Leopold salzer prize

Leopold salzer prize

62 THE BRITISH I~OM(EOPATHIC JOURNAL No. 5. P.S., act 20. Discharged from the forces after all sorts of treatment, including Insulin.--Coma. Throb...

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No. 5. P.S., act 20. Discharged from the forces after all sorts of treatment, including Insulin.--Coma. Throbbing of the head. Cannot concentrate. Moody; can't settle anywhere. On the move all the time. Work worries him. Doesn't mix with anyone. Irritable; flares up. U n t i d y ; just become like this, never used to be so. W o n ' t wash. Poor sleep. Said to have had one " fit " when in Navy. Three fits in all during childhood. Was quiet at school but mixed quite well. Was in office for 2-3 years before joining up. Discharged as " psychopathic ". He was unco-operative whilst in the ward. J)idn't speak, nor mix with other patients. Constant complaint " throbbing all over him " Ultimately discharged himself against advice. Work constantly worried him. Started his old job, but only remained a few days. Tried ': on the land " but didn't stick it at all. He is now so slow in walking or working or dressing himself or talking. Used to be quick at everything. Hc is suspicious, jealous, obstinate. Untidy. Likes to be alone ; avoids company. Goes out, but does not seem to know where he is going; wanders around and wanders back. No interest. No confidence, but if crossed becomes abusive. He repertorized t o : Anacardium 8/19. Hyos. 7/13. Ign. 7/14. Lach. 8/16. Anacardium 200, one dose was given. One month later. No worse; appetite b e t t e r ; sleeping better. Goes out, but to the pictures. More interest. Month later. Not so much throbbing. Trying out his pen. Month later. Back at his job, 9.30 to 4.30; sent home one day giddy. Anacardium lm, one dose. Two montha later. O.K. Back at full time work. Taking up sport again. There seems little doubt that the condition was schizophrenia. The choice of Anacardium in this conncction is interesting, though the " dual personality " of the drug was not considered in the choice of remedy, but it may be that it sholfld have been. At any rate the Anacardium picture in Boericke is the patient, and stresses the value of repertorizing even a limited number of mentals.


TBE next Examination for the Diploma of the Faculty of Homceopathy will be held at the London Homceopathie Hospital between June 25th and 28th, 1945. The written examination will be held on Monday, June 25th, at 10 a.m. The clinical examinations will be held on the 26th and 27th, and the viva voce examination at a time to be announced on the day of the written examination. The fee for the examination is s 10s., payable in advance. Candidates should notify the Honorary Secretary of their intention to take the examination not later than June 18th, enclosing the examination fee.

L E O P O L D SALZEI~ P14IZE ATTENTIONis called to this CASH P g I Z E of s to be offered on January 1st, 1946, to the author of the best Essay upon the treatment, according to the principles of Homoeopathy, of INSANITYin all its forms. For full particulars apply to the Secretary, British Homceopathic Association, 43 Russell Square, London, W.C.1.