British Homeopathic Journal (2001) 90, 216–219 ß 2001 Nature Publishing Group All rights reserved 0007–0785/01 $15.00
International press abstracts The broken image of the father
digestive (Patrice Petit) and rheumatological clinical cases (Francisco Trapani and Filippo Ricciotti).
P Louis The author describes several remedies which correspond to the problem of relationships between fathers and children. Graphites has an absent father, or is afraid or fears separation. Scholten’s works are recalled: carbon means work, dignity, father. Calcarea carbonica lacks the protection of his father, and is afraid that others will not bring this protection. Magnesia carbonica was forsaken by his father, or is afraid of being forsaken by him. He feels guilty and alternates between aggression and resignation. Baryta carbonica is ashamed of having a father who is physically or mentally weak. Baryta carbonica wants to lean on someone. The main theme of Ammonium carbonicum is the resentment against the father. Silicea allows restoration of the balance between harshness and indulgence. The father of Silicea will want above all to preserve the good reputation of the family. Revue Belge 2000; 4: 18 – 41.
Cahiers de Biothe´rapie: special issue on geriatrics This special issue tackles the problems of geriatrics. Max Tetau stresses on the importance of Sulphur and Psorinum in the elderly (pp 6 – 10). Jean-Pierre Elbaz describes the particularities of the medical examination of the elderly. He tells us that homeopathic treatment is very important, because it allows older people to grow old gracefully. Also because it may alleviate the effects of excessively aggressive conventional treatment (pp 12 – 18). Didier Rougemont quotes the main neurological problems of the elderly: thrombosis, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease (pp 19 – 24). Jean-Manuel Te´tau mentions several medicines which may delay the inexorable development of Alzheimer’s disease: Arsenicum album, Aurum metallicum, Causticum, Haloperidol, Hyoscyamus, Ignatia, Lachesis, Lycopodium, Nux vomica, Staphysagria, Tarentula, Veratrum album. This issue ends with dermatological clinical cases (Patrick Piton), cardio-vascular clinical cases (Ge´rard Henri),
Cahiers de Biothe´rapie 167; December 2000 – January 2001.
When homeopathic medicines are also allergens B Poitevin The homeopathic materia medica contains medicines which are used in the treatment of allergic syndromes and of conditions likely to produce allergies. It also contains medicines which are allergens: Phleum pratense for example. Can we improve their homeopathic use by integrating data which were unknown at the time of their pathogenesis? Not only a clinical similarity but also a similarity of biological mechanism might be found. Homeopathic medicines contain allergens which give allergic reactions of different types, but some substances do not cause allergic reactions (Rhus toxicodendron for example) and this fact should incite us to challenge their effectiveness in allergic diseases. A better knowledge of the composition of some plants (Magnolia grandiflora for example) would allow us to introduce new homeopathic medicines, and would allow us to update the homeopathic materia medica. In conclusion the author recalls the homeopathic use of Histaminum, Lung histamine and Apis mellifica. L’Home´opathie Europe´enne 2000; 6: 171 – 178.
Action of sulphur pollution on the dry eye C-F Bisch In the first part, the importance of air pollution is underlined, and the causes of this pollution are quoted: urban heating systems, industry and car traffic. The chemical structure of this pollution is complex, but is particularly made up of sulphur dioxide which reacts with water to form sulphurous acid (Sulfurosum acidum). Gutman (New York, 1968) prescribed Sulfurosum acidum 30 CH in some cases of asthma and emphy-
sema. The French homeopaths, Robert, Julian and Zissu, also used it in the same type of disease, and in some digestive, ear, nose and throat (ENT), and dematological diseases. The author, who is an ophthalmologist, uses it regularly and successfully in dry eye syndrome, and in keratitis, when they are caused by pollution. In concluding the author describes dermatological symptoms (phlyctenulae with oedema) and digestive symptoms (sialorrhoea with gingivitis, and acid dyspepsia). L’Home´opathie Europe´enne 2000; 6: 188 – 190.
Petroleum for knee meniscus problems Dr Seror The author suffered from a knee meniscus lesion, which was discovered after episodes of locking of the knee. This lesion has developed into a disabling arthrosis, surgery had been advised. Symptoms of meniscus lesion can be found in the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica of TF Allen (Petroleum: symptom number 707 ‘cracking in the knee, as if a cartilage slipped, with pain on moving it’, and symptom number 710 ‘tearing in the left knee, in the evening: she could not stretch it out’). The author took Petroleum 4 CH, two pills every morning and every evening for 20 days. Thirteen years later, the author continues to practise his favourite sports and does not suffer from his knee anymore. An allopathic rheumatologist reports 70% of excellent results with Petroleum, which was prescribed systematically in all cases of painful knees, regardless of meniscus symptoms. This article ends with another clinical case, published by Horvilleur, who confirm the specificity and the efficacy of Petroleum in the cases of meniscus lesions. Cahiers du Groupement Hahnemannien 2000; 9: 340 – 349.
