sim­ple. Addi­tion­ally, iso­la­tion of for­eign pro­tein is easy, because P. pas­to­ris does not secrete a large amount of intrin­sic pro­tein [12]. In the pres­ent study, we have cloned the cDNA encod­ing hbFGF and achieved its high level secret­ing expres­sion with a yield of 150  mg/l of yeast cul­ture. Activ­ity assay showed that rhbFGF had the bio­log­i­cal func­tion as the stan­dard mate­rial. Mate­ri­als and meth­ods Cell, vec­tor, host strains, and reagents Plas­mids were ampli­fied in E. coli XL1-Blue (Ding­guo, China). P. pas­to­ris and the P. pas­to­ris inte­gra­tive expres­sion vec­tor (pPICZaA) were obtained from Invit­ro­gen (USA) and pPICZaA vec­tor was recon­structed by our lab which did not have the two Ste13 cleav­age sites. All media for growth of P. pas­to­ris were prepared as the pro­to­cols obtained from man­ u­fac­turer (Invit­ro­gen, USA). Restric­tion enzymes and T4 DNA ligase were pur­chased from Ta­ka­ra (Dalian, China). PCR puri­fi­ca­tion kit, gel extrac­tion kit, and Mini­prep kit for plas­mid extrac­tion were obtained from Qian­gen Com­pany (USA). Primer was syn­the­sized by Sheng­gong Com­pany (Shang­hai, China). Stan­dard hbFGF was pur­chased from national insti­tute for the con­trol of phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal and bio­ log­i­cal prod­ucts (China).


Elec­tro­por­a­tion of X33 and screen­ing for recombinant strain Plas­mid DNA was lin­e­ar­ized with SacI and was puri­fied by phe­nol–chlo­ro­form extrac­tion and eth­a­nol pre­cip­i­ta­tion. The puri­fied DNA frag­ment, about 10  lg, was dis­solved in 10  ll of ddH2O. Elec­tro­com­pe­tent cells of P. pas­to­ris X33 were prepared accord­ing to the sup­plier’s instruc­tion [13]. Then 80  ll of com­pe­tent cells were mixed with 10  lg lin­e­ ar­ized recombinant plas­mid in a 0.2  cm elec­tro­por­a­tion cuvette. The mix­tures were incu­bated on ice for 5  min, and the elec­tro­por­a­tion was car­ried out on Gene­Pul­ser appa­ra­ tus (Bio-Rad, USA) with the fol­low­ing set­tings: 1.5  kV volt­ age, 25  lF capac­i­tance, and 200  X resis­tance. After puls­ing, 1.0  ml 1  M ice-cold sor­bi­tol was added imme­di­ately to the cuvette. The cells were trans­ferred into a 1.5  ml ster­ile tube and incu­bated at 30  °C with­out shak­ing for 1  h. Then the trans­formed cells were plated on YPDS con­tain­ing zeo­cin for 100  lg/ml and incu­bated at 30  °C for at least 3 days. Geno­mic DNA anal­y­sis To ver­ify the recombinant gene inte­gra­tion, the g­ eno­mic DNA of a num­ber of trans­form­ant recombinant P. pas­to­ris strains were detected by PCR assay. The ­fol­low­ing prim­ers were used: AOX1 universal prim­ers (sense: ­ 59-G AC­TGGTTCCAATTGACAAGC-39, anti-sense: 59-GC AAATGGCATTCTGACATCC-39). Thirty cycles of ampli­ fi­ca­tion were car­ried out at 94  °C for 30  s, 55  °C for 30  s, and 72  °C for 1  min.

