International union for vacuum science, technique and applications

International union for vacuum science, technique and applications

International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique and Applications Union Internationale pour la Science, la Technique et les Applications du Vide Inte...

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International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique and Applications Union Internationale pour la Science, la Technique et les Applications du Vide Internationale Union der Forschung, Technik und Anwendung des Vakuums Association Scientifique Secrdtariat International : 30, Avenue de la Renaissance, Bruxelles 4, Belgique 1st Y e a r / N e w s Bulletin number 1/January-February 1965 Editor: Professor E Thomas, Secretary Genera/of the IUVSTA

Editorial The International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique and Applications deeply thanks the National Committees who will kindly undertake to reproduce the News Bulletin for their members. The Union also expresses its gratitude to the editors of periodicals devoted to vacuum science and technology who have agreed to publish the News Bulletin in English, French and German respectively. The Bulletin will be published every two months and will give information on the various activities of the Union and of its National Committees as well as any news likely to be of interest to the members of such committees or national vacuum societies as are not yet affiliated to the Union. The Bulletin will not publish any scientific or technical paper under the form of an article or Letter to the Editor; such communications are thus confined to the bulletins circulated by National Committees or to the specialized journals. It is hoped that the Bulletin will contribute to strengthening the links which exist between the Union and the Committees as well as those which exist among the Committees themselves.

1. Founding of the International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique and Applications ( I U V S T A ) The International Organization for Vacuum Science and Technology (IOVST), which was created in N a m u r on 13 June 1958 by the participants attending the First International Congress on Vacuum Techniques, had more than 600 individual or associate members belonging to 28 countries when it was transformed into a federation called the International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique and Applications. This transformation took place in Brussels on 8 December 1962 at a general meeting which assembled representatives belonging to the National Committees of the following countries: Belgium, France, Germany (Federal Republic), Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States of America and Yugoslavia. This general meeting adopted the proposed draft statutes, fixed the registered offices of the IUVSTA in Brussels, elected the President, the two Vice-Presidents and the Members of the Executive Council for

the period 1962-1965, and determined the aims of the Scientific and Technical Council. The IUVTSA maintained the legal status which had been granted to the IOVST in compliance with Belgian law on international associations having scientific aims.

2. National committees members of I U V S T A Since 8 December 1962 three national committees have joined the ten founder committees. These are the Associazione Italiana del Vuoto, the Hungarian Vacuum National Committee and the Polish National Vacuum Committee, the provisional admission of which by the Executive Council requires to be approved by the Second General Meeting. This will take place in Stuttgart on 29 June 1965 on the occasion of the Third International Vacuum Congress. Each national committee has appointed a Secretary to take charge of the correspondence between that Committee and the Secretariat of the Union. These are as follows: Prof K Diels President of the Deutsches Nationales Komitee ftir Vakuum Gesch/iftsleitung E Leybold's Nachfolger 5 K61n-Bayental Postfach 195 Germany (Federal Republic). M R Leyniers Soci&6 Beige de Vacuologie et de Vacuotechnique (BELVAC) 30 avenue de la Renaissance Bruxelles 4 Belgium. D r L Villena Comite Espafiol de Vacio Instituto de Fisica Aplicada " L Torres Quevedo" Serrano 144 Madrid 6 Spain. Mr W H Matheson Corresponding Secretary of the American Vacuum Society, Inc/ IUVSTA

