dlmericar~ Palenl,.
l)Ursuit ; m a n y times the a m o u n t o f v a l u e a n n u a l l y p r o d u c e d that is p r o d u c e d by a n y o t h e r interest ; a n d m a n y times the n u m b e r o f p e r , sons e m p l o y e d - t h a t are e m p l o y e d in all the other g r e a t interests o f the c o u n t r y put together. Yet h o w much is e x p e n d e d , a n d h o w m u c h time is e m p l o y e d , in l e g i s l a t i n g for those o t h e r interests, a n d h o w little for agriculture .t A l l which is respectfully s u b m i t t e d , EDMUND BURKE,
Commissioner of Palents. Patent O~ce~ Jan.~ 1847. Li, t of ~rnerican Patents which Expired in 18t6. Acid, Vegetable ~ . S. Allison & B. Kugler, Philada., Pa. June 5. Alarm bell for lime-pieces, Robert Wilson, Williamsport, Pa,,, July 3. Alcohol for stiffening hats, William McCoy, Northumberlanfl, Pa., June 22. Andirons,. William Wilson, Greenfield, Mass., May 16. Apples, zrinding, and shell- i Harris, Newton, Webste;" & Dart, Truxton, N. J.. ing corn, ~ March 10. Do. do. do. Jonathan K. Deane, Augustus, Ohio, April 5. Awl haft, David M. Smith, Gilsum, N. H., October 25. Axes, Jonathan Pratt, Jr., Charlemont, Mass., April 6, Do. Benjamin Smith, Canton, Conn., Nov. 2. Do. hatohcts, &e., David Hinman, Winchester, Conn., Nov. 2. Do. Oval Asahel Collins, Winstead, Conn., Oct. 25. Axletrees, friction rollers Francis Rees, Clarksville, Ga., April 14. Baker, Reflecting tin William Prescott, Boston, Mass., May 24. Do. and roaster, Double refleeting Samuel Hasey, Rensselaerville, N. Y., Dec. 2S. Balance, Compound lever Jared B. Whetmore, Rush, N. Y., F~b. 27. Do. Steelyards E, & T. Fairbanks, St. Johnsburg, Vt., Sept. 22, Do. Do. &e., Do. do. do. do. Do. weighing heavy bodies Do. do. do. Feb. 21. Bank notes, Preventing counterfeiti.g J. Peabody & 3. Dixon, Salem, Mass., April 20. Bark mill. James T. Gifford, Veteran, N. Y., Feb. 27. Do. do. D. Hamberd & G. Downs, McConnehown, Pa. March 27. :~* Barrels for oil, Barnabas Springer, Henry county. Ind., April 27. Bath, Elastic cot V,r. C. Palmer, New York, N. Y., Nov. 24. Do. Applying steam Boyd Reilly: Philadelphia, Pa., July 31. Bedbugs,Destroying by steam Benj. Overman, Greensborough, N. C., June 22., Beds, Cork tbr filling $tephen Bates, Boston, Mass.. Dec. 28. Bedsteads, Cornelius Van Noy, Lexina'ton,Ky. Jan. 10. Do. Bethel Judd, New LondoniConn., May 25. Henry Reisinger, York, Pa..Au~. 18. Do. Hardin Branch, city of New York, April 18. Do. fastenings, John Richman. Lancaster, Ohio, Dec. 28. Do. do. Do. sofias, settees, &c., John P. Allen, Manchester, Mass. May 19. Beer or ale, Restoring sour Moses Granger, Lowville, N. Y., Jan. 14. Do. Making spruce George Jones, Boston, Mass., Jan. 27. Bells tbr cows or sheep, Samuel Booth, Berlin, Conn., June 1. Binnacle lizhts, William Lawrence, Meriden, Conn., Nov. 14. Bleaching Bayberry wax Benjamin Go,nperts, city o[ New Yorlq Feb. 14. Do. yellow beeswax, John A. Shullz, city of New York, Aprd 30. Do. cotton, linen, &c., John B. Green, Portsmouth, N. H.. May 29. Boards, Shearing Simon Willard, Cincinnati, Ohio, Mat 9. Do. &c., Seasoning, &c., Abraham Plumb, Buffalo, New York,'April 6. Boilers, Steam,Supplying with water Jesse Fox, Lowell, Mass,, Marcia 14. Books, Cutting Archibald O. Douglass, Philada., Pa., Jan. 6.
