List of American patents which issued in the month of October, 1845,—with exemplifications

List of American patents which issued in the month of October, 1845,—with exemplifications

306 ~2meriean Palenls. Lis'l of dlmerica~z Patenls w}deh issued i~ lhe month of October., 1845,~with ff, xem])lifieations, bg CtIARLt:S M. KI.:L:E.~...

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~2meriean Palenls.

Lis'l of dlmerica~z Patenls w}deh issued i~ lhe month of October., 1845,~with ff, xem])lifieations, bg CtIARLt:S M. KI.:L:E.~It, late Chief Examiner ir~ the United Stales Palent Q~ce. 1. For improvemeuts in Machinery f o r Making t;irleins and other Coopers' work; William Trapp~ Jr., Dryden, New York, October 1. We are under the necessity of omitting the claim in this instance, as it relbrs to, and depends entirely on the drawings, which are too complex to justi(y their publication. The tirst section of the claim relates to the manner of turning off the surface of the tirkin, or barrel, by means of a tool that slides from end to end, so guided as to tbllow the bilge of the firldn, the staves of which are held together by a chuck-plate at each end. The second section relates to the mode of chamfering, howelling, and erozing the ends of the barrel, by inserting it in a hollow cylinder, open at each end, to turn it, and then bringing the ends of the staves together by an iron chuck, so that the erozing, &e. tool can be presented to both etads. The third section relates to the erozing tool, which is made with a changeable face plate, to adapt it to both ends of the barrel. The fourth section relates to the peculiar manner of combining the parts constituting the too[ for turning off the surface of the barrel. Aml sections five and six rela{e to the construction of the tools tbr howelting al~d ehamIbring. ~. For improvements in tile Machine Jbr Breaki? W and Cleanb~g ],'lax u~td Hemp ; Benjamin B. Smith, Harnilton county, Ohio, October 7. This machine consists of a series of pairs of rollers, armed with slats arranged spirally, and the inclination of the slats is reversed oil each succeeding pair of rollers, so that the action on the hemp or flax shall be reversed when passing from the first to the second pair, and so on. And the feeding rollers, which supply the hemp to the slatted rotlers, have a vibratory motion, the effect of which is, alternately, to give the hemp to the slatted rollers and draw it back to strip the broken harl or wood f?om the fibres. Claim. ~ " What I claim as my invention and desire to secure by Ietters patent, is the combination of a series of pairs of cylinders, each pair having spiral-tbrmed slats or bars on them, the slats in each pair running in contrary directions from that immediately preceding, so as to break the hemp in several directions, as herein set forth. " I also claim, in combination with the dressing-cylinder or eylintiers, the vibrating motion of the feeding rollers, so as to draw the hemp in and out again, as be[bre described." 3. For an improved method of Mouldi~zg Glass Knobs; George 0. Russell, Middletown, Connecticut, October 7. The following claim fillly expresses the natnre and object of this improvement.

~rneriear~ Patents which issued in Oclober~ I845;


Claim.--" What I claim as my invention and desire to secure: by letters patent, is moulding or casting the socket on a screw former, which can be withdrawn from the glass after it has solidified, and before it contracts sufficiently, by cooling, to split or crack, as described." 4. For an improvement in the Inkstand; Walter Hunt, N e w York City, New York, assigned to Augustus T. Arrowsmith, of the same place, October 7. The lower end of the tube which dips in the ink is inclined, and has a flap valve hinged to it, and borne up by" springs to exclude the ink from the tube, except when the pen is dipped, which operation opens the valve salllciently to admit the requisite quantity" of ink. C l a i m . ~ " What I claim as my invention in the above described improvement, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the applicatiort of an air inclined valve or clapper, having a snrface of glass, or other hard, smooth material, in combination with said inclined valve and ink-tu be ; which valve is forced upwards by" means of springs, or otherwise, upon the bottom of the ink-tube, and arranged substantially, in the manner and for the purposes above set forth and described." 5. For an improvement in the Plough ; Thos. B. Quigley and. H a r v e y Hall, Mansfield, 01fie, October 7. Claim.--" What we claim as our invention and improvement, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the combination of the adjustable whee[ with the adjustable beam, as described." Tile beam is made adjustable by turning on the screw that connects with the standard, and its roar end is commcted with the handle by" an adjusting screw, by tile turning of which, the plough is made to take more or less land. The wheel is placed back of the mould-board, and between the heel and wing, and its tread is conical, the larger diameter being towards the land-side, " t o crowd the rear of the mouldboard from the land, and keep the front of the plough towards the land." 6. For an improvement in the ~Iaehine for Ruling Paper; Lewis Edwards, Norwich, Connecticut, October 9. C l a i m . ~ " What I claim as new, and for which I ask letters patent, is the causing the pens to be raised by the edge of the paper, in its passage through the machine, thus causing each sheet to determine the length of its own lines." The sheets of paper are placed on the apron at the required dislances apart, and the motion of the pens, towards or from the paper, is governed by a set of stops hung to an arber, so that when these stops are acted upon by the edges of tile sheets, the pens are operated ; in this way, the extent of the lines is regulated by the spaces between the sheets.


