International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique and Applications Union Internationale pour la Science, la Technique et les Applications du Vide Internationale Union der Forschung, Technik und Anwendung des Vakuums Association Scientifique Secrdtariat International : 30 avenue de la Renaissance, Bruxelles 4, Belgium 4th Y e a r / N e w s
Bulletin number 12/April 1968
Editor: Professor E T h o m a s , Secretary General of IUVSTA
1. Third General Meeting of IUVSTA (Manchester, 16 April 1968) The third general meeting of 1UVSTA was held in Manchester (Institute of Science and Technology, Renold Building) on Tuesday, 16 April 1968 from 2.30 to 5.00 pm under the chairmanship of Professor J Debiesse, president of the Union. The national committees of Belgium, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, United States of America and Yugoslavia were represented by a delegation. After the adoption of the report of the second general meeting held in Stuttgart on 30 June 1965, the admission of the Bulgarian and Japanese national committees was passed. Professor R Mercier, Treasurer, presented to the meeting the accounts for the period 1965-68 and the provisional budget for the period 1968-71. The meeting adopted the accounts and the provisional budget. The general report on the activity of the Union during the period 1965-68 and also the foreseen activity during the period 1968-71 was read by Professor E Thomas, General Secretary, and adopted by the meeting. Dr A Venema, President of the Scientific and Technical Directorate, then read the general report on the activities of the Directorate during the past three years and on the work programme to be accomplished during the period 1968-71. This report was also adopted by the meeting. The latter elected the president of the American Vacuum Society as well as Professors J Debiesse, R Mercier and E Thomas members of the Management committee of the M W Welch Foundation. The chairman of the meeting brought forward the international nature of the activities of the Union, the importance of the Welch Foundation and the Index Bibliographique du Vide. He insisted on the necessity to give greater means to the Scientific and Technical Directorate and thanked all those who have helped him to fulfill his mission. The meeting adopted the modifications to the statutes and to the by-laws that were submitted to it. Mr A S D Barrett, Miss M Berthaud, Dr D Degras, Professor K Diels, Professor E Thomas, Dr A Venema and Mr M W Welch were made honorary members.
The meeting elected as councillors for the period 1968-71: Dr H A d a m (Germany), Miss M Berthaud (France), M r S Choumoff (France), Dr P della Porta (Italy), Professor E Djakov (Bulgaria), Professor J Groszkowski (Poland), Dr L Holland (Great Britain), Dr E Kansky (Yugoslavia), Professor H Kumagai (Japan), Dr C Martin (Spain), Professor R Mercier (Switzerland), Dr R R/.ihle (Germany), Professor H W Schleuning (United States of America), Mr H A Steinherz (United States of America), Ing J Vana (Czechoslovakia), D r A Venema (Netherlands), Mr J Yarwood (Great Britain). According to the statutes, Professor J Debiesse whose presidency ended on 16 April 1968 became vice-president for the period 1968-71. Professor K Diels who was elected president-elect at the second general meeting will preside over the Union from 1968 to 1971. The meeting elected Dr L E Preuss (United States of America) as president elect for the period 1968-71. Finally, Professor K Diels praised the retiring president and promised to develop the activities of the Union along the lines of his predecessors.
2. llth and 12th Meetings of the Executive Council of IUVSTA (Manchester, 16 April 1698) The Executive Council of IUVSTA held its l l t h and 12th meetings in Manchester (Institute of Science and Technology, Renoid Building), on the occasion of the Fourth International Vacuum Congress. The first of these meetings took place on Tuesday 16 April 1968 under the chairmanship of Professor J Debiesse, retiring president of the Union. It was essentially devoted to the preparation of the third general meeting. The executive council met the same day, after the general meeting under the chairmanship of the new president, Professor K Diels. Professor E Thomas, Professor R Mercier and Mr J Yarwood were respectively re-elected Secretary General, Treasurer and Secretary to the Council for the period 1968-71. Dr A Venema and Miss Berthaud were re-elected President and Secretary of the Scientific and Technical Directorate for the same period. The Council finally inspected the Union programme of activity for the next three years. 473
News from the vacuum societies 3. Information transmitted by the national committees