RNA extrac­tion and RT-PCR Induced expres­sion of rhbFGF in P. pas­to­ris Total RNA was extracted from human gli­oma cells and used as the tem­plate for RT-PCR. The prim­ers were 59-ATACTC­GAGAA­GA­GAGCAGCCGGGAGCATCA CCA-39 (for­ward primer), which con­tains an XhoI site (under­lined) and the kex2 site (under­lined), and 59-GCGGA­ ATTCTCAGCTCTTAGCAGACATTGGAAG-39 (reverse primer), which con­tains an Eco­RI site (under­lined). RT-PCR was car­ried out with the fol­low­ing param­e­ters: 94  °C dena­tur­ation for 4  min, 42  °C reverse tran­scrip­tion for 50  min, 94  °C dena­tur­ation for 2  min, and then 30 cycles of 94  °C dena­tur­ation for 30  s, 61  °C anneal­ing for 30  s, 72  °C exten­sion for 1  min, and final exten­sion at 72  °C for 10  min. The ampli­fied DNA frag­ment about 480  bp was detected by elec­tro­pho­re­sis on 1.0% aga­rose gel.

Some col­o­nies of the trans­for­mants were picked up ran­ domly from the plates and ini­tially inoc­u­lated into a 50  ml con­i­cal tube con­tain­ing 10  ml BMGY medium at 30  °C and 250  rpm. When the cul­tures reached OD600  =  2.0–6.0, the cells were har­vested by cen­tri­fu­ga­tion and resus­pended by 10  ml BMMY medium to induce expres­sion. The cells were allowed to grow for 72  h at 30  °C, and meth­a­nol was added every 24  h to a final con­cen­tra­tion of 0.5% (v/v) for induced expres­sion of the tar­get pro­tein. For recombinant pro­tein detec­tion, the cul­ture fil­trates of the trans­for­mants were run on a 15% (w/v) SDS–PAGE gel and stained with Coomassie blue R250. Opti­mized expres­sion of rhbFGF in P. pas­to­ris

Con­struc­tion of expres­sion vec­tor pPICZa/hbFGF The result­ing hbFGF cDNA frag­ment was digested with XhoI and Eco­RI and then ligated to cor­re­spond­ing sites of the expres­sion vec­tor pPICZa. Then the liga­tion prod­uct was trans­formed into the com­pe­tent cells of E. coli XL1Blue and the recombinant col­o­nies were selected by scor­ing for zeo­cin (25  lg/ml) resis­tance. The pro­ce­dures for small scale prep­a­ra­tion of plas­mid, diges­tion with restric­tion enzymes, liga­tion, and trans­for­ma­tion all fol­lowed the stan­ dard meth­ods.

In order to achieve high level yield of rhbFGF, diVer­ent cul­ture param­e­ters includ­ing pH value which was adjusted to pH 3.0–6.5 with 0.5 pH inter­vals, the opti­mal induc­ing time points and meth­a­nol daily addi­tion con­cen­tra­tion (0.25%, 0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5%) (v/v) were var­ied and eval­u­ated in the expres­sion pro­ce­dure. The pro­cesses were the same as above said. At the desired time points, 0.2  ml cell ali­quots were with­drawn and then replaced with equal amount of fresh medium. The super­na­tant sam­ple was used to do ELISA assay.


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Enzyme-linked immu­no­sor­bent assay (ELISA)

Pro­tein assay

Indi­vid­ual well of ELISA plate (Costar) was coated with 50  ll super­na­tant sam­ple of rhbFGF and 50  ll coat­ ing buVer (15  mM Na2CO3, 35  mM NaHCO3, pH 9.6) over­ night at 4  °C. The plates were blocked with 5% (w/v) nonfat milk powder in TPBS (PBS with 0.05% Tween 20) and incu­bated in the coated plates for 2  h at room tem­per­a­ture. The rab­bit anti-human bFGF poly­clonal anti­body (rab­bit IgG, Bos­hide, China) was used at 1/1000, incu­bated 1  h at 37  °C. Fol­low­ing sev­eral washes with TPBS, the plates were incu­bated with goat anti-rab­bit IgG con­ju­gated to HRP (Ding­guo, China) (1:1000 dilu­tion at block­ing buVer) for 1  h again. The color reac­tion was devel­oped by addi­tion of the sub­strate solu­tion ortho-phen­yl­ene­di­amine (OPD) and incu­bated for 5  min at room tem­per­a­ture, and in the dark. Then 50  ll Stop Solu­tion (2  mol/l H2SO4) was added to each well. The absor­bance val­ues at 490  nm were read in ELX800 Micro­plate Reader (Bio-Tek Instru­ments Inc.). The plate was read within 2  h after add­ing the Stop Solu­tion.

