Keyword index volume 15

Keyword index volume 15

T%eJinm2tzZof Keyword Index Volume 15 abdominal, 35 abdominal adhesions,209 abdominal pain, 165, 775 abortion, 61 abrasion, 769 absorbable,673 abstra...

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T%eJinm2tzZof Keyword Index Volume 15

abdominal, 35 abdominal adhesions,209 abdominal pain, 165, 775 abortion, 61 abrasion, 769 absorbable,673 abstracts, 125, 263, 417, 573, 751, 901 abuse,447 access,605 accidental hypothermia, 45 acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. SeeAIDS acupuncture, 155 acute abdomen, 775, 821 acute asthma,547 acute blindness, 8 11 acute respiratory failure, 513, 785 administration, 397, 735 adrenal, 35 afferent pupillary defect, 793 African puff adder, 827 AIDS, 279, 811 airplane, 159 airway complications, 187 airway management,313 alanine amniotransferase,285 allergic reaction, 477 altitude, 159 analgesics,775 anaphylaxis, 7 1, 477 anorectal fistula, 39 antibiotics, 435 anticholinergic toxicity, 65 antidepressants,439, 491 antidysrhythmia agents, 183 antimicrobial therapy, 435 antivenin, 827 aortic dissection, 859 apnea, 855 arteriovenous fistula, 617 aspartateaminotransferase,285 asthma,29 1 authorization denial, 611 automobile platform lift, 45 autonomy, 109, 729 avulsion, 201

blindness, 8 11 Boerhaave’s syndrome, 639 bottle, 637 bowel, 35 brainstem imaging, 633 breaking strength, 505 bronchial artery, 3 17 bronchoscopy, 3 17 Brown-Sequard syndrome, 309 burns, 675 carbon monoxide, 465, 469 carboxy-hemoglobin, 465 cardiac arrest, 279, 331, 629 cardiac enzymes, 839 cardiac tamponade,31 cardiopulmonary resuscitation, 279 carotid artery, 23 carotid cavernous sinus fistula, 23 cavernous sinus, 23 cervicothoracic actinomycosis, 303 chemotherapy,645 chest pain, 859 chest trauma, 147 cholecystitis, 821 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD). 291. 513, 785 cirriculum, 381 clinical clerkship, 557 clinical competence,557 clinical laboratory, 869 clinical objectives, 557 closed reduction, 669 closed thoracic cavity lavage, 629 cocaine, 321, 483, 833 cockroach, 487 cold water immersion, 629 combative, 13 communication, 1 competencies,381 complex dislocation, 669 compliance, 9 comprehension, 1 computed tomography, 309, 453 conscious sedation, 357 COntinUOUS quality improvement, 397, 735, 889 continuous sutures. 351, 495 comeal, 769 cornstarch, 209 cost savings, 453 CQI, 889 creatinine kinase, 833

ballistics, 789 barotrauma,285 battered women, 447 beneficence,729 bi-level positive airway pressure (BiPAP), 785 Bitis arietans, 827




Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease,253, 701 cricolaryngeal, 91 Crohn’s disease,39 croup, 291 curriculum, 249 cutting edge needle, 679 death, 601 debridement, 345 decision rules, 459 defibrillation, 331 delayed diagnosis, 487 deliberate, 183 dermal closure, 505 dermal sutures, 351 dermis, 495 diagnosis, 617, 623, 839 diagnostic testing, 593 diaphragmatic, 297 diaphragmatic hernia, 849 DIP joint, 197 disaster, 469 discharge, 1 dislocation, 197, 669 dissection, 19 diving, 285 domestic violence, 447 doxapram, 5 13 drive, 525 droperidol, 13 drug interaction, 491 ductility, 679 eclampsia, 815 ectopic pregnancy, 177 education, 249 electrical burns, 345 electrical defibrillation, 331 electronic mail, 401 emergencies,159 emergency,49, 547 emergency department,9, 221, 393, 397, 447, 601, 611, 735, 827, 889 emergencymedical services, 87, 477 emergency medicine, 249, 381, 387, 557, 729 emergency (presumed)consent, 729 EMS DNR order, 109 endotrachealtube complications, 187 enterococci, 435 Enterococcus,435 environmental exposure, 465 epiglottis, 483 epithelial defect, 769 erythrocyte sedimentation rate, 869 esophagealrupture, 639 ethanol, 653, 687 ethics, 729 ethnic minority, 469 ethylene glycol, 653, 687 etomidate, 221 exotic snakebite, 827 extensor carpi radialis longus, 201 eye examination and documentation, 793 eye patch, 769