3.1 Netherlands. The secretariat of the "Nederlandse Vacufimvereniging" (NEVAC) has a new address: Former address New address Mr J H Makkink, lng Mr J Schutten European Space Technology c/o F O M Instituut voor Centre Atoorn- en Environmental Testing Molecuul-Fysica Division Kruislaan 407 Mijnbouwplein, I 1 Amsterdam- Watergraafsmeer-Delft--Netherlands Netherlands 3.2 Germany. The "Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Vakuum" (DAGV) have forwarded the following summaries: A. Conference o f the "Haus der Technik"--Essen (12 March 1968): "Werkstoffe und Werkstoffeverbindungen in der VakuumTechnik'" At the opening of the conference: "Materials and assembling processes in vacuum technique" was held at the Haus der Technik at Essen on 12 March 1968, Professor Diels, scientific chairman greeted about fifty participants who had the occasion to deepen their knowledge on materials, nature of coatings and seals of all sorts in vacuum technique. The following lectures were favourably greeted and gave place to large specialized discussions: H Adam (K61n): Allgemeiner Uberblick iiber Werkstoffe der Vakuum-Technik und deren Auswahl A Wohlgroth (Romainville): Sauberkeit metallischer Oberfliichen K Verfuss (K61n): Schweissen und Hartl6ten R Blank (Hamburg) Glass-Metall- und Keramik-Metallverbindungen The organizer of this meeting may be satisfied about the success it obtained. It was an encouragement for the specialists and also an occasion for numerous discussions always important for experts. B. Course on Vacuum Technique o f the "Verein Deutscher lngenieure-Bildungswerk", Frankfurt~Main (11-16 March 1968) The course on vacuum technique that had received a favourable reception during the past four years has been once more organized this year by the "Bildungswerk" of the "Verein Deutscher Ing6nieure" ( V D I ) f r o m 11 to 16 March 1968 at Frankfurt/Main. Forty-nine participants from which eleven from foreign countries, most of them engineers, have become acquainted with practical applications in vacuum technique. Dr Ing hab Pupp was chairman of the course. He was helped by 19 specialists as professors. Lectures were given not only on fundamental data, but also on various types of vacuum pumps, their uses, vacuum systems, their supervision and their control; on measuring systems and their use; on vacuum technique application in the lamps industry, in atomic research equipment, in those of drying and impregnation; on chemical procedures in metallurgy; on evaporation technique and on simulation chambers. Practical researches, especially on leak detection, have completed the lectures in which the more recent state of researches was exposed. 474
A textbook grouping the given subjects was reserved for the participants. The "Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Vakuum" had taken the charge of the course. The next cycle of lectures is foreseen from 24 February to 1 March 1969 at the Dechema House at Frankfurt-on-Main. 3.3 Belgium Mass spectrometry and ultrahigh vacuum lecture and exhibition Brussels (27 and 28 March 1968) The "Soci6t6 Beige de Vacuologie et de Vacuotechnique" (BELVAC) organized on 27 and 28 March 1968, a series of lectures and an exhibition of equipment dealing with mass spectrometry and ultrahigh vacuum. This demonstration was held at the "Laboratoire Interuniversitaire Beige des Hautes Energies" at Brussels and about sixty participants. Presented at the exhibition were partial pressure analyzers, small spectrometers for ultrahigh vacuum and helium leak detectors available on the Belgian market. The contact group "Sciences nucl6aires et basses pressions" of the "Institut lnteruniversitaire des Sciences Nucl6aires" (IISN) and the working group "Technique du Vide" of the "Soci6t6 royale belge des Ing6nieurs et des Industriels" have taken part in the organisation of these two days. Programme o f lectures J Drowart (Universit6 Libre de Bruxelles, Laboratoire de chimie physique mol6culaire): L'analyse des gaz par spectrom#trie de masse A Frennet et G Li6nard (Chercheurs agr66s de I'IISN, Ecole Royale Militaire, Laboratoire de chimie nucl6aire, Bruxelles): L'apport de l'ultra-vide gtla spectromdtrie de masse. P No6 et M Constant (CEN, Service d'6tudes sur la s6paration des isotopes de l'uranium, Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France): L'analyse des pressions partielles dans l'ultra-vide. Equipment exhibited and communications o f firms: AEI: Ms-10 and Minimass (presented by the Soci6t6 d'Equipement Industriel Electro-M6canique (SEIEM), Paris) Two communications N R C : NRC-925-30 (presented by NRC-Europe, Paris) F L Torney and P Blum (NRC), text read by M Plaziat: Cold cathode quadrupole mass spectrometers CFTH-HB : TH-N205E (presented by HVL, Brussels) M Busserot (CFTH-HB): Description et applications d'un spectrom~tre de masse analytique Leybold-Heraeus: Ultratest, Topatron, Farvitron (presented by Leybold-Heraeus, Brussels) J Dupont (Leybold-Heraeus, Brussels): Le ddtecteur de fuites Ultratest et les appareils de mesure des pressions partielles Edwards Mod 8A (presented by Analis, Namur) Mr Strange (Edwards Instruments, Crawley, Great Britain): A mass spectrometry development programme with particular attention to 180 ° PPA and 60 ° residual gas analyzer Riber QML-51 (presented by Riber, Paris) These two days ended with a cocktail party given for the participants. 4. 1968 Meetings 4.1 France 14-15 May 1968: Saclay (Institut National des Sciences et Techniques Nucl6aires, INSTN)
News from the vacuum societies