The pro­tein con­cen­tra­tions in the sam­ples were deter­ mined with Brad­ford pro­tein assay [14] using bovine serum albu­min as the con­cen­tra­tion stan­dard.

Large-scale expres­sion and puri­fi­ca­tion of rhbFGF

Activ­ity assay of rhbFGF

The best trans­form­ant clone was cul­tured in 2  L BMGY medium at 30  °C (pH 5.0) until the cul­ture reached OD600  =  2.0–6.0, the cells were har­vested by cen­tri­fu­ga­tion and resus­pended in 2  L BMMY medium, and cul­ti­vated at 30  °C with shak­ing for 3 days. The cul­ture was sup­ple­ mented daily with 10  ml meth­a­nol. A SP Sepharose col­umn (20  ml, Pharmacia Bio­tech, Swe­ den) was equil­i­brated with 100  ml 20  mmol/l NaAc–HAc (pH 4.0) buVer. The super­na­tant was har­vested by cen­tri­fu­ ga­tion (3000g, 10  min, 4  °C) and was diluted with 200  mmol/ l NaAc–HAc (pH 4.0) to three­fold, then was loaded onto the SP Sepharose col­umn at the rate of 0.5  ml/min. The col­ umn was washed exten­sively with the same buVer at the rate of 1  ml/min. The bound pro­tein was eluted with a lin­ ear salt gra­di­ent (0.5–1  M NaCl) while the flow rate was main­tained at the rate of 1  ml/min. Ali­quots were col­lected from the var­i­ous frac­tions across the major peak. The elu­ tion frac­tions con­tain­ing the rhbFGF were loaded onto a source™ 30RPC col­umn (2.0  £  15  cm, Pharmacia Bio­tech, Swe­den) equil­i­brated with 0.1% TFA for the fur­ther puri­fi­ ca­tion. The col­umn was washed with a lin­ear gra­di­ent of meth­a­nol (con­tain­ing 0.1% TFA) from 10% to 100% over 2  h and the pro­tein was mon­i­tored by mea­sur­ing the UV absor­bency at 214  nm. The pooled elu­tion frac­tions con­tain­ ing rhbFGF from source™ 30RPC col­umn were ana­lyzed by SDS–PAGE. Gel den­si­tom­e­try was used to quan­tify the pro­por­tion of puri­fied pro­teins among the elu­ates. Col­umn eZu­ent con­tain­ing rhbFGF was con­cen­trated by vac­uum dis­til­la­tion and meth­a­nol was almost com­pletely removed. Finally, the puri­fied pro­tein was dis­solved in PBS solu­tion and stored at ¡20  °C for detec­tion of bio­ac­tiv­ity. The puri­fied rhbFGF was car­ried out on a HPLC sys­tem (Waters 600E, USA) using a C18 reverse phase col­umn for purity anal­y­sis.