The Journal of Emergency Medicine eye trauma, 793

facial, 141 facial trauma, 23, 187 factitious disorder, 537 faculty development, 381 fasting, 781 fatality, 649 fellowship, 249 fetal demise, 61 file transfer protocol (FTP), 401 fingers, 197 first metacarpophalangealjoint (MCPJ), 193 flap, 345 flecainide, 183 flexible baton, 789 flumazenil, 357 fluoxetine, 439 foreign body aspiration, 487 foundry workers, 675 full thickness, 675 gamekeeper’sthumb, 193 gas embolism, 285 gases,465 gatekeeper,605 Gilbert’s syndrome, 781 glaucoma, 8 11 glottis, 9 1 Gopher, 401 granuloma, 209 granulomatousperitonitis, 209 hand, 673 head CT scan, 453 head trauma, 453 headache,617 health maintenanceorganizations, 605 heart injuries, 31 Heimlich valve, 115 helium, 291 HELLP syndrome, 821 helmet, 345 hematoma, 165 hemoptysis, 313, 317 heparin, 563 hernia, 297 high-voltage line, 345 HIV, 279 home apneamonitors, 855 human immunodeficiency virus. See HIV hyperbilirubinemia, 781 hyperemesisgravidarum, 639 hypertension, 35 hypertensive crises, 859 hypotension, 6 1, 147 hypothermia, 623 ifosfamide, 645 imaging, 839 imidazole, 221 immediate hypersensitivity, 7 1 immunosuppression,169 inboard and outboard roll-stop barriers, 45

index .-II-

induction,consent, 22 1 729 informed injury, 49, 459 instructions, 1 internal carotid 19 international, 249 artery, Internet, intestinal401 adhesions,235 intestinal obstruction, 235 intracranial, 19 intravenous, 13 intubation, 91, 141, 221 ischemia, alcohol, 637 isopropyl 687 knee, 459 knot, 505 knot security, 351 knot slippage, 505 kuru. 701 laboratory, 735 laboratory testing, 687 lacerations, 673 lactate dehydrogenase,285 language, 9 latex allergy, 71 leadership, 525 lingua1 entrapment,637 low-molecular-weight heparin, 563 lycopodium, 209 magnetic resonanceimaging (MRI), 309, 633 malingering, 537 managedcare, 393, 605, 611 management,115, 547, 601 marihuana, 483 mechanical ventilation, 785 Medicaid, 393 medical education, 387 medical history taking, 617 medical informatics, 401 mentor, 52.5 metacarpophalangealjoint, 669 methanol, 687 methotrexate, 177 4-methylpyrazole, 653 microsurgery, 709 midazolam, 357 misoprostol, 61 mobility disorder, 45 molten metal bums, 675 monofilament sutures, 351 Morgagni-type hernia, 297 mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, 279 MRI. Seemagnetic resonanceimaging (MRI) multiphasic allergic reaction, 477 multiphasic anaphylaxis, 477 multiple sclerosis, 45 Munchausen syndrome, 537 myocardial infarction, 839 myoglobin, 833 nasogastricsuction, 235