A comparison is made with two other sea medicines: Calcarea carbonica and Sepia. Calcarea carbonica looks for security, solidity, reliability, wants to foresee everything, and needs to respect the rules. Sepia acts on the digestive organs, whereas Murex acts on the sexual organs, with an excitation not found with Sepia. Revue Belge 2000; 4: 3 – 17.
Contribution of homeopathy to the physico-psychological unity of the human being P Marchat The author, who is a homeopath and a philosopher, tackles the question of the connections between homeopathy, conventional medicine, and psychosomatics, from an analysis of the following book: Impertinence psychosomatique, by Serge Bonfils. The human has three poles: the physical pole, the psychological pole and personality. These three poles are interdependent and the influence of one pole on the other two varies accordingly to the individual. The physical pole is studied by conventional medicine, the psychological pole by psychoanalysis. The third pole corresponds to the homeopathic notion of disease. The mistake of conventional medicine is to believe that its approach of the body exhausts the possible knowledge of the ill subject. Homeopathy allows us to go beyond the body – spirit duality, by studying this third pole, which is named by the author the ‘real-life body’. What is primordial is how the patient lives, how he reacts to himself, to his environment, and to other human beings. These reactions explain the onset of the disease. Homeopathy permits a more complex and global approach than psychological or conventional approach. L’Home´opathie Europe´enne 2001; 1: 19 – 26.
The body as metaphor P Dransart
Murex purpurea Van den Eynde Murex purpurea is an aquatic gastropod; the source of the crimson dye which was used in the Greek and Roman antiquity. The symbolism of this crimson colour is connected with the mental pathogenetic symptoms: refusal to be under control of someone, or desire to exercise the supreme power. Crimson was the colour of patricians and emperors, and consequently the symbol of conquest, of power and of justice.
Our patients often use metaphors to express their symptoms: for example, the expression ‘he couldn’t swallow it’ recalls to the author a clinical case of staphylococal sore throat following an humiliation and cured by Staphysagria. When Lachesis says ‘I am suffocating’, she (or he) implies that she suffocates her social or family circle, and that she feels suffocated by her circle. The different parts of our body have their own meaning: the head commands, the nape of the neck expresses the desire, the upper limbs mean action, the wrist brings flexibility and firmness, the hands bring British Homeopathic Journal
skill. The vertebral column allows us to stand up and face life. The lower limbs allow us to go towards others. The liver wants to possess, the colon eliminates and makes us to renounce the past. The skin not only means to become aware of the contacts with others, but also is what we would like to hide and what we display not without shame. Our whole body speaks to us, and it is a wonderful story. Cahiers du Groupement Hahnemannien 2000; 8: 283 – 291. French-language journals reviewed by P Colin
Dengue RL Dı´az Campos, SB Orioli This febrile disease is caused by a flavivirus, and the Aedes mosquito acts as a vector. The article presents an overview of the subject, dealing with clinical aspects and epidemiology obtained from the Internet, classical features and conventional treatment, traditional homeopathic treatment, and search for the genus epidemicus. The symptoms of the disease as described in the conventional and homeopathic literature were taken, and both were repertorised to give nat-m, ars, puls, lyc, eup-per, rhus-t, bell, nux-v, bry and ign as the top 10 remedies. Nat-m and puls are not listed as being indicated in dengue in classical homeopathic texts, and this may reflect a pitfall in this approach, which does not consider the totality. Other remedies used by a variety of authors are discussed, and include the following: For the initial stages: acon, bry, ipec, ars. Prostration prominent: gels. For persistent fever and eruption: bry, rhus-t. For gastric upset with nausea or flatulence: coloc, nux-v. Jaundice prominent: merc, chin, nux-v. Haemorrhages: sul-ac, ars, sec, chin, followed by ferr-c. Renal haemorrhage: canth, bell, ars. Homeopatı´a 2000; 65: 175 – 183.
Hypertension trial JL Campistrous-Lavaut et al This is an early phase II, randomised, double-blind controlled clinical trial of homeopathic treatment in essential hypertension. The trial took place in Cuba in 1996 – 1997 and involved 68 cases with mild to moderate hypertension, and selected by defined inclusion and exclusion criteria. Before the trial started, 72% of all cases did not have adequate blood pressure control. Both groups continued with their antihypertensive medication at British Homeopathic Journal
the start of the trial. Blood pressure was controlled in 68.4% of patients in the verum group during the first week of the trial (26.7% in the placebo group), and 89.4% during the whole trial (73.4% in the placebo group). The results were analysed using the w2 method, and were significant. In the verum group 63.2% of patients were able to significantly reduce their hypertensive medication. The overall success rate at the end of the trial was 82.2% in the homeopathically treated group (68.4% controlled, 15.8% improved), compared with 56.7% for the placebo group (these had their blood pressure controlled, but none improved). The top ten remedies used were: nat-m (18.4%), lach (13.1%), sulph (10.5%), lyc (13.1%), bar-c (10.5%), ars, psor, ign, sil, thuj, nux-v, gels, sep. The results suggest that homeopathic treatment was superior to placebo in the treatment of hypertension in this experimental setting. Boletı´n Mexicano 1999; 32: 42 – 47.