To ver­ify that rhbFGF pro­duced and puri­fied from P. pas­to­ris had a stim­u­la­tory eVect on the pro­lif­er­a­tion of NIH/3T3 cells. The pro­lif­er­a­tion eVects of rhbFGF were deter­mined by the MTT assay described by Xia [16]. MTT was dis­solved in PBS at a con­cen­tra­tion of 5  mg/ml and fil­tered. NIH/3T3 cells were seeded in flat-bot­tom, 96-well plates at an ini­tial den­sity of 5  £  104 cells per ml (50  ll per well) and cul­tured in DMEM medium sup­ple­mented with 1.5% FCS and incu­bated for 12–24  h at 37  °C. Then, the puri­fied rhbFGF of diVer­ent con­cen­tra­tions were added to the wells, and the final vol­umes were 100  ll. After 3 days incu­ba­tion with rhbFGF, 20  ll MTT solu­tion was added to each well. Then incu­bated for a fur­ther 4  h at 37  °C, the cul­ture medium includ­ing MTT solu­tion in the well was removed, and 150  ll DMSO was added to each well and mixed thor­oughly to dis­solve the crys­tals. The plates were read at 492  nm in a Micro­plate Reader model 450 (Bio-Rad Instru­ments, USA) to obtain the absor­bance val­ues. And cell pro­lif­er­a­tion was deter­mined. The cells incu­bated with PBS were used as con­trol. Spe­cific activ­ity was deter­mined with ref­er­ence to stan­dard hbFGF (inter­nal stan­dard of 4000  IU/ml, from national insti­tute for the con­trol of phar­ ma­ceu­ti­cal and bio­log­i­cal prod­ucts, China). The exper­i­ment was repeated six times.

SDS–PAGE and Western blot­ting assays SDS–PAGE anal­y­sis was per­formed using a 15% gel accord­ing to the method of Lae­mmli [15]. For Western blot­ ting, pro­teins in the gel were trans­ferred to a poly­vi­nyl­i­dene difluo­ride mem­brane using a semi-dry elec­tro­blot­ting appa­ ra­tus (Bio-Rad) at 15  V for 30  min in 25  mM Tris–192  mM gly­cine. The mem­brane was blocked by incu­bat­ing with solu­ tion con­tain­ing 5% BSA for 1  h, and then incu­bated with the rab­bit anti-human bFGF poly­clonal anti­body (Bos­hide, China). After being washed, the mem­brane was incu­bated with the goat anti-rab­bit IgG con­ju­gated to HRP (Ding­guo, China), diluted 1:250. The bound anti­body was detected using 3,39-di­am­inobenzi­dine (DAB).

Results and dis­cus­sion Con­struc­tion and trans­for­ma­tion of pPICZa/hbFGF To obtain the hbFGF gene, RT-PCR was used to get the cDNA of hbFGF from human gli­oma cells. A spe­cific DNA frag­ment about 480  bp was pro­duced. The sequenc­ing result (data not shown) of the PCR prod­uct con­firmed that there was no diVer­ence from the pre­vi­ously doc­u­mented

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sequence which was shown on NCBI (Gen­Bank Acces­sion No. NM002006). The cDNA frag­ment encod­ing the gene hbFGF was inserted between the XhoI and Eco­RI sites of P. pas­to­ris expres­sion vec­tor pPICZa. After trans­for­ma­tion, the trans­for­mants were screened through the restric­tion enzymes Hin­dIII and XbaI and were sequenced. The results of restric­tion anal­y­sis and DNA sequenc­ing (data not shown) showed that the hbFGF gene was inserted cor­rectly into the expres­sion vec­tor. Trans­for­ma­tion with SacI-lin­e­ar­ized ver­ sion of pPICZa/hbFGF, favored its inser­tion into the yeast genome by homol­o­gous recom­bi­na­tion. Ninety percent of trans­for­mants were Mut+. How­ever, with the pres­ence of the AOX1 sequence in the plas­mid, there was a chance that recombinant could occur at the AOX1 locus to dis­rupt the wild-type AOX1 gene and cre­ate Muts trans­for­mants. The use of geno­mic PCR anal­y­sis ensured the iso­la­tion of pure clones of trans­for­mants bear­ing the ge­nom­i­cal­ly inte­ grated cop­ies of pPICZa/hbFGF plas­mids. The PCR results showed there was an insert frag­ment of 500  bp for positive yeast trans­for­mants, while no insert frag­ment for neg­a­tive yeast trans­for­mants (data not shown). Expres­sion and detec­tion of rhbFGF in P. pas­to­ris In this study, the full-length hbFGF was inserted into the down­stream of AOX1 pro­moter of the secre­tory expres­ sion vec­tor pPICZaA, which car­ried a yeast a-fac­tor sig­nal sequence, and the engi­neer­ing yeast express­ing rhbFGF was suc­cess­fully acquired. The secre­tory sig­nal sequence a-fac­tor