.~merican Palenlx.

7. For an improvement in tide Proees~ o f M a n ~ ( f a c l ~ r i o ~ lhe Chro-

male oat. Polash ; Isaac Tyson, Jr., Baltimore, Maryland, October 9. Claim.--" I l a v i , g thus fully described tile llature o[' dny improvement in the process of mamlfaeturing the salts of chrome, what 1 claim therein as new, and desire to secure by l¢.'tter:~ patent, is the ~tsing of wood ashes in mixture with the chrome ()re, amd with the alkaline salt, for file purpose and in the manner herein fully set tbrth." The patentee s a y s : - - " M y improvement consists in the use of a large proportionate quantity of wood ashes as a substitute for its equivalent of the earbomtte o[ potash, or other all;aline salts ; alld Ibis substitution is not made tbr the mere purpose of iesse~ing the qll;].ldtily of the alkaline c-::llts of eommeree which it may lie necess~ry to employ, but I huve prow'.d, by careful exl)crim(mI, 1hat a larger q~lantity of the ehronmte is obtained from a given qlmntity of the ore, when wood ashes are thtds used, tllan when the whole of the alkali is applied b y the salts of eonlmeree ; lhe foreign matter contained in the wood ashes manifestly producing this elI'eet." 8. For an improvement in the Planing, 2llachine ; Benjamin Brown, Burlington, Vermont, ()etcher 9. This is for an improvement on what is known as tile V/oodworttl planing machine, and consists in the metho~l of constructing all endless carriage, for fceditlg the board to the rotating planes. The carriage is made ill seetkms, which are moved by at pillion taking lute teeth in tile middle of the sections, and at the end o[" lheir for\v-ard IllOlion, the sections are made to descend by curved planes, and are carried back below, and by tlle same pinion, aud at the other end they are raised in the same manner. A permanent strip, or board, fits ill a space formed in each section where the cogs are nvade~ %r the purpose of guiding tim sections, and to cover tide cogs, and complete the surNee of the carriage. Claim.--" t i e r i n g thus fully described my invention, I wish it to be understood that I do not elaitu an endless platform, formed of sections, nor do I claim the manner of moving them, they having been before used f o r a h o r s e - p o w e r ; but w h a t l do clMm as mv improvement, and desire to secure by leUers patent, is the endless sectional platform or carriage, such as herein deseril)ed, which forms the bed tbr l~laning on in combination with the rotating cutters, in the manner and" tbr the purpose set forth, whetlmr the cenlral bar be used or not; and I also claim the sectional platform or carriage in combination with the central bar, fi)r the purpose and in the manner described." 9. For improvements in Friction Roll,, for the boxes of railroad axles, &e.; Win. Rowan, Great Britain, October 9. This is for preventing the end play (and the fi'iction arising therefrom,) of boxes on their axles when fi'iction rollers are employed, by making the ends of the rollers bevelled and working against corresponding bevel flanches at each end, o~l the box and axle, the bevel be-

d2merican Patents which issued in October, 1845.


