Quantum fluctuations and the universal criterion for the onset of superconductivity in Josephson arrays
Physica C 152 ( 1988) 361-377 North-Holland, Amsterdam
Physica C 152 ( 1988) 361-377 North-Holland, Amsterdam
QUANTUM FLUCTUATIONS AND THE UNIVERSAL CRITERION FOR THE ONSET OF S U P E R C O N D U C T I V I T Y I N J O S E P H S O N ARRAYS Behzad M I R H A S H E M and Richard A. F E R R E L L Centerfor Theoretical Physics of the Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Maryland, Collge Park, MD 20742, USA Received 14 March 1988 Revised manuscript received 29 April 1988
A detailed treatment of the zero-temperature quantum fluctuations of a granular film, modeled by a regular lattice of Josephsoncoupled grains, is presented. For small grains, whose junction reactance is determined by virtual quasi-particle tunneling, mean field theory predicts a universal threshold normal state resistance, R ~F, above which zero temperature superconductivity is suppressed by phase fluctuations. Cluster calculations, which allow for the correlated fluctuations of a fraction, f<< 1, of the z neighbors of each grain, reduce R MF to R ~ -----R~F ( 1--3f/5Z). By exploiting analogies with the treatment of thermal fluctuations in the Ising model, we conclude that this two-term expansion remains valid for the case of physical interest, f= 1.
I. Introduction Recent experiments on granular films have revealed the existence o f an apparently universal criterion for the onset of superconductivity. Twodimensional films of globular tin [ 1 ], gallium [2], or aluminum [3], deposited on an insulating substrate, were observed to become superconducting, at temperatures much lower than their bulk transition temperature, but only if R o, the normal state sheet resistance o f a square, did not exceed a threshold value, R ~ = 6.5 kfL The universality o f critical exponents is a familiar phenomenon in the theory of phase transitions. A universal resistance threshold, on the other hand, would correspond in classical statistical mechanics of spin systems, for example, to a critical temperature that is independent o f the coupling constant. In other words, in granular films, we are dealing with a different kind of universality. Because the relevant critierion is the normal state resistance, some authors have inferred that dissipation must play an important role and have constructed theories which focus on the interplay between q u a n t u m fluctuations and an undetermined source of dissipation, at temperatures far below the gap, whose strength is determined by the normal state
conductance [ 4]. We have taken a different point o f view [5,6]. In a granular system, charge transfer among the grains occurs by the tunneling of quasiparticles and Cooper pairs. At absolute zero, only Cooper pairs are present. I f the grains are large, pair transfer requires no energy and the ground state is globally phase-coherent. If the grains are small, however, the capacitive energy due to the charge imbalance across a junction may not be neglected [7]. Indeed, since pair number and phase are complementary variables, it was pointed out by Abeles that the resulting q u a n t u m fluctuations of the pair phase can destroy superconductivity [ 8 ]. A mean field theory of this effect was then developed by a number of investigators who obtained a criterion for superconductivity expressible in terms of the ratio of the Josephson coupling energy to the charging energy, the latter being determined by the geometrical capacitance [ 9-12 ]. The reactive response of a Josephson junction is not, however, determined entirely by its geometrical capacitance. The virtual transfer of quasiparticles across the junction can lead to an additional reactance, which is equivalent to an effective capacitance parallel to the geometrical mutual capacitance [ 13-15 ]. In the granular films that are o f current interest, the metallic globules are sufficiently
B. Mirhashern and R.,4. ki'rrell / L.'niver;al criterion.lbr the onset ql'superconduclivlO'
small that their geometrical capacitance can be neglected, as demonstrated in Appendix A. We have shown how, in this limit, mean field theory' leads [ 5,6 ] to a threshold which is in good agreement with the experimental results. The criterion's universality and its expressibility in terms of the normal state resistance follow from the fact that both the Josephson coupling energy and the effective capacitance are functions of the BCS gap and the inter-grain tunneling matrix element• In the final result, the gap cancels out, leaving only the tunneling matrix element, which can be expressed entirely in terms of the normal state resistance, The microstructure of the experimental samples has, thus far, not been established. Therefore, the extent to which the arrangement of the grains is disordered is unknown. While the relevance of such disorder to the onset of superconductivity is an important and unresolved issue, a model in which identical grains are considered to lie at regular lattice sites deserves continued attention. This is because, first of all, it may be feasible to realize experimentally an approximately regular structure and, second, because the semi-quantitative agreement between theory and experiment suggests that such a model may, in any case, capture the essential features of the experimental system, at least in so far as the threshold criterion is considered*. It is, therefore, important to determine how the mean field results for the perfect lattice are altered if the many-body problem is solved more accurately. After a review of our mean field treatment in section 2, we devote section 3 to certain cluster approximations which may be used, to some extent, to incorporate fluctuation effects into the calculation of the transition temperature of the lsing model. We then develop, in section 4, a parallel treatment of fluctuation corrections to the mean field threshold resistance.