List of ,~rnerican Patents which Expireq~n;
1 8 4 6 , ~ ' ~' '~ 35
Boots, Crimping S las Wetherby, Essex, Vt.:~May 12: .f .Do. do. Lewis Lueas, Barre, Vt.. July' 25. , ~ . : ~..' Do. &c., Gum elastic soles Wait Webster,city of New Ynrk~:]Yla'¢19. Do Pe~,,~in,, machine for Willia n B Randall Fayette, Malh"e.~April6. Do: ~1~. " do. do. Fredermk Gray, Rowley, Mass., April6. Do. Taps |br soles Stillman Knowlton, Athol, Mass., Oct. 25. Boxes of wood, Harrison Holland, Belchertown, Mass., April 13. Brand tor flour barrels, Samuel Huse, Newburyport, Mass., June 28. Bricks, Moulding John Drummond, Whilestown, N. Y., March 6. Do. do. -and pressing Daniel Barn[brd. Deerfield, N. Y., April 28. Do. do. do. David Phillips, Natchez, Miss., June 23. Do. press, David M. Crellis, Sandwich, N. H., Aug. I1. Do. Stock, tile, &c. D. Flagg, Jr. & A. Parker, Sweden, N. H., Dee. 2~3. Brush, broom, &c. handles Evans Turk, Harrisburg, Pa., May 18. Buds, Delaying blossoming Robert Moore, Ro~an county, N. C., March 16. Buildin,~s, Securing from fire, Ebenezer Mix, Batavia, N. Y., Nov. 22. Bungs.~,ianufacturing Robert Barlow, Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 1. Canal Ioeks,Securinff water in James Dewees, Pottsville, Pa., Dec. 31. Candles Dinpin~" John Aborn, Trenton, N. J., May 19. Cannon,'l~ri/ners~forpercussionJoshua Shaw, Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 31. Car, Railroad John C. Blauvelt, Rockland county, N. Y., July 11. Do. do. Isaac Cooper, Baltimore, Md., Oct. 25. Do. do. Samuel Snyder, Lancaster, Pa., Nov. I0. Carding machine, Robert Bartlett, Ripley, Ohio. Oct, 25. Do. do. Luther Colburn, Fairfield, Vt., Nov. 20. Cards, boards, &c., Homer Whittimore, Newton, N. Y., April 27. Do. Cotton and w o o l , Edward Faber, Pittsbur~, Pa., Jan. 24. Carriages,Disengaging horsesRobert Beale, Washington, D. C., May 12. Cement for wood. brick, &e., Richard Walsh, Boston, Mass., Jan. 5. Chimneys, Preventing smoking, &c. Jeremiah Sullivan, Washington, D. C., April 27. Churn, John H. Brunwer, MeKean, Ohio, Feb. 9. Do. Jedediah Darrow, Warren, Ohio, June 2. Do. William Loomis, Ashford, Conn., June 2. Do. Jesse Ladd, Holderness N. H., June 22. Do. Simeon Power, Lawreneevi e, Pa., June 23. Do. Isaac Van Gorder, Warren, Ohio, June 27. Do. James Bennett, Brutus, hi. Y., July 25. Do. Caleb C. Kaowles, Fayette, Maine, August 2. Do. AnthonyC. Carrell, Greenville, Ohio, Set. 25. Do. Joseph Rickey, Centre township. Ohio, Oct. 25. I Do. Eli Wil,emin, Salem township, Ohio, Oct. 25. Do. Balanced lever Caleb Angevine, city st New York, April 19. Do. Revolving dasher Hardin Branch, city of New York, April 18. Clay, Mixing Jesse Chapman, Mad River township, Ohio, June 2. Do. do. & m~tkin~ brick D. Phillips & J. D. Drummond, Whitestown, N. Y., May 15. Clocks, Ruths Porter, Billeriea, Mass, June 22. Do. James S. Seger, eity of New York, Nov. 27. Do. striking part George Parker, Ithaca, New York, April 7. Do. do. James Bogardus city of New York, May 18. Clothes vice, Samuel Prior, Sa era, N. J., March 22. Coaches, barouehes, & e . , Robert Gedney, city st New York, April 7. Cock, . ,," Jacob Bright, Sunbury Pa., June 22. Do. To prevent treezm~, m pentstoeks, &c.. Dixwell. Lathrop, Jr., Norwich, Conn., Dec. 5. Cofli~e mill, Double T . H . Welherly & J. Torrey, Milbury, Mass., July 17. Do. and spice mill, E. P~trker & H. White, Meriden, Conn., June 22. Do. do. Ammi Clark, Berlin, Conn., July 20. Combs, Preparing tortoise shell, &c., Reuben Munsen, city of New York, May 22. Compass, Surveying William J. Young, Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 17. Constructing boats ~ vessels Albert Dorman, Nortblk, Va.. Oct. 25. Cooking apparatus S.D. & W. T. Day, Westfield, Mass, June 8. Do. do. ' James Bennett, Brutus, N. Y., July 25. Do. stove, Horace Bartlett, Bridgeport, Coma., May 12.
