Index/Volume 1, Numbers l-4,1989
Please note: numbers in parentheses
indicate issue number in Volume 1.
Authormtle A Alexander, Patricia, Pate, P. Elizabeth, Kulkowich, Jonna M., Farrell, Donna M., and Wright, Nilah L., Domain-Specific and Strategic Knowledge: Effects of Training on Students of Differing Ages or Competence, 283-325 (3). Attentional Control Systems and the Attention Deficit Disorders (ADD) (Elizabeth A. Schaughency and George W. Hynd), 423449 (4). Attributional Training and the Generalization of Reading Strategies with Under-Achieving Children (Martha Carr and John G. Borkowski), 327-341 (3).
Cerebral Hemisphere Asymmetry and Individual Differences in Cognition (Michael W. O’Boyle and Joseph B. Helllge), 7-35 (1). Cognitive Component Models for Psychometric Analogies: Conceptually Driven Versus Interactive Process Models (Susan Embretson and Lisa M. Schneider), 155-178 (2). Cognitive Processing Capacity and Learning Ability: An Integration of Two Areas (Graeme S. Halford), 125-153 (1). Conditional Learning and Brain Asymmetry: Empirical Data and a Theoretical Framework (Kenneth Hugdahl, Helge Nordby and Gerd Kvale), 385406 (4).
B Borkowski, John G., and Carr, Martha, Attributional Training and the Generalization of Reading Strategies with Underachieving Children, 327-341(3).
D Dempster, Frank N., Reflections on the Nature and Sources of Individual Differences in Learning, l-6 (1). Domain-Specific and Strategic Knowledge: Effects of Training on Students of Differing Ages or Competence Levels (Patricia Alexander, I? Elizabeth Pate, Jonna M. Kulkowich, Donna M. Farrell, and Nilah L. Wright), 283-325 (3). Donaldson, Gary and Jackson, Nancy Ewald, Precocious and Second-Grade Readers’ Use of Context in Word Identification, 255-281 (3).
C Carr, Martha and Borkowski, John G., Attributional Training and the Generalization of Reading Strategies With Under-Achieving Children, 327-341 (3). Cheung, Ping Chung, Lauer, Janice, Nicholls, John, G., and Patashnick, Michael, Individual Differences in Academic Motivation: Perceived Ability, Goals, Beliefs, and Values, 6384 (1).
E Eltinge, Elizabeth M., Robinson, Susan S., and Huba, Mary E., Literacy Concepts and Skills Among Preschoolers: The Development and Test of a Causal Path Model, 343-356 (3). Embretson, Susan and Schnieder, Lisa M., Cognitive Component Models for Psychometric Analogies: Conceptually Driven Versus Interactive Process Models, 155-178 (2). F Farrell, Donna M., Alexander, Patricia A., Pate, Elizabeth P., Kulkowich, Jonna M., and Wright, Nilah L., Domain-Specific and Strategic Knowledge: Effects of Training on Students of Differing Ages or Competence Levels, 283-325 (3). Feldman, Scott and Raninowitz, Mitchell, Using Computer Simulations to Investigate Individual Differences: A Look at an Addition Retrieval Model, 227246 (2). G Geisler-Brenstein, Elke, and Schmeck, Ronald R., Individual Differences That Affect the way Students Approach Learning, 85-124 (1). Goldman, Susan R., and Pelligrino, James W., Mental Chronometry and Individual Differences In Cognitive Processes: Common Pitfalls and Their Solutions, 203-225 (2). H Halford, Graeme, S., Cognitive Processing Capacity and Learning Ability: An Integration of Two Areas, 125-153 (1). Hellige, Joseph, B., and O’Boyle, Michael, W., Cerebral Hemisphere Asymmetry and Individual Differences in Cognition, 7-35 (1). Huba, Mary E., Robinson, Susan S., and Eltinge, Elizabeth M., Literacy Concepts and Skills Among Preschoolers:
The Development and Test of a Causal Path Model, 343-356 (3). Huettner, Marion I.S., Neurological Basis of Language and Reading, 407421(4). Hugdahl, Kenneth, Nordby, Helge and Kvale, Gerd, Conditional Learning and Brain Asymmetry; Empirical Data and a Theoretical Framework, 385406 (4). Hynd, George W., Neuropsychological Basis of Learning and Individual Differences, 367-369 (4). Hynd, George W., and Schaughency, Elizabeth A., Attentional Control Systems and the Attention Deficit Disorders (ADD), 423449 (4).
