Journal of Nuclear Materials 96 (1981) 37.5 0 North-Holland Publishing Company
W.M. Gibson and H.H. Teitelbaum (INSPEC, Institution of Electrical Engineers, Hitchin, Hertfordshire SC5 lSA, UK; or IEE, IEEE Service Center, Piscataway, NJ 08854, USA) ISBN 0 85296 461 7 (1980):Price: & 95.00 or US $ 195.00, 3 vols., 1652 pages, 297 X 210 mm
And despite its size this Bibliography is easy to use. Volume 1 contains all the references listed by title, in alphabetical order of authors, within nine major subject sections, and including the affiliation address of each first author. Volume 2 is a classification of the references by key-words from titles and texts of the papers, with numerical direction to the information provided in Volume 1; the key-word position in the centre of each line in Volume 2 is perplexing at first sight but one soon realizes the inherent good sense of this. Finally, Volume 3 is a listing in terms of all authors, again with direction to Volume 1. When I tried the system on key-word topics with which I am well acquainted it quickly led to all the relevant papers known to me (and a few more also!). The extensive experience in ion-solid interactions of the authors’ laboratories, the Institute for the Study of Atomic Collisions in Solids at the State University of New York at Albany and the Bell Laboratories at Murray Hill, shows clearly in the choice of the subject sections and key-words. In summary, then, this is not only a very valuable work of reference for scientists and technologists in this field of research, but also an important contribution to the research field itself. However, since so many new papers on ion-solid interactions are published each year, purchase of this Bibliography should not be delayed, and I hope that for the benefit of these purchasers up-dating supplements will be produced as anticipated in the Introduction to the Bibliography.
This is a massive bibliography of nearly 13 000 references of published papers concerning the interactions of energetic ions with solids, in 1652 pages over three volumes at a highish price, and it is inevitable that one wonders whether this really can be a valuable source of information on papers in this field of scientific research, whether it provides anything that cannot be obtained by previously existing means such as Physics Abstracts and whether, even if these two requirements and fulfilled, the arrangement of the extensive material makes this bibliography convenient and easy to use. In fact this publication succeeds on all these three counts. The research field of ion-solid interactions is very wide, including for example basic and applied investigations of ion-atom scattering potentials, energy loss rates and processes for ions traversing solids, the irradiation damage of metals and alloys relevant to nuclear fission and fusion programmes, ion-implantation of semiconductors and other kinds of solid for modification of properties, and the uses of ion beams for elemental analysis and in deposition of layers; yet there are many relationships among all these topics, and anyone working primarily in one of them needs to be aware of papers on almost all the other topics. Furthermore, the number of actual and potential technological applications of ion-solid interactions is immense, and a work of reference, such as this, allowing fast discovery of the existence and publication details of virtually all scientific papers in this field up to the quite recent cut-off date of December 1978, must be of considerable value to industrial, governmental and university laboratories throughout the world.
D.W. Palmer University of Sussex, Brighton, Sussex BNI 9QX, UK