A case of myasthenia gravis M Mu¨ller The touching case of a 22-y-old woman, with myasthenia gravis for 10 y is described. She had been treated with high doses of corticosteroids for many years. She had had a thymectomy. She was also in long-term psychotherapy. None of these interventions seemed to have a significant effect. Her symptoms worsened at 5 pm, and like an ‘afternoon Cinderella’ had to rush home at that time, otherwise she would end up exhausted and stranded. However, she had adapted well to the limitations of her illness, and the reason for consultation was the anguish caused by her Cushingoid appearance. At the initial consultation she described (as had been explained to her) the events which took place during the dictatorship in Argentina. She was 18 months old and the police had broken down the front door of their home during a dawn raid, beaten up both parents in front of her and kidnapped them. The patient was handed to her maternal grandmother 6 months later to be cared for. The mother was released 2 y later, a broken woman, after being tortured and raped, but still wanted to look after her daughter. What upset the patient most was to be separated from her grandmother when her mother (by then a complete stranger) returned. She described these experiences with indifference, and the only outstanding symptom which could be related to them were the nightmares which she had in childhood, from which she would wake shouting and crying, but which she could never remember. Based on the following symptoms: fear of contagious diseases, poverty, and insanity, cold clammy extremities, and profuse sweat on the head, she was prescribed Calcarea carbonica 200c.
She gradually improved over months with increasing doses of calc, and despite the steady reduction in steroids. The fears disappeared and her appearance improved. She re-experienced the nightmare she had as a child and the catharsis it produced was pivotal in her recovery. Two years later she is asymptomatic and with normal exercise capacity.
Homeopathic treatment of acute otitis media in children: a preliminary randomised placebocontrolled trial J Jacobs, DA Springer, D Crothers
Boletı´n Mexicano de Homeopatı´a 2000; 33: 42 – 44.
The use of antibiotics in the initial treatment of acute otitis media is currently being questioned. Homeopathy has been used historically to treat this illness, but there have been no methodologically rigorous trials to determine whether there is a positive treatment effect. A randomised double-blind placebo-controlled pilot study was conducted in a private pediatric practice in Seattle, WA. Seventy-five children, aged 18 months to 6 y with middle ear effusion and ear pain and=or fever for no more than 36 h were entered into the study. Children received either an individualised homeopathic medicine or a placebo administered orally three times daily for 5 days, or until symptoms subsided, whichever occurred first. Outcome measures included the number of treatment failures after 5 days, 2 weeks and 6 weeks. Diary symptom scores during the first 3 days and middle ear effusion at 2 and 6 weeks after treatment were also evaluated. There were fewer treatment failures in the group receiving homeopathy after 5 days, 2 weeks and 6 weeks, with differences of 11.4, 18.4 and 19.9%, respectively, but these differences were not statistically significant. Diary scores showed a significant decrease in symptoms at 24 and 64 h after treatment in favour of homeopathy (P < 0.05). Sample size calculations indicate that 243 children in each of two groups would be needed for significant results, based on 5-day failure rates. These results suggest that a positive treatment effect of homeopathy when compared with placebo in acute otitis media cannot be excluded and that a larger study is justified.
Spanish-language journals are reviewed by G Blass
Pediatr Infect Dis J 2001; 20: 177 – 183.
Homeopatı´a 2000; 65: 323 – 327.
A case of Kartagener’s Syndrome C Mendiola-Caballero This article describes the case of an 8-y-old girl who presented with an acute exacerbation of chronic sinusitis and bronchitis. On examination she was found to have dextrocardia, and further investigations revealed situs inversus. She was treated with ars-i, and then with ipec, and two non-homeopathic preparations, Mitotane and Marmoreck over the course of 7 months. She became clinically asymptomatic. The picture suggests Kartagener’s Syndrome. It occurs as a result of a disorder of the movement of cilia in the cells lining the respiratory tract and in sperm. It leads to sinusitis, bronchiectasis, and infertility in males due to non-motile sperm. Bronchiectasis had not yet developed in this case. What is remarkable is that there should have been such a good response, as the syndrome is due to a genetic defect in the production of a protein called dynein, which is crucial in microtubule functioning and consequently ciliary movement and normal cell function.
British Homeopathic Journal