which was constructed in a drift, on which t~he colunms are supported, and of the structural and calculation problems of the coltumcs and the shoes on the bottom and top of t~he col~mns. The top girder acts as a simply supported beam, but the bottom girder is a continuous girder. 781124 MAChINE-BORED SMALL-SIZE TIATNELS IN ROCK, WITH SOM~ CASE STUDIES Barendsen, P; Cadden, R G Paper to Tunnelling '76 conference, London, 1-5 Mm~ch, 1976, P523-433, disc P535-438 The undercutting method ~ith the use of drag bit type cutters permits the boring of t~mnels non-circular Ln shape - this offers advs~ntages in the sn~ller size ranges, especially for utility ttn~lels. The development history of a hsrd rock tunnelling machine based on this method, the Atlas Copco Mini Full-racer, is reviewed. T"ne layout of the machine, its bank-up equipment and its operational features are described, with special emphasis on direction con%~ol, ventilation and muck ha Alage. Rock boreability determines the net boring rate, b"/t the long range advance rate is influenced criti~ally by the overall uh [lizatlon. 781125 CONSTRUCTION MONffORING OF SOPr GROOND TUNNELS: A RATIOnaL HANDBOOK OF PRACTICES FOR RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEN )PLANNERS AND MANAGERS Schmidt, B Parsons, Brinckerhoff, Quade & Douglas Ine (New York) report to US l/rb~n Mass Tr~%sportation Administration, Jan 1977, 70P (PB 264361/7SL) Discusses monitoring l~'ogr~mmes in soft ground t~mnel eo.xstruction with the aim of reducing costs and also reducing construction hazards s~d damage to the environment. Avail: NTIS, Springfield, Va, 22161, USA 731126 SUBSU~qFACE EXPLORATION M~71~ODS ~OR SOFT GROUND RAPID 'FRANSTr TCNNELS (IN 9 VoLS) Sehmidt, B; Matarazzi, B; Dunnicliff, C J Parsons, Brinckerhoff, Qu~ie & Douglm~ Inc (New York) report to US Transportation Systems Ceant~-, April 1976, Vol i, 203P, Vol 2, 144P (Vol I PB 258343/3SL, Vol 2 PB
258344/lSL) This study assesses subsurface exploration methods with respect to their ability to provide adequate data for the constcuction of rapid transit, soft-gcound bored and cut-and-cover tunnels. Geop~hysic~l and other exploration tools not now widely used in urban underground construction are investigated, their potential is discussed, and p~formanee specifications and i d e ~ for future development are presented. The effect of geotechniea\ variations on construction costs is modeled, and the effect of the prior knowledge of variation, inel{iding preliminary designs, specifications, cost estimates, and development plans, are formulated. Volume 2 contains appendixes A-F. Avail: NTIS, Springfield, Va, 22161, USA
In-situ stresses and stress around underground openings 781127 DESTRF~SSING VEIN WAT~[S IN STAR MINE TO MINLMISE ROCK BURSTS World Min, V30 , N6, June 1977, P45 Briefly reports destressing blasting at the Star Mine, Burke, Idaho, at a depth of 7700ft where the Star vein cuts the hard and brittle Revett quarzite and argillite. Areas for destcessing are decided according to the monitoring system, opening geometry, past b ~ s t history and special geological conditions. 781128 HECLA IS ROCK BURST MONITORING SYSTEM Langstaff, J T Min Congr J, V63, N1, Jaa 1977, P46-52 Discusses the monitoring systems at the Star and Lucky Friday mines in the Coeur d'Alen~ district of northern Idaho. Geophones are used to monitor seismic ~ctivity, the signals are amplified at the source, and a computer is used to calculate seismic event co-ordinates. At the Star mine, bursts have been found aftec recognisable seismic buildup. At the lucky Friday mine, whilst the p~edictive capabilities of the system are untested, some destresslng drilling and blasting was carried out after a period of anomalous seismicity, after which a large amount of seismic energy was gradually released. SURFACES 781129 ME~±]{oD OF CALCULATING THE D I S P L A C ~ OF TKE SIDE ROCKS DURING WORKING OF A COAL SEAM Gritsko, G I; Vlasenko, B V Soy Min Sci, VI2, N4, July-Aug 1976, P351-358 Continuation of an earlier article (see item no 774101). 731130A2PROXIMATE CALCULATION OF ~{E RISK OF BED SEPARATION IN COAL SEAM RODFS Kuznetsov, S T; ~musLn, B Z; Pekarskli, D G Soy Min Sci, V12, N4, July-Aug 1976, P359-364 Considers the risk of bed separation under the influence of tangential stresses using the stabl lity crit~_rion of quarry sides, which consists of comparison of the overall shearing forces and the forces opposing shear. 781131 S'I~ESS-SI~AIN STATE OF PROTECTIVE LININGS FOR~/]D IN BORE~OLES Grigorashcher~ko, V A; KulaZ{ov, G I Soy Min Sci, VI2, N4, July-Aug 1976, P367-376 Discusses the system for lining boreholes made by air-operated panehes, in which the borehole is filled by a sand-cement or ~bestos-eement mixture and the punch is sent down the borehole again, compacting the mixture and converting it to a lining which strengthens the borehole-walls. Analyses the stress-strain state of these linings and concludes that there are nearly always tensile stcesses, that the lining acts llke a rigid inclusion with a high stress concentration, and