Intrinsic Tendon Healing and Staged Tendon Reconstruction: Reflection of Legends

Intrinsic Tendon Healing and Staged Tendon Reconstruction: Reflection of Legends

Tendon Repair and Reconstruction Editors’ Note: I n t r i n s i c Te n d o n H e a l i n g a n d St a g e d Ten d o n Reconstruction: Reflection of L...

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Tendon Repair and Reconstruction

Editors’ Note: I n t r i n s i c Te n d o n H e a l i n g a n d St a g e d Ten d o n Reconstruction: Reflection of Legends (1924–2013) and Paul R. Manske (1938–2011)— dedicated surgeons, legendary editors, pioneers, great teachers, and friends to many of us. “Reflection of Legends” was a theme of a major session at the Congress of the International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand last month. The ingenious investigations of tendon repair and reconstruction made by both surgeons are a reflection of their legendary careers. Staged tendon reconstruction and investigations in the tendon healing mechanism are perfectly exemplary of the impact and needs of both technical innovation and basic science advancement in the field of hand surgery.

Hand Clin 29 (2013) 311 0749-0712/13/$ – see front matter Ó 2013 Published by Elsevier Inc.

Jin Bo Tang, MD Steve K. Lee, MD

Hand surgeons are familiar with intrinsic tendon healing capacity and staged tendon reconstruction. Dr. James M. Hunter pioneered the procedures of staged tendon reconstruction, and the seminal investigations of synovial nutrition of the tendon made by Dr. Paul R. Manske provided fundamental experimental evidence that led to the recognition of the intrinsic healing capacity of tendon. Dr. Hunter’s staged tendon reconstruction remains an important procedure in today’s practice, and Dr. Manske’s investigations in tendon healing remains a cornerstone of current primary digital flexor tendon repair. At the time of completion of editing this issue of Hand Clinics, devoted to “Tendon Repair and Reconstruction,” we pay particular tribute to the 2 pioneering surgeons—Drs. James M. Hunter