•2 m e r i c a n
Henry O. Foote, Dover,, N. H., Dec. 7. Cooking stove, David Gassner, city of New York, April II. Do. do. Coal Do. do. and fireplace, Edward Potter, Providence, R. I., May 8. Stephen J. Gold, Cornwall, Conn., Aug. 29. Do. do. Portable Henry Stanley, Poultney, Vt., Dee. 7. Do. do. Revolving Corn shelling, grinding, &c. Daniel Mullier, Worcester, Ohio, Jan. 24. WilIiam Gee. Prince George county, Va., May I0. Do. do. Christian Thomas, Lancaster, Pa., Sept. 3. Do. do. Michael Carpenter, Lancaster, Pa., Oct. 25. Do. do. Daniel Hall. Strasburg township, Pa., Nov. 12. Do. do. Counterfeit figure, Lathe to David H. Mason, Philadelphia, Pa., June 7. prevent Cracker and biscuit cutting, J. & C. Bruce, Kinz's county, N.Y., March 13. T. V. Bush, Clark,~Ky., June 27. Croup ia poultry, Curing Waldren Beach, Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 25. Cultivator, or harrow, John Brannon, Baltimore, Md., March 8. Cutting sansage i~e~a.I, Charles Otis, Greene, Pa., Nov. 29. Do. do. . John Dickinson, Philadelphia, Pa.. Nov. 30. Diamonds, Setting 3aeob Miller, Lancaster, Pa., Feb. 16. Distilling, Lewis Johnson, Easton, Pa., Nov. 9. Do. ])avid Brown, city ot New York, Feb. 11. Dock, Dry S. H. Stinehfield, New Orleans, La., April 27. Do. Floating screw Calvin Washburn, Bridgewater, Mass, ApriljS. Door th.stener, Door springs, Vertical wire John Codman. Boston, Mass., Dec. 28. Eastman R. Ball, Oswego, N. Y., April 5. Doors, N. C. Witlett, Jonesborough, Tenn., Dee. 28. Dough, Kneading Dyeing with alkaline prusFelix Fossard, Pittsburg, Pa., Dec. 14. slates, Charles Goodyear, Philada., Pa., March 16. Faucets, Spring lever Felt, Washing, &c.,papermakers' Samuel E. Foster, Brattleborough Vt., May 25. Fenders, Shaping fire T. Thomas & R. Fu er, city of New York. Nov. 19. Fire-arms, J . W . Plummer & J. Clark, Wayne township, Ohio, May 17. Do. James B. Porter, Girard, Pa., Aug. 4. Do. Loading and discharging P . A . Morineau, Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 19. Fireplace tor burning coal, Artemes Torrel, Boston, Mass., Oct. 25. Flax and Hemp, Breaking & dressia,% Ebenezer C. Chase, Jay, Me. Jan. 6. Do. do. do. Arnold Zellnor, G es county, Tenn., Oct. 25. Fomentation, Applying, 4~c., T. L. Jeanison, Cambridge, Mass., Aug. 30. Forges, Backs tbr and other fires, Philo P. Curtis, Utica, N. Y.. March 22. Do. do. for fires, &c., Asa Graham, Hamilton, N. Y., ,Dee. 25. Friction roIlers, James D. Cobb, Lebanon, Ohio, June 22. Fur, cutting from pelt Deuison Williams, city of New York, Oct. 25. Fur, Separating from hair, C .Lockwood, R. Lockwood, & J. Arnold, Fairfield, Conn, Dee. 4. Furnace, Blast, ['or iron ore, Thomas Gregg, Connellsvil]e, Pa., May 22. Do. Hot-air & bake oven Jacob Stone, Baltimore, Md., May 29. Garments, Tailors7square delineating Andrew Weswe]], Exeter, N. H., June 7. I. Musser & L. B. Gitchell, Canton, Ohio, Feb. 11. Gate purchase, Rotary John J. Adams, Washington, D. C., April 21. Glass, Flattening A. Gordon & J. P. Bake'~'ell, Pittsburg, Pa., Dec. 8. Do. hones, Do. Machine for blowing Joshua Laird, Pittshurg, Pa., Dec. 14. Morris J. Gardner, YoJ:k, Pa., April 30. Do. for orreries,&c., Go~d, Swinzing riddles, &c., Oscar Willis. Morgantown, N. C., Sept. 5. Thomas Rives, Jr., Hall county. Ga., Feb. 3. Do. Washing, &c., William Davis, Fauquier county, Va., Nov. 22. Do. do. do. James Ahvaler, New Haven, Conn., Oct. 25. Gra|es, F. Bush & L. Pratt, Meriden, Conn., March 2a. Gridirons, Jonathan Bridges, Troy. N. Y.. July 24. Grinding cylinders, Gideon Hotchkiss, Windsor, N.Y., Jan. 27. Grist mill, Amos Barnes, Colesville, N. Y., April 27. Do.
List of dlmerican Palenls which Expired in 1846.
