Index to Abstract Subjects A ABD; see Automated border detection Aberrant coronary artery; see Coronary vessel anomalies Ablation, catheter; see Catheter ablation Abnormalities, congenital heart; see Heart defects, congenital Acoustic densitometry; see Densitometry Acoustic impedance tests The influence of acoustic impedance mismatch on Doppler ul trasound spectra in a model ofcoronary artery stenosis (Chat zimavroudis et al), S27 Acoustics Myocardial cyclic variation of integrated backscatter vs. seg mental thickening: assessment by dobutamine stress echo cardiography (Feinberg et al), S41 Systolic and diastolic evaluation of patients with hypoplastic left heart syndrome by acoustic quantitation (Kimball et al), S23 Adrenergic beta receptor blockaders Do beta blockers affect the detection of coronary artery disease by dobutamine stress echocardiography? (Levangie et al), S20 Do beta blockers alter the validity of a low dose dobutamine stress echocardiogram? (Levangie et al), SIS The effect of beta blockade on the physiologic responses to dobutamine stress echocardiography (Weissman et al), SS Aged Aortic arch atheromas and ischemic stroke in the elderly: rela tionship with stroke side and degree of carotid stenosis (Di Tullio et al), S48 Correlation ofdecreased thoracic aortic elastic recoil with plaque formation in older patients (Fisher et al), S63 Measurement yield and reproducibility of key M-mode and Doppler echocardiographic variables in the elderly (Ren et al), S61 Aging Effects of aging on duration of pulmonary venous flow atrial reversal flow velocity and mitral A wave: a new index of diastolic function (Klein et al), S38 Air-containing microcapsules; see Capsules Albumins Albunex during dobutamine stress echocardiography: improved transpulmonary passage and lowered dose requirements (Rasmussen et al), Sl7 Albunex increases identification of left ventricular endocardial borders during dobutamine stress echocardiography (Fal cone et al), S29 Albune:tflil microspheres and left ventricular contractility: load and heart rate independent analysis using an isolated rabbit heart (Mor-Avi et al), S34 Altering microbubble gas solubility and diffusivity significandy improves left ventricular videointensity of sonicated dextrose albumin microbubbles (Porter et al), S30 Aortic root injections of Albune:tflil in patients undergoing cor onary artery bypass surgery: safety and efficacy (Aronson et al), S30 Beat frequency analysis can detect ultrasonic contrast agent mi crospheres at concentrations below those detectable by vi deointensity (Predow et al), S32 Contrast echocardiography: influence of mixing conditions and pressurization on pixel intensity and microsphere size of Al bunex solutions in vitro (Ota et al), S32 Effects of left ventricular pressure on Albune:tflil microspheres: evaluation using an isolated rabbit heart model (Mor-Avi et al), S29
Intra_venous Albunex improves the reproducibility of left ven tncular volume measurements during dobutamine stress echocardiography (Marcovi~ et al), S35 Persistence of echocardiographic contrast agents: effects of pul satile pressure (Padial et al), S28 The priority of radio frequency signals to echo-brightness in evaluating myocardial contrast enhancement (Takamoto et al), S33 Quantitative approach in the analysis of pharmacological stress echocardiography (Meri<; et al), Sl9 Stability of Albune:tflil microspheres under ultrasonic irradia tion: an in vitro study (Mor-Avi et al), S29 Transpulmonary transit and dose finding studies of air-contain ing albumin microcapsules, a new echo contrast agent (Foster et al), S4 Ultrasound contrast effects: pressure and velocity measurements (Bhoopalam et al), S29 Visually detectable myocardial uptake with peripheral intrave nous ~jectio~s of sonicated dextrose albumin following in cubaoon and 1nhalaoon with sulfur hexafluoride (Porter and Xie), Sl Albunex; see Albumins Albutamine; see Albumins Anastomosis, surgical Pitfalls in transesophageal echocardiographic assessment of the Fontan anastomosis (Geva et al), S25 Aneurysm . Atrial septal aneurysm: Possible mechanical cause for the ini tiation of supraventricular tachycardia in infants? (Dorostkar et al), S21 Dynamic three-dimensional echocardiographic evaluation ofthe impact of ventricular endoaneurysmorrhaphy on regional and global left ventricular size, shape, and function in patients with left ventricular aneurysm (Tardif et al), S33 Echocardiography and magnetic resonance imaging after sur gery for acute type A aortic dissection (Moreo et al), S61 Initial clinical application of three-dimensional echocardiogra phy to reconstruct aneurysmal left ventricles (Jiang et al), S42 Morphologic features of fossa ovalis aneurysmal membranes (Shirani et al), S48 Transesophageal echocardiography is better than magnetic res onance imaging for the follow up ofthoracic aortic dissection (Masani et al), S59 Angiography Intravascular ultrasound delineates mechanisms for angio graphic underestimation of residual coronary artery narrow .ing following angioplasty and atherectomy (Porter et al), S27 Angioplasty, balloon Intravascular ultrasound to assess restenosis following PTCA in hypercholesterolemic pigs (Nunez et al), S28 Angioplasty, percutaneous transluminal coronary; see Angio plasty, balloon Annulus size; see Heart valves, anatomy Anomalies, heart; see Heart defects, congenital Aorta Aortic root injections of Albune:tflil in patients undergoing cor onary artery bypass surgery: safety and efficacy (Aronson et al), S30 Assessment of aortic elastic properties using transesophageal echocardiography with automated border detection (Cholley et al), S44 Coronary vasodilation augments myocardial contrast echocar diography after aortic root injections (Bach et al), S32
Subject index
Aorta-eont'd True three-dimensional delineation of aortic tree and aortic dis eases using multiplexed, transmission holography from to mographic echocardiographic data: experimental studies (Vannan eta!), S3 Why does the aortic root move anteriorly during systole: the relationship between blood flow and motion (Cao eta!), S64 Aorta, thoracic Aortic arch atheromas and ischemic stroke in the elderly: rela tionship with stroke side and degree of carotid stenosis (Di Tullio et a!), S48 Cardiac cycle dependency of the mechanical properties of the thoracic aorta: transesophageal echocardiographic study (Duch et a!), S66 Correlation ofdecreased thoracic aortic elastic recoil with plaque formation in older patients (Fisher et a!), S63 Prediction of coronary artery disease from measurement of in timal thickness of descending thoracic aorta using trans esophageal echocardiography (Tanimoto et a!), S36 Transesophageal echocardiography is better than magnetic res onance imaging for the follow up ofthoracic aortic dissection (Masani et a!), S59 Ulcerated plaques in the thoracic aorta are associated with cryp togenic strokes (Stone eta!), S48 Aortic aneurysm Echocardiography and magnetic resonance imaging after sur gery for acute rype A aortic dissection (Moreo eta!), S6l Transesophageal echocardiography is better than magnetic res onance imaging for the follow up ofthoracic aortic dissection (Masani er a!), S59 Aortic arch; see Aorta, thoracic Aortic eoarctation Double discrete coarctation of the aorta (Jue et a!), S26 Echocardiographic assessment of aortic compliance and disten sibility before and after coarctation ofthe aorta repair (Mich elfelder et a!), Sl3 Aortic diseases True three-dimensional delineation of aortic tree and aortic dis eases using multiplexed, transmission holography from to mographic echocardiographic data: experimental studies (Vannan eta!), S3 Aortic dissection; see Aortic aneurysm Aortic regurgitation; see Aortic valve insufficiency Aortic valve Aortic bioprosthetic valve resistance is a measure of the actual valve orifice area (Strom et a!), SSS Doppler echocardiographic evaluation of cryopreserved human aortic valves in the early postoperative period (Wiener eta!), S54 Echo-Dopplercardiographic calculation of resistance of normal aortic pericardia! bioprosthetic valves (Strom et a!), Sl2 Hemodynamic characterization of prosthetic aortic valve func tion by exercise Doppler echocardiography (Dressler eta!),
Regurgitation of cardioplegic solution through normal aortic valves reduces effective cardioplegia effect: an additional ap plication ofintraoperative transesophageal echocardiography (Stevenson et a!), S47 Stress Doppler assessment of aortic valve prostheses: treadmill exercise vs dobutamine (Dressler et a!), S54 Aortic valve insufficiency Assessment of aortic regurgitation using color Doppler in "proximal flow convergence" region (Yamachika eta!), S52 Color Doppler determination of the mechanism of aortic re gurgitation and its pathologic correlation (Cohen eta!), S47 Doppler detected aortic regurgitation following retrograde pas sage of an electrode catheter into the left ventricle is primarily a function of duration ofcatheter placement across the aortic valve (Dorostkar eta!), S24
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography May-June 1994
Increased diastolic chamber stiffness occurs frequently after aor tic valve replacement for aortic stenosis (McKenney et a!), S49 Left ventricular geometry and chamber I midwall function in hypertrophy due to aortic valve disease (Aurigemma et a!), S4l Myocardial contractile reserve in asymptomatic patients with severe aortic regurgitation and preserved resting left ventric ular function (Panza et a!), SlO Noninvasive estimation of aortic valve gradient in patients with combined aortic stenosis and regurgitation (Bareket et a!), SSl Prevalence and severity of aortic insufficiency in tetralogy of Fallot (Dhuper et a!), S25 Pulse repetition frequency significantly alters color flow Doppler assessment of regurgitant lesions (Ross et a!), S53 Relation ofmass I volume ratio to EKG abnormalities and symp toms in children with aortic stenosis/ insufficiency (Li et a!), S26 Aortic valve stenosis Aortic bioprosthetic valve resistance is a measure of the actual valve orifice area (Strom eta!), SSS Does auscultation of aortic stenosis correctly predict transval vular gradient and valve area? (Rama eta!), SSl Doppler analysis of flow patterns in the ductus arteriosus of infants with single ventricle and critical aortic outflow ob struction (Rychik et a!), S25 Echo-Dopplercardiographic calculation of resistance of nor mal aortic pericardia! bioprosthetic valves (Strom et a!), Sl2 Echocardiographic-Doppler predictors of outcome after aortic valve replacement in patients with aortic stenosis and left ventricular dysfunction (Connolly eta!), SSl Effective orifice area changes of the calcific stenotic aortic valve during ejection (Badano et a!), S56 Evidence that alterations in cardiac output does not change aortic valve area in patients with aortic stenosis: observations based on direct in vivo measurement ofanatomic aortic valve area by multiplane transesophageal echocardiography (Tardif et a!), SlO Gender associated differences in left ventricular size and function in asymptomatic aortic stenosis (Legget eta!), SSO Noninvasive estimation of aortic valve gradient in patients with combined aortic stenosis and regurgitation (Bareker et a!), SSl Relation ofmass I volume ratio to EKG abnormalities and symp toms in children with aortic stenosis/insufficiency (Li eta!), S26 The relationship between end systolic wall stress and velocity of fiber shortening in asymptomatic aortic stenosis: effect on outcome (Legget eta!), SSl Turbulent/viscous interactions in the vicinity of aortic stenosis: application to Doppler assessment of pressure gradients (Cape et a!), Sll Use of dobutamine stress echocardiography in patients with aortic stenosis, reduced left ventricular ejection fraction and low mean transvalvular gradient: preliminary experience (Pascoe et a!), SS Use of echocardiography for detecting aortic valve leaflet avul sion and predicting repair potential after balloon valvulo plasty (Minich et a!), S23 Artificial pacemaker; see Cardiac pacing, artificial Atherosclerosis Aortic arch atheromas and ischemic stroke in the elderly: rela tionship with stroke side and degree of carotid stenosis (Di Tullio et a!), S48 Correlation ofdecreased thoracic aortic elastic recoil with plaque formation in older patients (Fisher et a!), S63 , Effect of nitroglycerine on the distensibility of normal and ath
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography Volume 7 Number 3 Part 2
erosclerotic coronary arteries assessed by intravascular ultra sound (Ge et al), 527 Intravascular ultrasound delineates mechanisms for angio graphic underestimation of residual coronary artery narrow ing following angioplasry and atherectomy (Porter et al), 52 7 Intravascular ultrasound to assess restenosis following IYI'CA in hypercholesterolemic pigs (Ntinez et al), 528 Ulcerated plaques in the thoracic aorta are associated with cryp togenic strokes (Stone et al), 548 Atrial contractility; see Myocardial contraction Atrial fibrillation Atrial flutter: Sinus rhythm or atrial fibrillation? A transesoph ageal echocardiographic assessment of left atrial appendage function (Vorchheimer et al), 54 Embolic risk in patients with atrial fibrillation: the role of left atrial appendage flow velocity (LAAFV), measured during transesophageal echo, in identifYing those at highest risk (Pearson et al), 54 Left atrial appendage function does not predict immediate suc cess ofcardioversion for atrial fibrillation and flutter (Grimm et al), 557 Left atrial appendage thrombus is not uncommon in patients with acute atrial fibrillation (Stoddard and Prince), 557 Mitral regurgitation is protective against left atrial but not ap pendageal thrombi (Fisher et al), 548 Prevalence of isolated right atrial enlargement in patients with atrial fibrillation (Orsinelli et al), 560 Sustained versus paroxysmal non-rheumatic atrial fibrillation: influence on left atrial dimension (Abascal et al), 561 Atrial flutter Atrial flutter: Sinus rhythm or atrial fibrillation? A transesoph ageal echocardiographic assessment of left atrial appendage function (Vorchheimer et al), 54 Left atrial appendage function does not predict immediate suc cess ofcardioversion for atrial fibrillation and flutter (Grimm et al), 557 Atrial function; see also Heart atrium Embolic risk in patients with atrial fibrillation: the role of left atrial appendage flow velocity (LAAFV), measured during transesophageal echo, in identifying those at highest risk (Pearson et al), S4 Left atrial appendage flow velocity (LAAFV) measured by transesophageal echocardiography (TEE): a potential marker for identifYing patients at increased risk of thromboembolic events (Pearson et al), S4 Atrial function, left Immediate and long-term outcome of percutaneous mitral val votomy in patients with large (;,: 60 mm) left atrium (Lee et al), 57 Left atrial pressure-area relationship obtained by automated border detection (Keren et al), 542 Noninvasive estimation ofhemodynamic profile in patients with congestive heart failure using Doppler parameters of pul monary venous flow velocity patterns (Lee et al), 536 Sustained versus paroxysmal non-rheumatic atrial fibrillation: influence on left atrial dimension (Abascal et al), 561 Why does the aortic root move anteriorly during systole: the relationship between blood flow and motion (Cao et al), 564 Atrial function, right Prevalence of isolated right atrial enlargement in patients with atrial fibrillation (Orsinelli et al), 560 Transatrial diastolic flow velocity wave transit time in the right atrium is a measure of right atrial pressure (Jintapakom et al), 537 Atrial septal defects; see Heart septal defects, atrial Automated border detection Assessment of aortic elastic properties using transesophageal echocardiography with automated border detection (Cholley et al), 544
Subject index
Automated endocardial border detection in sequences of echo cardiograms (Bosch et al), 539 Automatic border detection using acoustic quantification in the assessment ofleft ventricular volume and function in children with cardiomyopathy (Lanford et al), 524 Clinical application of 3 different modes of data acquisition for the performance of three-dimensional echocardiography via transthoracic windows: relative utility of parallel slicing, fan like scanning and rotational scanning methods (Pandian et al), S45 Estimation of ventricular volumes, ejection ftaction and cardiac output by automated acoustic quantification using transthor acic multiplane echocardiography in single ventricular mor phology (Cao et al), 525 Fourier filtration to smooth acoustic quantification endocardial borders: Should polar or cartesian coordinates be used? (Gar cia et al), S3 Left atrial pressure-area relationship obtained by automated border detection (Keren et al), 542 Measurement of changes in left ventricular volume throughout the cardiac cycle: comparison of transesophageal echocar diographic automated border detection with conductance catheter techniques (Gorcsan et al), 538 Pitfalls in creation of pressure-area relations by automated bor der detection (Keren et al), 562 B B-mode echocardiography; see Echocardiography, B-mode Backscatter Do changes in integrated backscatter predict the onset of id iopathic dilated cardiomyopathy in dogs? A long-term pro spective study (Moran et al), 539 The evaluation of myocardial function and perfusion using con trast enhanced integrated backscatter studies (Moran et al), 533 Myocardial cyclic variation of integrated backscatter vs. seg mental thickening: assessment by dobutarnine stress echo cardiography (Feinberg et al), 541 Myocardial cyclic variation of ultrasonic integrated backscatter correlates with measurements of oxidative metabolism (Dav ila-Roman et al), Sl4 Qualitative echocardiographic assessment of myocardial per fusion following intravenous contrast agent injections: per formance assessment of an automated technique (Webster et al), S33 Ultrasonic tissue characterization based on 2D integrated back scatter images: quantitative scattering of normal, hypertto phic, and asynergic myocardial segments (Feinberg et al), 545 Balloon dilatation Can echocardiographic assessment of the mitral valve pre dict clinically useful balloon dilatation? (Banning et al), 553 Determinants of spontaneous echo contrast after percutaneous mitral valvuloplasty: implications for thromboembolic risk (Leung et al), S54 Immediate and long-term outcome of percutaneous mitral val votomy in patients with large (;,: 60 mm) left atrium (Lee et al), 57 Inaccuracy of Doppler pressure half-time after percutaneous mitral balloon valvuloplasty is directly related to valve area (Abascal et al), S6 Mitral valve area calculations immediately before and after per cutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty: simultaneous com parison of Gorlin to echo Doppler methods (Klarich et al),
Use of echocardiography for detecting aortic valve leaflet avul sion and predicting repair potential after balloon valvulo plasty (Minich et al), 523
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography May-June 1994
Subject index