and hbFGF were expressed in fusion forms and the fusion pro­ tein was cleaved at kex-2 cleav­age site down­stream of the sig­nal sequence which tar­get­ing the fusion pro­tein to the medium. The clone of the best activ­ity was cho­sen for up scaled pro­tein pro­duc­tion. By anal­y­sis of the pre-expres­sion and opti­mized expres­sion pro­cess, the opti­mal cul­tur­ing con­di­ tions were achieved as fol­lows: the pH opti­mum of 5.0 (Fig. 1a), the opti­mal induc­tion time points at about the 3rd day for the strain (Fig. 1b) and meth­a­nol daily addi­tion con­ cen­tra­tion of 0.5% (v/v) (Fig. 1c). Under these con­di­tions, high level expres­sion trans­form­ant of P. pas­to­ris strain was obtained and the trans­form­ant with the high­est yield of rhbFGF was retained for fur­ther stud­ies. The cul­ture super­na­tant of high expres­sion trans­form­ant which was induced for 3 days was ana­lyzed by SDS–PAGE. Based on the amino acid sequence, the cal­cu­lated molec­u­lar weight of rhbFGF is 17.2  kDa, con­sis­tent with the result of SDS–PAGE mea­sure­ment (Fig. 2a). The expres­sion level of rhbFGF was esti­mated to be about 150  mg/l cul­ture. Due to secre­tion of pro­te­ases to the medium, and pos­si­bly also due to released by lysis, pro­te­o­lytic deg­ra­da­tion is a sig­nif­i­cant prob­lem in many high cell-den­sity cul­tures. In P. pas­to­ris, incu­ba­tion tem­per­a­tures of 30  °C, 25  °C, and 20  °C have been exam­ined in attempt to min­i­mize extra­cel­lu­lar pro­te­ ol­y­sis. Low tem­per­a­ture reduced pro­te­ase lev­els and greatly enhanced the yield of bio­log­i­cally active pro­tein in P. pas­to­ ris [17,18]. We found that decreas­ing the tem­per­a­ture from 30  °C to 20  °C dur­ing the meth­a­nol feed phase increased the yield of the recombinant pro­tein about 1.5-fold.

Fig. 1. Expres­sion opti­mi­za­tion of X33 trans­for­mants for induc­tion of rhbFGF. Super­na­tants col­lected at each eval­u­ated con­di­tion were pro­cessed by ELISA. (a) Opti­mi­za­tion of the pH value. (b) Opti­mi­za­tion of the meth­a­nol induc­tion time points. (c) Opti­mi­za­tion of the meth­a­nol daily addi­tion con­cen­ tra­tion by mea­sur­ing OD600.


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Fig. 2. (a) SDS–PAGE anal­y­sis of puri­fied rhbFGF. Lane 1, pro­tein molec­u­lar weight marker (low); lane 2, frac­tions passed through SP Sepharose gel; lane 3, frac­tions passed through source™ 30RPC. (b) Western blot­ting anal­y­sis of expressed pro­tein in P. pas­to­ris. Lanes 1 and 2, rhbFGF from diVer­ent pro­tein con­cen­tra­tions; lane 3, stan­dard hbFGF as a positive con­trol; lane 4,