Grist mill, Oliver N. May, Hancock, N. Y., May 5. Do. Asahel Bacon, Windsor, N. Y., June 4. Do. Joseph C. Gentry, Philadelphia, Pa., July 14. Do. gate pressure, Scarer Prentiss, city ofN. Y., June 4. Do. scouring & hulling, D. Parmelee & J. Moores, New Troy, Pa., June 12. Hair for matrasses, Picking A. Green & J. S. Osgood, Hamilton, N. Y., Dec. 18. Harness, Fly net thr horses' Henry Kern, Philadelphia, Pa., June 22. Harrow, Corn and grain cultivator Nathaniel Stanton, Jr., Florida, N. Y., July 9. Do. (3ylindricalrevolving James D. Woodside, Washington. D. C., July 28. Hat bodies, Seth Graham, Fayette, Maine, May 15. H~ts, Manufacture ot" J. Ta)lor & (3. Brown. Danbury, Conn., Jan. 13. Do. Napping J.Dart, Jr., W. Wells & D.Olmsted, Buffalo, N.Y., May 12. H. Wortham & G. S. Petty, Laneaster,Ky.,July 9. Do. do. G. & E. Page, Manchester, Conn., Nov. 9. Do. Planking Do. Washing Samuel Drinkhouse, Easton borough Pa., Jan. 30. Richard Mills, Baltimore, Md., Feb. 27. Do. Water-proof Do. do. Stiffeninz, Georze W. Downs, Circleville, Ohio Oct. 25. Heat from s,noke,Abstraeting Danie Steinhaver, Ph lade phia, Pa., Dec. 13. Benjamin Hinkley, Fayette, Me., June 23. no~, Hoes, Fastening handles to Reener Dare, Greenwich, N. J., Feb. 14. T.D. Bnrrall, & J.F.Axtell. Geneva, N.Y., June 13. H o r sDo e power, . Timothy Shcwerman, Covington, N. Y., June 27. Do. & accelerating motion, Richard S. Schevenell, Orangeburg, S. (3., Nov. 13: James H. (3orey, Bethel township, Ohio, Feb.27. Do. Portable David Flazg, Jr., cily of New York, Dee. 28. Do. do. Hulling buckwheat, barley, Thomas R ezister, West township, Ohio, April 5. Christophei' Seebohl, Jr.. New Berlin, Pa., March 6. Do. clover seed, Gee. Monehon Auzusta township, Ohio, Apt'i[ 27. Do. do. Pierson Readi~g, Trenton, N. J., Ju y 31. Do. do. G & E. Faber, Pittsburg, Pa., Oct. 13. Do. do. Do. and chopping ~'rain, G. Wales, Centre lownship,Union Co., Pa., July 24. Do. and cleaning grain, Orin Lull, Otsego, N. Y.,Ang. 25. Joshua M. Buskey, city of New York, Oct. 25. Do. rice, T. I~. Strong & M. T. Moody, Northampton, Mass., Do. do. and barley, Nov. 17. J. Bea(.h & S. Starr, Middletown, Conn., May 10. Do. and polishing rice, T. F. Strong & M. T. Moody, Northampton, M a s s , Do. do. do. Aug. 29. O. Be.alger & O. Lull, Otsego, N. Y., Aug. 9. Hydrostatic oil press, Robert Irvin, Baltimore, Md., Jan. 12. Ice steamboat Inclined planes, Propelling cars on William Bent, Philadelphia. Pa., Oct. 25. Iron manufacture, Norman Callender, Reesville, N. Y., July 18. Iron ore, Separating Joseph Goulding, Ramapo, N. Y., May i8. Kiln, Lime Samuel Griseom, Reading, Pa., June 26. Lamps, Compound spirits tbr William Magee. city of New York, April 27. Do. Gas Solomon Andrews. Perth Amboy, N. J., May 10. Do. tallow, &e., Norman Ruhlee, Montl~elier, Vt., Dec. 4. Lancet, '~r guard spring, Samuel Wilmot, Bridgeport, Conn., Oct. 25. Lathe, Turning William Green, Bedlb~rdcounty. Tenn. April 27. Do. do. John Bisbee, Plainfie d, Mass., Nov. 8. Do. do. chair-tops, Horatio Cook, city of New York, Nov. 30. Do. do. whip-stocks, G. Dayton & A. Mallory, Westfield,Mass., April 27 Laths, Cutting Ira Carpenter, Cincinnati, Ohio, May 2. Do. do. Revolving Simon Billard, Cincinnati, Ohio, March 16. Lez and thigh, Extending Joseph Merrill, Glasgow, Ky., June 22. Lizhtning, Protecting vessels from Elisha L. Keen, city of New York, June 27. Lim~ SPoreading jMaa~ksLi~ylWei, l~an~n~Uoa,kl~i~t~.wnl~IFayt.iJune 22. Do. or sprin~ latch, Robert J, Byram, Boston, Mass., May 13. Do. Manu|'aeturing James Meneely, Watervliet, N. Y., Jau. 12. Vor. XIV',3e,D $gams.--JNd. 1.--JVLr, 1847. 4
dlmerlcan l~alenls.
Lock Compression cannon .ItJ U*.' Percussion Do. do. Do. do. Do. Portablceannon
Joshua Shaw, Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 3. Israel B. Richardson, Palmyra, N. Y., Feb. 17. Francis Dewier, ~rayne township, Ohio, April 9. David G. Colborn, Port Byron, N. Y., Oct. 25. Joshua Shaw, Philadelphia, P a., Dec. 3.
Marble, Sawing Isaac D. Kirk, Philadelphia, Pa., July 3. Marine railway, Leonard White, Norlblk, Va., Nov. 15. Medicine, Anti-spasmodic tincture Horton Howard, Columbus Ohio, Aug. 30. Do. Astringent tonic Do. do. do. do. 25. Do. Bitter tonic Do. do. do. do. 25. Do. Compound tincture myrrh. Do. dodo. do. 25. Do. Cure for cholera Jacob Houck, Baltimore, Md., Au~. 25. Do. Sweating powders Horton Howard, Columbus, Ohio, A u g 25. Milk, Can for Artemus Cri|tenden, West Turin, N.Y., July 14. Mill stoncs~ David Stern, Vandenburg county, Ind., Jan. 5. Do. Annular John Morley, city of New York, Nov. 28. Do. Bed Wi/Iiam Bennett, Chesterville, Me., Oct. 25. Do. Dressing John Keeli~r, Williamsport, Pa., Jan. 13. l~ineral water, Seidlitz or Rochelle Joseph Boston, city of New York, Ma~" 5. Do. Soda apparatus George H. Daffy, Alexandria, D. C., April 19. Do. Do.. Joseph H. Lanning, Philadelphia, Pa., June 22." Do. Soda fountain, J. Fraley & A. Kirkpatrick, Urban, Ohio, Mar 9. Moccasins, socks, Denison Williams, city of New York, net. 24. Nails, Cutting and heading Do. Manulacturing ' Do. Wrought Do. do.
