Journal of ocean technology

Journal of ocean technology

BOOK REVIEWS 217 include Rainfall and River Flow Data, River Flow Measurement, Water Storage Control Rules, Desalted Water for Public Supply, Ground...

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include Rainfall and River Flow Data, River Flow Measurement, Water Storage Control Rules, Desalted Water for Public Supply, Ground Abstraction and Recharge, and Algae in Stored Waters. Under Rainfall and River Flow data, for example, a contract for the Water Resources Board concerning its River Dee Regulation Research Programme is described. The results of the study have been to generate synthetic rainfall records for tributaries of the Dee, seven series each of 300 years, as source material for the operational research workers at Lancaster University, who are working on a simulation model of the upper Dee Basin. The pattern of wet and dry spells and the occurrence of daily rainfall within a wet spell have been studied. This allows the creation of synthetic rainfall data at one location in the catchment, and from this data for other sites are then constructed. In the Brenig catchment, which constitutes a small area within the Dee Basin, measurements of rainfall, soil moisture, temperature, wind speed and solar radiation have been continued to investigate the detailed variation of these factors to produce river flow. A sixteen-parameter mathematical model has been made to fit the daily hydrological data for the years 1966 and 1967 to predict run-off, and it gives a reasonable fit between the predicted and the observed river flows.

Quaderni de "La Ricerca Scientifica". 49. Istituto di Recerca sulle Acque (Rapporte No. 1). 1968. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Roma. This issue of the journal is devoted almost entirely to problems of the desalination of water by the ion-exchange, electrodialysis, reverse osmosis, and distillation methods. These methods are discussed in 13 papers, of which the titles and abstracts are given in English.

Journal of Ocean Technology, vol. 2, no 4. October, 1968. Marine Technology Soc., Washington, D.C. This issue of the journal is devoted mainly to the papers presented at the Useful Work in the Sea Symposium held at Los Angeles on 11-12, December, 1967. The papers, 10 in number, describe the construction and operation of a range of deep-sea submersibles and other equipment such as Alvin, Curv, Sealab, Sord, and Cachalot. The papers are well illustrated with photographs and diagrams.