"International colloquium on the physics of surfaces in rarefied gases (SUG 68)" Organized by: Soci6t6 Franqaise des Ing6nieurs et Techniciens du Vide (SFITV) Secr&ariat administratif de la SFITV: Madame J Mainier, 147 ter .4, Boulevard de Strasbourg, 94 Nogent-sur-Marne, France
Programme: G Armand (CEA, Saclay, France): Vibration localis(e lots de l'adsorption: modification de l'(nergie et du facteur de fr(quence de d(sorption J N Chubb, L Gowland and I E Polland (Culham Laboratory, Abingdon, GB): Sticking coefficient and desorption rate variations during growth o f condensed gas layers on liquid helium cooled surfaces F Cyrot (Facult6 des Sciences, Orsay, France): Calculs de tension superficielle par la mdthode de fonctions caract(ristiques R Degeihl (P~hiney-Saint-Gobain, Antony, France): Adsorption de l'oxyg~ne sur les faces (111) et (100) de l' argent D A Degras (CEA, Saclay, France): Changements d'entropie de surface associ(s ~ la d(sorption F M Devienne et A Roustan (Laboratoire M6diterran6en de Recherches Thermodynamiques, Nice, France): Influence de la temp(rature de la surface sur la r(flexion des jets mol(culaires F M Devienne et A Roustan (Laboratoire M6diterran6en de Recherches Thermodynamiques, Nice, France): Emission secondaire sous l'impact des jets mol(culaires L Dobrzynski (ISEN, Lille, France) Contribution des vibrations cristallines ~t l' entropie de surface ~ haute temp(rature J L Domange (Facult6 des Sciences, ENSCP, Paris, France): Une m(thode d'interpr(tation de certains types de diagrammes de diffraction d¥1ectrons de faible (nergie M Dreschler (Facult6 des Sciences et CNRS, Marseille, France): Mesure de la chaleur d'adsorption sur des surfaces monocristallines P Ducros (Facult6 des Sciences, Grenoble, France): Structure de surface et diffraction des (lectrons lents J J Ehrardt et A Cassuto (CNRS, Nancy, France) : Sorption de l'oxyg~ne par des films de titane J Fusy, B Weber et A Cassuto (CNRS), Nancy, France): Interaction de l' oxygdne avec le platine D Guillemin et R Uzan (Facult6 des Sciences de Lyon, LEE, France): Etude des (tats de surface d'une lame mince par la m(thode LC,40 B J Hopkins, S Usami and B Williams (University of Southampton, GB): The surface potentials o f the common gases in oriented tungsten surfaces L Jansen (Institut Battelle ASC, Geneva, Switzerland): Threeparticle interactions and their possible role in chemisorption Y Lahrer (CEA, Saclay, France): Th(orie thermodynamique de la couche adsorb(e. Application a l'(tude de la formation de la premidre couche condens(e de krypton et de x(non sur les faces de clivage d'adsorbants ~ structure lamellaire
J Lapujoulade (CEA, Saclay, France): Interprdtation du spectre des (nergies de liaison obtenues par d(sorption thermique puls(e dans le cas du syst~me H2-Ni L Lassabat~re (Facult6 des Sciences--CEES, Montpellier France): Etude du potentiel de surface de SbGa sous ultra-vide et sous atmosphdre gazeuse P Lemaigre-Voreaux (Claude Paz et Visseaux, Boulogne/Seine, France): Influence de la nature du gaz et de la constitution de la surface de cathode sur la tension disruptive et la chute cathodique de la d(charge (lectrique ?t basse pression H G Lintz, A Pentenero et P Le Goff (Facult6 des Sciences et CNRS, Nancy, France): Interaction d'un faisceau de gaz rare avec la surface d'un ruban de tungstdne D Menzel (Institut Eduard-Zintl, Darmstadt, Germany): Inelastic interactions o f slow electrons with adsorbed particles: dependances o f the interaction cross sections on temperature J Oudar (Facult6 des Sciences, ENSCP, Paris, France): Utilisation de la diffraction des (lectrons de faible (nergie ~t lYtude de la chimisorption des gaz sur les mdtaux R Pinchaux et C Sebenne (Facult6 des Sciences et CNRS, Paris, France): Effet des traitements thermiques sous ultra-vide sur les propri(t(s de surface du CdS monocristallin P Thomas et C Sebenne (Facult6 des Sciences et CNRS, Paris, France): Dispositif de pr(paration et de mesures galvanomagndtiques de couches minces semi-conductrices en ultra-vide 4.2 USA 10-13 June 1968: Beverley Hills, Cal (Beverley Hilton Hotel) "1968 Vacuum Metallurgy Conference" (Materials and processes for developing applications) Organised by the Vacuum Metallurgy Division of the American Vacuum Society Conference Chairman: R B Barrow Arrangements Chairman: L W Sink AMRDL, Building 290, Pratt & Whitney Aircraft, Middletown, Connecticut 06458, USA. Technical Programme Chairman: Dr A Simkovich, Latrobe Steel Co, Latrobe, Penn 15650, USA 29 October-1 November 1968: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (Hilton Hotel) "The Fifteenth National Vacuum Symposium" Organised by the American Vacuum Society Programme Committee Chairman: W J Lange, Research and Development Centre, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Pittsburgh, Pa 15235, USA. 29 October 1968: Pittsburgh (Hilton Hotel) "Thin Film Division Symposium" Organized by the Thin Film Division of the American Vacuum Society Thin Film Subcommittee Chairman: M H Francombe, Research and Development Centre Westinghouse Electric Corporation Pittsburgh, Pa 15235, USA. This Symposium will consist exclusively of invited papers on properties and applications of dielectric thin films.