Emerald Mason, Milton, Vt., June 6. Freeman Palmer, Buflhlo, N. Y., Oct. 25. Thomas W. Harvey, Jamestown. N. Y., Jan. 4. John V. Green, city of New York, Dee. 28.
Oakum, Picking Oil cloth, Manufacture of Oil, Fish, whale and sperm
E. Cook & S. Usher, Haddam, Conn., July 9. D. Powers, Lansingburg, N. Y., Feb. 18. D. C. & C. H. Knapp & A. Howland, Oswego, N.Y., May 29.
Oil, Whale, sperm, cotton seed, &c. Opium from poppy,Pressing Organs, Seraphina Ovens, Tin bake
Ephraim C. Moss, city of New York, Dec. 2a. Lucius Cook, Shrewsburg, N. H,, April 20. Louis Zwablen, city of New York, May 5. William Lewis, Franklin, N. Y., Jan. 6.
Packing for steam engines, William V. Grinnel], Middletown, Conn., April 5. Paint, or composition for launching, Winslow, Chandler & Milliken, Unity, M e , June 4. Do. mill, grain, &e., James Bogardus, city of New York, Jan. 18. Do. do. indigo Oliver C . H a r r i s , Waterville, N. Y,, March 15. Do. do. d~'e stuffs, &c., William C. Johnson, Philadelphia, Pa., May 3. Painting, elastic stamp, &c., Thomas Boynton. Windsor, Vt., July 12. Paper making, Filteringior Thomas French, Ithaca, N. Y., May 26. Do. Manufacturing Solomon Stimpson. Newbury, Vt., March 12. Do. for covered buildings, Frederic A. Tuft, Dedham,Mass,, May II. .Do. press, Hot ann cold cylinder A . H . Jarvis & T. French. Ithaca, N. Y., Nov. 6. Do. Sizing John Ames, Springfield, Mass., Sept. 1. Pegs or pins, Pointing James Hull, NorthBridgewater, Mass., July 7. Pic]~er and spreading cotton, James Whiten, North Bridge, Mass., July 20. Pins, Manufacturing John J. Howe, North Salem, N. Y.,June 22. Pipes, Coating with tin Thomas Ewbank, cilv ot New York, May 16. Plane, Double iron William B. Revuolds, St. Ciairsvil[e, Ohio, July 7. Planing machine Thomas F. Fuller, Bristol, Pa., Oct. 25. Do. boards, and polishing marble, Moses Lancaster, Philadelphia, Pa.. April 5. Do. tongueing & grooving John Drummond, Whitestown, N. Y., April 27. Do. wood,horizontalknife Uri Emmons, city of New York, March 6. Pliers, Catting Russel Curtis, Sprinzfield, Mass., Oct. 25. Plough, Thomas Whities, Bellefontaine, Ohio, Jan. 14.
List of Jlmerican Patents which Expired in 1846.
Plough, Samuel Ogle, Adams county, Pa., Feb. 28. Do. Joseph Dudley, Fleming county, Ky., May 8. George Crowl, Sleepy creek, Va., June 27. Do. Do. George Wolf, Fairfield county, Ohio, June 27. Do. John Moore, Cynthiana, Ky., Aug. 7. Do. Gco. W. Palmer, Jefferson township, Ohio, Aug. 17 John Weaver, Brownsville, Pa., An_-,. 17. Do. Do. John Bucks, East Rushville, Ohio, I~ec. 28. Do. Bar share Moses Huffman, Elizabeth, Tennessee, Dec. 28. Do. and harrow, Henry Highly, Canaan, Conn., Dec. 11. Bancroft Woodcock, Mr. Pleasant, Pa., Jan. 26. Do. Self-sharpening Job B. Norton, Utica, N. Y., April 27. Do. do. Do. do. Waldren Beach, Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 28. Plu~s for ships, Cutting Daniel Flint, Nobleborough, Maine, April 19. Po~')er, Propelling mills by William Rhodes, Trenton, Tenn., April 27. lever Benjamin Hinkley, Fayette, Me., Oct. 25. Press, Cheese John Holmes, Paris, Me., Feb. 6. Do. do. cider, &e., David Phillips, Natchez, Miss., April 27. Do. Cotton Sylvanus Hathaway, Massillon, Ohio, Feb. 13. Do. Flour Thomas W. Harvey, Jamestown, N. Y., April 27a Do. Rotary toggle-joint Aaron Hale, Boston, Mass., June 26. • Do. Standing George Booker Richmond, V a , Feb. 8. Do. Tobacco Olive J"Perkins, Oxford, Me., Aug. 8. Do. Wedge John Hatch, Boston, Mass., March 21. Printing machines, Seth Adams, Boston, Mass., May 23. Do. press, Faustus Jarvis Ring, Ogden, N. Y., Oct. 25. . _ Propelling boats, Do. canal