ing made with the proper pitch corresponding with the diameter of the axle and tim roller, so that the bevel surfaces of the two, as they rotate, shall roll on each other, instead of rubbing. Claim.--" I do not claim as nay invention the employment, of a series of rollers connected by rings at each end around the axle, and within a box, as this has long since been done ; but what I do claim as my invention and desire to secure by letters patent, is making the ends of such rollers on a bevel or mitre,in combination with shoulders, collars, flanches, rings, or other projections on the axle and on the box or hub, having corresponding bevels or mitres to avoid the rubbing friction at the ends of the rollers, and the more effectually to prevent end play, substantially as herein described." 10. For an improvement in the MachineJbr Planing Shingles; ,loseph S. L. Hunt, Boston, Massachusetts, October 9. Claim.--" M y invention or improvement, and therefore that which I claim, consists in the employment of the perforated plate, in combination with the cutting cylinder and feed cutters; the whole being arranged and operating substantially as set forth." The " perforated plate" is the bed on which the shingle to be planed is pressed by pressure rollers, as it is fed through the machine, and as the planing cylinder (similar to the common planing machine,) is appli~..d below the bed, it, the bed, is cut out, or "perforated~" that the rolafiz~g plane may act on the under surface of the shingle. In other words, the "perforated plate" may be called a double bed plate, one on each side of the planing cylinder." 11. For improvements in Machinery for Splilting and Driving Shoe Pegs; John C. Briggs, Saratoga Springs, New York, October 11. We are again under the necessity o£ omitting the claim, as numerous drawings w,ould be necessary to enable the reader to understand it. The object of the inventor, however, is to tbrm the pegs and drive them into the shoe by the same operation, appropriate cutters being arranged for this purpose in the driving tube. 12. For an improvement in the Spring Laleh for Doors; John Palmer~ East Haddam, Connecticut, October 11. Claim.--," I am fully aware that there is nothing new in the employment of a lever and a connecting bar tbr the purpose of withdrawmg or retracing, or otherwise giving motion to an article of mechanism, and thereibre I do not lay claim to such ; but that to which I do lay claim, is the combination e r a screw-pin with the connecting bar, in such manner as to be applicable to the shank of the knobs, or detachable therefi'om, as herein described." The connexion between the latei~ bolt and the " s h a n k " or spindle of the knobs, is by means of the "connecting bar," (a common joint link) which is jointed to the back end of the latch bolt, and to a pin that screws into the spindle of the lmobs, so that by unscrewing this pin the spindle and bolt can be disconnected.


Jlmerican Patents.

13. For improvements in the Machine f o r Cleanin~ or Burring f~Zool; Thomas S. Washburn, Lowell, Massachusetts, October I1. Claim.--" I shall theretore claim the peculiar maturer in which the grate bars are made, so as to operate in connexion with the cylinders, viz: triangular in cross section, so as to present an acute angular or sharp edge tbr the teeth of the cylinders to act against, in order to remove the burr or burrs, as described. " I also claim a toothed fan and grate, in combination with the main and picker cylinders F and G, and grate H, the whole being arranged and used, m commxion with a feeding apparatus, substantially as above described." There are two picker cylinders, lettered F and G, the teeth of the one (F) take the wool from the feed rollers and carry it around to the second toothed cylinder (G,) which, in turn, delivers it to the thn, the wings of which are provided with bars armed witil teeth. The two cylinders and the fan are partly surrounded by concaves of angular bars, the angles being towards the cylinders, that the wool may strike against them as it is carried around. 14. For an improvement in the Maehi~zefor Cleaning Wool; Alanson Crane, Lowell, Massachusetts, October 11. Claim.--,' Having thus fully described the nature of m y improvement in tile mariner of constructing the fine comb cylinder of a machine for ~he burring and cleaning of wool or cotton, what I claim therein as new, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the constructing of said cylinder by covering its periphery with metallic plates of such width as may be desired, and extending frorn end to end thereof, on which plates grooves or channels are to be cut, and the teeth to be formed on one of their edges, in the manner and for the purpose herein fully made k n o w n . " The metal, plates are placed on a cylinder like staves, or lags, witlx a space between each, and then these are grooved in lhe direction of the periphery, and the edge which is to act on the woo[ is then bevelled towards the cylinder, which leaves a series of pointed teeth. This is for an improvement op. the machine patented by Calvert & Crane, on the 16th of July, 1841. 15. For an improved method of Replaci~ W Cars that have run off the lrack ; Samuel if. Bean, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October 1l. C l a i m . - - - What I claim as my invention and which I desire to secure by letters patent, is replacing cars that have run off tl~e track, by drawing them up longitudinal inclined planes, formed on blocks of any satiable material, connected together and placed in front of the several wheels, and thence on the transverse inclined planes formed on said blocks, immediately in front of said longitudinal planes, and terminating on a level with the rails, down which, said wheels are

JIrnerican Patenls which issued i~ October, 1845.