Balloon valvuloplasty; see Balloon dilatation Beta blockade; see Adrenergic beta receptor blockaders Bjork-Shiley prosthesis Echocardiographic quantitation of the opening disk motion of Bjork-Shiley mitral prostheses (Pu et a!), S65 Blood flow velocity Accuracy of a hemispherical model to calculate stroke volume using a proximal isovelocity surface area method: an in-vitro pulsatile flow analysis (Manduley et a!), SS Advantage of a parallel processing system to measure color Doppler flow convergence at low Nyquist limits: an in vitro pulsatile flow study (Nozaki eta!), S6 Assessment of mitral annular velocity using Doppler tissue im aging: comparison with mitral inflow velocity (Rodriguez et a!), S4l Comparison of alternative models of transmitral flow to each other and to the Doppler E-wave (Nudelman and Kovacs), S64 Embolic risk in patients with atrial fibrillation: the role of left atrial appendage flow velocity (LAAFV), measured during transesophageal echo, in identifYing those at highest risk (Pearson et a!), S4 Impact of wall convergence on color Doppler quantification of mitral regurgitation in patients by the proximal convergence method (Pu et a!), S6 Mechanism of an increase in early diastolic mitral flow velocity due to sublingual administration of nifedipine in hyperten sive patients (Nagano eta!), S40 Why does the aortic root move anteriorly during systole: the relationship between blood flow and motion (Cao et a!), S64 Blood volume, cardiac; see Cardiac volume Border detection, automated; see Automated border detection Brachial artery Differences in brachial artery flow-mediated vasodilatation in risk factor matched men with and without coronary artery disease (Correrti et a!), S60 Brachiocephalic veins Morphometric echocardiographic assessment ofthe innominate vein in the diagnosis of persistent left superior vena cava (Jureidini eta!), S26
Calcification, physiologic Echocardiographic left ventricular mass and coronary artery cal cification by ultrafast computed tomography (Wong eta!), S62 Capsules Transpulmonary transit and dose finding studies of air-contain ing albumin microcapsules, a new echo contrast agent (Foster eta!), S4 Cardiac hypertrophy; see Cardiomyopathy, hypertrophic Cardiac output Contrast agent enhanced ultrasonographic determination ofcar diac output correlates well with thermodilution method (Zartner et a!), S3l Diastolic mitral regurgitation and severe tricuspid regurgitation as a cause of low cardiac output and hypotension early after heart transplantation (Ziady eta!), S59 Estimation of ventricular volumes, ejection fraction and cardiac output by automated acoustic quantification using transthor acic multiplane echocardiography in single ventricular mor phology (Cao eta!), S25 Evidence that alterations in cardiac output does not change aortic valve area in patients with aortic stenosis: observations based on direct in vivo measurement ofanatomic aortic valve area by multiplane transesophageal echocardiography (Tardif eta!), SlO Multiplane transesophageal imaging improves the accuracy of
Doppler cardiac output measurements ofcritically ill patients (Feinberg et a!), S58 Noninvasive estimation ofhemodynamic profile in patients with congestive heart failure using Doppler parameters of pul monary venous flow velocity parterns (Lee eta!), S36 Prediction of changes in cardiac output associated with preload reduction in hypertensive heart failure patients with normal systolic function (Nagano et a!), S40 Volumetric estimation of cardiac output using TEE (Benson et a!), S47 Cardiac pacemaker; see Pacemaker, artificial Cardiac tumors; see Heart neoplasms Cardiac volume; see also Cardiomyopathy, hypertrophic Are measurements of left ventricular volumes improved using transpulmonary echocontrast agents? (Aiazian eta!), S34 Automatic border detection using acoustic quantification in the assessment ofleft ventricular volume and function in children with cardiomyopathy (Lanford eta!), S24 Estimation of ventricular volumes, ejection fraction and cardiac output by automated acoustic quantification using transthor acic multiplane echocardiography in single ventricular mor phology (Cao et a!), S25 Measurement of myocardial blood volume is a preferable in dicator of microvascular reserve than measurement of cor onary blood flow: a study utilizing myocardial contrast echo cardiography (Camarano et a!), Sl6 Myocardial perfusion by intravenously administered novel ul trasound contrast agents in canines (Dirtrich et a!), Sl6 Relation ofmass /volume ratio to EKG abnormalities and symp toms in children with aortic stenosis/insufficiency (Li eta!), S26 Three-dimensional echocardiography: validation of volume de termination by magnetic resonance imaging in patients with abnormal ventricular geometry (Schnellbaecher eta!), S2 The use of high resolution echocardiography to characterize in vivo the progression of volume overload remodeling into heart failure (Fontanet et a!), S2 Cardiomyopathy, congestive Automatic border detection using acoustic quantification in the assessment ofleft ventricular volume and function in children with cardiomyopathy (Lanford et a!), S24 Do changes in integrated backscatter predict the onset of id iopathic dilated cardiomyopathy in dogs? A long-term pro spective study (Moran et a!), S39 Cardiomyopathy, hypertrophic; see also Cardiac volume Characterization of pressure overload remodeling in vivo using high resolution echocardiography (Fontanet et a!), S40 Echocardiographic left ventricular mass and coronary artery cal cification by ultrafast computed tomography (Wong eta!), S62 Left ventricular geometry and chamber I midwall function in hypertrophy due to aortic valve disease (Aurigemma eta!), S4l Left ventricular hypertrophy in renal insufficiency (Ross eta!), S6l Mechanism of mitral regurgitation in hypertrophic cardiomy opathy: clinical and experimental findings (Schwammenthal eta!), S9 New insights into the reduction of mitral valve systolic anterior motion after septal myectomy in hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (Nakatani eta!), S9 Transthoracic color and pulsed Doppler assessment of coronary artery flow in children (Jureidini et a!), S26 Cardiomyopathy, restrictive Does rapid volume loading during transesophageal echocardi ography differentiate constrictive pericarditis from restrictive cardiomyopathy? (Klein eta!), S38 Restrictive cardiomyopathy in children: diagnostic role ofecho/ Doppler (Cerra et a!), S23
Joumal of the American Society of Echocardiography Volume 7 Number 3 Parr 2
Cardioplegic solutions Regurgitation of cardioplegic solution through normal aortic valves reduces effective cardioplegia effect: an additional ap plication ofintraoperative transesophageal echocardiography (Stevenson et al), S47 Cardiotonic agents Mechanism of biphasic response ofwall thickening to inotropic stimulation with graded dobutamine infusion in the left ven tricular region with coronary artery stenosis (Chen et al), Sl Pathophysiologic mechanisms of contractile reserve during ino tropic stress in an animal ischemia model (Castello et al), Sl7 Cardioversion; see Electric countershock Carotid arteries Color B-mode images-Useful or not? (Sanders et al), S64 Carotid stenosis Aortic arch atheromas and ischemic stroke in the elderly: rela tionship with stroke side and degree of carotid stenosis (Di Tullio et al), S48 Color B-mode images-Useful or not? (Sanders et al), S64 Frequency ofcardiac sources ofemboli in patients with cerebral ischemia and moderate carotid artery stenosis (Dressler et al), S49 Catheter ablation Intracardiac ultrasound guidance of radiofrequency ablation procedures: preliminary experience (Segar et al), S42 Cerebral ischemia Frequency of cardiac sources of emboli in patients with cerebral ischemia and moderate carotid artery stenosis (Dressler et al), S49 Cerebrovascular disorders Aortic arch atheromas and ischemic stroke in the elderly: rela tionship with stroke side and degree of carotid stenosis (Di Tullio et al), S48 Ulcerated plaques in the thoracic aorta are associated with cryp togenic strokes (Stone et al), S48 Chest pain Evaluation of chest pain in the emergency department: Can digital echocardiography substitute for routine videotape analysis? (Mohler et al), S66 Cine-CT; see Tomography, x-ray computed Clinical utilization; see Physician's practice patterns Collateral circulation Do coronary collaterals protect against ischemia during stress echocardiography? (Yaacoub et al), S35 Color Doppler echocardiography; see Echocardiography, Doppler, color Congenital heart defects; see Heart defects, congenital Congestive cardiomyopathy; see Cardiomyopathy, congestive Constrictive pericarditis; see Pericarditis, constrictive Contractility of heart; see Myocardial contraction Contrast echocardiography; see Echocardiography, contrast Contrast media Albunex during dobutarnine stress echocardiography: improved transpulmonary passage and lowered dose requirements (Rasmussen et al), Sl7 Albunex increases identification of left ventricular endocardial borders during dobutarnine stress echocardiography (Fal cone et al), S29 Albunex®l microspheres and left ventricular contractility: load and heart rate independent analysis using an isolated rabbit heart (Mor-Avi et al), S34 Altering microbubble gas solubility and diffusivity significantly improves left ventricular videointensity ofsonicated dextrose albumin microbubbles (Porter et al), S30 Aortic root injections of Albunex®l in patients undergoing cor onary artery bypass surgery: safety and efficacy (Aronson et al), S30 Are measurements of left ventricular volumes improved using
Subject index
transpulmonary echocontrast agents? (Aiazian et al), S34 Beat frequency analysis can detect ultrasonic contrast agent mi crospheres at concentrations below those detectable by vi deointensity (Pretlow et al), S32 Can myocardial contrast echocardiography be used to determine infarct size during refiow when a residual stenosis is present in the infarct-related artery? (Villanueva and Fallon), Sl6 Comparison of ultrasound densitometric analysis between an on-line digital acquisition acoustic program and an off-line analog program (Fernandez et al), Sl4 Contrast agent enhanced ultrasonographic determination ofcar diac output correlates well with thermodilution method (Zartner et al), S3l Contrast echocardiography: influence ofmixing conditions and pressurization on pixel intensity and microsphere size of Al bunex solutions in vitro (Ota et al), S32 Coronary vasodilation augments myocardial contrast echocar diography after aortic root injections (Bach et al), S32 Digital analysis of myocardial contrast echocardiography: to wards standardization (Alazian et al), S3l The effect of deconvolution of the time-activity curve on mean myocardial transit rate of an intravascular tracer (J ayaweera et al), S32 Effects of left ventricular pressure on Albunex®l microspheres: evaluation using an isolated rabbit heart model (Mor-Avi et al), S29 The evaluation ofmyocardial function and perfusion using con trast enhanced integrated backscatter studies (Moran et al), S33 Flow turbulence affects the duration of echo contrast agents: quantitative light scattering studies (Cape et al), SIS Frequency of intrapulmonary right to left shunt detected by contrast echocardiography in advanced liver disease (Kures et al), S63 Hemodynamic and safety characteristics ofPS-069, a new con trast agent capable of producing myocardial opacification ftom a venous injection (Skyba et al), S30 Measurement of myocardial blood volume is a preferable in dicator of microvascular reserve than measurement of cor onary blood flow: a study utilizing myocardial contrast echo cardiography (Camarano et al), Sl6 Myocardial contrast echocardiography: safety ofFS069, a new transpulmonary echocardiographic contrast agent (Meza et al), S36 Myocardial contrast echocardiography: successful transpulmon ary myocardial opacification in a canine model of occlusion reperfusion (Meza et al), S2 Myocardial contrast echocardiography using a new intrave nously administered agent: relationship between perfusion defect and wall motion abnormality in experimental coronary artery occlusion (Dittrich et al), S3l Myocardial perfusion by intravenously administered novel ul trasound contrast agents in canines (Dittrich et al), Sl6 New observations regarding QW3600, an ultrasound contrast agent capable of myocardial opacification by intravenous in jection (Kwan et al), S30 Non-invasive determination of ejection fraction by contrast echocardiography: an in vivo correlation with ventriculo graphy (Schroder et al), S35 Noninvasive pressure-volume relations to evaluate left ventric ular function during dobutarnine infusion (Katz et al), S38 Persistence ofechocardiographic contrast agents: effects of pul satile pressure (Padial et al), S28 The priority of radio ftequency signals to echo-brighmess in evaluating myocardial contrast enhancement (Takamoto et al), S33 Qualitative echocardiographic assessment of myocardial per fusion following intravenous contrast agent injections: per
Subject index
Contrast media-cont'd formance assessment of an automated technique (Webster et a!), S33 Stability of Albunex® microspheres under ultrasonic irradia tion: an in vitro study (Mor-Avi et a!), S29 Transpulmonary transit and dose finding studies of air-contain ing albutnin microcapsules, a new echo contrast agent (Foster eta!), S4 Ultrasound contrast effects: pressure and velocity measurements (Bhoopalam et a!), S29 Visually detectable myocardial uptake with peripheral intrave nous injections of sonicated dextrose albutnin following in cubation and inhalation with sulfur hexafluoride (Porter and Xie), Sl Contusions Are patients with myocardial contusion at risk for late cardiac complications? (Karalis eta!), S60 Convergence of flow; see Pulsatile flow Coronary angiography Intravascular ultrasound delineates mechanisms for angio graphic underestimation of residual coronary artery narrow ing following angioplasty and atherectomy (Porter eta!), S27 Coronary angioplasty, percutaneous transluminal; see Angio plasty, balloon Coronary arteriosclerosis Effect of nitroglycerine on the distensibility of normal and ath erosclerotic coronary arteries assessed by intravascular ultra sound (Ge et a!), S27 Intravascular ultrasound delineates mechanisms for angio graphic underestimation of residual coronary artery narrow ing following angioplasty and atherectomy (Porter eta!), S27 Intravascular ultrasound to assess restenosis following PTCA in hypercholesterolemic pigs (Niinez et a!), S28 Mechanism of biphasic response of wall thickening to inotropic stimulation with graded dobutarnine infusion in the left ven tricular region with coronary artery stenosis (Chen eta!), Sl Coronary artery bypass Aortic root injections of Albunex® in patients undergoing cor onary artery bypass surgery: safety and efficacy (Aronson et a!), S30 Evaluation of ischemic mitral regurgitation during coronary artery bypass surgery by biplane transesophageal echocar diography (Nakao et a!), SSO Ventricular remodeling after coronary artery bypass grafting of the patients with myocardial infarction (Kakutai eta!), Sl7 Coronary artery stenosis; see Coronary arteriosclerosis Coronary circulation Can myocardial contrast echocardiography be used to determine infarct size during reflow when a residual stenosis is present in the infarct-related artery? (Villanueva and Fallon), Sl6 Delineation of extended lengths ofcoronary arteries with trans thoracic echocardiographic imaging using new views pro vided by a semiautomatic multiplane imaging probe (Cao et a!), Sl4 Do coronary collaterals protect against ischemia during stress echocardiography? (Yaacoub eta!), S35 The effect of deconvolution of the time-activity curve on mean myocardial transit rate of an intravascular tracer (Jayaweera eta!), S32 Intravascular ultrasound delineates mechanisms for angio graphic underestimation of residual coronary artery narrow ing following angioplasty and atherectomy (Porter eta!), S27 The left anterior descending coronary artery in transplant pa tients: morphological features as revealed by high-frequency transthoracic echocardiography (Faletra et a!), S45 Measurement of myocardial blood volume is a preferable in dicator of microvascular reserve than measurement of cor onary blood flow: a study utilizing myocardial contrast echo cardiography (Camarano et a!), Sl6
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography May-June 1994
Morphological features of the left anterior descending coronary artery as revealed by high-frequency transthoracic echocar diography in normal subjects (Francesco et a!), S43 Myocardial perfusion by intravenously administered novel ul trasound contrast agents in canines (Dittrich et a!), Sl6 Pathophysiologic mechanisms of contractile reserve during ino tropic stress in an animal ischemia model (Castello et a!), Sl7 Qualitative echocardiographic assessment of myocardial per fusion following intravenous contrast agent injections: per formance assessment of an automated technique (Webster et a!), S33 Time-sequential and dose-dependent effects ofcoronary dilators on human coronary conduit and resistance arteries: assess ment with simultaneous intravascular two-dimensional and Doppler ultrasound (Sakuma eta!), S27 Transmural perfusion patterns within the human cardiac cycle (Saldivar et al), Sl7 Transthoracic color and pulsed Doppler assessment ofcoronary artery flow in children (Jureidini et a!), S26 Coronary dilators; see Vasodilator agents Coronary disease Accuracy ofexercise echocardiography for detection 0 f coronary disease in women (Anderson et al), S7 Accuracy of transesophageal dobutarnine stress echocardiogra phy to detect stenoses of individual vessels in patients with coronary artery disease (Panza et a!), Sl8 Differences in brachial artery flow-mediated vasodilatation in risk factor matched men with and without coronary artery disease (Corretti et a!), S60 Do beta blockers affect the detection of coronary artery disease by dobutarnine stress echocardiography? (Levangie et a!), S20 Echocardiographic left ventricular mass and coronary artery cal cification by ultrafast computed tomography (Wong eta!), S62 Evaluation of patients with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus prior to kidney and/or pancreas transplantation using do butarnine stress echocardiography (Bates eta!), Sl9 Evaluation of the relationship between residual stenosis of the coronary artery and ventricular remodeling in the chronic phase of myocardial infarction (Shindo eta!), Sl6 The influence of acoustic impedance mismatch on Doppler ul trasound spectra in a model ofcoronary artery stenosis (Chat zimavroudis et a!), S27 Influence of left ventricular hypertrophy on accuracy of dobut arnine stress echocardiography for detection of coronary ar tery disease (Smart et al), Sl8 The left anterior descending coronary artery in transplant pa tients: morphological features as revealed by high-frequency transthoracic echocardiography (Faletra et a!), S45 Myocardial contrast echocardiography using a new intrave nously administered agent: relationship between perfusion defect and wall motion abnormality in experimental coronary artery occlusion (Dittrich et a!), S3l Myocardial cyclic variation of ultrasonic integrated backscatter correlates with measurements of oxidative metabolism (Dav ila-Roman eta!), Sl4 Prediction of coronary artery disease from measurement of in timal thickness of descending thoracic aorta using trans esophageal echocardiography (Tanimoto eta!), S36 Relation between asynchronized relaxation and global diastolic function in ischemic heart disease: a digital subtraction high frame rate echocardiographic study (Kondo et a!), S42 Silent myocardial ischemia due to transesophageal echocardi ography in patients with coronary artery disease (Grasse Heitmeyer et a!), S2l Transesophageal dobutarnine stress echocardiography in the de tection of coronary artery disease (Frohwein eta!), S7