I Individual Differences in Academic Motivation Perceived Ability, Goals, Beliefs, and Values (John G. Nicholls, Ping Chung Cheung, Janice Lauer, Michael Patashnick), 63-84 (1). Individual Differences in Errors and Latenties on Cognitive Tasks (David F. Lohman), 179-202 (2). Individual Differences that Affect the Way Students Approach Learning (Ronald R. Schmeck and Elke Geisler-Brenstein), 85-124 (1). Jackson, Nancy Ewald and Donaldson, Gary, Precocious and Second-Grade Readers’ use of Context in Word Identification, 255-281 (3). Jensen, Arthur, R., Relationship Between Learning and Intelligence, The, 37-62 (1). K Kulkowich, Jonna, M., Alexander, Patricia, A., Pate, P. Elizabeth, Farrell, Donna, and Wright, Nilah L., Domain-Specific and Strategic Knowledge: Effects of Training on Students of Differing Ages or Competence Levels, 283-325 (3). Kval, Gerd, Nordby, Helge and Hugdahl, Kenneth, Conditional Learning and
Index~Volume 1
Brain Asymmetry: Empirical Data and a Theoretical Framework, 385406 (4). L Lauer, Janice, Chetmg, Ping Chung, Nicholls, John G, and Patashnick, Michael, Individual Differences in Academic Motivation Perceived Ability, Goals, Beliefs, and Values, 6384 (1). Literacy Concepts and Skills Among Preschoolers: The Development and Test of a Causal Path Model (Mary E. Huba, Susan S. Robinson, and Elizabeth M. Eltings), 343-356 (3). Lohman, David F., Individual Differences in Errors and Latencies on Cognitive Tasks, 179-202 (2). M Mental Chronometry and Individual Differences in Cognitive Processes: Common Pitfalls and Their Solutions (James W. Pellegrino and Susan R. Goldman), 203-225 (2). N Neurological Basis of Language and Reading (Marion I.S. Huettner), 407-421(4). Neurological Models of Cognitive Processing (W. Grant Willis), 371-383 (4). Neuropsychological Basis of Learning and Individual Differences (George W. Hynd), 367-369 (4). Nichols, John, G., Cheung, Ping Chtmg, Lauer, Janice, and Patashnick, Michael, Individual Differences in Academic Motivation: Perceived Ability, Goals, Beliefs, and Values, 63-84 (1). Nordby, Helge, Hugdahl, Kenneth, and Kval, Gerd, Conditional Learning and Brain Asymmetry: Empirical Data and a Theoretical Framework, 385406 (4). 0
O’Boyle, Michael W. and Hellige, Joseph B., Cerebral Hemisphere Asymmetry and
Individual Differences in Cognition, 7-35 (1). Olivarez, Arturo Jr., Stanton Harrison C. Jr., and Wilson Victor L., Psychometric Issues in “Intelligent Testing” Using the Null Hypothesis Approach, 247-254 (2). P Pate, Elizabeth P., Alexander, Patricia, A., Kulkowich, Jonna M., Farrell, Donna M., and Wright, Nilah L., Domain-Specific and Strategic Knowledge: Effects of Training on Students of Differing Ages or Competence Levels, 283-325 (3). Pellegrino, James W., and Goldman, Susan R., Mental Chronometry and Individual Differences in Cognitive Processes: Common Pitfalls and Their Solutions, 203-225 (2). Precocious and Second-Grade Readers’ use of Context in Word Identification (Nancy Ewald Jackson and Gary Donaldson), 255-281 (3). Psychometric Issues in “Intelligent Testing” Using the Null Hypothesis Approach (Victor L. Wilson, Harrison C. Stanton, and Arturo Olivarez, Jr.), 247254 (2). R Rabinowitz, Mitchell, and Feldman, Scott, Using Computer Simulations to Investigate Individual Differences: A Look at an Addition Retrieval Model, 227246 (2). Reflections on the Nature and Sources of Individual Differences in Learning (Frank N. Dempster), l-6 (1). Relationship Between Learning and Intelligence, The (Arthur R. Jensen), 37-62 (1). Relationship of Cross-Modal Memory Tasks with other Neuropsychological Measures, The ( Jeffrey H. Snow), 357365 (3). Robinson, Susan S. Huba, Mary E., and
Eltinge, Elizabeth M.m Literacy Concepts and Skills Among Preschoolers: The Development and Test of a Causal Path Model, 343-356 (3). s Schmeck, Ronald R., and Geisler-Bnmstein, Individual Differences that Affect the way Students Approach Learning, 85124 (1). Schnieder, Lisa M., and Embretson, Susan, Cognitive Component Models for Psychometric Analogies: Conceptually Driven Versus Interactive Process Models, 155-178 (2). Schaughency, Elizabeth A., and Hynd, George W., Attentional Control Systems and the Attention Deficit Disorders (ADD), 42-49 (4). Snow, Jeffrey, The Relationship of CrossModel Memory Tasks with other Neuro-Psychological Measures, 357365 (3). Stanton, Harrison C. Jr., Olivarez, Arturo Jr., and Wilson, Victor L., Psychometric Issues in “Intelligent Testing” Using the
Null Hypothesis (2).
U Using Computer Simulations to Investigate Individual Differences: A Look at an Addition Retrieval Model (Mitchell Rabinowitz and Scott Feldman), 227246 (2). W Wilson, Victor L., Stanton, Harrison C. Jr., and Olivarez, Arturo Jr., Psychometric Issues in “Intelligent Testing” Using the Null Hypothesis Approach, 247254 (2). Willis, W. Grant, Neurological Models of Cognitive Processing, 371383 (4). Wright, Nilah L., Alexander, Patricia A., Pate, Elizabeth I?, Kulkowich, Jonna M., and Farrell, Donna, M., DomainSpecific and Strategic Knowledge: Effects of Training on Students of Differing Ages or Competence Levels, 283-325 (3).