caused to slide, by the gravity of the ear, to their proper positions on the track, as set forth." 16. For an improvement in the Self-delaching Link for Co~mectin~ Railroad Cars ; Richard H e m m i n g , Boston, Massachusetts, October" 1 I. The patentee s a y s : ~ " The nature of my invention consists in proriding the link with a segmellt of a circular flanch above and below, embraced by corresponding recesses in jaws, (one of which is jointed,) in the clld of the draft beam in one of the cars, the centre of the circle of the fla~lches corresponding with any point desired between the two cars, so that the flanches shail slide in the recesses when the cars deviate from a straight lille, but shall slide entiL'ely out when either of the cars run off the track." C l a i m . ~ " W h a t I claim as my invention and desire to secure by letters patent, is col:necting railroad cars, locomotives, &c., by a link provided with a segment of a circular flanch or flanches, embraced in. the mariner herein described, which will be liberated when the bodies, thtls com~ected, deviate sufiiciently from the line of tile road, substantially as described, in combination with a spring joint, as herein described, to facilitate the liberation of the lilfl( when the car, &c. leaves the track, by a motion upward or d o w n w a r d , as well as horizontal, as set forth." 17. For improvements in the Machine for Cutting Shingles; A. S. Peltoll, Clillton, Connecticut, October 16. The leading object of this rnaciline is to make shingles with a portion of the length towards the butt, with the two surfaces parallel, instead of making them tapering the whole length, as usual. For this purpose, the carriage that carries the block up to the knife is connected with the operating slides at points between the ends of tile block and the middle, so that, as one end is fed up to the knife, the other point of connexion becomes tile fulcrum, and thus carries back that end of the block which is beyond tile connexion with the slide ; hence, all that portion of the block will not be acted on by the knife, and the butt end will be formed as pointed out above. The slides which operate the carriage are placed in the middle, and are hollowed out to embrace a cylinder whose surface is so formed as to operate these slides alternately. This groove is first diagonal to move forward the slide, and then in the direction of the periphery, to hold the slide still during the operation of the knife, and then diagonal~ and so on to the end. Claim.--" What I claim as my invention and desire to secure by letters patent, is connecting the carriage with the slides (or slide) that operate it, at some points between the middle of its length and the ends of the block, so that at each vibration one end shall be m o v e d forward and the other back, as herein described, to form the shingles with the part towards the butt with parallel faces, as specified. "I also claim operating the two sliding blocks that carry the carriage, by means of a groove, ibrmed as herein described, in the surface of


•/]mer~eaTz ]~atenls.

o n e c y l i n d e r , so that one of the slides shall remain still whilst the other And, tinallv, I claim conucctl~u the r o d t h a t m o r e s one end of the carriag% with its apl,ropriate si~,.u~g b l o c k , b y m e a n s e r a slide, governed by an adjustabm screw, ,)r ~,'il,qa n a l o g o u s device, lbr the purpose of adjusting the lkce of the or b o l t o f w o o d to the l,:ni['o for the cultitlg of tile tirst sidngle, as described."

is m o v e d f o r w a r d , as described.

18. :For m a c h i n e r y fbr 3Ia~zufitcl~.i~,~ For/es'; Samuel I1. (;iiman, :Boston, :Massachusetts, October lt;. C l a i m . ~ " I I a v i n g thus fully described tim nature alld op(:ratiml of m y i m p r o v e d m a c h i n e r y tbr lna.llu[hetllritlg lorl(s mid ell ~ra "rich s of a like c h a r a c t e r , what ]. claim tlmrein as new, and d ~sir~ to sc'cur,~ by l e t t e r s p a t e n t , is the l'nallller ill whiclt t haw; combined mM a r r a n g e d t h e r e s p e c t i v e parts of tile m a c h i n e r y for cutting, filing, or d >ssin~ tim h a n d l e s , as herein described; that i:s to say, I claim the mann~r of arr a n g i n g a n d combining the r e v o l v i n g craters, or tiles, tile pattern by "which t h e form to be given to the ha~dle is govern,:d, the rocking f r a m e s w h i c h carry tile cutters, and the sliding frame, being t(~ e o - o ' o e r a t e in their action substantially as set I'orth. ~"[I1 t h a t for dressing the prongs, I claim the comifinalion ~t' Itle r,~r e l y i n g w h e e l s , with their cutters, alld wilh tt,.e rests which pass in b e t w e e n said wheels, iBr tile purl)osc and substallti~t[ly in the maturer h e r e i n m a d e l{:llown. '~ I n t h e m a c h i n e tbr dressing the, handles, tllcre are Iwo critter or filing w h e e l s , the spindles of w h i c h a r e each Imng in a rocking trame, t h e t w o b e i n g forced towards each other and against a patterl b so that a s t h e c a r r i a g e lhe fork passes between the two cutter wheels, t h e y a r e m a d e to a p p r o a c h a n d recede: to give the rcqmred curve to the handle. And in the machine for dressillg tim prmlgs, there, are s e v e r a l b e v e l cutter wheels placed on a shaft, side by side, the toolhed s u r f a c e s o f a n y two tbrmit~g a V groow~'. A n d the rests that carry t h e f o r k s a n d sustain the prongs are so formed as to pass ia the grooves formed b y the different cutter wheels. 19. F o r i m p r o v e m e n t s in &~f~" L o d e s ; William Iiali, Boston, Massac h u s e t t s , October 16. C l a i m . - - " I do not claim t\vo series of sliding plates or tuml)h~rs, a r r a n g e d side b y side, and tile one series my ng recesses ill each plate, a n d t i l e other series having eorr~-spollding I)roj eclions to el~ter and m o v e in the said recesses, and tim one series being atiix:ed to tile lltaill bolt, so as to m o v e back and fbrth, as well as up and dowl] with it, a n d h a v i n g a correspondina series of notches o," indents in each (~f its p l a t e s , a n d elm spring catcii ap~tied to or affixed upon the main hell, w h i c h s p r i n g is thrown, by a s{litahle p'ojection, f r o m t h e lock ease into o n e o f the notches of each of the several, t-¢ates, whenever. . . . . . t i l e bolt.._ is s h o t f o r w a r d by" tile key, and Ollt o[,pe, b v a. sl~tlll~ll co}il~l;f v a n c e , w h e n the bolt is retracted, (tile projections ot the ilont settc