steamboats, I. Sheffield & I- Ingraham, Erie county, 5l. X., May 17. Coleman Sellers, Philadelphia, Pa., Jnne 6. Pulp dresser, Do. Preparing and dressing John Ames, Springfield, Mass. Sept. 1. James Sawyer, Newbury, Vt., Jan. 21. Do. strainer, Moses Buck/in, Grafion, N. H., Oct. 25. Pumps, G. Har/y & I. Sedgwiek, Philadelphia, Pa.,Jun¢ 1. Do. Air, or ventilator Cotton Foss, Perry, Ohio, Aug. 4. Do. Spiral Do. Valve spring, or drop Eli Kendells Ashby. Mass, June 22. Punching holes in raw hides, William Angetl, Providence, R. I., July 19James Bennett, Brutus, N. Y., July 25. Do. Iron, steel, &c., George Curriel, Manchester, Conn., Feb. 7. Rags, Cleaning Do. do. and dusting Samuel E. Foster, Brattleborough, Vt., June 1. Jedediah Richards, Elbridge, N. Y-, March 9. Railroad cars, Do. switches, William Howard, Baltimore, Md., Aug. 2. L. Disbrow & I. Sullivan, city of New York~ Raising water, Au~. 28. Philip Tusing, Broek's Gap, Va., Nov. 7. Do. do. David Colvei:, Deer Creek, Ohio, June 6. Do. do. by steam, Roger N. Lambert, Upton, Mass., Feb. 27. Rifles, Cane J. W. Plummer & J. Clark, Wayne township, Ohio, Do. Manufaeture of May 17. George W. Sowle, New Bedford, Mass., May 11. Rivets for copper, James Carrington, Wallingibrd, Conn., Aprill4. Ruler, Parallel Alfred Hathaway, Troy, Mass., Dec. 3I. Ruling paper, Saddles, Steel spring, worm George Pritchard, Clarkburg, Va., May 3. Do. trees, Harness Phi,o Washburn, Taunton, Mass., March 8. Salt, Manufacturing Calvin Guiteau, Geddes, N. Y., Oct. 25. Saw, Gumming Jeremiah Case, Sodus, N. Y., Oct. 25. Do. Manufacturing Stephen Ustick, Washington, D. C., Aug. I1. Do. Set, for mills, Norman Urquhart, Madison county, Ala. Feb. 7. Do. for cutting Laths, Circular Francis Shumard, Cincinnati, Ohio, Oct. 31. Do. strainer, T~V. Leroy, & A. Sanford Newport, N.Y., July25. Do. mills, Vachael Blayloch, Bellelbntaine, Ohio, Marrh24.~ Do. do. John R. Drake, Oswego N. Y., April 27. Do. do. Levi Chapin, Walpale, N H., June 1. Do. do. David W. Hall. Sparta, Geo, Nov. 27. Do. do. Blockhead for John Sinclair,Riehland, Ohio, Feb. 28.
Jlmerican Palenls.
Saw mill, circular railwaY, Allen &e., B. Reynolds, Cincinnati, Ohio, June 29. Sawing circles, Thomas Armstrong, Hamilton county, Ohio, July 18. Do. wood, T .Blood & S . A . Hurd, Fairfield county, Conn., May 22. Screws, Cutting endless John H. Shrader, Philadelphia, Pa. Oct. 25. Shell and shot, Elongated spiral W . P . Pier & A. Mack(Detroit, Mich. April 6. Shingles, Cutting George Woll, Clearcreek township, Ohio, March 22. Do. Sawing D. McArthur & T. MeKibbin; Urbano, Ohio, Feb. 15. Do. & staves, heading, &e, David Flagg Jr., city ofNewYork t~ee 28. Shot, Manutacturin~ buck John Snyder, city ot "New York, Jan. 26. Silk reel, Eliphalet Snow, Mansfield, Conn. March 16. Do. do. Charles G. Green, Windsor, Vet. May 31. Smoke ventilator, Silas Smith, Hami ton, Ohio. March 17. Smut machine, Slephen Fellows, Sandwich, N. H., May 24. Do. do. Nathaniel Winslow, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Oct. 26. Spade, Socket C. Richmond & H. Caswell, Jr., Taunton, Mass., t July 13. Spinning, Roping cotton John A. Bradshaw, Foxboroogh, Mass., Dee. 8. Nathaniel Rider, Dudley, Mass.. Nov. 3. Do. Spindle cotton Do. throstle frame Seth Simmons, Providence, R. I.. Jan. 16. Do. Wool Calvert, Southwiek, & Messenger, Lowell, Mass., March 31. Do. do. and cotton David Newbrongh, Ridley township, Ohio, April 27. Spools and bobbins Simeon Prestrey, Jr., Canton, Mass., July 26. Spoons, Manufacturing Charles Goodyear. Philadelphia, Pa., Aqg. 11. Stairs, Circular, &c. Edward B. Smith Buffalo, N. Y., Nov. 