agrege and two years later surgeon to the hospitals. At of Medicine a note which is intended to form an appendix to period he held a series of classes for candidates for the annual report upon epidemics, which he read before the .agrggatio7i and at the Central Bureau, classes of such remark- holidays. It urges the advisability of introducing the rudiable excellence that they will never be forgotten by those mentary principles of hygiene into the teaching and who were fortunate enough to attend them. During the past examining syllabus of all grades from the primary school to 30 years he has published a large number of scientific works. the college. M. Henri Monod strongly supported M. Widal’s His name will remain inseparably connected with our know- proposals. The work of sanitarians, whose responsibility is ledge of hernia, for he perfected the operative treatment of now so heavy, would be enormously lightened if it did not an
,that disease and wrote a standard treatise upon it. He took a great share in improving the treatment of fractures and - dislocations. He was a member of the Academy of Medicine, a professor of the Faculty, and a consulting surgeon, and He was was beloved and honoured by all - who knew him. seized with apoplexy whilst performing an operation at the hospital; he was carefully tended but died in the hospital six days later without having regained consciousness. ’The chief mourners at the funeral were Professor Berger’s brothers and Professor Landouzy, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine. Many eulogies were spoken in the presence of a large and deeply sympathetic gathering. A Muinal Benefit Society of French Medical Practitioners. A mutual benefit society (Association Confraternelle) of Ereneh medical men has been founded recently for the help
meet at every turn with
stereotyped popular prejudices which
be corrected by the diffusion of sanitary knowledge. M. Chantemesse followed by deploring the inadequacy of the official teaching in this subject, even in the Faculties. It has hitherto been exclusively theoretical and must be modified radically to meet actual requirements. A series of practical demonstrations to the students, given in laboratories, factories, and workshops, and even in the ports, is needed nowadays if the teaching is not to be mere dry verbiage. Such practical instruction is given in other countries, whilst in Paris the facilities for teaching hygiene have not been improved for the last 20 years, a matter in which reform is urgently needed. can
The Oxygen Treatment of Puerperal Infections. In M. Reynier’s wards at the Lariboisiere Hospital women of widows and orphans of its members and of others de- suffering from puerperal infections are especially admitted. pendent upon them for support. The objects of the society When they first come in they are isolated and disinfected are purely medical and philanthropic. When one of its and then admitted into the common ward. M. Reynier has members dies each surviving member pays in a sum of treated 530 cases, of whom two-thirds had aborted and the 10 francs, and the whole of these moneys, without expenses others had been naturally confined either in their own houses There are several varieties and or in those of midwives. or deductions of any kind, is given to the deceased practitioner’s nominee or to those dependent upon him for manifestations of puerperal infection. M. Reynier directs his support. This assistance is not of a charitable nature but treatment only against the forms due to anaerobic bacilli becomes the right of the beneficiary without expenses, taxes, and especially those of the diphtheritic type. It is common An official of the society visits the knowledge how intractable such cases prove to treatment or any legal formalities. house of the widow or orphans and takes with him the sum and how susceptible to injury is the condition of the uterus thus collected. A similar society of pharmaceutical chemists in them. M. Reynier has nevertheless obtained good results founded in Seine-et-Oise has dispensed in this manner with oxygen brought into contact with the interior of the 700,600 francs in eight years. It is to be hoped that this uterus by means of a double-channeled sound, one side of which is connected with a cylinder of the gas. Under this new society will meet with success. treatment the general and local conditions have never failed The Importatzoot and Sale of Opirrm. to rapidly. M. Reynier communicated the method An important Order to regulate the sale, purchase, and to improve the Academy of Medicine on Oct. 13th. employment of opium and its derivatives has been published Dipltheria Statistics from the Hérold Hospital. recently in the Official Journal. It lays down that importers of opium, be it in the raw state or in its officinal forms, shall At the Hospitals Medical Society on Oct. 9th M. Barbier be obliged to obtain from the customs house at the intended read a statistical summary of the cases of diphtheria treated place of import a permit, which must be again presented during the last four years at the Herold Hospital. There within the space of three months supported by a certificate were 890 cases with 99 deaths-a mortality of 11 per cent. given by the municipal authorities of the place where the The death-rate had diminished progressively, not because consignee resides authorising the clearance of the opium. the disease had assumed a milder type, but because of the The importer must keep a register used exclusively to record greater frequency with which early injections of antisales of opium. No amount of the drug may be sold either diphtheritic serum were employed. The severe cases were by an importer of foreign opium or a producer of the native those which came under treatment late, as was proved by -drug, except to wholesale merchants and drug houses or to family epidemics