Vacuum/volume 15/number 4. Pergamon Press Ltd / Printed in Great Britain


Professor E Thomas: International union for vacuum science Box 1282 Boston 4, Mass USA. M le Pr6sident de la Soci6t6 Franqaise des Ing6nieurs et Techniciens du Vide aux bons soins de Madame J Mainier Secr6tariat Administratif 147 ter A, Boulevard de Strasbourg Nogent-sur-Marne, Seine France. D r H R Lang Secretary of the Joint British Committee for Vacuum Science and Technology 47 Belgrave Square London, SW1 United Kingdom. Dr G Szigeti Director of the Research Institute for Technical Physics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Budapest 114 Pf 1 Hungary. Dr Ing Paolo della Porta Vice-president of the Associazione Italiana del Vuoto (AIV) presso F A S T Piazzale Morandi, 2 Milano Italy. Mr J H Makkink, Ing Secretary of the Nederlandse Vacufimvereniging (NEVAC) European Space Technology Centre (ESTEC) Mijnbouwplein 11 Delft Netherlands. Mr Stanislaw Pitkowski Warszawa Politechnika Katedra Wysokiej Pr6zni Koszykowa 75 Warszawa Poland. Prof G Brogren Institutionen f6r Fysik II Chalmers Tekniska H6gskola Gibraltargatan 5B G6teborg S Sweden. Prof M Auw~irter Aktuar Schweizerische Gesellschaft ffir Vakuum-Physik und -Technik (SGV) c/o Balzers Aktiengesellschaft for Hochvakuumtechnik und dianne Schichten Balzers Principality of Liechtenstein. Dr Ing E Kansky President of the Jugoslovenski Komitet za Vakummsku Tehniku Liubljana Erjavceva 15, Yugoslavia. 3. E x e c u t i v e council

The first General Meeting decided that for the period 1962-1965 194

the Executive Council would be constituted as follows: President: Mr M W Welch (USA) 1st Vice-President: P r o f J Debiesse (France) 2nd Vice-President: Prof E Thomas (Belgium) Councillors: Mr A S D Barrett (United Kingdom), Mademoiselle M Berthaud (France), Prof G Brogren (Sweden), Professor K Diels (Germany, Federal Republic), Mr H Gruber (Germany, Federal Republic), Dr E Kansky (Yugoslavia), Professor R Mercier (Switzerland), Dr L E Preuss (USA), D r A Venema (Netherlands), Dr L Villena (Spain), Mr J Yarwood (United Kingdom). The Executive Council has so far met four times: (1) in Brussels on 8 December 1962, (2) in Frankfurt-Main on 7 June 1963, (3) in Saclay on 29 June 1964 and in Paris on 30 June, 1 and 2 July 1964, (4) in Brussels on 3 and 4 December 1964. The Executive Council appointed Professor E Thomas to the post of Secretary General and Secretary of the Scientific and Technical Council, Professor R Mercier to the post of Treasurer and Professor K Diels as President of the Scientific and Technical Council. The Council fixed the Union's programme of activity and the main points of this programme are: (I) Encouraging the establishment of national committees where they still do not exist. (2) Co-ordinating the activities of the national committees. (3) Creating and developing the Scientific and Technical Council. (4) Preparing a Manual of the purposes and policies of the Union. (5) Organizing the Third International Vacuum Congress. (6) Circulating news on the activities of the Union. 4. Scientific and T e c h n i c a l C o u n c i l In accordance with a suggestion by the President of the Council, four groups have been constituted for studying the following scientific and technical problems: (1) Education Chairman: Dr D A Degras 65 Boulevard du Mar6chal Joffre Bourg-la-Reine (Seine), France (2) Documentation Chairman: Ing J H Makkink ESTeC Mijnbouwplein 11 Delft, Netherlands. (3) Development of measuring methods Chairman: Mr W Steckelmacher Deputy Head Central Research Laboratory Edwards High Vacuum International Limited Manor Royal Crawley, Sussex, Great Britain. (4) Standardization Chairman: Dr W H~inlein SSW-ZEF/WE 852 Erlangen Gfinther-Scharowsky-Str 2, Germany, Federal Republic. 5. N e x t issue of the N e w s B u l l e t i n of the I U V S T A Information on the work of the Scientific and Technical Council, the activities of the National Committees, and on the Third International Vacuum Congress will be published, inter alia, in the next issue of the Bulletin.