Physica B 284}288 (2000) 1824}1825
Josephson e!ect and quantum #uctuations G.-L. Ingold *, Hermann Grabert Institut fu( r Physik, Universita( t Augsburg, Memmingerstr. 6, D-86135 Augsburg, Germany Fakulta( t fu( r Physik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universita( t, D-79104 Freiburg, Germany
Abstract Phase #uctuations destroy the DC Josephson e!ect and replace the supercurrent at zero voltage by a peak at small but "nite voltages. We study the e!ect of quantum #uctuations of the phase at zero temperature by accounting for a "nite junction capacitance and an environmental resistance. The Josephson peak is expressed analytically by two complementary expansions. This result establishes the connection between the regimes of classical phase di!usion, Coulomb blockade and macroscopic quantum tunneling. 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PACS: 73.23.Hk; 74.50.#r; 74.75 Keywords: Coulomb blockade; Josephson e!ect; Macroscopic quantum tunneling
The supercurrent I"I sin(u) through a Josephson junction at zero voltage bias is determined by the phase di!erence u across the junction and limited by the critical current I . This ideal picture is modi"ed by thermal or quantum #uctuations of the phase. While thermal #uctuations [1] and quantum #uctuations at not too low temperatures [2] are discussed in the literature, we restrict ourselves here to the case of quantum #uctuations at zero temperature. In the following we consider the minimal model shown in Fig. 1. The junction is characterized by the Josephson coupling energy E " I /2e and the charging energy ( E "2e/C where C is the junction capacitance. Unless E
* Corresponding author. Fax: #49-821-5977-222. E-mail address:
[email protected] (G.-L. Ingold)
The dynamics of a Josephson junction is related to the motion of a Brownian particle in a periodic potential whereby the coordinate of the particle corresponds to the phase di!erence across the junction. Using exact results for the mobility of the particle in the limit of strictly Ohmic damping [3], one can show [4] that for low voltages, <; /(eRC), the current}voltage characteristics can be obtained from two complementary expansions
< < M\L I" c (o) L R < L and
< < M\L I" 1! c (1/o) L R < L with the coe$cients
C(1#on)C(3/2) c (o)"(!1)L\ L C(1#n)C(3/2#(o!1)n)
and the voltage scale
pE eA E M M\ < " ( C(o) , e po E ( where c is the Euler constant.
0921-4526/00/$ - see front matter 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 9 2 1 - 4 5 2 6 ( 9 9 ) 0 3 0 3 5 - 5
G.-L. Ingold, H. Grabert / Physica B 284}288 (2000) 1824}1825
Fig. 1. A Josephson junction characterized by its Josephson coupling energy E and its capacitance C is coupled to an ideal ( voltage source via a resistance R.
The two expansions have a "nite radius of convergence given by < "< ("1!o"oM\M) (5) in such a way that one of the two expansions is a lowvoltage expansion while the other is a high-voltage expansion. In any case, there exists a convergent expansion for all voltages within the range of validity of the theory. For oP0, expansions (1) and (2) reduce to the result of classical phase di!usion [1]. The expansion (1) displays a zero bias anomaly I&<M\ in agreement with the prediction of Coulomb blockade theory [5,6]. For o(1, this leads to a diverging conductance at zero bias. In fact, in this regime (1) represents a high-voltage expansion and the divergence is unphysical. The complementary expansion (2) reduces for small voltages to the result of macroscopic quantum tunneling [7]. The two expansions (1) and (2) thus provide a connection between the regimes of classical phase di!usion, Coulomb blockade and macroscopic quantum tunneling. This bridging as well as the formation of the zero bias supercurrent with decreasing resistance o is shown in Fig. 2. For these values of o, the current}voltage characteristics are associated with macroscopic quantum tunneling on the left and Coulomb blockade on the right. On the basis of recent measurements on small voltage-biased Josephson junctions [8] one may expect that the e!ect of quantum #uctuations discussed here should be observable experimentally.
Fig. 2. Cooper pair current}voltage characteristics for (eA/p)(E /E )"1 and o"0.001,0.01,0.05, and 0.1 shown as full, ( dotted, dashed, and dashed}dotted line, respectively. The characteristics are shown as a function of the junction voltage < "
Acknowledgements Financial support was provided to one of us (GLI) by the Volkswagen}Stiftung during a stay at the CEA Saclay and to the other author (HG) by the DAAD through PROCOPE.
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