Laboratory data management system using a pet microprocessor

Laboratory data management system using a pet microprocessor


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25 USE OF A CRESOL RED DYE SYSTEM TO MEASURE TEMPERATURE ON A CENTRIFUGAL FAST ANALYZER. A. Bri~andi, L. Mullaly and D. Grisley, dr. (Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, NY i&650) The cresol red dye system (Bowle~ L.,, [1976] Clln. Chem. 22, 449) was used for temperature measurements with the following protocol: i) cresol red/NaOM and cresol red/Tris.HCl were aged for t ~ weeks before use due to initial rapid changes in absorbance of freshly prepared solutions. 2) A narrow range of temperature (2=C) was used for the calibration llne of temperature vs absorbance and fresh dye was used for each calibration point due to its thermal instability. 3) During temperature measurement on the centrifugal fast analyzer, a concurrent absorbance of the cresol red/NaOH solution, and one point on the calibration llne was verified on the reference spectrophoCometer. Using this protocol, Rotoehem lla temperature performance was monitored. Rotor


~ (oc)a)

36.99 36.65




Period (months)


0.41 0.29


3 3



a) Overall mean of mean rotor ~emperatures; b) range of mean rotor temperatures; c) mean range of wlthln-ro~or curet temperatures; d) number of tests

I t is concluded that dependable temperature measurements with cresol red dye can be performed on a centrlfugal fast analyzer with the stated protocol.





The Technicon RA-1000* system is a s e l l - c o n t a i n e d bench top

system with an analysis rate of 2~0 tests per hour. The instrument employs a non-reactive Equid as a barrier material which prevents carryover and allows full random access operation. The instrument uses a disposable 100 place cuvette tray in a temperature controlled airbath designed for 30 or 37°C operation, + O.l°C. Samples for individual tests vary from 3 to 20 ~1 with a CV% 0.~f% for sample pipetting. Reagent consumption is 30O~Jl per test. A second reagent addition of 20 to 50~1 is also programmable. The system is a micro-processor controlled RS232C interface to remote equipment.

and offers

processor, 8050 dual disc driv~ (I megabyte storage capacity) and a Co--re 4022 dot-matric printer. Total price of the hardware is <$6,000.00. Patient demographic data including state of consciousness, type of body fluid and tests requested ax~ entered and updated with results as they are available. The System can handle both GLC and TiC date, and it is stored on the disc for later retrieval. Stored data is used to print patients results, Stats Ca~ workload tests and units, statistics, daily worksheets, cLmlm/lative daily s u ~ for quick auditing of days work and for billing purposes. Stored data can be used for various other statistics such as quality control, patterns of drugs used and relationship of drug levels of consciousness.


MICROPROCESSOR-BASED SOFTWARE FOR COMPLETEONLINE RIA DATA ANALYSIS. Burqes~, S.R. ~'~, Fackre11, H.B.2, Draisey, T.F. ~'~ Thibert, R . J . " ~ s . ~ f 'Chemistry and 2Biology, University o f Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, N9B 3P4, and ~Depts. of Pathology, Salvation Army Grace Hospital and Windsor Western Hospital Centre, Windsor, Ontario. A microprocessor-based software package has been developed which meets the needs of the small clinical RIA laboratory, yet is readily capable of expanding to the demands of a large lab. The advantages of this system include ease of operator use through displayed menus and instructions, manual or online data input, variable sequencing of data input, and automatic data analysis by a variety o f selectible routines. The l a t t e r includes: Scatchard, sigmoidal, log-transform, power, log-log, and l o g i t transforms, with multiple binding models also available. All data interpretations include determinations o f confidence limits, test of model f i t , flagging o f outlying data, and graphical display (with hardcopy available). Thus, the best model can be selected for each assay on which to base computation o f patient results. Recording and updating of quality control data, statistics and plotting is also operator selectable. The ease with which this system can be implemented does not compromise the degree of sofistication of data handling. Rather, the small hospital laboratory is capable of state-of-the-art RIA data processing. The a b i l i t y to process data from several counters is available, thus ensuring upward expansion with increasing workloads. Optional storage of raw data gives added security, and ease o f future retrieval for recomputation. Minor modifications could a11ow for recording o f patient demographics and printing of patient reports.