2. T h e m e a n f i e l d t h r e s h o l d r e s i s t a n c e
The electrostatic energy of a regular array of identical metallic grains is * There exist very preliminary indications that the grains may indeed form a regular array [ 16 ]. If the grains are charged during deposition, for example, their mutual electrostatic repulsion may lead to the formation of an ordered lattice.
W=½ E CoV;z+ ½ ~ C,,( I.%- [', )'- . t
where ;', is the electrostatic potential of the ith grain and C() and C,~ are the self- and mutual capacitances, respectively. At temperatures below T,, the bulk superconducting transition temperature, V, determines the time dependence of the c o m m o n Cooper pair phase of the electrons on the ith grain, 0,, according to the Josephson relation 2e
where - e
and 2xh are the electron charge and
Planck's constant, respectively• The Josephson coupling energy of the grains is U=-EI
~ cos(0,-0j),
where the sum is restricted to nearest neighbors, with each pair of grains counted once. The Josephson current flowing into the ith grain is - 2e 0U
From the definition of the capacitance as a linear response function, Q,=col~+
Z c,j( f ' , - l",)
2e d OW
h dt O0i "
so that d 0 I4r dt 80i -
0U 00i "
This is just the Euler-Lagrange equation for minimizing the action S = j L dt, where the Lagrangian is L ( O, O) = W - U. Q u a n t u m fluctuation effects may now be examined by using e ~s/t' as the amplitude for a particular path {0,(t)}. However, as usual, the Hamiltonian formalism is more convenient for computational purposes. From eq. (2.5b), the momentum conjugate to the coordinate 0~ is essentially the charge on the ith grain so that the quantization prescription for the dimensionless momentum,
B. Mirhashem and R.A. Ferrell / Universal criterion for the onset of superconductivity
IOL 1 0 P/-- h0-~/--" i 00,'
36 3
reflects the complementarity of the two canonically conjugate variables, the number of pairs on each grain [ which can be O ( 10 6 ) ] and their common phase, 0/. Thus, quantum-mechanical fluctuations reflect the effect of the uncertainty principle on a "mesoscopic" level. (The choice of sign in eq. (2.7) parallels that for the mechanical analogue of the granular system, a collection of coupled quantum pendula. In the derivation of the Josephson effect using the tight-binding analogy [17] on the other hand, the phase is identified with the crystal momentum, so that the opposite convention is used.) Because the n-grain Hamiltonian, H= Y N,=, h p ~ , - L is non-linear, it is not feasible to obtain an exact solution. The long wavelength aspects of the problem are particularly difficult because of the presence of Goldstone bosons and critical fluctuations. As in refs. [5] and [6], therefore, we continue to focus our attention on the short-wavelength features of the problem. We consider a sequence of cluster approximations in which some such localized fluctuations are taken into account and the corresponding resistance threshold is determined. The simplest approximation is of the Hartree type, in which the two-grain interaction is replaced by an effective single-grain potential, i.e., for the ith grain, we replace
LL = ~e2( Co + zA )O~ + zp.Es cos 0/,
where z is the lattice coordination number. From eq. (2.7), h
p,= ~---e2(Co + zA)0/,
so that the Hartree, or mean field, Hamiltonian is
4e 2
C o + z A C ( ~ p , - g ~ cos 0i) 4e2
=- Co +zAC HI .
In the reduced Hamiltonian/7,, the self-consistent field acting on the ith grain is
where the parameter go is the ratio of the Josephson coupling energy to the charging energy: z~CEj
4e 2 •
COS( 0 i - Oj ) = ½( eioie -iO:+ e -io, eiOJ)
The Hamiltonian H~ is just that of a pendulum of unit length and mass in a gravitational field of strength g~. The transformation g ~ - g ~ and 0/---'0/+ ~ leaves unchanged EG, the ground state eigenvalue of H~, which is therefore an even function of gj. From perturbation theory, one obtains
½[eiO, +e-i~' ] = / / c o s ( 0 i - ] ~ ) ,
z g 4~ - Y58g , 6 + ' "
for the ground state energy. (For arbitrary g,, the eigenvalues of Mathieu's equation have been tabulated [18]. Elsewhere, we provide a convenient variational calculation of the ground state eigenvalue [ 19 ].) Thus, /t-
116_5 dE° dgl _ 2g I _ 7g3 + - f - g l
~ .