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography Volume 7 Number 3 Part 2
Transplant coronary artery disease: intracoronary and transthor acic coronary ultrasound imaging (Cohn et al), S65 Use of dobutamine echocardiography for detection of coronary artery disease in patients with end-stage chronic renal failure (Marwick et al), Sl9 Coronary vessel anomalies Echocardiographic diagnosis of aberrant left or right coronary artery originating from the aorta in children (Jureidini eta!), Sl3 Cryopreservation Doppler echocardiographic evaluation of cryopreserved human aortic valves in the early postoperative period (Wiener et al), S54
D Decision making, computer-assisted Trans-telephonic interpretation and reporting of echocardio grarns using a laptop computer (Trippi et al), S63 Densitometry Altering microbubble gas solubility and diffusiviry significantly improves left ventricular videointensiry of sonicated dextrose albumin microbubbles (Porter et a!), S30 Comparison of ultrasound densitometric analysis between an on-line digital acquisition acoustic program and an off-line analog program (Fernandez eta!), Sl4 Myocardial cyclic variation of integrated backscatter vs. seg mental thickening: assessment by dobutamine stress echo cardiography (Feinberg eta!), S4l Ultrasonic tissue characterization based on 2D integrated back scatter images: quantitative scattering of normal, hypertro phic, and asynergic myocardial segments (Feinberg et al), S45 Diabetes mellitus, insulin-dependent; see Diabetes mellitus, ju venile-onset Diabetes mellitus, juvenile-onset Evaluation of patients with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus prior to kidney and/or pancreas transplantation using do butamine stress echocardiography (Bates et al), Sl9 Diagnosis, computer-assisted Trans-telephonic interpretation and reporting of echocardio grams using a laptop computer (Trippi et al), S63 Diastole Comparison of alternative models of transmitral flow to each other and to the Doppler E-wave (Nudelman and Kovacs),
Comparison of diastolic filling parameters by transthoracic and transesophageal Doppler echocardiography (Jue eta!), S57 Effects of aging on duration of pulmonary venous flow atrial reversal flow velocity and mitral A wave: a new index of diastolic function (Klein et al), S38 The effects ofleft ventricular systolic function on diastolic filling patterns in patients with severe mitral regurgitation (Sadan iantz et a!), S52 Exercise-induced stunning: echocardiographic assessment of systolic and diastolic dysfunction (Masani et al), S40 Increased diastolic chamber stiffuess occurs frequently after aor tic valve replacement for aortic stenosis (McKenney et al), S49 Mechanism of an increase in early diastolic mitral flow velocity due to sublingual administration of nifedipine in hyperten sive patients (Nagano eta!), 540 Relation between asynchronized relaxation and global diastolic function in ischemic heart disease: a digital subtraction high frame rate echocardiographic study (Kondo eta!), S42 Relative durations of transmittal flow velocity 'A' wave and left ventricular outflow tract 'Ar' wave are related to left ven tricular diastolic pressure (Pai and Shah), 537 Systolic and diastolic evaluation ofpatients with hypoplastic left heart syndrome by acoustic quantitation (Kimball eta!), S23
Subject index
Transatrial diastolic flow velocity wave transit time in the right atrium is a measure of right atrial pressure ( Jintapakorn et al), 537 Diffusion Altering microbubble gas solubility and diffusivity significantly improves left ventricular videointensity of sonicated dextrose albumin microbubbles (Porter et al), S30 Digital analysis; see Signal processing, computer-assisted Dilated cardiomyopathy; see Cardiomyopathy, congestive Dipyridamole Measurement of myocardial blood volume is a preferable in dicator of microvascular reserve than measurement of cor onary blood flow: a study utilizing myocardial contrast echo cardiography (Camarano et a!), Sl6 Dissection, aortic; see Aortic aneurysm Dobutamine Accuracy of transesophageal dobutamine stress echocardiogra phy to detect stenoses of individual vessels in patients with coronary artery disease (Panza et al), Sl8 Albunex during dobutamine stress echocardiography: improved transpulmonary passage and lowered dose requirements (Rasmussen era!), Sl7 Albunex increases identification of left ventricular endocardial borders during dobutamine stress echocardiography (Fal cone et a!), S29 Color Doppler M -mode assessment of left ventricular filling in patients during dobutamine stress echo: A new marker to evaluate ischemia? (Ares eta!), 520 Diagnostic value of measuring left ventricular isovolurnic relax ation time during dobutamine stress echocardiography (Tan imoto et a!), 520 Do beta blockers affect the detection of coronary artery disease by dobutamine stress echocardiography? (Levangie et al), S20 Do beta blockers alter the validity of a low dose dobutamine stress echocardiogram? (Levangie eta!), SIS Dobutamine stress echocardiography accurately predicts func tional recovery of chronic ischemic myocardium in compar ison to positron emission tomography (Bergmann et al), Sl8 Dobutamine stress echocardiography in children with congen ital and acquired heart disease (Duffy et a!), S2l Echo-Doppler derived hemodynamic parameters in ischemic versus normal patients during incremental dobutamine in fusion (Movsowitz et al), 58 The effect of beta blockade on the physiologic responses to dobutamine stress echocardiography (Weissman eta!), 58 Evaluation of patients with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus prior to kidney and/ or pancreas transplantation using do butamine stress echocardiography (Bates eta!), Sl9 Influence of left ventricular hypertrophy on accuracy of do but amine stress echocardiography for detection of coronary ar tery disease (Smart et al), Sl8 Intravenous Albunex improves the reproducibility of left ven tricular volume measurements during dobutamine stress echocardiography (Marcovitz eta!), S35 Mechanism of biphasic response of wall thickening to inotropic stimulation with graded dobutamine infusion in the left ven tricular region with coronary artery stenosis (Chen eta!), Sl Myocardial cyclic variation of integrated backscatter vs. seg mental thickening: assessment by dobutamine stress echo cardiography (Feinberg eta!), S4l Noninvasive pressure-volume relations to evaluate left ventric ular function during dobutamine infusion (Katz et al), S38 Pathophysiologic mechanisms ofcontractile reserve during ino tropic stress in an animal ischemia model (Castello et a!), Sl7 The physiologic basis for the use of dobutamine echocardio graphy for determining the extent ofmyocardial salvage after reperfusion (Sklenar et a!), Sl8
Subject index
Quantitative approach in the analysis of pharmacological stress echocardiography (Meri<; et al), Sl9 Stress Doppler assessment of aortic valve prostheses: treadmill exercise vs dobutamine (Dressler et al), S54 Transesophageal dobutamine stress echocardiography in the detection of coronary artery disease (Frohwein et al), S7 Use of dobutamine echocardiography for detection of coronary artery disease in patients with end-stage chronic renal failure (Marwick et al), Sl9 Use of dobutamine stress echocardiography in patients with aortic stenosis, reduced left ventricular ejection ftaction and low mean transvalvular gradient: preliminary experience (Pascoe et al), S8 Doppler echocardiography; see Echocardiography, Doppler I>oppler velocity profiles; see Blood flow velocity Ductus arteriosus Doppler analysis of flow patterns in the ductus arteriosus of infants with single ventricle and critical aortic outflow ob struction (Rychik et al), S25 E Echocardiography, B-mode Color B-mode images--Useful or not? (Sanders et al), S64 Echocardiography, contrast Albunex during dobutamine stress echocardiography: improved transpulmonary passage and lowered dose requirements (Rasmussen et al), Sl7 Albunex increases identification of left ventricular endocardial borders during dobutamine stress echocardiography (Fal cone et al), S29 Albunex® microspheres and left ventricular contractility: load and heart rate independent analysis using an isolated rabbit heart (Mor-Avi et al), S34 Altering microbubble gas solubility and diffusivity significantly improves left ventricular videointensity ofsonicated dextrose albumin microbubbles (Porter et al), S30 Aortic root injections of Albunex® in patients undergoing cor onary artery bypass surgery: safety and efficacy (Aronson et al), S30 Are measurements of left ventricular volumes improved using transpulmonary echocontrast agents? (Aiazian et al), S34 Beat frequency analysis can detect ultrasonic contrast agent mi crospheres at concentrations below those detectable by vi deointensity (Pretlow et al), S32 Can myocardial contrast echocardiography be used to determine infarct size during reflow when a residual stenosis is present in the infarct-related artery? (Villanueva and Fallon), Sl6 Contrast agent ellhanced ultrasonographic determination ofcar diac output correlates well with thermodilution method (Zartner et al), S3l Contrast echocardiography: influence of mixing conditions and pressurization on pixel intensity and microsphere size of Al bunex solutions in vitro (Ota et al), S32 Coronary vasodilation augments myocardial contrast echocar diography after aortic root injections (Bach et al), S32 Digital analysis of myocardial contrast echocardiography: to wards standardization (Aiazian et al), S3l Do changes in size and shape of the region of interest influence quantitative measures of myocardial contrast echocardio graphy? (Klein et al), S3l The effect of deconvolution of the time-activity curve on mean myocardial transit rate of an intravascular tracer (J ayaweera et al), S32 Effects of left ventricular pressure on Albunex® microspheres: evaluation using an isolated rabbit heart model (Mor-Avi et al), S29 Enhanced tricuspid insufficiency jets by contrast echocardio
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography May-June 1994
graphy: comparison with unenhanced jets and implications for measurement of jet velocity (Reddy et al), SlO The evaluation of myocardial function and perfusion using con trast enhanced integrated backscatter studies (Moran et al), S33 Flow turbulence affects the duration of echo contrast agents: quantitative light scattering studies (Cape et al), SIS Frequency of intrapulmonary right to left shunt detected by contrast echocardiography in advanced liver disease (Kures et al), S63 Hemodynamic and safety characteristics ofPS-069, a new con trast agent capable of producing myocardial opacification from a venous injection (Skyba et al), S30 Measurement of myocardial blood volume is a preferable in dicator of microvascular reserve than measurement of cor onary blood flow: a study utilizing myocardial contrast echo cardiography (Camarano et al), Sl6 Mechanism ofbiphasic response ofwall thickening to inotropic stimulation with graded dobutamine infusion in the left ven tricular region with coronary artery stenosis (Chen et al), Sl Myocardial contrast echocardiography: safety of FS069, a new transpulmonary echocardiographic contrast agent (Meza et al), S36 Myocardial contrast echocardiography: successful transpulmon ary myocardial opacification in a canine model of occlusion reperfusion (Meza et al), S2 Myocardial contrast echocardiography using a new intrave nously administered agent: relationship between perfusion defect and wall motion abnormality in experimental coronary artery occlusion (Dittrich et al), S3l Myocardial perfusion by intravenously administered novel ul trasound contrast agents in canines (Dittrich et al), Sl6 New observations regarding QW3600, an ultrasound contrast agent capable of myocardial opacification by intravenous in jection (Kwan et al), S30 Non-invasive determination of ejection fraction by contrast echocardiography: an in vivo correlation with ventriculo graphy (Schroder et al), S35 Noninvasive pressure-volume relations to evaluate left ventric ular function during dobutamine infusion (Katz et al), S38 Persistence of echocardiographic contrast agents: effects of pul satile pressure (Padial et al), S28 The priority of radio frequency signals to echo-brightness in evaluating myocardial contrast enhancement (Takamoto et al), S33 Qualitative echocardiographic assessment of myocardial per fusion following intravenous contrast agent injections: per formance assessment of an automated technique (Webster et al), S33 Stability of Albunex® microspheres under ultrasonic irradia tion: an in vitro study (Mor-Avi et al), S29 Transpulmonary transit and dose finding studies of air-contain ing albumin microcapsules, a new echo contrast agent (Foster et al), S4 Ultrasound contrast effects: pressure and velocity measurements (Bhoopalam et al), S29 Visually detectable myocardial uptake with peripheral intrave nous injections of sonicated dextrose albumin following in cubation and inhalation with sulfur hexafluoride (Porter and Xie), Sl Echocardiography, digital subtraction high frame rate Relation between asynchronized relaxation and global diastolic function in ischemic heart disease: a digital subtraction high frame rate echocardiographic study (Kondo et al), S42 Echocardiography, Doppler; see also Echocardiography, Dopp ler, color Accuracy of a hemispherical model to calculate stroke volume using a proximal isovelocity surface area method: an in-vitro pulsatile flow analysis (Manduley et al), SS
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography Volume 7 Number 3 Part 2
Adjacent LV wall causes overestimation of regurgitant flow by the proximal convergence method in flail mitral valve (Pu et a!), ss Aortic bioprosthetic valve resistance is a measure of the actual valve orifice area (Strom et a!), S55 Assessment of mitral annular velocity using Doppler tissue im aging: comparison with mitral inflow velocity (Rodriguez et a!), S41 Assessment of trans-myocardial velocities by Doppler tissue imaging: validation in normal subjects (Donovan et a!), S46 Comparison of alternative models of transmitral flow to each other and to the Doppler E-wave (Nudelman and Kovacs), S64 Comparison of diastolic filling parameters by transthoracic and transesophageal Doppler echocardiography (Jue eta!), S57 Comparison of intraoperative transesophageal and postopera tive transthoracic Doppler derived pressure gradients across prosthetic valves (Fan et a!), S46 Does auscultation of aortic stenosis correctly predict transval vular gradient and valve area? (Rama eta!), S51 Doppler analysis of flow patterns in the ductus arteriosus of infants with single ventricle and critical aortic outflow ob struction (Rychik eta!), S25 Doppler detected aortic regurgitation following retrograde pas sage ofan electrode catheter into the left ventricle is primarily a function ofduration ofcatheter placement across the aortic valve (Dorostkar eta!), S24 Doppler-echocardiographic assessment of long-term progres sion of mitral stenosis in 103 patients: valve area and right heart disease (Sagle et a!), S6 Doppler echocardiographic assessment ofmalfunctioning pros thetic valves in the mitral position-differentiation ofstenosis ftom regurgitation (Fan et a!), S55 Doppler echocardiographic evaluation of cryopreserved human aortic valves in the early postoperative period (Wiener eta!), S54 Echo-Doppler derived hemodynamic parameters in ischemic versus normal patients during incremental dobutamine in fusion (Movsowitz eta!), S8 Echo-Dopplercardiographic calculation of resistance of normal aortic pericardia! bioprosthetic valves (Strom et a!), Sl2 Effect of transplant heart rejection and its treatment on systolic and diastolic left ventricular function as assessed by two dimensional and Doppler echocardiography (Fan eta!), S59 Effective flow areas ofbileafiet mechanical mitral valves: studies in an in vitro pulsatile flow system and in a chronic animal model (Shandas et a!), Sll Effects of aging on duration of pulmonary venous flow atrial reversal flow velocity and mitral A wave: a new index of diastolic function (Klein et a!), S38 Flow turbulence affects the duration of echo contrast agents: quantitative light scattering studies (Cape et a!), SIS Hemodynamic characterization of prosthetic aortic valve func tion by exercise Doppler echocardiography (Dressler et a!),
How reliable is flow reversal as an independent indicator of severe mitral regurgitation? Hydrodynamics of pulmonary venous flow reversal (Grimes eta!), S9 Impact of pressure recovery on Doppler gradients obtained by selective sampling of central and side orifice velocities in mitral St. Jude valves: a clinical study (Vandervoort eta!), Sll Inaccuracy of Doppler pressure half-time after percutaneous mitral balloon valvuloplasty is directly related to valve area (Abascal et a!), S6 The influence of acoustic impedance mismatch on Doppler ul trasound spectra in a model ofcoronary artery stenosis (Chat zimavroudis eta!), S27
Subject index
