Kelvin Centenary

Kelvin Centenary

March, 1925.] P~JBLICATIONS RECEIVED. in language easily understood by the public at large. The lectures were illustrated and a fair proportion of...

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in language easily understood by the public at large. The lectures were illustrated and a fair proportion of these illustrations are reproduced volume. Some lectures relate to pure science, and others to everyday such as household chemistry and household pests.

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KELVIN CENTEXARV. Oration and ,4ddresses Commemorative. IOO pages, 8vo. London, Percy Lund Humphries and Company, Ltd., 1924. Price, 6 s. net. William Thomson, Lord Kelvin, was born on June 26. 1824. The centenary of his birth was celebrated under the auspices of the Royal Society, with the association of a committee containing members of the several Institutions of Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineers, the Physical Society and other technical bodies not specifically mentioned. The celebration was held in London on July IO and II, 1924. Sir J. J. Th omson delivered a memorial oration. Delegates were present from learned societies in different parts of the world and congratulatory addresses were also received from many sources. The volume contains the text of the Thomson address and the speeches at the memorial banquet. Sir J. J. Thomson’s address was an interesting and valuable review of Kelvin’s life and work.



Cr~‘stals altd the F&E-SII.?IC~ILYE of hIafter, by Friedrich Rinne. Translated by Walter S. Stiles. I95 pages, illustrations, portrait, Svo. New York, E. P. Dutton and Company, 1924. Price, $4.20. The Elcn~ents of Colloidal Chcmisfry, by Herbert Freundlich. Translated by George Barger. 210 pages, illustrations, Izmo. New York, E. P. Dutton and Company, 1924. Price, $3. Tl7c Origin of Contimwts arzd Uccans. by Alfred Wegener. Translated from the third German edition by J. G. A. Skerl, with an introduction by John W. Evans. 212 pages, illustrations, Svo. New York, E. P. Dutton and Company, 1924. Price, $4.50. Theoretical alld Abfilicd Elcctrocl~~~~~istry, by Maurice DeKay Thompson. New York, The Macmillan Company, 1925. 5 j1 pages, illustrations, 8vo. Profitable S&xc in lud~rstry, by Dwight T. Farnham, James A. Hall, ~91 pages, illustrations, rzmo. New York, R. W. King, and H. E. Howe. The Macmillan Company, 1925. Price, $3.50. Strhjcct List of the Periodic01 Pllblirntiom ilt fhc Patcut Ofice Library. Patent Office Library Series, No. 8. 282 pages, Ibmo. London, His Majesty’s Stationery Of&cc, 1924. Price. two shillings. Die Mctlzodcra dcr Thcovctischrn Physik. van Felix Aucrbach. 436 pages, illustrations, 8vo. Leipzig, Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, 1925 Price, in paper, $3.15; bound, $3.60. Grtmdbcgriffe dcr ~Vlccha~~isclzc~iTcch~zologic tier dlrtnllc, von Dr. Ing. 8vo. Leipzig, Akademische VerlagsGeorg Sachs. 319 pages, illustrations. gesellschaft. 1925. Price, in paper, $3.15; bound. $3.60. No~zylles Vzrcs Ftr~nday-Ma.t-r~,cllie~~Jf~s(supplement). Sur la Propagation de la Lumitre, par Charles L. R. E. Menges. 44 pages, illustrations, 8vo. Paris, Gauthier-Villars et Cie., 1924. Price, five francs.