The char­ac­ter­iza­tion of puri­fied rhbFGF The pro­tein was puri­fied from the super­na­tant by SP Sepharose ion exchange and source™ 30RPC chro­ma­tog­ra­ phy (Fig. 2a). The purity of rhbFGF was more than 94% in RP-HPLC. Brad­ford pro­tein assay showed about 300  mg rhbFGF was obtained from 2  L cul­ti­va­tion broth, the final recov­ery of the recombinant pro­tein was 61.5% (Table 1). The primary puri­fied recombinant pro­tein was iden­ti­fied by Western blot anal­y­sis. The results dem­on­strated that the recombinant pro­tein could bind with the rab­bit anti-human bFGF poly­clonal anti­body. No band was observed in lane 4, which was the super­na­tant of pPICZa trans­form­ant of X33 (Fig. 2b). The bio­log­i­cal activ­ity of rhbFGF was detected by the MTT method. The results dem­on­strated that the recombinant pro­tein could stim­u­late the pro­lif­er­a­tion of NIH/3T3 cells very obvi­ously. rhbFGF con­cen­tra­tions from 0.01 to 1000  ng/ml all showed a dose-depen­dent pro­ lif­er­a­tive eVect on NIH/3T3 cells (Fig. 3). This sug­gested that rhbFGF expressed by P. pas­to­ris had a sim­i­lar bio­logic func­tion to stan­dard hbFGF (national insti­tute for the con­ trol of phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal and bio­log­i­cal prod­ucts, China). The spe­cific activ­ity of the bio­log­i­cally active pro­tein was

Fig. 3. Stim­u­la­tory activ­i­ties of rhbFGF on the pro­lif­er­a­tion of NIH/3T3 cells com­pared to a positive con­trol. Grey bars, puri­fied rhbFGF from the super­na­tant; black bars, stan­dard hbFGF prep­a­ra­tions. The mito­genic activ­ity was esti­mated as the num­ber of cells per well after incu­ba­tion with each sam­ple: rhbFGF or the positive con­trol (stan­dard hbFGF prep­a­ra­ tions). The exper­i­ment was repeated six times for each sam­ple, the results revealed that the diVer­ence was sig­nif­i­cant (P  <  0.05).

found to be 4.3  £  106  IU/mg, which was almost com­men­ su­rate with typ­i­cal val­ues (4.7  £  106  IU/mg) obtained with stan­dard hbFGF prep­a­ra­tions dem­on­strat­ing that cor­rect fold­ing had taken place. Puri­fied rhbFGF showed no sig­nif­ i­cant loss in its activ­ity when stored for more than 4 weeks at ¡20  °C at pH 7.0.

Table 1 Sum­mary of puri­fi­ca­tion steps of rhbFGF from P. pas­to­ris Puri­fi­ca­tion steps Super­na­tants SP Sepharose XL Source™ 30RPC