Intramyocardial motion assessment by Doppler ultrasound: characteristic findings in normal subjects (Garcia et a!), Sl4 Is there a relationship between left atrial appendage contractility and filling and emptying velocities of the appendage flow in patients in normal sinus rhythm? (Meri<; eta!), S57 Measurement yield and reproducibility of key M-mode and Doppler echocardiographic variables in the elderly (Ren et a!), S61 Mitral valve area calculations immediately before and after per cutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty: simultaneous com parison of Gorlin to echo Doppler methods (Klarich et a!), Sll Noninvasive estimation of aortic valve gradient in patients with combined aortic stenosis and regurgitation (Bareket et a!), S51 Persistence of echocardiographic contrast agents: effects of pul satile pressure (Padial et a!), S28 A quantitative comparison ofDoppler tissue imaging and pulse echo M-mode myocardial images (Fleming eta!), S43 Regional pulmonary blood flow assessment with pulmonary venous transesophageal Doppler echocardiography (Mc Kenney eta!), S49 Restrictive cardiomyopathy in children: diagnostic role ofecho/ Doppler (Cetta et a!), S23 Stress Doppler assessment of aortic valve prostheses: treadmill exercise vs dobutarnine (Dressler et a!), S54 Time-sequential and dose-dependent effects ofcoronary dilators on human coronary conduit and resistance arteries: assess ment with simultaneous intravascular two-dimensional and Doppler ultrasound (Sakuma et a!), S27 Transatrial diastolic flow velocity wave transit time in the right atrium is a measure of right atrial pressure (Jintapakorn et a!), S37 Turbulent/viscous interactions in the vicinity of aortic stenosis: application to Doppler assessment of pressure gradients (Cape et a!), Sll Ultrasound contrast effects: pressure and velocity measurements (Bhoopalam et a!), S29 Use of dobutarnine stress echocardiography in patients with aortic stenosis, reduced left ventricular ejection ftaction and low mean transvalvular gradient: preliminary experience (Pascoe et a!), S8 Validation of a new Doppler-echocardiographic method for quantification of mitral regurgitation (Mego et a!), S52 Why does the aortic root move anteriorly during systole: the relationship between blood flow and motion (Cao eta!), S64 Echocardiography, Doppler, color Advantage of a parallel processing system to measure color Doppler flow convergence at low Nyquist limits: an in vitro pulsatile flow study (Nozaki eta!), S6 Assessment of aortic regurgitation using color Doppler in "proximal flow convergence" region (Yamachika eta!), S52 Clinical characteristics of left ventricular to right atrial shunt in children with isolated ventricular septal defect: not uncom mon in the color flow era (Chang eta!), S20 Color B-mode images-useful or not? (Sanders eta!), S64 Color Doppler determination of the mechanism of aortic re gurgitation and its pathologic correlation (Cohen eta!), S47 Color Doppler echocardiographic features of left ventricular to right atrial shunt-from morphology to mechanisms (Hsieh et a!), Sl3 Color Doppler M-mode assessment of left ventricular filling in patients during dobutarnine stress echo: A new marker to evaluate ischemia? (Ares eta!), S20 Color flow imaging overestimates the severity ofischemic/func tional mitral regurgitation (McCully eta!), SlO Comparison of echocardiographic mitral valve area by proximal flow convergence method to area by pressure half time and planimetry in mitral stenosis (Rifkin et a!), S53
Subject index
Echocardiography, Doppler, color-cont'd Echocardiographic and cardiac Doppler assessment of mice (Pollick et al), S64 Impact of wall convergence on color Doppler quantification of mitral regurgitation in patients by the proximal convergence method (Pu et al), S6 A new index for left ventricular relaxation independent of pseu donormalization obtained by color M-mode Doppler echo cardiography (Takatsuji et al), S37 Pulse repetition frequency significantly alters color flow Doppler assessment of regurgitant lesions (Ross et al), S53 Should the first or second alias be used to quantify mitral re gurgitation by the proximal flow convergence method? In vitro assessment (Pu et al), S52 Transthoracic color and pulsed Doppler assessment of coronary artery flow in children (Jureidini et al), S26 Two dimensional Doppler and color Doppler echocardiography in the assessment of mitral valve area: correlation with sur gical measurements (Pezzano et al), S54 Ventricular septal defect size by rwo-dimensional imaging and color Doppler methods: effect on prediction of outcome (Shirali et al), S22 Echocardiography, high-frequency transthoracic; see Echocar diography, transthoracic Echocardiography, intracardiac; see Intracardiac ultrasono graphy Echocardiography, intraoperative; see Intraoperative ultraso nography Echocardiography, intravascular; see Intravascular echocardi ography Echocardiography, M-mode Digital image independent M-mode display: a new analysis tool for echocardiography and ultrafast cine computed tomo graphy (Behrenbeck et al), S43 Measurement yield and reproducibility of key M-mode and Doppler echocardiographic variables in the elderly (Ren et al), S6l The use of high resolution echocardiography to characteriie in vivo the progression of volume overload remodeling into heart failure (Fontanet et al), S2 Echocardiography, stress; see Stress echocardiography Echocardiography, three-dimensional Clinical application of 3 different modes of data acquisition for the performance of three-dimensional echocardiography via transthoracic windows: relative utility of parallel slicing, fan like scanning and rotational scanning methods (Pandian et al), S45 Dynamic three-dimensional echocardiographic evaluation ofthe impact of ventricular endoaneurysmorrhaphy on regional and global left ventricular size, shape, and function in patients with left ventricular aneurysm (Tardif et al), S33 Initial clinical application of three-dimensional echocardiogra phy to reconstruct aneurysmal left ventricles (Jiang et al), S42 Intraoperative three-dimensional echocardiography: (l) de scription of methods, (2) application in the assessment of dynamic cardiac anatomy and (3) utility in the quantitation of ventricular function (Pandian et al), S44 Measuring the extent of dyssynergy in canine acute infarction: three-dimensional echo is superior to rwo-dimensional echo (Clarke et al), S45 Omniplane three-dimensional reconstruction of the left ventri cle ftom an anterior and inferior approach for transthoracic imaging: in vitro validation (Jiang et al), S43 3-dimensional assessment ofend-systolic wall stress (Kimball et al), S3 Three-dimensional echocardiographic quantitation of wall mo tion abnormality in canine acute myocardial infarction (Sapin et al), S4l
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography May-June 1994
Three-dimensional echocardiography: validation of volume de termination by magnetic resonance imaging in patients with abnormal ventricular geometry (Schnellbaecher et al), S2 Three-dimensional echocardiography versus quantitative rwo dimensional echocardiography for assessment of left ventric ular ejection fraction (Gopal et al), S3 Three-dimensional reconstruction oftransthoracic echos in con genital heart disease: "unroofed" views from surgeon's ori entation yield information unobtainable from rwo-dimen sional images (Silberbach et al), S46 Transthoracic 3-dimensional echocardiography provides a sur gical view of congenitally malformed hearts and new infor mation not available by 2-dimensional echocardiography (Vogel and Biihlmeyer), Sl2 Transthoracic real time three dimensional echocardiography in children with hypoplastic left heart sy1.1drome: clinical ap plication and new insights (Ludomirsky et al), S24 True three-dimensional delineation of aortic tree and aortic dis eases using multiplexed, transmission holography from to mographic echocardiographic data: experimental studies (Vannan et al), S3 Utility of serial three-dimensional echocardiography in the study ofventricular remodeling and function in patients after first anterior myocardial infarction (Vannan et al), S34 Echocardiography, ttansesophageal Accuracy of transesophageal dobutarnine stress echocardiogra phy to detect stenoses of individual vessels in patients with coronary artery disease (Panza et al), Sl8 Assessment of aortic elastic properties using transesophageal echocardiography with automated border detection (Cholley et al), S44 Atrial flutter: Sinus rhythm or atrial fibrillation? A transesoph ageal echocardiographic assessment of left atrial appendage function (Vorchheimer et al), S4 Atrial thrombus in rheumatic mitral stenosis: a transesophageal echocardiographic analysis (Krauss et al), S53 Biplane transesophageal echocardiography in neonates, infants, and children: experience in 146 studies (Marx et al), Sl2 Can echocardiographic assessment of the mitral valve predict clinically useful balloon dilatation? (Banning et al), S53 Cardiac cycle dependency of the mechanical properties of the thoracic aorta: transesophageal echocardiographic study (Duch et al), S66 Clinical usefulness of intraoperative atrial pacing and trans esophageal echocardiography in detection of ischemic myo cardial segments during coronary surgery (Sobol et al), S47 Comparison of diastolic filling parameters by transthoracic and transesophageal Doppler echocardiography (Jue et al), S57 Comparison of intraoperative transesophageal and postopera tive transthoracic Doppler derived pressure gradients across prosthetic valves (Fan et al), S46 Comparison of transthoracic with transesophageal echocardi ography in patients with suspected embolic visual system disorders (Sochowski et al), SS Compression ofanomalous vascular structures by intraoperative TEE in infants and children (Frommelt et al), S58 Determinants of spontaneous echo contrast after percutaneous mitral valvuloplasty: implications for thromboembolic risk (Leung et al), S54 Does a negative microbubble test during transesophageal echo cardiography exclude a patent foramen ovale? (Neuhauser et al), S56 Does rapid volume loading during transesophageal echocardi ography differentiate constrictive pericarditis from restrictive cardiomyopathy? (Klein et al), S38 Echocardiography and magnetic resonance imaging after sur gery for acute type A aortic dissection (Moreo et al), S6l Efficacy ofbiplane transesophageal echocardiography in guiding the coronary sinus cannulation (Nakao et al), SSO
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography Volume 7 Number 3 Parr 2
Embolic risk in patients with atrial fibrillation: the role of left atrial appendage flow velocity (LAAFV), measured during transesophageal echo, in identifying those at highest risk (Pearson et al), S4 Evaluation of ischemic mitral regurgitation during coronaty artety bypass surgety by biplane transesophageal echocar diography (Nakao et al), SSO Evaluation of prosthetic mitral valve regurgitation by transthor acic echocardiography: Do all patients need transesophageal echocardiography? (Salazar et al), SSS Evidence that alterations in cardiac output does not change aortic valve area in patients with aortic stenosis: observations based on direct in vivo measurement of anatomic aortic valve area by multiplane transesophageal echocardiography (Tardif et al), SlO Experience with a prototype pediatric biplane transesophageal echocardiographic probe in the diagnosis of congenital heart disease (Karr et al), S22 Initial experience with multiplane transesophageal echocardi ography (TEE) in congenital heart disease (Dhar and Fyfe), $58 Integration of intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography images into a multimedia patient record (Perrino et al),
Is intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography during re pair of congenital cardiac defects cost-effective? (Stevenson et al), SS Left atrial appendage flow velocity (LAAFV) measured by transesophageal echocardiography (TEE): a potential marker for identifying patients at increased risk of thromboembolic events (Pearson et al), S4 Measurement of changes in left ventricular volume throughout the cardiac cycle: comparison of transesophageal echocar diographic automated border detection with conductance catheter techniques (Gorcsan et al), S38 Multiplane transesophageal imaging improves the accuracy of Doppler cardiac output measurements ofcritically ill patients (Feinberg et al), S58 Pitfalls in transesophageal echocardiographic assessment of the Fontan anastomosis (Geva et al), S25 Prediction of coronaty artety disease from measurement of in timal thickness of descending thoracic aorta using trans esophageal echocardiography (Tanimoto et al), $36 Regional pulmonaty blood flow assessment with pulmonaty venous transesophageal Doppler echocardiography (Mc Kenney et al), S49 Regurgitation of cardioplegic solution through normal aortic valves reduces effective cardioplegia effect: an additional ap plication ofintraoperative transesophageal echocardiography (Stevenson et al), $47 The response of the superior vena cava to the Valsalva maneu ver-a transesophageal echocardiographic study (Jue et al), S58 Silent myocardial ischemia due to transesophageal echocardi ography in patients with coronaty artety disease (Grasse Heitmeyer et al), S2l Transesophageal dobutamine stress echocardiography in the de tection of coronacy artety disease (Frohwein et al), S7 Transesophageal echocardiography in patients with endocarditis limited to the mitral valve (Brode et al), SSS Transesophageal echocardiography is better than magnetic res onance imaging for the follow up ofthoracic aortic dissection (Masani et al), $59 Transthoracic Doppler echocardiographic measurements ofpul monacy venous flow velocity patterns: comparison with transesophageal measurements (Nariyama et al), SIS Ulcerated plaques in the thoracic aorta are associated with cryp togenic strokes (Stone et al), $48 The Value ofTransesophageal Echo (V.O.T.E.) Multi-center
Subject index
Study: preliminaty results in the lst 2000 patients (Goldman et al), S56 Volumetric estimation of cardiac output using TEE (Benson et al), $47 Which patient with arterial embolism needs transesophageal echocardiography? (Koschyk et al), $49
Echocardiography, transthoracic
Clinical application of 3 different modes of data acquisition for the performance of three-dimensional echocardiography via transthoracic windows: relative utility of parallel slicing, fan like scanning and rotational scanning methods (Pandian et al), $45 Comparison of diastolic filling parameters by transthoracic and transesophageal Doppler echocardiography (Jue et al), S57 Comparison of intraoperative transesophageal and postopera tive transthoracic Doppler derived pressure gradients across prosthetic valves (Fan et al), $46 Comparison of transthoracic with transesophageal echocardi ography in patients with suspected embolic visual system disorders (Sochowski et al), SS Delineation of extended lengths of coronaty arteries with trans thoracic echocardiographic imaging using new views pro vided by a semiautomatic multiplane imaging probe (Cao et al), Sl4 Estimation of ventricular volumes, ejection fraction and cardiac output by automated acoustic quantification using transthor acic multiplane echocardiography in single ventricular mor phology (Cao et al), S25 Evaluation of prosthetic mitral valve regurgitation by transthor acic echocardiography: Do all patients need transesophageal echocardiography? (Salazar et al), SSS The left anterior descending coronacy artery in transplant pa tients: morphological features as revealed by high-frequency transthoracic echocardiography (Faletra et al), S45 Morphological features of the left anterior descending coronaty artery as revealed by high-frequency transthoracic echocar diography in normal subjects (Francesco et al), $43 Omniplane three-dimensional reconstruction of the left ventri cle from an anterior and inferior approach for transthoracic imaging: in vitro validation (Jiang et al), $43 Three-dimensional reconstruction oftransthoracic echos in con genital heart disease: "unroofed" views from surgeon's ori entation yield information unobtainable from two-dimen sional images (Silberbach et al), $46 Transplant coronaty artery disease: intracoronary and transthor acic coronary ultrasound imaging (Cohn et al), $65 Transthoracic 3-dimensional echocardiography provides a sur gical view of congenitally malformed hearts and new infor mation not available by 2-dimensional echocardiography (Vogel and Biihlmeyer), Sl2 Transthoracic color and pulsed Doppler assessment ofcoronacy artery flow in children (Jureidini et al), $26 Transthoracic Doppler echocardiographic measurements ofpul monary venous flow velocity patterns: comparison with transesophageal measurements (Nariyama et al), SlS Transthoracic real time three dimensional echocardiography in children with hypoplastic left heart syndrome: clinical ap plication and new insights (Ludomirsky et al), $24
Echocardiography, two-dimensional
Effect of transplant heart rejection and its treatment on systolic and diastolic left ventricular function as assessed by two dimensional and Doppler echocardiography (Fan et al), $59 A new semi-automatic fuur dimensional reconstruction system using digital real time two-dimensional echocardio graphy to determine left ventricular volume (Hsieh et al), $44
Pitfalls in creation of pressure-area relations by automated bor der detection (Keren et al), S62
Subject index
Echocardiography, two-dimensional-cont'd Three-dimensional echocardiography versus quantitative two dimensional echocardiography for assessment of left ventric ular ejection fraction (Gopal et al), S3 Three-dimensional reconstruction of transthoracic echos in congenital heart disease: "unroofed" views from surgeon's orientation yield information unobtainable ftom two-dimensional images (Silberbach et al), S46 Two dimensional Doppler and color Doppler echocardiography in the assessment of mitral valve area: correlation with sur gical measurements (Pezzano et al), S54 2-D echocardiographic estimation ofleft ventricular mass: com parison to postmortem LV mass measurements (Park et al), S65 Ultrasonic tissue characterization based on 2D integrated back scatter images: quantitative scattering of normal, hypertro phic, and asynergic myocardial segments (Feinberg et al), S45 The use of high resolution echocardiography to characterize in vivo the progression of volume overload remodeling into heart failure (Fontanet et al), S2 Echocardiography, utilization The clinical utilization of echocardiograms (Sundaram et al), S63 Elderly; see Aged Electric countershock Left atrial appendage function does not predict immediate suc cess ofcardioversion for atrial fibrillation and flutter (Grimm et al), S57 Electrocardiography Relation ofmass/volume ratio to EKG abnormalities and symp toms in children with aortic stenosis/insufficiency (Li et al), S26 Embolism Comparison of transthoracic with transesophageal echocardi ography in patients with suspected embolic visual system disorders (Sochowski et al), SS Embolic risk in patients with atrial fibrillation: the role of left atrial appendage flow velocity (LAAFV), measured during transesophageal echo, in identifying those at highest risk (Pearson et al), S4 Frequency ofcardiac sources ofemboli in patients with cerebral ischemia and moderate carotid artery stenosis (Dressler et al), S49 Left atrial appendage flow velocity (LAAFV) measured by transesophageal echocardiography (TEE): a potential marker for identifYing patients at increased risk of thromboembolic events (Pearson et al), S4 Morphologic features of fossa ovalis aneurysmal membranes (Shirani et al), S48 Which patient with arterial embolism needs transesophageal echocardiography? (Koschyk et al), S49 Emission-computed tomography; see Tomography, emissioncomputed End-stage renal failure; see Kidney failure, chronic End-systolic wall stress; see Systole Endocarditis Transesophageal echocardiography in patients with endocarditis limited to the mitral valve (Brode et al), SSS Endocardium Automated endocardial border detection in sequences of echo cardiograms (Bosch et al), S39 Fourier filtration to smooth acoustic quantification endocardial borders: Should polar or cartesian coordinates be used? (Gar cia et al), S3 Low correlation between changes in myocardial wall thickness and endocardial wall motion as detected in 2-D echocardi ography (Buch et al), S36