... (2.16)
Comparison with eq. (2.13) shows, that for 2 > ½, a nonzero value o f / t = ( 4 / x / 7 ) (2-½)~/2 is possible. According to eq. (2.15), this phase-ordered state of the granular film, which can sustain current in the absence of any applied voltage, has lower energy than
B. ~ltirhashem and R. 4. Ferrell / Universal criterion jor the onset e~fsuperconductivitv
the phase-incoherent one. The threshold criterion, ,~= ½, corresponds to 1 1 g~i= 2 z [ z + ( C o / A C ) ] ~- ~ z 2,
where the latter approximate equality holds for a film of very small grains, so that Co << AC. Combining the familiar expression for the maximum Josephson current,
E j = 7r2A
where d is the BCS energy gap and rYN is the normal state conductance, with the zero-frequency result for /xC [13-15],
quency dependence of AC. The relevance of disorder remains an open problem. Finite-frequency effects have, on the other hand, been investigated by one of us [20] and do not seem to alter substantially the results. It is important, therefore, to examine the accuracy of the self-consistent single-grain treatment to determine whether the approximate agreement with the experimental results persists as fluctuations are treated more accurately. Equation (2.17) suggests a scheme for studying such fluctuation corrections. As z, the number of neighbors, becomes very large, fluctuations average out and the self-consistent theory becomes, as a solution of the model we are considering, exact. For finite z, it is natural to develop an expansion in inv e r s e p o w e r s o f z:
2.19) g~,=~
yields go = i@~r-2 .
The small effect of the phase dependent term in A C which has been omitted in eq. (2.19), is evaluated in Appendix B. In terms of the dimensionless resistance, 0"~ t
r= h/4e2 -
Ro "
the phase coherence criterion, eq. (2.17), becomes r
where we have introduced the convenient reference resistance, R0 = h / 4 g 2= 6.5 k~. For a square lattice, z = 4 , we obtain, for the threshold sheet resistance, R~ = R ~ =5.7 k ~ ,
while, for a hexagonal lattice, z = 6 , RE - R~ , ~ =4.9 kfl
Thus, the simple self-consistent treatment not only explains the universality of the superconducting threshold, i.e., the fact that it is independent of the energy gap, A, but is also gives values for R~ which are in fair agreement with the experimental result, R ~ -~ 6.5 kfL Our treatment has neglected disorder and the fie-
In a previous publication [ 6 ], we obtained c~L= 0 and c~2= 6/5 by allowing for the correlated fluctuations of the phase of a given grain with that of one of its neighbors. In this paper, we improve upon the above calculation by considering larger grain clusters. We will show that c~2 is apparently 6/5 times the number of neighbors that are correctly treated so that, when this number is taken to be equal to z, the actual expansion acquires the coefficient c ~ = 6 / 5 . We will then make an independent calculation, along the lines of Bethe's treatment of the Ising model [21] which confirms this conjecture. It is clear that the cluster expansion that we seek to develop has a close analogue in the classical statistical mechanics of Ising spins. Indeed, the Hartree approximation is equivalent to mean field theory, while improvements on the mean field result, by considering spin clusters, have a long history [21 ]. Therefore, it is conceptually helpful to revisit this familiar terrain. Of course, our approximations are primitive in the lsing context, where the task is the easier one of counting configurations rather than that of computing the quantum mechanical ground state energy. We pay particular attention to the large-z expansion of the cluster calculations of the Ising transition, although such an expansion is in no way needed for solving the two-dimensional Ising model. We study this expansion because, in our analogous perturbative treatment of the quantum mechanical
B. Mirhashemand R.A. Ferrell/ Universalcriterionfor the onsetof superconductivity problem in section 4, the expansion in powers of z - l is the only method at hand for attacking the problem.
For b << 1, the eigenvalues of the 2 × 2 transfer matrix F, where Z=tr(FU), are 2, = 2 (cosh K) [1 + ½b2 e2K+ ... ]
3. Ising clusters
22 =2 (sinh K) [ 1 - ½b2 eZK+ ... ] .
3.1. Two-spin cluster
The simplest approximation to the nearest-neighbor Ising model partition function
exp(K~ a,aj~
{a,=_+ 1}
In this approximation, the critical value of the coupling constant K, K~ v, is (3.3)
For a two-spin cluster, the effective partition function is Z=