Vol­ume (L) 2 0.4 0.14

Total pro­tein (mg/l) 276 203 150

Spe­cific activ­ity (U/mg) 6

4.1  £  10 4.3  £  106 4.3  £  106

Total activ­ity (U) 9

2.28  £  10 1.77  £  109 1.31  £  109

Recov­ery (%) 100 77.6 61.5

X. Mu et al. / Protein Expression and Purification 59 (2008) 282–288

Dis­cus­sion Of the cur­rent 22 homo­logues of the FGF poly­pep­tide fam­ily, FGF-2 or basic fibro­blast growth fac­tor (bFGF) has a rel­a­tively high potential for clin­i­cal and phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal appli­ca­tions because of its spec­i­fic­ity for epi­the­lial cells med­i­ ated through spe­cific FGFR iso­form FGFR2IIIb [19,20], its unique hep­a­rin-bind­ing domain [21], and its appar­ent spec­ i­fic­ity for the anti­throm­bin-bind­ing, anti­co­ag­u­lant motif within hep­a­rin sul­fate [22]. These potential appli­ca­tions require, at rea­son­able cost, large-scale quan­ti­ties of puri­fied recombinant poly­pep­tide, both for its appli­ca­tion directly for cyto­kine activ­ity on epi­the­lial cells and also for its indi­ rect use as an aYn­ity reagent for pro­duc­tion and neu­tral­iza­ tion of spe­cific hep­a­rin sul­fate motifs. Sev­eral hosts such as insect cell [23], E. coli [10] and Sac­ cha­ro­my­ces ce­re­vi­si­ae [24] were used for the expres­sions of rhbFGF. But the pop­u­lar practice was that inser­tion of a short exog­e­nous gene in upstream of hbFGF gene to pro­duce rhbFGF. Used this fusion tech­nique, the host rhbFGF pep­tide could be sta­bi­lized and expressed eVec­ tively. How­ever, fusion rhbFGF was lim­ited to only exter­ nal use in clinic due to its potential immu­no­re­ac­tion. There­ fore, non­fu­sion rhbFGF was pre­ferred. Unfor­tu­nately, no non­fu­sion rhbFGF strain with expres­sion rate of above 10% of total cel­lu­lar pro­tein was avail­able [23]. And the E. coli expressed rhbFGF was pres­ent ini­tially in inclu­sion bodies and bio­ac­tiv­ity was real­ized only after rena­tur­ation, which com­pli­cated the puri­fi­ca­tion pro­cess and led to low yield of prod­uct [23]. Fur­ther­more, clin­i­cal appli­ca­tion of bac­te­ri­ally pro­duced prod­ucts may be aVected by the potential pres­ence of endo­tox­ins that some­times con­tam­i­ nate E. coli-expressed pro­tein prep­a­ra­tions [25]. Although S. ce­re­vi­si­ae has yielded pure, yields were not reported [24]. We have instead employed the methy­lop­troph­ic yeast P. pas­to­ris, which have been shown to be a more eVec­tive pro­ duc­tion host than S. ce­re­vi­si­ae [26]. Com­pared with the above three expres­sion sys­tems, the P. pas­to­ris sys­tem not only has the fea­tures of eukary­otic pro­tein syn­the­sis and mod­i­fi­ca­tion path­way, but also has its own char­ac­ter­is­tic advan­ta­ges: extremely high level expres­sion of intra- or extra­cel­lu­lar pro­teins; ease of genetic manip­u­la­tion; ease of fer­men­ta­tion to high cell den­sity and ease of the down­ stream puri­fi­ca­tion on account of the fewer endog­e­nous pro­teins secreted [11,27]. These prop­er­ties have already made it the eas­i­est and most eVec­tive expres­sion sys­tem with the potential to achieve full activ­ity of the desired pro­tein and suY­ciently dis­play its great impor­tance in the indus­trial, clin­i­cal, and sci­en­tific research fields [28,29]. The high oxy­gen demand of P. pas­to­ris is best sat­is­fied when grown in a fer­men­tor, where param­e­ters such as pH and car­bon source feed can also be con­trolled. As a con­se­ quence, opti­mal growth and induc­tion are achieved under these con­di­tions. Since the pro­duc­tion of recombinant pro­ teins in P. pas­to­ris is growth-related, it is of utmost impor­ tance to opti­mize bio­mass pro­duc­tion to obtain high lev­els of the pro­tein of inter­est [30]. To opti­mize the pro­duc­tion