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography May-June 1994
Exercise test Accuracy ofexercise echocardiography for detection ofcoronary disease in women (Anderson et al), S7 Exercise-induced stunning: echocardiographic assessment of systolic and diastolic dysfunction (Masani et al), S40 Roles of infarcted vs ischemic myocardium for predicting car diac events: late follow-up of216 patients studied by exercise echo (Lee et al), S7 Stress Doppler assessment of aortic valve prostheses: treadmill exercise vs dobutamine (Dressler et al), S54 Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation Superior vena cava obstruction following exttacorporeal mem brane oxygenation (Zreik et al), S22
Fallot's tetralogy; see Tetralogy of Fallot Flow convergence method; see Echocardiography, Doppler Flow velocity Assessment of trans-myocardial velocities by Doppler tissue im aging: validation in normal subjects (Donovan et al), S46 Comparison of diastolic filling parameters by transthoracic and transesophageal Doppler echocardiography (Jue et al), S57 Comparison ofechocardiographic mitral valve area by proximal flow convergence method to area by pressure half time and planimetry in mitral stenosis (Rifkin et al), S53 Is there a relationship between left atrial appendage contractility and filling and emptying velocities of the appendage flow in patients in normal sinus rhythm? (Meric; et al), S57 Pulse repetition frequency significantly alters color flow Doppler assessment of regurgitant lesions (Ross et al), S53 Should the first or second alias be used to quantify mitral re gurgitation by the proximal flow convergence method? In vitro assessment (Pu et al), S52 Fontan anastomosis Pitfalls in transesophageal echocardiographic assessment of the Fontan anastomosis (Geva et al), S25 Foramen ovale, patent; see Heart septal defects, atrial Fourier analysis Fourier filtration to smooth acoustic quantification endocardial borders: Should polar or cartesian coordinates be used? (Gar cia et al), S3 FS-069; see Contrast media
G Glucose Altering microbubble gas solubility and ditfusivity significantly improves left ventricular videointensity ofsonicated dextrose albumin microbubbles (Porter et al), S30 Visually detectable myocardial uptake with peripheral intrave nous injections of sonicated dextrose albumin following in cubation and inhalation with sulfur hexafluoride (Porter and Xie), Sl Graft rejection Echocardiographic correlates of vascular rejection in pediatric heart transplantation (Tani et al), S23 Echocardiographic indices of rejection in transplanted hearts (Mather et al), S59 Effect of transplant heart rejection and its treatment on systolic and diastolic left ventricular function as assessed by two dimensional and Doppler echocardiography (Fan et al), S59 H Heart, anatomy Intraoperative three-dimensional echocardiography: (l) de scription of methods, (2) application in the assessment of dynamic cardiac anatomy and (3) utility in the quantitation of ventricular function (Pandian et al), S44
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography Volume 7 Number 3 Part 2
Heart, injuries Are patients with myocardial contusion at risk for late cardiac complications? (Karalis et al), S60 Heart, physiology Cardiac cycle dependency of the mechanical properties of the thoracic aorta: transesophageal echocardiographic smdy (Duch et al), S66 Measurement of changes in left ventricular volume throughout the cardiac cycle: comparison of transesophageal echocar diographic automated border detection with conductance catheter techniques (Gorcsan et al), S38 Pitfalls in creation of pressure-area relations by automated bor der detection (Keren et al), S62 Transmural perfusion patterns within the human cardiac cycle (Saldivar et al), Sl7 Heart aneurysm Atrial septal aneurysm: Possible mechanical cause for the ini tiation of supraventricular tachycardia in infants? (Dorostkar et al), S2l Dynamic three-dimensional echocardiographic evaluation ofthe impact of ventricular endoaneurysmorrhaphy on regional and global left ventricular size, shape, and function in patients with left ventricular aneurysm (Tardif et al), S33 Initial clinical application of three-dimensional echocardiogra phy to reconstruct aneurysmal left ventricles (Jiang et al), S42 Morphologic features of fossa ovalis aneurysmal membranes (Shirani et al), S48 Heart arrest, induced Efficacy ofbiplane transesophageal echocardiography in guiding the coronary sinus cannulation (Nakao et al), SSO Regurgitation of cardioplegic solution through normal aortic valves reduces effective cardioplegia effect: an additional ap plication ofintraoperative transesophageal echocardiography (Stevenson et al), S47 Heart-assist devices Structural and histological recovery of the left ventricle after chronic unloading with the implantable left ventricular assist device (Nakatani et al), S39 Heart atrium; see also Atrial function Atrial flutter: Sinus rhythm or atrial fibrillation? A transesoph ageal echocardiographic assessment of left atrial appendage function (Vorchheimer et al), S4 Atrial septal aneurysm: Possible mechanical cause for the ini tiation ofsupraventricular tachycardia in infants? (Dorostkar et al), S2l Embolic risk in patients with atrial fibrillation: the role of left atrial appendage flow velocity (LAAFV), measured during transesophageal echo, in identifying those at highest risk (Pearson et al), S4 Immediate and long-term outcome of percutaneous mitral val votomy in patients with large (?: 60 mm) left atrium (Lee et al), S7 Is there a relationship between left atrial appendage contractility and filling and emptying velocities of the appendage flow in patients in normal sinus rhythm? (Meric; et al), S57 Left atrial appendage flow velocity (LAAFV) measured by transesophageal echocardiography (TEE): a potential marker for identifying patients at increased risk of thromboembolic events (Pearson et al), S4 Left atrial appendage function does not predict immediate suc cess ofcardioversion for atrial fibrillation and flutter (Grimm et al), S57 Left atrial appendage thrombus is not uncommon in patients with acute atrial fibrillation (Stoddard and Prince), S57 Prevalence of isolated right atrial enlargement in patients with atrial fibrillation (Orsinelli et al), S60 Why does the aortic root move anteriorly during systole: the relationship between blood flow and motion (Cao et al), S64
Subject index
Heart catheterization Doppler detected aortic regurgitation following retrograde pas sage ofan electrode catheter into the left ventricle is primarily a function of duration of catheter placement across the aortic valve (Dorostkar et al), S24 Efficacy ofbiplane transesophageal echocardiography in guiding the coronary sinus cannulation (Nakao et al), SSO Mitral valve area calculations immediately before and after per cutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty: simultaneous com parison of Gorlin to echo Doppler methods (Klarich et al), Sll Heart defects, congenital Atrial septal aneurysm: Possible mechanical cause for the ini tiation of supraventricular tachycardia in infants? (Dorostkar et al), S2l Biplane transesophageal echocardiography in neonates, infants, and children: experience in 146 srudies (Marx et al), Sl2 Color Doppler echocardiographic feamres of left ventricular to right atrial shunt-from morphology to mechanisms (Hsieh et al), Sl3 Compression ofanomalous vascular structures by intraoperative TEE in infants and children (Frommelt et al), S58 Dobutarnine stress echocardiography in children with congen ital and acquired heart disease (Duffy et al), S2l Doppler analysis of flow patterns in the ductus arteriosus of infants with single ventricle and critical aortic outflow ob struction (Rychik et al), S25 Echocardiographic diagnosis of aberrant left or right coronary artery originating from the aorta in children (J ureidini et al), Sl3 Echocardiographic predictors of successful occlusion of atrial septal defect by transcatheter technique using the buttoned device (Reddy et al), Sl2 Experience with a prototype pediatric biplane transesophageal echocardiographic probe in the diagnosis of congenital heart disease (Karr et al), S22 Initial experience with multiplane transesophageal echocardi ography (TEE) in congenital heart disease (Dhar and Fyfe), S58 Intrauterine echocardiographic analysis of ventricular septal de fects in Yucatan micropigs (Fyfe et al), SIS Is intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography during re pair of congenital cardiac defects cost-effective? (Stevenson et al), SS Morphometric echocardiographic assessment of the innominate vein in the diagnosis of persistent left superior vena cava (Jureidini et al), S26 Pitfalls in transesophageal echocardiographic assessment of the Fontan anastomosis (Geva et al), S25 Systolic and diastolic evaluation of patients with hypoplastic left heart syndrome by acoustic quantitation (Kimball et al), S23 Three-dimensional reconstruction oftransthoracic echos in con genital heart disease: "unroofed" views from surgeon's ori entation yield information unobtainable from two-dimen sional images (Silberbach et al), S46 Total anomalous pulmonary venous rerum: prognostic value of left ventricular size for surgical outcome. An echocardio graphic smdy (Rodriguez et al), S2l Transthoracic 3-dimensional echocardiography provides a sur gical view of congenitally malformed hearts and new infor mation not available by 2-dimensional echocardiography (Vogel and Biihlmeyer), Sl2 Transthoracic real time three dimensional echocardiography in children with hypoplastic left heart syndrome: clinical ap plication and new insights (Ludomirsky et al), S24 Use of echocardiography for detecting aortic valve leaflet avul sion and predicting repair potential after balloon valvulo plasty (Minich et al), S23
Subject index
Heart diseases, child Dobutamine stress echocardiography in children with congen ital and acquired heart disease (DuffY et al), S21 Heart failure, congestive Noninvasive estimation ofhemodynamic profile in patients with congestive heart failure using Doppler parameters of pul monary venous flow velociry patterns (Lee et al), S36 Prediction of changes in cardiac output associated with preload reduction in hypertensive heart failure patienrs with normal systolic function (Nagano et al), S40 The use of high resolution echocardiography to characterize in vivo the progression of volume overload remodeling into heart failure (Fontanet et al), S2 Heart hypertrophy; see also Hypertrophy, left ventricular; Hy pertrophy, right ventricular Echocardiographic left ventricular mass and coronary artery cal cification by ultrafast computed tomography (Wong et al), S62 Left ventricular hypertrophy in renal insufficiency (Ross et al), S61 Mechanism of mitral regurgitation in hypertrophic cardiomy opathy: clinical and experimental findings (Schwammenthal et al), S9 New insighrs into the reduction of mitral valve systolic anterior motion after septal myectomy in hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (Nakatani et al), S9 Reconstruction ofintracardiac ultrasound images can accurately measure right ventricular free wall mass: in vivo and in vitro validation (Chen et al), S2 2-D echocardiographic estimation ofleft ventricular mass: com parison to postmortem LV mass measurements (Park et al), S65 Heart murmurs Does auscultation of aortic stenosis correctly predict transval vular gradient and valve area? (Rama et al), SSI Heart neoplasms Posmatal echocardiographic follow-up of primary cardiac tu mors detected in utero (Dhar et al), S60 Heart pacemaker; see Pacemaker, artificial Heart septal defects, atrial Clinical characteristics of left ventricular to right atrial shunt in children with isolated ventricular septal defect: not uncom mon in the color flow era (Chang et al), S20 Color Doppler echocardiographic features of left ventricular to right atrial shunt-from morphology to mechanisms (Hsieh et al), Sl3 Does a negative microbubble test during transesophageal echo cardiography exclude a patent foramen ovale? (Neuhauser et al), S56 Echocardiographic predictors of successful occlusion of atrial septal defect by transcatheter technique using the buttoned device (Reddy et al), Sl2 Heart septal defects, ventricular Clinical characteristics of left ventricular to right atrial shunt in children with isolated ventricular septal defect: not uncom mon in the color flow era (Chang et al), S20 Color Doppler echocardiographic features of left ventricular to right atrial shunt-from morphology to mechanisms (Hsieh et al), Sl3 Intrauterine echocardiographic analysis of ventricular septal de fecrs in Yucatan micropigs (Fyfe et al), SIS Ventricular septal defect size by rwo-dimensional imaging and color Doppler methods: effect on prediction of outcome (Shirali et al), S22 Heart surgery Clinical usefulness of intraoperative atrial pacing and trans esophageal echocardiography in detection of ischemic myo cardial segments during coronary surgery (Sobol et al), S47 Is intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography during re
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography May-June 1994
pair of congenital cardiac defects cost-effective? (Stevenson et al), SS Heart transplantation Diastolic mitral regurgitation and severe tricuspid regurgitation as a cause of low cardiac output and hypotension early after heart transplantation (Ziady et al), S59 Echocardiographic correlates of vascular rejection in pediatric heart transplantation (Tani et al), S23 Echocardiographic indices of rejection in transplanted hearts (Mather et al), S59 Effect of transplant heart rejection and its treatment on systolic and diastolic left ventricular function as assessed by rwo dimensional and Doppler echocardiography (Fan et al), S59 The left anterior descending coronary artery in transplant pa tients: morphological features as revealed by high-frequency transthoracic echocardiography (Faletra et al), S45 Non-invasive evaluation ofdonor and native heart systolic func tion in patients with heterotopic heart transplantation: a lon gitudinal followup study (Ziady et al), S65 Transplant coronary artery disease: intracoronary and transthor acic coronary ultrasound imaging (Cohn et al), S65 Heart valve prosthesis Aortic bioprosthetic valve resistance is a measure of the actual valve orifice area (Strom et al), S55 Comparison of intraoperative transesophageal and postopera tive transthoracic Doppler derived pressure gradients across prosthetic valves (Fan et al), S46 Doppler echocardiographic assessment of malfunctioning pros thetic valves in the mitral position--differentiation ofstenosis from regurgitation (Fan et al), S55 Doppler echocardiographic evaluation of cryopreserved human aortic valves in the early postoperative period (Wiener et al), S54 Echo-Dopplercardiographic calculation of resistance of normal aortic pericardia! bioprosthetic valves (Strom et al), Sl2 Echocardiographic-Doppler predictors of outcome after aortic valve replacement in patients with aortic stenosis and left ventricular dysfunction (Connolly et al), SSI Echocardiographic quantitation of the opening disk motion of Bjork-Shiley mitral prostheses (Pu et al), S65 Effective flow areas ofbileaflet mechanical mitral valves: studies in an in vitro pulsatile flow system and in a chronic animal model (Shandas et al), Sll Evaluation of prosthetic mitral valve regurgitation by transthor acic echocardiography: Do all patients need transesophageal echocardiography? (Salazar et al), S55 Hemodynamic characterization of prosthetic aortic valve func tion by exercise Doppler echocardiography (Dressler et al), S8 Impact of pressure recovery on Doppler gradienrs obtained by selective sampling of central and side orifice velocities in mitral St. Jude valves: a clinical study (Vandervoort et al), Sll Increased diastolic chamber stiffness occurs frequently after aor tic valve replacement for aortic stenosis (McKenney et al), S49 Stress Doppler assessment of aortic valve prostheses: treadmill exercise vs dobutamine (Dressler et al), S54 Heart valves, anatomy Range of normal valve annulus size in neonates: a rwo-dimen sional echocardiographic study (Tacy et al), S24 Heart ventricle Early development of sphericiry in active myocarditis: associa tion with left ventricular volume and function (Mendes et al), S39 Evaluation of right ventricular function by RV DP/DT: im portance of normalizing for R V systolic pressure (Garcia et al), S46
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography Volume 7 Number 3 Part 2
Gender associated differences in left ventricular size and function in asymptomatic aortic stenosis (Legget et al), SSO Initial clinical application of three-dimensional echocardiogra phy to reconstruct aneurysmal left ventricles (Jiang et al), S42 Low correlation between changes in myocardial wall thickness and endocardial wall motion as detected in 2-D echocardi ography (Buch et al), S36 Omniplane three-dimensional reconstruction of the left ventri cle from an anterior and inferior approach for transthoracic imaging: in vitro validation (Jiang et al), S43 2-D echocardiographic estimation ofleft ventricular mass: com parison to postmortem LV mass measurements (Park et al), S65 Hemodynamics Echo-Doppler derived hemodynamic parameters in ischemic versus normal patients during incremental dobutarnine in fusion (Movsowitz et al), S8 How reliable is flow reversal as an independent indicator of severe mitral regurgitation? Hydrodynamics of pulmonary venous flow reversal (Grimes et al), S9 Noninvasive estimation ofhemodynamic profile in patients with congestive heart failure using Doppler parameters of pul monary venous flow velocity partems (Lee et al), S36 Transthoracic Doppler echocardiographic measurements of pul monary venous flow velocity partems: comparison with transesophageal measurements (Nariyama et al), Sl5 High-frequency transthoracic echocardiography; see Echocar diography, transthoracic Holography True three-dimensional delineation of aortic tree and aortic dis eases using multiplexed, transmission holography from to mographic echocardiographic data: experimental srudies (Vannan et al), S3 Hypercholesterolemia Intravascular ultrasound to assess restenosis following PTCA in hypercholesterolemic pigs (Nlinez et al), S28 Hypertension Mechanism of an increase in early diastolic mitral flow velocity due to sublingual administration of nifedipine in hyperten sive patients (Nagano et al), S40 A neural network model for predicting echocardiographic data from non-invasive pressure waveform analysis in hyperten sive patients (Mensah et al), S62 Prediction of changes in cardiac output associated with preload reduction in hypertensive heart failure patients with normal systolic function (Nagano et al), S40 Hypertrophy, left ventricular; see also Heart hypertrophy Characterization of pressure overload remodeling in vivo using high resolution echocardiography (Fontanet et al), S40 Dynamic three-dimensional echocardiographic evaluation ofthe impact of ventricular endoaneurysmorrhaphy on regional and global left ventricular size, shape, and function in patients with left ventricular aneurysm (Tardif et al), S33 Echocardiographic left ventricular mass and coronary artery cal cification by ultrafast computed tomography (Wong et al), S62 Influence of left ventricular hypertrophy on accuracy of dobut arnine stress echocardiography for detection of coronary ar tery disease (Smart et al), Sl8 Left ventricular hypertrophy in renal insufficiency (Ross et al), S6l Mechanism of mitral regurgitation in hypertrophic cardiomy opathy: clinical and experimental findings (Schwammenthal et al), S9 New insights into the reduction of mitral valve systolic anterior motion after septal myectomy in hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (Nakatani et al), S9 Total anomalous pulmonary venous rerum: prognostic value of