15. Staves, jointiog, &e., Philip Cornell, Brutus, N. Y., April 11. Steam engine, Stacy Costill, Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 20 Do. do. Lafayette Tibbitts, New Glasgow, Va.,June 22. Do. do. loeomotive~ & cars, S . H . Long, Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 28. Do. do. Rotary Luther CarmamOxford, Me. July 16. Do. do. do. William Jones, Bradtord Va., Nov. 10. Do. to machinery,Applying Seth Bowten, Newark, N. J., Oct. 31. Do. Generating & applyingBeniami[~ Phillips, Philadelphia, P a , Jan. 31. Do. power, Increasing N.P. Goodell, Kirtland, Ohio, Jan. 23. Steering ships, &c., Elijah Soule, Duxbnry, Mass., Nov. 3. Stereotype blocks, Samuel Sawyer, Boston, Mass., May 28. Do. do. Bradbury Haskett, Boston, Mass, May 2I. Do. do. Fastening cam and spring Abel Chandler, Concord, Mass.,July 13. Stock, Edmund Badger, Philadelphia, Pa., April 5. Do. Gin sawing Abraham Myers, Boonsboronzh, Mass, Nov. 9. Clark Miller, Williamsport, Pa., Feb. 14. Stone, &e., Dressing Nathan Parrish, Mendon, N. Y., Nov. 2. Stoves Jordan L. Mott, City of New York, May 30. Do. Anthracite coal Do. do. Eliphalet Nott, Schenectady N. Y., Oct. 25. Do. and ehimney's construetion, Asa Graham, Rumibrd, Me. Dec 28. Do. and tbrnaces. Ephraim Baldwin, Gibbonsvil[e,N. Y., July 19. Straw, hay, &c.. Cutting Jacob Harland, Tompkinsville, Ky., April 19. Do. and Leghorn Bonnets, Pressing. Otis Plimpton, Foxbarough, Mass,, Dee. 28. Stumps of trees, t~emoving John E. Larkin, Salem, N. Y., Oct. 25. Syphilis, medicine for tile cure of Nicholas Badeau, city ot New York, March 8. Tan vats, or letehes, Tanning hides, liming, &e., Do. leather, Do. Preparing hides for Do. without use o! lime, Tenons, Sawing
W'illiam Brown, Herkimer, N. Y., Ju~e 28, Caleb Hawk, Monroe conn:y, Va. May 3. Joseph Blunt, city of New York, Nov. 30. Lewis Newsom, Gallipolis, Ohio, March S. Edward Evans, Salem township, Pa. Dec. 28. Charles Thompson, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Dee. 6.
List of dmerican Palenls which Expired in 1846.
Threshing machine, Do. do, Do. do. Do. do.
Orlando Hurd, Bridgeport, Conn., Jan. 23. Nathaniel Adams, Westmoreland, N. Y., March 2. Hardin Branch, city of New York, April 18. Samuel Cable, Beaver Creek township~ Ohio, May 10. Do. do. M.S. Flaglor, city of New York. July 7. Do. do. gust Squire Caalpbell, Onandaga, N. Y., Oct. 26. Do. do. and " mill, Matthew Wilson~ Springfield, Va. April 18. Do. and shelling corn and grinding apples,Jesse Bevier, Sempronius, N. Y. Dee. II. Tile and current mills, James Bennet, Vizo county. In&. Au~'. 10 T in kitchen. George Richai-dsoh, Soutl~ Readlng, Mass.,June 14. Tobacco segar flllers~ Preparing Joseph Muffet, Lancaster, Pa., May 16. Tonsillarum sector Wm. B. Fahnestock, Lancaster~ Pa. May 2~. Tools, Holding and grinding George A. Medeira, Chambersburg, Pa., April 19. Truss lbr vessels, Jonathan T. Q,uimby, Belfast, Me.,. Jan 30. Valve, Face plate Stacy Costill. Philadelphia, Pa.. April 13. Do. Safety piston John C. Dou, lass, city of New York, Jan. 30. Do. Slidin.~ Thomas Halloway, Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 20 Do. for vibrating steam Do. do. do. 20. engine, Do. Wing gudgeon Do. do. do. 20. Varnish to whipstaffs, Applylug Frederiek Morgan: Westfield, Mass., April 27. Ventila!ing machine, G. Harley & J. Sedgwick, Philadelphia, Pa. June I. Do. vessels, &e., Jesse Remington, Baltimore, Md., March l. Visors for caps, Cutting leather Jacob Hawkins,,Roxbury, Mass., Feb~ 20. Warming rooms, &e., Washing machine, Do. do. Do. do Do. do. Do. do. Do. do. Do. do. Do. do, Do. do. Do. do. Do. do.