of rhbFGF in P. pas­to­ris, the strain could be cul­tured in a fer­men­tor where the pH, aer­a­tion, agi­ta­tion, and the meth­a­ nol feed are all tightly con­trolled. This will result in a nota­ bly improved total pro­duc­tion level of the recombinant pro­ tein which to a larger extent is explained by the higher cell den­sity achieved by fer­men­tor growth. If tak­ing this into account, the spe­cific yield of rhbFGF would be much higher than 150  mg/l in a fer­men­tor. In con­clu­sion, we have devel­oped an eY­cient and func­ tional expres­sion sys­tem (meth­y­lo­troph­ic yeast P. pas­to­ris) for rhbFGF in this report, and this sys­tem may not only facil­i­tate fur­ther stud­ies of rhbFGF in the near future, but also can allow pos­si­ble large-scale pro­duc­tion of bio­log­i­ cally active rhbFGF . Acknowl­edg­ments We thank Dr. We­iqun Yan for crit­i­cal read­ing of the man­u­script. This work was sup­ported by Grants from the National High Tech­nol­ogy Research and Devel­op­ment Pro­ gram (863 pro­gram) of China (No. 2004AA205020). Ref­er­ences [1] D.M. Or­nitz, N. Itoh, Fibro­blast growth fac­tors, Genome Biol. 23 (2001) 1–12. [2] C. Ba­sil­i­co, D. Mo­sca­tel­li, The FGF fam­ily of growth fac­tors and onco­ genes, Adv. Can­cer Res. 59 (1992) 115–165. [3] S.M. Sch­wartz, L. Liaw, Growth con­trol and mor­pho­gen­e­sis in the devel­op­ment and pathol­ogy of arter­ies, J. Car­dio­vasc. Phar­ma­col. 121 (Sup­pl.) (1993) S31–S49. [4] A. Bikf­al­vi, Z.C. Han, Angio­genic growth fac­tors are hema­to­poi­etic growth fac­tors and vice versa, Leu­ke­mia 8 (1994) 523–529. [5] A. Logan, A.S. Fra­uts­chy, A. Baird, Basic fibro­blast growth fac­tor and cen­tral ner­vous sys­tem injury, Ann. NY Acad. Sci. USA 63 (1991) 474–476. [6] K. Uns­ick­er, S. Eng­els, C. Hamm, G. Lu­decke, C. Me­ier, J. Ren­zing, H.G. Ter­brack, K. Flan­ders, Molec­u­lar con­trol of neu­ral plas­tic­ity by the mul­ti­func­tional growth fac­tor fam­i­lies of the FGFs and TGF-b, Anat. Anz. 174 (1992) 405–407. [7] J.M. McA­voy, G.C. Cham­ber­lain, R.V. de Longh, N.A. Rich­ard­son, F.J. Lo­vic­u, The role of fibro­blast growth fac­tor in eye lens­de­vel­op­ ment, Ann. NY Acad. Sci. 638 (1991) 256–274. [8] B.B. Riley, M.P. Savage, B.K. Si­mandl, B.B. Ol­win, J.F. Fal­lon, Ret­ro­vi­ ral expres­sion of FGF-2 (bFGF) aVects pat­tern­ing in chick limb bud, Devel­op­ment 118 (1993) 95–104. [9] X. Liu, X.Z. Zhu, Basic fibro­blast growth fac­tor pro­tected fore­brain against ische­mia-reper­fu­sion dam­age in rats, Acta Phar­ma­col. Sin. 19 (1996) 527–530. [10] K. You­qi­ang, C. Wil­kin­sonM, D.G. Fe­ming, A rapid pro­ce­dure for pro­duc­tion of human basic fibro­blast growth fac­tor in Esch­e­richia coli cells, Bio­chim. Bio­phys. Acta 1131 (1992) 307–310. [11] S.M. Pat­rick, M.L. Faz­en­da, B.M. Neil, L.M. Har­vey, Het­er­ol­o­gous pro­tein pro­duc­tion using the Pi­chi­a pas­to­ris expres­sion sys­tem, Yeast 22 (2005) 249–270. [12] C. Gur­kan, D.J. El­lar, Recombinant pro­duc­tion of bac­te­rial tox­ins and their deriv­a­tives in the meth­y­lo­troph­ic yeast Pi­chi­a pas­to­ris, Mic­ rob. Cell Fact. 4 (2005) 2033. [13] Invit­ro­gen, A man­ual of meth­ods for expres­sion of recombinant pro­ teins in Pi­chi­a pas­to­ris, Cat­a­log No. K1710-01. [14] M.M. Brad­ford, A rapid and sen­si­tive method for the quan­ti­ta­tion of micro­gram quan­ti­ties of pro­tein uti­liz­ing the prin­ci­ple of pro­tein–dye bind­ing, Anal. Bio­chem. 72 (1976) 248–254.


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