Subject index
left ventricular size for surgical outcome. An echocardio graphic srudy (Rodriguez et al), S2l Transthoracic color and pulsed Doppler assessment of coronary artery flow in children (Jureidini et al), S26 2-D echocardiographic estimation ofleft ventricular mass: com parison to postmortem LV mass measurements (Park et al), S65 Hypertrophy, right ventricle Reconstruction of intracardiac ultrasound images can accurately measure right ventricular free. wall mass: in vivo and in vitro validation (Chen et al), S2 Hypertrophy, right ventricular; see also Heart hypertrophy Hypoplastic left heart syndrome; see Heart defects, congenital Hypotension Diastolic mitral regurgitation and severe tricuspid regurgitation as a cause of low cardiac output and hypotension early after heart transplantation (Ziady et al), S59 I
Image enhancement, computer-assisted Digital analysis of myocardial contrast echocardiography: to wards standardization (Alazian et al), S3l Evaluation of chest pain in the emergency department: Can digital echocardiography substirute for routine videotape analysis? (Mohler et al), S66 Image interpretation, computer-assisted Assessment of aortic elastic properties using transesophageal echocardiography with automated border detection (Cholley et al), S44 Comparison of ultrasound densitometric analysis between an on-line digital acquisition acoustic program and an off-line analog program (Fernandez et al), Sl4 Delineation of extended lengths of coronary arteries with trans thoracic echocardiographic imaging using new views pro vided by a semiautomatic multiplane imaging probe (Cao et al), Sl4 Digital image independent M -mode display: a new analysis tool for echocardiography and ultrafast cine computed tomo graphy (Behrenbeck et al), S43 Left atrial pressure-area relationship obtained by automated border detection (Keren et al), S42 A new semi-automatic four dimensional reconstruction system using digital real time two-dimensional echocardiography to detertnine left ventricular volume (Hsieh et al), S44 Infant, newborn Posmatal echocardiographic follow-up of primary cardiac ru mors detected in utero (Dhar et al), S60 Innominate vein; see Brachiocephalic veins Inotropics; see Cardiotonic agents Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus; see Diabetes mellitus, ju venile-onset Integrated backscatter; see Backscatter lntracardiac ultrasonography Angulation of the catheter determines the accuracy of intracar diac echocardiography (Padial et al), S44 Intracardiac ultrasound guidance of radiofrequency ablation procedures: preliminary experience (Segar et al), S42 Reconstruction ofintracardiac ultrasound images can accurately measure right ventricular free wall mass: in vivo and in vitro validation (Chen et al), S2 Transplant coronary artery disease: intracoronary and transthor acic coronary ultrasound imaging (Cohn et al), S65 Intraoperative ultrasonography Angulation of the catheter determines the accuracy of intracar diac echocardiography (Padial et al), S44 Clinical usefulness of intraoperative atrial pacing and trans esophageal echocardiography in detection of ischemic myo cardial segments during coronary surgery (Sobol et al), S47 Comparison of intraoperative transesophageal and postopera
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography May-June 1994
Subject index
Intraoperative ultrasonography-cont'd rive transthoracic Doppler derived pressure gradients across prosthetic valves (Fan et a!), 546 Compression ofanomalous vascular structures by intraoperative TEE in infants and children (Frommelt et a!), 558 Integration ofintraoperative transesophageal echocardiography images into a multimedia patient record (Perrino et a!), 550 Intracardiac ultrasound guidance of radiofrequency abla tion procedures: preliminary experience (Segar et a!), 542 Intraoperative three-dimensional echocardiography: (1) de scription of methods, (2) application in the assessment of dynamic cardiac anatomy and (3) utility in the quantitation of ventricular fimction (Pandian et a!), 544 Is intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography during re pair of congenital cardiac defects cost-effective? (Stevenson eta!), 55 Reconstruction ofintracardiac ultrasound images can accurately measure right ventricular free wall mass: in vivo and in vitro validation (Chen eta!), 52 Regurgitation of cardioplegic solution through normal aortic valves reduces effective cardioplegia effect: an additional ap plication ofintraoperative transesophageal echocardiography (Stevenson et a!), 547 Intrauterine diagnosis; see Prenatal diagnosis Intravascular ultrasonography Detection of thrombi by intravascular ultrasound: determinants of echogenicity (Chan eta!), 528 The effect of deconvolution of the time-activity curve on mean myocardial transit rate of an intravascular tracer ( Jayaweera eta!), 532 Effect of nitroglycerine on the distensibility of normal and ath erosclerotic coronary arteries assessed by intravascular ultra sound (Ge et a!), 527 The influence of acoustic impedance mismatch on Doppler ul trasound spectra in a model ofcoronary artery stenosis (Chat zimavroudis et a!), 527 Intravascular ultrasound catheter evaluation of the left ventricle in mice: a feasibility study (Gardin et a!), 528 Intravascular ultrasound delineates mechanisms for angio graphic underestimation of residual coronary artery narrow ing following angioplasty and atherectomy (Porter eta!), 527 Intravascular ultrasound to assess restenosis following PTCA in hypercholesterolemic pigs (Nlinez et a!), 528 Intravenous Albunex improves the reproducibility of left ven tricular volume measurements during dobutamine stress echocardiography (Marcovitz et a!), 535 Non-invasive determination of ejection fraction by contrast echocardiography: an in vivo correlation with ventriculo graphy (Schroder et a!), 535 Qualitative echocardiographic assessment of myocardial per fusion following intravenous contrast agent injections: per formance assessment of an automated technique (Webster et a!), 533 Time-sequential and dose-dependent effects of coronary dilators on human coronary conduit and resistance ar teries: assessment with simultaneous intravascular two dimensional and Doppler ultrasound (Sakuma et a!), 527 Irradiation; see Radiation
Juvenile-onset diabetes mellitus; see Diabetes mellitus, juve nile-onset K
Kidney transplantation Evaluation of patients with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
prior to kidney and/or pancreas transplantation using do butamine stress echocardiography (Bates eta!), 519 L
Left atrial appendage flow velocity; see Blood flow velocity Left superior vena cava, persistent; see Heart defects, congen ital Left ventricular ejection fraction; see Stroke volume Left ventricular function; see Ventricular function, left Left ventricular hypertrophy; see Hypertrophy, left ventricular Liver diseases Frequency of intrapulmonary right to left shunt detected by contrast echocardiography in advanced liver disease (Kures eta!), 563 M
M-mode echocardiography; see Echocardiography, M-mode Magnetic resonance imaging Echocardiography and magnetic resonance imaging after sur gery for acute type A aortic dissection (Morea et a!), 561 Three-dimensional echocardiography: validation of volume de termination by magnetic resonance imaging in patients with abnormal ventricular geometry (Schnellbaecher eta!), 52 Transesophageal echocardiography is betrer than magnetic res onance imaging for the follow up ofthoracic aortic dissection (Masani et a!), 559 Mediastinum, blood supply Compression ofanomalous vascular structures by intraoperative TEE in infants and children (Frommelt eta!), 558 Microbubbles; see Microspheres Microcapsules; see Capsules Microspheres Albunex®> microspheres and left ventricular contractility: load and heart rate independent analysis using an isolated rabbit heart (Mor-Avi et a!), 534 Altering microbubble gas solubility and diffusivity significantly improves left ventricular videointensity ofsonicated dextrose albumin microbubbles (Porter eta!), 530 Beat frequency analysis can detect ultrasonic contrast agent mi crospheres at concentrations below those detectable by vi deointensity (Pretlow et a!), 532 Contrast echocardiography: influence of mixing conditions and pressurization on pixel intensity and microsphere size of Al bunex solutions in vitro (Ota et a!), 532 Does a negative microbubble test during transesophageal echo cardiography exclude a patent foramen ovale? (Neuhauser et a!), 556 The effect of deconvolution of the time-activity curve on mean myocardial transit rate of an intravascular tracer (Jayaweera eta!), 532 Effects of left ventricular pressure on Albunex®> microspheres: evaluation using an isolated rabbit heart model (Mor-Aviet a!), 529 Myocardial contrast echocardiography: safety ofFS069, a new transpulmonary echocardiographic contrast agent (Meza et a!), 536 Myocardial contrast echocardiography: successful transpulmon ary myocardial opacification in a canine model of occlusion reperfusion (Meza et a!), 52 Stability of Albunex®> microspheres under ultrasonic irradia tion: an in vitro study (Mor-Avi et a!), 529 Mitral valve Assessment of mitral annular velocity using Doppler tissue im aging: comparison with mitral inflow velocity (Rodriguez et a!), 541 Comparison of alternative models of transmitral flow to each other and to the Doppler E-wave (Nudelman and Kovacs), 564 Doppler-echocardiographic assessment of long-term progres
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography Volume 7 Number 3 Part 2
sion of mitral stenosis in 103 patients: valve area and right heart disease (Sagle et al), S6 Effect of AV interval on amplitude and duration of mitral 'A' and pulmonary vein 'AR' wave (Pai and Pai), S37 The effect of left ventricular systolic function on mitral leaflet motion is not mediated by chordal traction (Dent et al), S9 Effective flow areas ofbileafiet mechanical mitral valves: studies in an in vitro pulsatile flow system and in a chronic animal model (Shandas et al), Sll Effects of aging on duration of pulmonary venous flow atrial reversal flow velocity and mitral A wave: a new index of diastolic function (Klein et al), S38 Impact of pressure recovery on Doppler gradients obtained by selective sampling of central and side orifice velocities in mitral St. Jude valves: a clinical study (Vandervoort et al), Sll Inaccuracy of Doppler pressure half-time after percutaneous mitral balloon valvuloplasty is directly related to valve area (Abascal et al), S6 Mechanism of an increase in early diastolic mitral flow velocity due to sublingual administration of nifedipine in hyperten sive patients (Nagano et al), S40 Mitral valve area calculations immediately before and after per cutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty: simultaneous com parison of Gorlin to echo Doppler methods (Klarich et al),
Relative durations of transmittal flow velocity 'A' wave and left ventricular outflow tract 'Ar' wave are related to left ventricular diastolic pressure (Pai and Shah), S37 Transesophageal echocardiography in patients with endocarditis limited to the mitral valve (Brode et al), S55 Mitral valve balloon valvuloplasty; see Balloon dilatation Mitral valve insufficiency Adjacent LV wall causes overestimation of regurgitant flow by the proximal convergence method in flail mitral valve (Pu et al), ss Color flow imaging overestimates the severity ofischemic/func tional mitral regurgitation (McCully et al), SlO Diastolic mitral regurgitation and severe tricuspid regurgitation as a cause of low cardiac output and hypotension early after heart transplantation (Ziady et al), S59 Doppler echocardiographic assessment of malfunctioning pros thetic valves in the mitral position--differentiation ofstenosis ftom regurgitation (Fan et al), S55 The effects ofleft ventricular systolic function on diastolic filling patterns in patients with severe mitral regurgitation (Sadan iantz et al), S52 Evaluation of ischemic mitral regurgitation during coronary artery bypass surgery by biplane transesophageal echocar diography (Nakao et al), SSO Evaluation of prosthetic mitral valve regurgitation by transthor acic echocardiography: Do all patients need transesophageal echocardiography? (Salazar et al), S55 Evolution after surgery of left ventricular function in chronic mitral regurgitation (Moreo et al), S56 How reliable is flow reversal as an independent indicator of severe mitral regurgitation? Hydrodynamics of pulmonary venous flow reversal (Grimes et al), S9 Impact of wall convergence on color Doppler quantification of mitral regurgitation in patients by the proximal convergence method (Pu et al), S6 Mechanism of mitral regurgitation in hypertrophic cardiomy opathy: clinical and experimental findings (Schwammenthal et al), S9 Mitral regurgitation is protective against left atrial but not ap pendageal thrombi (Fisher et al), S48 Mitral valve area calculations immediately before and after per cutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty: simultaneous com
Subject index
parison of Gorlin to echo Doppler methods (Klarich et al),
New insights into the reduction of mitral valve systolic anterior motion after septal myectomy in hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (Nakatani et al), S9 Pulse repetition frequency significantly alters color flow Doppler assessment of regurgitant lesions (Ross et al), S53 Should the first or second alias be used to quantiJY mitral re gurgitation by the proximal flow convergence method? In vitro assessment (Pu et al), S52 Validation of a new Doppler-echocardiographic method for quantification of mitral regurgitation (Mego et al), S52 Mitral valve prolapse Morphologic features of fossa ovalis aneurysmal membranes (Shirani et al), S48 Mitral valve regurgitation; see Mitral valve insufficiency Mitral valve stenosis Atrial thrombus in rheumatic mitral stenosis: a transesophageal echocardiographic analysis (Krauss et al), S53 Can echocardiographic assessment of the mitral valve predict clinically useful balloon dilatation? (Banning et al), S53 Comparison ofechocardiographic mitral valve area by proximal flow convergence method to area by pressure half time and planimetry in mitral stenosis (Rifkin et al), S53 Determinants of spontaneous echo contrast after percutaneous mitral valvuloplasty: implications for thromboembolic risk (Leung et al), S54 Doppler-echocardiographic assessment of long-term progres sion of mitral stenosis in 103 patients: valve area and right heart disease (Sagle et al), S6 Doppler echocardiographic assessment of malfunctioning pros thetic valves in the mitral position--differentiation ofstenosis ftom regurgitation (Fan et al), S55 Two dimensional Doppler and color Doppler echocardiography in the assessment of mitral valve area: correlation with sur gical measurements (Pezzano et al), S54 Models, statistical A neural network model for predicting echocardiographic data ftom non-invasive pressure waveform analysis in hyperten sive patients (Mensah et al), S62 Myocardial contraction Albunex®' microspheres and left ventricular contractility: load and heart rate independent analysis using an isolated rabbit heart (Mor-Avi et al), S34 Is there a relationship between left atrial appendage contractility and filling and emptying velocities of the appendage flow in patients in normal sinus rhythm? (Meric; et al), S57 Myocardial contractile reserve in asymptomatic patients with severe aortic regurgitation and preserved resting left ventric ular function (Panza et al), SlO Pathophysiologic mechanisms ofcontractile reserve during ino tropic stress in an animal ischemia model (Castello et al), Sl7 3-dimensional assessment of end-systolic wall stress (Kimball et al), S3 Myocardial infarction Additive impact of thrombolysis and patency of the infarct related artery on left ventricular dilatation after myocardial infarction (Popovic et al), S34 Can myocardial contrast echocardiography be used to determine infarct size during reflow when a residual stenosis is present in the infarct-related artery? (Villanueva and Fallon), Sl6 Evaluation of the relationship between residual stenosis of the coronary artery and ventricular remodeling in the chronic phase of myocardial infarction (Shindo et al), Sl6 Measuring the extent of dyssynergy in canine acute infarction: three-dimensional echo is superior to two-dimensional echo (Clarke et al), S45 Myocardial cyclic variation of ultrasonic integrated backscatter
Subject index
Myocardial infarction-cont'd correlates with measurements of oxidative metabolism (Dav ila-Roman eta!), Sl4 Roles of infarcted vs ischemic myocardium for predicting car diac events: late follow-up of216 patients studied by exercise echo (Lee et a!), S7 Three-dimensional echocardiographic quantitation of wall mo tion abnormality in canine acute myocardial infarction (Sap in eta!), S41 Utility of serial three-dimensional echocardiography in the study ofventricular remodeling and function in patients after first anterior myocardial infarction (Vannan eta!), S34 Ventricular remodeling after coronary artery bypass grafting of the patients with myocardial infarction (Kakurai eta!), Sl7 Myocardial ischemia Clinical usefulness of intraoperative atrial pacing and trans esophageal echocardiography in detection of ischemic myo cardial segments during coronary surgery (Sobol eta!), S47 Color Doppler M-mode assessment ofleft ventricular filling in patients during dobutarnine stress echo: A new marker to evaluate ischemia? (Ares eta!), S20 Do coronary collaterals protect against ischemia during stress echocardiography? (Yaacoub eta!), S35 Dobutarnine stress echocardiography accurately predicts func tional recovery of chronic ischemic myocardium in compar ison to positron emission tomography (Bergmann eta!), Sl8 Echo-Doppler derived hemodynamic parameters in ischemic versus normal patients during incremental dobutarnine in fusion (Movsowitz et a!), S8 Exercise-induced stunning: echocardiographic assessment of systolic and diastolic dysfunction (Masani et a!), S40 Relation between asynchronized relaxation and global diastolic function in ischemic heart disease: a digital subtraction high frame rate echocardiographic study (Kondo et a!), S42 Roles of infarcted vs ischemic myocardium for predicting car diac events: late follow-up of216 patients studied by exercise echo (Lee et a!), S7 Silent myocardial ischemia due to transesophageal echocardi ography in patients with coronary artery disease (Grasse Heitmeyer eta!), S21 Myocardial reperfusion Myocardial contrast echocardiography: successful transpulmon ary myocardial opacification in a canine model of occlusion reperfusion (Meza et a!), S2 The physiologic basis for the use of dobutamine echocardiog raphy for determining the extent of myocardial salvage after reperfusion (Sklenar et a!), Sl9 Myocarditis Early development of sphericity in active myocarditis: associa tion with left ventricular volume and function (Mendes et a!), S39 Myocardium Are patients with myocardial contusion at risk for late cardiac complications? (Karalis et a!), S60 Hemodynamic and safety characteristics ofPS-069, a new con trast agent capable of producing myocardial opacification from a venous injection (Skyba eta!), S30 Intramyocardial motion assessment by Doppler ultrasound: characteristic findings in normal subjects (Garcia et a!), Sl4 Low correlation between changes in myocardial wall thickness and endocardial wall motion as detected in 2-D echocardi ography (Buch eta!), S36 Measurement of myocardial blood volume is a preferable in dicator of microvascular reserve than measurement of cor onary blood flow: a study utilizing myocardial contrast echo cardiography (Camarano et a!), Sl6 Myocardial contrast echocardiography using a new intrave nously administered agent: relationship between perfusion