The general analytical approaches utilized on the system for zero order, Iirst order and endpoiot methods will be described along with optical and pipetting performance of the system. *Trademark of Technicon Instruments Corporation, Tarrytown, NY


CALIBRATION STRATEGIES FOR THE TECHNICON RA-1O00 SYSTEM The Technicon RA-1000 * system is a d e s c r e t e , random a c c es s , clinical laboratory system. It a c c o m o d a t e s z e r o order, i i r s t order

and endpoint methods with conventional and bichromatic blanking. Calibration will be accomplished by use o:{ a serum calibrant, except certain 3~,0 nm and kO~ nm chemistries. Methods utilizing absolute calibration will be based on the molar extinction coefficients of NADH and p-nitrophenol, respectively. The absolute calibration at 3~0 nm will be used |or the LDH, ALT, AST, amylase, and CPK chemistries. Alkaline phosphatase and GGT utilize absolute calibration at 40~ nm. A comparison of long-term precision achieved by the alternative calibration procedures will be presented. A description of the algorithms for monitoring both low and high activity of enzyme chemistries will be described. Correlation with routinely used laboratory methods will be presented along with a full description ol the procedures. *Trademark of Technicon Instruments Corporation, Tarrytown, NY

50 FACTORS INFLUENCING THE pK' OF THE BICARBONATE BUFFER SYSTEM (BBS). Pichette, C., Chen, C.B., Coldstein, M.B., Stlnebaugh, B.J., and Halperin, M.L. (Introduced by R.L. Patten), Univ. of Toronto, Toronto, Canada and Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas S[gnificant discrepancies have been found when the acid-base status was assessed from the calculated bicarbonate concentration (calc bic cone) using the RH and PCO 2 (pK' = 6.1) as co,ipared with the deter,ninatlon of the total CO2 content (TC02). Therefore, the purpose of this study was to compare the TCO 2 and calc bic cone under several different conditions. In order to clarify the basis for this discrepancy, we assumed that the calc bic cone reflects a value in only the aqueous phase of a solution (it was derived from the pH and PCO 2 reflecting measurements per aqueous volume) whereas the TCO 2 is the content per total rather than aqueous volume. To confirm this, in a bicarbonate solution (He03- = 25 mmol/L) gassed with 5% CO2, the TCO 2 exceeded the calc bic cone by 1.2 mmol/L as expected (total CO 2 : bicarbonate + dissolved CO 2 + C03 = + carbamino compounds). When the total volume of this bicarbonate buffer was increased by 10% by adding NaCI, the TCO 2 fell by 2.7 mmol/L total volume, reflecting the increased non-aqueous volume which contained no C02, bicarbonate CO3 = or carba~ino compounds. In contrast, when isohydric albumin (10% by wt ) was added to increase the nonaqueous volume, ~he TCO 2 exceeded the calc bic cone by 2.1 mmol/L, presumably due to the formation of carbamino-compounds. We conclude that the calc bic cone is a more reliable index of the true bicarbonate concentration than is the TCO 2. Reliance on the TCO 2 in plasma can lead to the false impression in certain patients that the pK' differs appreciably from 6.I0.


28 I2JK)I~ II~TA ~ % N A G ~ SYST~I USING A PET MICI~PFOCESSOR. , Kaplan, K., and Anderson,M., Clinical Institute, arch Foumdation, 33 Russell St., Toronto, Ontario, ~5S 2SI %~ne Toxioology Laboratory of the Addiction Research Foundation is used for drug ana/ysis by most of Metro Toronto's Hospitals. Considerable amount of time is spent doing various management activities related to this work such as collection of Stats Can Units, billing, etc., etc. A Pet Microprooessor based data entry and retrieval system has been developed. %'he system consists of a PET model 8032 miczo-

MALIGNANT CELL MEMBRANERECEPTORS - RECOGNITION BY BACTERIOCINS. Farkas-HimsIex~ Hannah,* & Musclow, C.E.+, Dept. of Microbiology and Parasitology* and Dept. of Laboratories, Mount Sinai Hospital *+ and Dept. of Uathology+ University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada MSS IAl. B a c t e r i o c i n s , b a c t e r i a l p0lypeptide a n t i b i o t i c s , were found to i n h i b i t p r e f e r e n t i a l l y m u l t i p l i c a t i o n of various unrelated malignant cells as compared to their normal counterparts. Consequently, bacteriocins were used to differentiate various leukemias and lymphomas from normal lymphocytes. (Farkas-Himsley, H. (1980) J. Antibiot. and Chemother. 6, 424). Surface membrane receptors which are primarily involved in bacteriocin interaction with sensitive cells were investigated