¢2merican Patents which issued in October, 1845.


plates being carried so far forward, or out of the recesses of the rear series, when the bolt is thrown forward, or locked, as to permit of the fall or vertical depression of each of the plates of the rear series of plates,) all of which will be tbund to exist in certain locks heretolbre patented or sold ; but that which I do claim is my specific improvement thereon, the same eonsisti~;g in tim combinatiou with the main bolt and two s,~,ri,:s of sliding tumblers, constructed and acting together, as abow; so, t forth, of a solM stud, (projecting from the bolt ;) the slots (cut a s a h o v c d.scribi:d, in tim tumblers of the front series) and a v i brating or moving plate applied to the main bolt and rear series of tumbh.'rs, as specified, the whole being arranged and operating together substantially as herein before explained." 20. For an improvement in the Bark Aiill; Isaiah Seudder, assigned to Mile .1. Wilt(m, Broadalbin, N e w York, October 25, ante-dated April 25th, 18,15. C l a i m . ~ " What I claim as my invention and desire to secure by letters patent, is the lower part, or second mill, which receives the bark fl'om the upper and discharges it through the side or bottom of the mill, or both, by the aid of arms or flanches attached to the hub or shaft, which three the bark through grater or double saw teeth, whichever are used." 21. For an improvement in the Rolary-Top Cooking Nlove ; tfenry Stanley, West Poultncy, Vermont, October 25. C l a i m . - - " llaving thus fully described the manner in which I now construct m y rotary top stove, what I claim as new therein, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the combining with a stove furnished with a rotary top an oven occupying the whole area of the lower part of the stove, and furnished with titles, arranged and governed in the manner herein set forth. I do not claim either the manner of forming the oven, or of arranging the flues, as in itself new ; but I claim them only in their combination with the rotary-top stove, by which that stove is rendered much more convenient and efficient than under any former construction thereof." 22. For improvements in the method of producing and mulllp(qbTg Copies of Designs ; Carl F. Baldaums and F. W. Siemens, Berlin, Prussia, October 25. C l a i m . - - " ttaving now described the nature of our improvements in producing and nmltiplying copies of designs, and impressions of printed or written surlkces, we would have it understood that we do not confine ourselves to the details shown and described, provided the peculiar character of tim arrangements or processes be retained. We would also have it understood that we make no claim to many of the separate parts herein described, but what wc claim i s - "lst. T h e described process, whereby we transfer by means, of treating the originals with acids of strengths varying with the inVOL. XII, 3RD SEII.IIi:s.--No. 5.--NOVI~IBRR, 1846,



,,qrnerican .Palen ls.