of diphtheria, in which the first cases were manufacturing or pharmaceutical chemists for the treatment the worst because they did not receive such early treatment of disease ; further, the responsibility of the vendor is not as the later ones. M. Barbier pointed out that in the case of discharged until such time as the buyer shall have notified children who had had diphtheria and who had contracted to him that he has made the statutory declaration required subsequently measles or scarlet fever, it was advisable to when dealing in poisonous substances, and until the buyer give a fresh injection of antidiphtheritic serum, as reshall have sent him a written and signed order, and, further, currences and re-infections were seen quite commonly. until the vendor shall have entered the transaction upon his Out of a hundred deaths amongst children who had had register and affixed the order thereto. Should the order be diphtheria, he found that five or six were due to acute given in view of an expedition abroad the drug may be taken miliary tuberculosis. out of France with the authority of the Customs officials. Oct. 27th. The buyer, equally with the importer, is obliged to enter his transactions in a special opium register. Raw opium ITALY. supplied to a pharmaceutical chemist for making officinal preparations or alkaloids may not be sold again in the raw OUR OWN (FROM CORRESPONDENT.) state by the chemist, and the preparations aforesaid can only be sold by him for medical purposes. Apart from these Tile Italian Association for the Advancement of S’cience. purposes he is forbidden to supply the drug, gratuitously or otherwise, to any persons other than those specially designated SUCCESS all along the line " is the unanimous judgment mr to supply it to these persons for any other uses than those pronounced at this meeting of Italian savants which has just specified. It is further forbidden to employ any premises for closed at Florence. All the sections were the scene of the illegal storage or consumption of opium. The other animated and effective discussion on the subjects handled in clauses of the Order have reference to the responsibility that each ; those set for the apart biological, anthropological, rests with persons who store opium in exercising proper and hygienic communications being especially well organised vigilance over it ; to the keeping of registers regarding its as to their agenda papers and their personnel. Physiology sale, purchase, or employment; and to the visits to be paid and pharmacology, as well as zoology and anatomy, human by inspectors, mayors, and commissaries to stores, shops, and and comparative, with bacteriology, and hygiene, had each laboratories. a prominence in the programme which proved of great The Teaching oj Hygiene. interest to those of the "Congressisti"whose profession On Oct. 13th M. Fernand Widal read before the Academy or whose studies were medical-an interest which will be .
diffused and prolonged far beyond the scene of the Associa tion when the reports, revised and officially issued in the3 form of "Atti"" or "Transazioni,"shall have been madi3 publici juris. For the present I have but to add that the place of meeting for the Association next autumn will bi3 Padua-the great Venetian seat of learning which will have3 special attraction for medical men from the British Isles as the school at which so many of their compatriots studied an(I qualified-compatriots whose name in the sixteenth an( seventeenth centuries was Legion and among whom towered-
inhabiting the ship were proved, by microscopic and bacteriological examinations, to be the carriers of the disease. Both patients (sailors) succumbed to the disease and no fresh case has occurred since then. As a precaution part of the cargo was destroyed, the rest being thoroughly disinfected. The further destination of the shipped goods is being kept rats
under observation.
Unveiling of a Bust of Professor von Krafft-Ebing. During the Congress on the Care of the Insane a bust of the late Professor von Krafft-Ebing was unveiled in the presence " Quantum lenta solent inter viburna cupressi "of the members of his family, the Senate of the University of Vienna, representatives of several neurological societies, the discoverer of the circulation, William Harvey. and a deputation from the Congress. The bust has been Evangelista Torricelli. erected by the subscriptions of friends, pupils, and former From the sittings of the Association many of the Con patients of the celebrated physician, the Vienna Neurological gressisti" proceeded by special train from Florence t() Society contributing a large sum. Professor von KrafftFaenza, there to assist at the third centenary of the birth oi, Ebing was born in 1840 and he was the first man on the great mathematician, physicist, and practical mechan. the continent to point out the necessity of scientific ician, the inventor of the barometer, Evangelista Torricelli. care for the insane, and when he was appointed to In previous correspondence I have traced in outlinEB the chair of psychiatrics in the Vienna University Hosthe life-work of this consummate man of science, oripital (1889), which he held until his retirement in whom the mantle of Galileo had so worthily fallen, sc’ 1902, he made the Vienna Clinic a school of modern I may hold myself absolved from dwelling once more on psychology. His works on forensic psychology, on correlathe momenta"of a career so honourable to its hero, so tions between psychopathology and sexual pathology, and his fraught with benefit to humanity. The celebration itself was: well-known essays on moral insanity have been translated into brought to a close with all the picturesque and moving several languages. The bust has been placed in the Aula" effect characteristic of such occasions in Italy, where climate of the University, a spacious promenade