nasotrachealintubation, 14I natural rubber, 71 nausea,633 necrotizing enterocolitis, 855 needle holders, 495 needles,495 neonatal resuscitation, 855 neoplasms,3 13 nervous system disorders, 309 neurocysticercosis,633 newsgroup, 401 nickel, 679 NICU graduates,855 nightshade berry, 65 nitrite, 435 noninvasive ventilation, 785 nonlethal, 789 nontraumatic, 19 observation units, 839 obstruction, 339 occulational allergy, 7 1 ocular complications, 8 11 Ontario, 115 open reduction, 669 organ transplantation, 169 orotracheal, 91 osmolar gap, 653 outpatient, 115 overdose, 183 oxygen, 291 oxygen saturation, 147 pancreatitis, 645 paraquat,649 pediatrics, 601 pelvic inflammatory disease,869 percutaneous,495 percutaneoussutures, 35 1 pheochromocytoma,35 physostigmine, 65 placebo, 775 pneumomediastinum,639 pneumothorax, 147, 155 poisoning, 465, 649 police weapon, 789 positive-pressureventilation, 147 powder-free surgical gloves, 209 powdered latex gloves, 71 preeclampsia,821 pregnancy, 821 prehospital, 13, 141 prehospital DNR, 109 prevention, 159, 469 prions, 701 procedures,387 program assessment,889 prolonged resuscitation, 629 protocol, 593 pseudoseizure,8 15 psoasabscess,623 psychogenic seizure, 8 15 psychomotor skills, 387 public health, 249


XXVI pulmonary hemorrhage, arteriovenous3malformation, 317 pulmonary 17 quality of care, 889 radiography, 459 rectus muscle, 165 referral, 9 renal failure, 833 repair, 673 replantation, 709 residency, 249 resistanceto bending, 679 resuscitation, 109, 331 retroperitoneal abscess,623 revascularization, 709 review, 653 rhabdomyolysis, 833 risk management,537 roadside flare, 87 root causes,735 safety, 439 satisfaction, 6 11 screening, 393 seasons,465 second metacarpalfracture, 201 sedation, 13 seizure, 8 15 septic arthritis, 869 serotonin, 49 1 serotonin syndrome, 491 sharpness,679 simple dislocation, 669 skier’s thumb, 193 skills, 387 skin graft, 675 slit lamp, 793 snakebite, 827 sodium bicarbonate, 183 sodium channel, 321 Spanish, 1, 9 spina bifida, 71 spinal cord, 49 spinal cord compression,309 spinal epidural hematoma,309 spine, 49 spongiform encephalopathy,701 spontaneous,19 spontaneouspneumothorax, 115 stainless steel, 679 status asthmaticus,87 status epilepticus, 357 Stener’s lesion, 193 stenosis,339 strontium nitrate, 87 subphrenic abscess,849 suicide, 649 sulfur dioxide, 87

The Journal of Emergency Medicine survey, 6 11 sutures,495, 505, 673 swine, 147 syncope, 593 tachycardia ventricular, 183 talcum powder, 209 technical skills, 387 temporal arteritis, 869 tenorrhaphy, 709 tension physiology, 147 tension pneumothorax, 147 teratoma, 3 13 thermal injury, 483 thoracic injuries, 31 thoracolumbar, 49 tinnitus etiology, 617 tongue, 637 tonometer, 793 toxemia, 815 toxic alcohols, 653 toxicity, 61, 357, 439, 649 transillumination, 91 transverse, 197 trauma, 141, 169,453, 459, 623, 849 treatment, 769 triage, 605, 889 tricychc antidepressants,439 trimethoprimisulfamethoxazole, 435 turnaround times, 735 ulnar collateral ligament (UCL), 193 undergraduatemedical education, 557 University of Virginia, 525 ureter calculi, 339 urgent care, 393 urinary tract infection, 435 urography, 339 validation, 459 venlafaxine, 491 venous thrombosis, 563 ventricular fibrillation, 331 vicryl, 673 Virginia University of, 525 volar plate, 669 vomiting, 633 wide complex dysrhythmia, 321 winter storm, 469 World Wide Web, 401 wounds penetrating, 3 1 stab, 31 traumatic, 537