duration of the ink, and so pressing out the acid as to cause an etching of the blank spaces, and a leversed impression of the original (where protected from the action of the acid) on mctaiiic surfaces. "2d. The process of reviving the printing ink on originals, by first acting on them with caustic potash on its carbonic and tartaric acid, so as to form cream of tartar in the paper, which prevents the adherence of fresh ink in the blatlk spaces, while the old ink is left in a state to take up an additional quantity from a roller passed over it. " a(l. The hereto described process of preventing the adhesion or sticking of printing ink, during the operation of printing, to any par~ of the plates which are required to remain blank, by acting upon such blank surfaces with acid preparations of phosphorus." la:t. For improvements iu the J2pparatu.~ for Purifying &egar, 4"c. ; E'than (Sambcl[, Near York, October ¢5. Without drawings, w(; could not convey to our readers a clear idea of 1his apparatus, and as the claim rei~rs to, and depends entirely upon the drawings, we are under the necessity of omitting it. '24. For an improvement in the Piano Forle ; Edward Badlain, Potsdam, New York, October 25. Claim.-- ,' Furthermore I claim as my invention the adaptation of the above described shutters in said board that prevents the sound from escaping only at the pleasure of the player on the piano forte; I also claim as my invention the above described arrangement of the shutters, as connected with the pedal, to give the motion of the shutters by the use of the pedal ; I claim, also, as my invention, the combining the swel), with the piano forte, by means of a covering over the strings, and having shutters in said covering, as above described,so aa to confine the sound; and, with the use of the pedal, as above described, the shutters in said board are made to open and shut, gradually or quickly, at the pleasure of the player, and can produce the crescendo and diminuendo tones, or swelt in the piano forte, as above described; aud, by opening and shutting the shutters quickly, the player can produce the explosive and pressure tones by the above described mode, by the use of tile pedaU' 25. For an improved Composition of 31aller for Earthenware, ~.c.; Joel Farnum, Stiliwatcr, New York, October 25. The ingredients are :---Pulverized Ochre, Soap Stone, Ground Marl, each 1 part; Alum dissolved with water, ~ part; Kaolin or Ground Feldspar, Barytes ground fine, Ashes and Brine, each 1-16th part. Mix together well for use. Claim.--" What I claim as my improvement, or invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the combination of materials and proportions, as embraced in this application, for making into various articles that tile composition will admit of, by moulding, twining or

dlmerican _Patents which issued iu ¢tpril, 1842.


pressing, burning, and glazing, which is a great improvement for some articles over clay, in use of ochre." 26. For an improvement in Bedstead _Fastenings; Ira Smith, assigned to Adin Gauntz, Chagrin Falls, Ohio, October 25. Claim.~" What I claim as my invention and desire to secure by letters patent, is the combination of the hook and key, constructed in the manner set forth, crossing each other, and thereby forming a double inclined plane, so that by turning the key they are locked~ and the joints drawn tight, as herein described." The lock is a piece of metal projecting fi'om the ends of the end rail and passing into the post ; it is made with curved and inclined surfaces. And the key is another piece of metal projecting from the ends of the side rails, and also entering the post, and crossing the hook. Tiffs key has a lip, or projection, which, when turned, catches on to the inclined surface of the hook, and draws the side rail up tight to the post. And it has also an eccentric projection, which acts against a shoulder on the hook, to draw the end rail tight. ,07. For an improvement in the Machine for Culling and Grinding Fodder : Jesse Urmy, Wilmington, Deiaware, October 25. The patentee says : - - " The nature of my invention consists in arranging cutters that project at right angles with the face of a wheel called the runner, to which they are attached, for slitting fodder, &e.~ and another set of knives, parallel with the face of the said wheel, for cutting off, with a beveled edge, provided with oblique teeth~ corresponding with a like set of teeth on the permanent plate, for grinding or crushing the material which has been slit and cut, so as to perform continuously the operations of slitting, cutting, and crushing or grinding."

List of Jlmerican Patents which issued in the month oat` ,Spril, 1842 - - w i t h Exemplifications, by CI~Az(L~s M. KELLEn, late Chief JEx7 aminer of _Patents in the U. S. _Patent Ounce......................... 1. For an improvement in Piano Fortes; Thomas Loud, Phiiadelphil, Pennsylvania, April 1. All the parts of the aclion are attached to, or connected with, a sliding frame governed by" a pedal, so that the hammers, by the motion of the pedal, can be so moved as to strike either one or the two strings, to increase or decrease the tone. Claim.--" What I claim, therefore, as constituting my invention~ and desire to secure by letters patent, is the manner herein described in which I have combined and arranged the movable frame to which the action of a square or horizontal piano ibrte is attached, with tile pedal, lever, guides, stops, and springs, so as to cans8 the action in such a piano forte to move from back to front, or in the direction necessary to govern the hammers, and to cause them to strike upon one