corridor which is cooperates with external surroundings, and both of these the repository of numerous busts and monuments of eminent with oratorical fervour and skill to insure success. A pre- professors of all the faculties. liminary promenade through the hall of the I I Esposizione The Opening of the New Clinic of Professor Schauta. Torricelliana " and a visit to the local picture gallery-the At last various obstacles in the shape of " red tape " and Pinacoteca Comunale-prepared the "Congressisti" " for the event of the day, the discourse of Professor Angelo Battelli prejudice have been overcome and a few days ago the new who holds the chair of experimental physics in the University clinic was formally opened by Professor Schauta who will of Pisa. Fortified by sympathetic dispatches or communica- be in charge of it. He delivered the opening address tions from seats of learning in all parts of the world, from the before a large gathering of students in the presence of the whole medical faculty and many representatives of the University of London to that of Moscow, from, in fact, the chief European to the leading transatlantic schools, Government and municipality. After rehearsing the reasons Professor Battelli portrayed in glowing colours and with which led to the foundation of the new institute, the the few strokes of an artist the first meeting of the young speaker paid a tribute to the memory of Dr. SemmelTorricelli with the old Galileo, by this time blind and weis who in 1847 discovered the etiology of puersepsis without any knowledge of bacteriology. infirm, and the affection that was at once established peral before Lord Lister’s first publication of his imbetween them. Short was their intercourse, broken by the Long mortal on antisepsis Dr. Semmelweis, assistant experiments death of the aged master, but long enough to insure for the youthful disciple the cordial patronage of the former at the gynæcologic-obstetric school in Vienna, had brought which fructified in his promotion to the chair of mathe- down the death-rate in the obstetric wards from the appalling matics in Florence and in the favour bestowed on him by figure of from 16 to 20 per cent., at which it had stood for the Grand-ducal court. Then followed a rapid but admirably a few years, to 1 per cent. and less, by simply ordering that clear and cogent review of Torricelli’s contributions to science, no medical man or student should examine a pregnant woman with reference to his pioneers and to his successors in the same or attend a labour without first scrupulously cleansing his washing. He had observed that the rise in the path, a review replete with lessons as to the interdependence hands by had coincided with the institution of the study of mortality of the sciences and as to the futility of claims to priority and that the students were the infective concluded anatomy, and originality,"so often advanced by the Dii Minorum Gentium of inductive research. Then came the peroration : agents. Consequently he stopped students from attending " Citizens of FaenzaI You could have found no worthier the labour wards if they had anything to do with Dr. Semmelweis did not succeed in conmethod of honouring the third centenary of Torricelli’s birth dead bodies. his confrères of the correctness of his ideas, but his than that of projecting a full edition of his works, published vincing and achievement are nevertheless most important, discovery and unpublished, intrusting it to the hands of an able fellowand Professor Schauta and Professor Chrobak have only paid and the wish so often townsman, thereby gratifying expressed due honour to Dr. Semmelweis in insisting upon the erection by the nature student and the man of science. You have of a monument to him on the new premises. After his thus rendered to the manes of the master the tribute most address was finished Professor Schauta unveiled the monugrateful to himself, foreseeing as he did in the complete ment and then the inspected the magnificent publication of his writings a vindication of his life-work and modern clinic with company satisfaction. On the same day great from which to of a of achieve coign vantage the founding further conquests in the interests of mankind." Votes of Professor von Rosthorn, who has taken over the charge of the thanks to the orator succeeded the prolonged cheering amid second new clinic, gave an inaugural address on the Signifiwhich he resumed his seat, and the vast assembly broke up cance of Pain in Gynaecology. to meet again at a reunion given by the Municipio and at Juvenile Workers in Austria. the inevitable banquet which closes all such celebrations. It is very dissatisfying in an age which has been styled Oct. 26th. -
the child’s era"to find that no less than 6000 out of 18,000 school children (in one district only) are employed in work for which they are not fit, figures which rest on regular VIENNA. the authority of the statistical department of the Ministry of Commerce and which accordingly may be considered (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.) correct. The majority of the juvenile workers in question are employed in agricultural duties ; even children between five and seven years of age are employed in the fields, and Sporadic Cases of Bubonic Plague. IN Trieste, the main port of Austria, two cases of bubonic boys or girls between 12 and 14 years are often hired out. plague were discovered a short time ago on board a vessel Examination of such children proved that their development unloading a cargo of coffee from the East Indies. Thesuffered from the amount of work entailed upon them: stringent measures adopted to prevent an outbreak proved :retardation of growth, disorders of the heart, nervousness efficacious. In this case, as in similar sporadic cases,from insuflicient sleep, and general debility from inadequate _________________