21 August to 3 September 19Y5, Island of Xpetsai, Greece
The Molecular
of Animal
The school, sponsored by NATO and EMBO, will be suitable for predootoral and for postdoctoral workers in related fields. Programme Lectures
and discussions
in English will cover the following
(1) Basio molecular biology, with emphasis on the comparison of prokaryotes eukaryotes. (2) Structure and life cycle of bacteriophage (h and Qp). (3) Struoture, life cycle and biological effects of animal viruses (polio, DNA RNA tumour viruses).
Applications should reach the Summer School Secretary, Department of Chemistry, Aarhus University, Langelandsgade 140, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark, as soon as possible (not later than 15 May 1975). They should contain a curriculum vitae, including the applicant’s scientific background and interests, and one letter of recommendation, The organizing committee : M. S. Bretscher (U.K.), B. F. C. Clark (Denmark), and A. E. Smith (U.K.).