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography May-June 1994
defect and wall motion abnormality in experimental coronary artery occlusion (Dittrich et a!), S31 Myocardial cyclic variation of integrated backscatter vs. seg mental thickening: assessment by dobutarnine stress echo cardiography (Feinberg et a!), S41 Myocardial cyclic variation of ultrasonic integrated backscatter correlates with measurements of oxidative metabolism (Dav ila-Roman eta!), Sl4 Myocardial perfusion by intravenously administered novel ul trasound contrast agents in canines (Dittrich et a!), Sl6 New observations regarding QW3600, an ultrasound contrast agent capable of myocardial opacification by intravenous in jection (Kwan et a!), S30 A quantitative comparison ofDoppler tissue imaging and pulse echo M-mode myocardial images (Fleming eta!), S43 Transmural perfusion patterns within the human cardiac cycle (Saldivar eta!), Sl7 Ultrasonic tissue characterization based on 2D integrated back scatter images: quantitative scattering of normal, hypertro phic, and asynergic myocardial segments (Feinberg et a!), S45 N Neural network model; see Models, statistical Nifedipine Mechanism of an increase in early diastolic mitral flow velocity due to sublingual administration of nifedipine in hyperten sive patients (Nagano et a!), S40 Nitroglycerin Effect of nitroglycerine on the distensibility of normal and ath erosclerotic coronary arteries assessed by intravascular ultra sound (Ge et a!), S27 Noise Fourier filtration to smooth acoustic quantification endocardial borders: Should polar or cartesian coordinates be used? (Gar cia et a!), S3
0 Observer variation Do changes in size and shape of the region of interest influence quantitative measures of myocardial contrast echocardio graphy? (Klein et a!), S31 p Pacemaker, artificial Clinical usefulness of intraoperative atrial pacing and trans esophageal echocardiography in detection of ischemic myo cardial segments during coronary surgery (Sobol eta!), S47 Effect of AV interval on amplitude and duration of mitral 'N and pulmonary vein 'AR' wave (Pai and Pai), S37 Pain measurement Evaluation of chest pain in the emergency department: Can digital echocardiography substitute for routine videotape analysis? (Mohler eta!), S66 Pancreas transplantation Evaluation of patients with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus prior to kidney and/or pancreas transplantation using do butarnine stress echocardiography (Bates eta!), Sl9 Patent foramen ovale; see Heart septal defects, atrial Patient records; see Records Percutaneous balloon valvuloplasty; see Balloon dilatation Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty; see Angio plasty, balloon Pericarditis, restrictive Does rapid volume loading during transesophageal echocardi ography differentiate constrictive pericarditis from restrictive cardiomyopathy? (Klein eta!), S38 Peripheral intravenous injections; see Contrast media Persistent left superior vena cava; see Heart defects, congenital
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography Volume 7 Number 3 Part 2
Physician's practice patterns The clinical utilization of echocardiograms (Sundaram et al), S63 Positron emission tomography; see Tomography, emission computed Predictive· value of tests Echocardiography and magnetic resonance imaging after sur gery for acute type A aortic dissection (Moreo et al), S6I A neural network model for predicting echocardiographic data from non-invasive pressure waveform analysis in hyperten sive patients (Mensah et al), S62 Prediction of coronary artery disease from measurement of in timal thickness of descending thoracic aorta using trans esophageal echocardiography (Tanimoto et al), S36 The Value of Transesophageal Echo (V.O.T.E.) Multi-center Study: preliminary results in the Ist 2000 pa tients (Goldman et al), SS6 Prenatal diagnosis Intrauterine echocardiographic analysis of ventricular septal de fects in Yucatan micropigs (Fyfe et al), SIS Postnatal echocardiographic follow-up of primary cardiac tu mors detected in utero (Dhar et al), S60 Proximal Bow convergence method; see Echocardiography, Doppler Proximal isovelocity surface area; see Pulsatile Bow Pulmonary artery Echocardiographic estimation ofpulmonary artery systolic pres sure revisited (Dressler et al), SIS Pulmonary circulation Echocardiographic estimation ofpulmonary artery systolic pres sure revisited (Dressler et al), SIS Effects of aging on duration of pulmonary venous flow atrial reversal flow velocity and mitral A wave: a new index of diastolic function (Klein et al), S38 Frequency of intrapulmonary right to left shunt detected by contrast echocardiography in advanced liver disease (Kures et al), S63 Noninvasive estimation ofhemodynamic profile in patients with congestive heart failure using Doppler parameters of pul monary venous flow velocity patterns (Lee et al), S36 Regional pulmonary blood flow assessment with pulmonary venous transesophageal Doppler echocardiography (Mc Kenney et al), S49 Total anomalous pulmonary venous return: prognostic value of left ventricular size for surgical outcome. An echocardio graphic study (Rodriguez et al), S2I Transthoracic Doppler echocardiographic measurements ofpul monary venous flow velocity patterns: comparison with transesophageal measurements (Nariyama et al), SIS Pulmonary insufficiency How reliable is flow reversal as an independent indicator of severe mitral regurgitation? Hydrodynamics of pulmonary venous flow reversal (Grimes et al), S9 Pulmonary veins Effect of AV interval on amplitude and duration of mitral 'A' and pulmonary vein 'AR' wave (Pai and Pai), S37 Effects of aging on duration of pulmonary venous flow atrial reversal flow velocity and mitral A wave: a new index of diastolic function (Klein et al), S38 Noninvasive estimation ofhemodynamic profile in patients with congestive heart failure using Doppler parameters of pul monary venous flow velocity patterns (Lee et al), S36 Pulsatile Bow Accuracy of a hemispherical model to calculate stroke volume using a proximal isovelocity surface area method: an in-vitro pulsatile flow analysis (Manduley et al), SS Advantage of a parallel processing system to measure color Doppler flow convergence at low Nyquist limits: an in vitro pulsatile flow study (Nozaki et al), S6
Subject index
Assessment of aortic regurgitation using color Doppler in "proximal flow convergence" region (Yamachika et al), SS2 Assessment of mitral annular velocity using Doppler tissue im aging: comparison with mitral inflow velocity (Rodriguez et al), S4I Assessment of trans-myocardial velocities by Doppler tissue im aging: validation in normal subjects (Donovan et al), S46 Comparison of alternative models of transmittal flow to each other and to the Doppler E-wave (Nudelman and Kovacs), S64 Comparison of diastolic filling parameters by transthoracic and transesophageal Doppler echocardiography (Jue et al), SS7 Comparison of echocardiographic mitral valve area by proximal flow convergence method to area by pressure half time and planimetry in mitral stenosis (Rifkin et al), SS3 Doppler analysis of flow patterns in the ductus arteriosus of infants with single ventricle and critical aortic outflow ob struction (Rychik et al), S2S Echocardiographic and cardiac Doppler assessment of mice (Pollick et al), S64 Effective flow areas ofbileafiet mechanical mitral valves: studies in an in vitro pulsatile flow system and in a chronic animal model (Shandas et al), Sll Effects of aging on duration of pulmonary venous flow atrial reversal flow velocity and mitral A wave: a new index of diastolic function (Klein et al), S38 Flow rurbulence affects the duration of echo contrast agents: quantitative light scattering studies (Cape et al), SIS How reliable is flow reversal as an independent indicator of severe mitral regurgitation? Hydrodynamics of pulmonary venous flow reversal (Grimes et al), S9 Impact of wall convergence on color Doppler quantification of mitral regurgitation in patients by the proximal convergence method (Pu et al), S6 Intramyocardial motion assessment by Doppler ultrasound: characteristic findings in normal subjects (Garcia et al), SI4 Is there a relationship between left atrial appendage contractility and filling and emptying velocities of the appendage flow in patients in normal sinus rhythm? (Merit; et al), SS7 Persistence ofechocardiographic contrast agents: effects of pul satile pressure (Padial et al), S28 Pulse repetition frequency significantly alters color flow Doppler assessment of regurgitant lesions (Ross et al), SS3 A quantitative comparison ofDoppler tissue imaging and pulse echo M-mode myocardial images (Fleming et al), S43 Should the first or second alias be used to quantifY mitral re gurgitation by the proximal flow convergence method? In vitro assessment (Pu et al), SS2 Transatrial diastolic flow velocity wave transit time in the right atrium is a measure of right atrial pressure (Jintapakorn et al), S37 Transthoracic color and pulsed Doppler assessment ofcoronary artery flow in children (Jureidini et al), S26 Turbulent/viscous interactions in the vicinity of aortic stenosis: application to Doppler assessment of pressure gradients (Cape et al), SU Ultrasound contrast effects: pressure and velocity measurements (Bhoopalam et al), S29 Why does the aortic root move anteriorly during systole: the relationship between blood flow and motion (Cao et al), S64 QW3600; see Contrast media
Radiation Stability of Albunex®' microspheres under ultrasonic irradia tion: an in vitro study (Mor-Avi et al), S29
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography May-June 1994
Subject index
Radio waves The evaluation of myocardial function and perfusion using con trast enhanced integrated backscatter smdies (Moran et al), 533 The priority of radio frequency signals to echo-brightness in evaluating myocardial contrast enhancement (Takamoto et al), 533 Radiofrequency ablation; see Catheter ablation Radionuclide ventriculography Non-invasive detettnination of ejection fraction by contrast echocardiography: an in vivo correlation with ventriculo graphy (Schroder et al), 535 Random noise; see Noise Records Integration of intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography images into a multimedia patient record (Perrino et al), 550 Referral and consultation Changing referral patterns for stress echocardiograrns are not due to self-referral from cardiology (Falcone et al), 535 Regional blood flow Regional pulmonary blood flow assessment with pulmonary venous transesophageal Doppler echocardiography (Mc Kenney et al), 549 Rejection of graft; see Graft rejection Renal failure, end-stage; see Kidney failure, chronic Reperfusion Myocardial contrast echocardiography: successful transpulmon ary myocardial opacification in a canine model of occlusion reperfusion (Meza et al), 52 The physiologic basis for the use of dobutamine echocardio graphy for determining the extent ofmyocardial salvage afrer reperfusion (Sklenar et al), 519 Reproducibility of results Do changes in size and shape of the region of interest influence quantitative measures of myocardial contrast echocardio graphy? (Klein et al), 531 Intravenous Albunex improves the reproducibility of lefr ven tricular volume measurements during dobutamine stress echocardiography (Marcovitz et al), 535 Measurement yield and reproducibility of key M-mode and Doppler echocardiographic variables in the elderly (Ren et al), 561 Restrictive cardiomyopathy; see Cardiomyopathy, restrictive Rheumatic heart disease Atrial thrombus in rheumatic mitral stenosis: a transesophageal echocardiographic analysis (Krauss et al), 553 Right ventricular free wall mass; see Hypertrophy, right ven tricle
St. Jude prosthesis Comparison of intraoperative transesophageal and postopera tive transthoracic Doppler derived pressure gradients across prosthetic valves (Fan et al), 546 Impact of pressure recovery on Doppler gradients obtained by selective sampling of central and side orifice velocities in mitral St. Jude valves: a clinical smdy (Vandervoott et al),
SHU 508; see Contrast media Signal processing, computer-assisted Assessment of aottic elastic propetties using transesophageal echocardiography with automated border detection (Cholley et al), 544 Automated endocardial border detection in sequences of echo cardiograms (Bosch et al), 539 Comparison of ultrasound densitometric analysis between an on-line digital acquisition acoustic program and an off-line analog program (Fernandez et al), 514
Left atrial pressure-area relationship obtained by automated border detection (Keren et al), 542 Pitfalls in creation of pressure-area relations by automated bor der detection (Keren et al), 562 Signal-processing, computer-assisted A new semi-automatic four dimensional reconstruction system using digital real time two-dimensional echocardiography to determine left ventricular volume (Hsieh et al), 544 Solubility Altering microbubble gas solubility and diffusivity significandy improves left ventricular videointensity of sonicated dextrose albumin microbubbles (Potter et al), 530 Sonicated dextrose albumin; see Glucose Streptokinase Additive impact of thrombolysis and patency of the infarct related attery on left ventricular dilatation afrer myocardial infarction (Popovic et al), 534 Stress echocardiography Accuracy ofexercise echocardiography for detection ofcoronary · disease in women (Anderson et al), 57 Accuracy of transesophageal dobutamine stress echocardiogra phy to detect stenoses of individual vessels in patients with coronary attery disease (Panza et al), 518 Albunex during dobutamine stress echocardiography: improved transpulmonary passage and lowered dose requirements (Rasmussen et al), 517 Albunex increases identification of left ventricular endocardial borders during dobutamine stress echocardiography (Fal cone et al), 529 Changing referral patterns for stress echocardiograms are not due to self-referral from cardiology (Falcone et al), 535 Color Doppler M-mode assessment of left ventricular filling in patients during dobutamine stress echo: A new marker to evaluate ischemia? (Ares et al), 520 Diagnostic value of measuring left ventricular isovolumic relax ation time during dobutamine stress echocardiography (Tan imoto et al), 520 Do beta blockers affect the detection of coronary attery disease by dobutamine stress echocardiography? (Levangie et al), 520 Do beta blockers alter the validity of a low dose dobutamine stress echocardiogram? (Levangie et al), 518 Do coronary collaterals protect against ischemia during stress echocardiography? (Yaacoub et al), 535 Dobutamine stress echocardiography accurately predicts func tional recovery of chronic ischemic myocardium in compar ison to positron emission tomography (Bergmann et al), 518 Dobutamine stress echocardiography in children with congen ital and acquired heatt disease (Duffy et al), 521 Echo-Doppler derived hemodynamic parameters in ischemic versus normal patients during incremental dobutamine in fusion (Movsowitz et al), 58 The effect of beta blockade on the physiologic responses to dobutamine stress echocardiography (Weissman et al), 58 Evaluation of patients with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus prior to kidney and/or pancreas transplantation using do butamine stress echocardiography (Bates et al), 519 Exercise-induced smnning: echocardiographic assessment of systolic and diastolic dysfunction (Masani et al), 540 Hemodynamic characterization of prosthetic aottic valve func tion by exercise Doppler echocardiography (Dressler et al), 58 Influence of left ventricular hypertrophy on accuracy of dobut amine stress echocardiography for detection of coronary ar tery disease (Smatt et al), 518 Intravenous Albunex improves the reproducibility of left ven tricular volume measurements during dobutamine stress echocardiography (Marcovitz et al), 535 Myocardial cyclic variation of integrated backscatter vs. seg
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography Volume 7 Number 3 Part 2
mental thickening: assessment by dobutamine stress echo cardiography (Feinberg et al), S4l Pathophysiologic mechanisms of contractile reserve during ino tropic. stress in an animal ischemia model (Castello et al), Sl7 The physiologic basis for the use of dobutamine echocardiog raphy for determining the extent of myocardial salvage after reperfusion (Sklenar et al), S 19 Quantitative approach in the analysis of pharmacological stress echocardiography (Meric;: et al), Sl9 Roles of infarcted vs ischemic myocardium for predicting car diac events: late follow-up of216 patients studied by exercise echo (Lee et al), 57 Stress Doppler assessment of aortic valve prostheses: treadmill exercise vs dobutamine (Dressler et al), S54 Transesophageal dobutamine stress echocardiography in the de tection of coronary artery disease (Frohwein et al), S7 Use of dobutamine echocardiography for detection of coronary artery disease in patients with end-stage chronic renal failure (Marwick et al), Sl9 Use of dobutamine stress echocardiography in patients with aortic stenosis, reduced left ventricular ejection fraction and low mean transvalvular gradient: preliminary experience (Pascoe et al), SS Stroke; see Cerebrovascular disorders Stroke volume Accuracy of a hemispherical model to calculate stroke volume using a proximal isovelocity surface area method: an in-vitro pulsatile flow analysis (Manduley et al), SS Are measurements of left ventricular volumes improved using transpulmonary echocontrast agents? (Aiazian et al), 534 Estimation of ventricular volumes, ejection fraction and cardiac output by automated acoustic quantification using transthor acic multiplane echocardiography in single ventricular mor phology (Cao et al), 525 Intravenous Albunex improves the reproducibility of left ven tricular volume measurements during dobutamine stress echocardiography (Marcovitz et al), S35 Left ventricular outflow tract geometry during echocardiogra phic assessment of stroke volume in graded head-upright tilt (Pietrasz et al), 562 Measurement of changes in left ventricular volume throughout the cardiac cycle: comparison of transesophageal echocar diographic automated border detection with conductance catheter techniques (Gorcsan et al), S38 A new semi-automatic four dimensional reconstruction system using digital real time two-dimensional echocardiography to determine left ventricular volume (Hsieh et al), S44 Noninvasive pressure-volume relations to evaluate left ventric ular function during dobutamine infusion (Katz et al), 538 Relative durations of transmittal flow velocity 'A' wave and left ventricular outflow tract 'Ar' wave are related to left ven tricular diastolic pressure (Pai and Shah), 537 Use of dobutamine stress echocardiography in patients with aortic stenosis, reduced left ventricular ejection fraction and low mean transvalvular gradient: preliminary experience (Pascoe et al), SS Volumetric estimation of cardiac output using TEE (Benson et al), S47 Sulfur hexafluoride Visually detectable myocardial uptake with peripheral intrave nous injections of sonicated dextrose albumin following in cubation and inhalation with sulfur hexafluoride (Porter and Xie), Sl Superior vena eava; see Vena eava, superior Superior vena eava, persistent left; see Heart defects, congenital Superior vena eava syndrome Superior vena cava obstruction following extracorporeal mem brane oxygenation (Zreik et al), S22