Robert B. Varden, Baltimore, Md., Feb. 6. Silvanus Hathaway, Massillon, Ohio, Feb. 13. McAll, Higgins, & Rogers, Athens, Ohio, Feb. 15. D.G. Wilson, Maehias, Me., April 6. Simeon Savage, E. Maehias, Me., April 11. Sylvanus Menton, Pendleton, S. C., A pril 14. Benton P. Coston, Philadelphia, Pa. April 27. I . S . g . Pulsflel., Ipswich, Mass., May 21. E z r a Fisk, Fayette, Me., May 25. Ebenezer Mayo, Hallgwell, Me., May 26. Ira Avery, Springfield~ Pa., June 22. N. Howe & J. MeCollam, New Petersburg, Ohio, June 30. Do. do. Isaac S. Wright, Weedsport, N. Y., July 18. Do. do. W . W . Woodburn, Greensburg, N. C., Juy 18. Do. doW . H . Cummiugs~ Guilford, N. C , Nov. 3. Do. do. Eli Nicholls. Union township, Ohio, Nov. 24. Dodo. Jacob Lindsay, Canajoharie, N. Y., Dec. 28. Do" do. and drying Thomas Pearce, Hartwick, N. Y., Dec. 29. Do do. and scouring N. Morrison & J. Lewis, Uniontown. Pa ,March 14. Do. do. do. Camm Moore, Guilford county, N. ,C.~ Oct. 30. Water, Stipplying houseswithWflliam Bryant, Davidsoa county, tenn., Oct. 25. Do, Power to a number of wheels, Henry Crenshaw, Anderson district, S. C., Dec 28. Do. wheel, James McConnel, Shenango, Pa.,Dec. 13. i~. do. John Moffit, Richmond, Ohio, April 17. Do. do. Chain action Sandford Reynolds, Pitcher, N.Y., Dec. 15. Do. do. do. paddles, Davidson Myers, Benton~,Mo., Sep. 4. Do. do. folding ladlo boards Thomas Winslow, Jay, Me., Oct. 25. Sheldon Stoddards,Jackson township, Pa.~ May 28. Dodo. Horizontal Do. do. Asahel Baron, Windsor, N. Y., June 4. do. Do. dodo. J. Nuehols & S. P.Wheeler, Boliver, Tean, June 22. Do. do- Inclined Cotton Foss, Perry, Ohio, Aug. 4. 4'*
dmerlcan Patenls.
Water wheel, Reacting
G. W. Henderson, & J. Russel, Milburn, Me, Sep. 22. Do. do. do. Gideon Hotehkiss, Windsor. N.Y., Nov. 6. Do. do. and sawmill, Charles Forse, Booneville, Miss., Aug. 24. Wheels and axles of loeomofives, &e., Richard Berrian~ city oI New York, Nov. 13. Do. boxes,Setting Josiah Chancy, ChesterviIle, Me., Oct. 25. Do. do. hubs,&e., David Watson, Fayette, Mass. May 29. Do. Drilling'& boring ear Dean Wal ~er, Gunpowder. Md, Dec. 28. Do. Bendinz felloes of Tristram Kimball, Salem, iN. H.,Jan. 16. Do. hubs,Cast iron John Thurston, Providence, R. I. Dcc. 3. Do. do. Cutting and boring" John B. Francis, London county,Va, March 2. Do. Cutting" tenons on • spokesof James Smith, Fayette, Me. June 7. Winch and zin tor vessels loading Eleazer Allen, city of New York, Feb. 29. Wind wheel for propelling boats &e., BenjaminDugdale, Trenton, N. J., May 3. Do. do. or water, AdkinsNasb, Addison, Me., April 27. Do. do. Horizontal Jeremiah L. Coleman, Vincennes, Imt., May 4. Window sash, Charles Thompson, Pouzhkeeosie, N. Y., Dee. 6. Wine from cider, Jacob Hugus, Hempfield, Pa., Oct. 1. Winnowing clover seed, George Faber, Chambersburg, Pa., April 5. Do. grain, &e., A. Look & W. Coleman, Jr, Fredericktown, Md., March 21Do. machine,fanning mill~ Samuel Fitch, Edmeston, N. Y.. Jan. 6. Do do. do. P. Prine & L. Huestis~ Auburn, N. Y., Feb. 23. Do. do.do. David Clinton, New Haven, Conn., Nov. 22. Do. do. do. Hunter, Hunt, & Holman, Oakland county, Mich., Dec. 18. Do. mill machinery, James Ruple, Washlngton, Pa., May 19. Do. do. do. Daniel Davis, Cornish~ N H , July 5. Wrench. rack Henry King, Springfield, Mass., Oct. 25. "¥'arn, Dressing preparatory to weaving Samuel Batehelder, Saco, Me., June 22. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES.
Gillespie on Road Making. " A Manual of the Principles and Practice of Road Making: comprising the location, construction, and improvement of Roads (common, Macadam, paved, plank, &e.,) and Railroads. B y W. M. Gillespie, A. M.'C. E., Professor of Civil Engineering in Union College, N e w York. Published by A. S. Barnes & Co., 1847." This small volume contains much valuable matter, derived from the best authorities, and set forth in a clear and simple style. The subjeet upon which it treats is one of great importance, a u d i t would be a useful book in the hands of all persons employed in laying out roads, and especially common roads in our country. For the want of in.formation which is contained in this manual, serious mistakes are trequently made, and roads are badly located and badly constructed by persons ignorant of the true principles which ought to govern in such eases. That branch of civil engineering which relates to the improvement of common roads has been much neglected in our country, and the care of them has been very generally entrusted to incompetent hands; bub by tile extensive circulation of such books as that now