Subject index
Supraventricular tachycardia; see Tachycardia, supraventricu lar Systole Comparison of alternative models of transmitral flow to each other and to the Doppler E-wave (Nudelman and Kovacs), S64 Evaluation of right ventricular function by RV DP/DT: im portance of normalizing for R V systolic pressure (Garcia et al), S46 Exercise-induced stunning: echocardiographic assessment of systolic and diastolic dysfunction (Masani et al), S40 Non-invasive evaluation ofdonor and native heart systolic func tion in patients with heterotopic heart transplantation: a lon gitudinal followup study (Ziady et al), 565 Prediction of changes in cardiac output associated with preload reduction in hypertensive heart failure patients with normal systolic function (Nagano et al), 540 Systolic and diastolic evaluation ofpatients with hypoplastic left heart syndrome by acoustic quantitation (Kimball et al), S23 3-dimensional assessment ofend-systolic wall stress (Kimball et al), S3 Why does the aortic root move anteriorly during systole: the relationship between blood flow and motion (Cao et al), S64
T Tachycardia, supraventricular Atrial septal aneurysm: Possible mechanical cause for the ini tiation ofsupraventricular tachycardia in infants? (Dorostkar et al), S2l Telemedicine Trans-telephonic interpretation and reporting of echocardio grams using a laptop computer (Trippi et al), 563 Tetralogy of Fallot Prevalence and severity of aortic insufficiency in tetralogy of Fallot (Dhuper et al), S25 Quantitative morphometric analysis of progressive infundibular obstruction in tetralogy of Fallot: a prospective echocardio graphic study (Geva et al), Sl3 Thermodilution Contrast agent enhanced ultrasonographic determination ofcar diac output correlates well with thermodilution method (Zartner et al), S3l Thoracic aorta; see Aorta, thoracic Three-dimensional echocardiography; see Echoeardiography, three-dimensional Thromboembolism Embolic risk in patients with atrial fibrillation: the role of left atrial appendage flow velocity (LAAFV), measured during transesophageal echo, in identifying those at. highest risk (Pearson et al), 54 Left atrial appendage flow velocity (LAAFV) measured by transesophageal echocardiography (TEE): a potential marker for identifying patients at increased risk of thromboembolic events (Pearson et al), S4 Thrombolytic therapy Additive impact of thrombolysis and patency of the infarct related artery on left ventricular dilatation after myocardial infarction (Popovic et al), S34 Thrombosis Atrial thrombus in rheumatic mitral stenosis: a transesophageal echocardiographic analysis (Krauss et al), S53 Detection ofthrombi by intravascular ultrasound: determinants of echogenicity (Chan et al), S28 Determinants of spontaneous echo contrast after percutaneous mitral valvuloplasty: implications for thromboembolic risk (Leung et al), S54 Left atrial appendage thrombus is not uncommon in patients with acute atrial fibrillation (Stoddard and Prince), SS7
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography May-June 1994
Subject index
Thrombosis-cont'd Mitral regurgitation is protective against left atrial but not ap pendageal thrombi (Fisher et a!), S48 Thrombus; see Thrombosis Tomography, emission-computed Dobutamine stress echocardiography accurately predicts func tional recovery of chronic ischemic myocardium in compar ison to positron emission tomography (Bergmann eta!), Sl8 Tomography, x-ray computed Digital image independent M-mode display: a new analysis tool for echocardiography and ultrafast cine computed tomo graphy (Behrenbeck eta!), S43 Echocardiographic left ventricular mass and coronary artery cal cification by ultrafast computed tomography (Wong eta!), S62 Total anomalous pulmonary venous return; see Heart defects, congenital Transesophageal echocardiography; see Echocardiography, trans~sophageal
Translurninal coronary angioplasty, percutaneous; see Angio plasty, balloon Transplantation, heterotopic Non-invasive evaluation ofdonor and native heart systolic func tion in patients with heterotopic heart transplantation: a lon gitudinal followup study (Ziady eta!), S65 Transthoracic echocardiography; see Echocardiography, transthoracic Transthoracic windows; see Echocardiography, three-dimen sional Tricuspid valve insufficiency Clinical characteristics of left ventricular to right atrial shunt in children with isolated ventricular septal defect: not uncom mon in the color flow era (Chang eta!), S20 Diastolic mitral regurgitation and severe tricuspid regurgitation as a cause of low cardiac output and hypotension early after heart transplantation (Ziady eta!), S59 Echocardiographic estimation of pulmonary artery systolic pres sure revisited (Dressler et a!), Sl5 Enhanced tricuspid insufficiency jets by contrast echocardio graphy: comparison with unenhanced jets and implications for measurement of jet velocity (Reddy eta!), SlO Two-dimensional echocardiography; see Echocardiography, two-dimensional
V alsalva's maneuver The response of the superior vena cava to the V alsalva maneu ver-a transesophageal echocardiographic study (Jue eta!), S58 Valvuloplasty, balloon; see Balloon dilatation Vasodilatation Differences in brachial artery flow-mediated vasodilatation in risk factor matched men with and without coronary artery disease (Corretti et a!), S60 Vasodilator agents Coronary vasodilation augments myocardial contrast echocar diography after aortic root injections (Bach et a!), S32 Effect of nitroglycerine on the distensibility of normal and ath erosclerotic coronary arteries assessed by intravascular ultra sound (Ge et a!), S27 Time-sequential and dose-dependent effects ofcoronary dilators on human coronary conduit and resistance arteries: assess ment with simultaneous intravascular two-dimensional and Doppler ultrasound (Sakuma et a!), S27 Vena cavae Morphometric echocardiographic assessment ofthe innominate vein in the diagnosis of persistent left superior vena cava (Jureidini et a!), S26 The response of the superior vena cava to the V alsalva maneu
ver-a transesophageal echocardiographic study (Jue eta!), S58 Superior vena cava obstruction following extracorporeal mem brane oxygenation (Zreik et a!), S22 Ventricular-assist devices; see Heart-assist devices Ventricular ejection fraction; see Stroke volume Ventricular function, left Accuracy of transesophageal dobutamine stress echocardiogra phy to detect stenoses of individual vessels in patients with coronary artery disease (Panza et a!), Sl8 Adjacent LV wall causes overestimation of regurgitant flow by the proximal convergence method in flail mitral valve (Pu et a!), ss Albunex during dobutamine stress echocardiography: improved transpulmonary passage and lowered dose requirements (Rasmussen et a!), Sl7 Albunex increases identification of left ventricular endocardial borders during dobutamine stress echocardiography (Fal cone et a!), S29 Are measurements of left ventricular volumes improved using transpulmonary echocontrast agents? (Aiazian eta!), S34 Automated endocardial border detection in sequences of echo cardiograms (Bosch et a!), S39 Automatic border detection using acoustic quantification in the assessment ofleft ventricular volume and function in children with cardiomyopathy (Lanford et a!), S24 Characterization of pressure overload remodeling in vivo using high resolution echocardiography (Fontanet eta!), S40 Color Doppler M -mode assessment of left ventricular filling in patients during dobutamine stress echo: A new marker to evaluate ischemia? (Ares et a!), S20 Comparison of diastolic filling parameters by transthoracic and transesophageal Doppler echocardiography (Jue eta!), S57 Diagnostic value of measuring left ventricular isovolurnic relax ation time during dobutamine stress echocardiography (Tan imoto et a!), S20 Do beta blockers alter the validity of a low dose dobutamine stress echocardiogram? (Levangie eta!), Sl8 Early development of sphericity in active myocarditis: associa tion with left ventricular volume and function (Mendes et a!), S39 Echo-Doppler derived hemodynamic parameters in ischemic versus normal patients during incremental dobutamine in fusion (Movsowitz eta!), S8 Echocardiographic and cardiac Doppler assessment of mice (Pollick et a!), S64 Echocardiographic-Doppler predictors of outcome after aortic valve replacement in patients with aortic stenosis and left ventricular dysfunction (Connolly eta!), S5l Echocardiographic indices of rejection in transplanted hearts (Mather eta!), S59 Effect of AV interval on amplitude and duration of mitral 'N and pulmonary vein 'AR' wave (Pai and Pai), S37 The effect of left ventricular systolic function on mitral leaflet motion is not mediated by chordal traction (Dent et a!), S9 Effect of transplant heart rejection and its treatment on systolic and diastolic left ventricular function as assessed by two dimensional and Doppler echocardiography (Fan eta!), S59 Effects of left ventricular pressure on Albunex®' microspheres: evaluation using an isolated rabbit heart model (Mor-Avi et a!), S29 The effects ofleft ventricular systolic function on diastolic filling patterns in patients with severe mitral regurgitation (Sadan iantz et a!), S52 Estimation of ventricular volumes, ejection fraction and cardiac output by automated acoustic quantification using transthor acic multiplane echocardiography in single ventricular mor phology (Cao eta!), S25 Evaluation of the relationship between residual stenosis of the
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography Volume 7 Number 3 Part 2
coronary artery and ventricular remodeling in the chronic phase of myocardial infarction (Shindo et al), Sl6 Evolution, after surgery of left ventricular function in chronic mitral regurgitation (Moreo et al), S56 Exercise-induced stunning: echocardiographic assessment of systolic and diastolic dysfunction (Masani et al), S40 Gender associated differences in left ventricular size and function in asymptomatic aortic stenosis (Legget et al), SSO Increased diastolic chamber stiffuess occurs frequently after aor tic valve replacement for aortic stenosis (McKenney et al), S49 Influence of left ventricular hypertrophy on accuracy of dobut arnine stress echocardiography for detection of coronary ar tery disease (Smart et al), Sl8 Intraoperative three-dimensional echocardiography: (l) de scription of methods, (2) application in the assessment of dynamic cardiac anatomy and (3) utility in the quantitation of ventricular function (Pandian et al), S44 Intravascular ultrasound catheter evaluation of the left ventricle in mice: a feasibility study (Gardin et al), S28 Intravenous Albunex improves the reproducibility of left ven tricular volume measurements during dobutarnine stress echocardiography (Marcovitz et al), S35 Left ventricular geometry and chamber I midwall function in hypertrophy due to aortic valve disease (Aurigemma et al), S4l Left ventricular outflow tract geometry during echocardiogra phic assessment of stroke volume in graded head-upright tilt (Pietrasz et al), S62 Measurement of changes in left ventricular volume throughout the cardiac cycle: comparison of transesophageal echocar diographic automated border detection with conductance catheter techniques (Gorcsan et al), S38 Mechanism ofbiphasic response ofwall thickening to inotropic stimulation with graded dobutarnine infusion in the left ven tricular region with coronary artery stenosis (Chen et al), Sl Multiplane transesophageal imaging improves the accuracy of Doppler cardiac output measurements ofcritically ill patients (Feinberg et al), S58 Myocardial contractile reserve in asymptomatic patients with severe aortic regurgitation and preserved resting left ventric ular function (Panza et al), SlO Myocardial contrast echocardiography using a new intrave nously administered agent: relationship between perfusion defect and wall motion abnormality in experimental coronary artery occlusion (Dittrich et al), S3l A new index for left ventricular relaxation independent of pseu donormalization obtained by color M-mode Doppler echo cardiography (Takatsuji et al), S37 A new semi-automatic four dimensional reconstruction system using digital real time two-dimensional echocardiography to determine left ventricular voli.une (Hsieh et al), S44 Non-invasive determination of ejection fraction by contrast echocardiography: an in vivo correlation with ventriculo graphy (Schroder et al), S35 Non-invasive evaluation ofdonor and native heart systolic func tion in patients with heterotopic heart transplantation: a lon gitudinal followup study (Ziady et al), S65 Noninvasive pressure-volume relations to evaluate left ventric ular function during dobutarnine infusion (Katz et al), S38 Omniplane three-dimensional reconstruction of the left ventri cle from an anterior and inferior approach for transthoracic imaging: in vitro validation (Jiang et al), S43 Pathophysiologic mechanisms ofcontractile reserve during ino tropic stress in an animal ischemia model (Castello et al), Sl7 The physiologic basis for the use of dobutamine echocardio graphy for determining the extent ofmyocardial salvage after reperfusion (Sklenar et al), Sl9
Subject index
Quantitative approach in the analysis of pharmacological stress echocardiography (Meri~ et al), Sl9 Relation ofmass/volume ratio to EKG abnormalities and symp toms in children with aortic stenosis/insufficiency (Li et al), S26 The relationship between end systolic wall stress and velocity offiber shortening in asymptomatic aortic stenosis: effect on outcome (Legget et al), S5l Relative durations of transmitral .flow velocity 'A' wave and left ventricular outflow tract 'Ar' wave are related to left ven tricular diastolic pressure (Pai and Shah), S37 Structural and histological recovery of the left ventricle after chronic unloading with the implantable left ventricular assist device (Nakatani et al), S39 Systolic and diastolic evaluation ofpatients with hypoplastic left heart syndrome by acoustic quantitation (Kimball et al), S23 3-dimensional assessment of end-systolic wall stress (Kimball et al), S3 Three-dimensional echocardiographic quantitation of wall mo tion abnormality in canine acute myocardial infarction (Sapin et al), S4l Three-dimensional echocardiography: validation of volume de termination by magnetic resonance imaging in patients with abnormal ventricular geometry (Schnellbaecher et al), S2 Three-dimensional echocardiography versus quantitative two dimensional echocardiography for assessment ofleft ventric ular ejection fraction (Gopal et al), S3 Total anomalous pulmonary venous return: prognostic value of left ventricular size for surgical outcome. An echocardio graphic study (Rodriguez et al), S2l Transthoracic Doppler echocardiographic measurements ofpul monary venous flow velocity patterns: comparison with transesophageal measurements (Nariyama et al), SIS 2-D echocardiographic estimation ofleft ventricular mass: com parison to postmortem LV mass measurements (Park eta!), S65 Use of dobutarnine stress echocardiography in patients with aortic stenosis, reduced left ventricular ejection fraction and low mean transvalvular gradient: preliminary experience (Pascoe et al), S8 Ventricular remodeling after coronary artery bypass grafting of the patients with myocardial infarction (Kakurai et al), Sl7 Volumetric estimation of cardiac output using TEE (Benson et al), S47 Ventricular function, right Doppler-echocardiographic assessment of long-term progres sion of mitral stenosis in 103 patients: valve area and right heart disease (Sagle et al), S6 Evaluation of right ventricular function by RV DP/DT: im portance of normalizing for R V systolic pressure (Garcia et al), S46 Intraoperative three-dimensional echocardiography: (l) de scription of methods, (2) application in the assessment of dynamic cardiac anatomy and (3) utility in the quantitation of ventricular function (Pandian et al), S44 Reconstruction ofintracardiac ultrasound images can accurately measure right ventricular free wall mass: in vivo and in vitro validation (Chen et al), S2 Ventricular geography; see Ventricular function, left Ventricular outfl.ow obstruction Doppler analysis of flow patterns in the ductus arteriosus of infants with single ventricle and critical aortic outflow ob struction (Rychik et al), S25 Effect of AV interval on amplitude and duration of mitral 'A' and pulmonary vein 'AR' wave (Pai and Pai), S37 Left ventricular outflow tract geometry during echocardiogra phic assessment of stroke volume in graded head-upright tilt (Pietrasz et al), S62
8106 Subject index
Ventricular outflow obstruction-c ont'd Relative durations of transmittal flow velocity 'A' wave and left ventricular outflow tract 'Ar' wave are related to left ven tricular diastolic pressure (Pai and Shah), S37 Ventricular septal defects; see Heart septal defects, ventricular Ventriculography, radionuclide; see Radionuclide ventriculo graphy Videointensity; see Densitometry Videotape recording Evaluation of chest pain in the emergency department: Can digital echocardiography substitute for routine videotape analysis? (Mohler eta!), S66
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography May-June 1994
Visual fields Comparison of transthoracic with transesophageal echocardi ography in patients with suspected embolic visual system disorders (Sochowski eta!), SS VISually detectable myocardial uptake; see Contrast media Volume overload; see Cardiac volume
Wall convergence; see Pulsatile flow Wall motion abnormality; see Ventricular function, left