633 The examiner reported to the senate that 6. Describe the effects, uses, modes of four candidates presented themselves for administering, and doses...

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633 The examiner reported to the senate that 6. Describe the effects, uses, modes of four candidates presented themselves for administering, and doses of digitalis. 7. You are required to uame the four barks chemistry, and that they are arlabelled respectively C, D, E, and F. ranged according to their proficiency :8. Describe, in botanical language, conium Edward Ballard, University College. maculatum, pointing out those characters by John Fox, University College. Joseph which it is distinguished from neighbouring Thomas Inman, King’s College. species. W. E. Humble, University College. The examiner also reported that Edward The examiner reported to the senate that Ballard had evinced sufficient merit to en- four candidates presented themselves for

honours in

title him to receive the exhibition of 301. honours at this examination, and that he per annum for the next two years, and a had arranged them in the following order, gold medal ; and that Joseph John Fox had according to their proficiency :evinced sufficient merit to entitle him to a Thomas Inman,King’s College. John Jones Davies, London Hospital. gold medal. Alfred Joseph Tapson, University Col-

lege. MATERIA MEDICA AND PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY. Examiner, Dr. PEREIRA. 1. What is the per-centage strength of the acidumn hydrocyanicum dilutum, Ph. L. ? What quantity of cyanide of silver should 100 grs. of this acid yield on the addition of a solution of nitrate of silver? State the characteristics of cyanide of silver, and how you would distinguish it from chloride of silver. If a sample of diluted hydrocyanic acid yield a red precipitate on the addition of the iodo-cyanide of potassium and mercury, what inference would you draw therefrom ? State the composition of this red precipitate, and explain the chemical changes which occur during its formation under the above circumstances. 2. The bottles marked respectively A and B contain adulterated powder of scammony ; you are required to apply the appropriate tests (which will be furnished) in order to discover the nature of the adulterating matter in each. 3. Describe the mode of preparing the spiritus cetheris nitrici, Ph. L. ; and explain the nature of the principal changes which occur during the process. What is the composition of this spirit? To what contaminating matter or matters do you ascribe the property usually possessed by the spirit of

William Edward

Humble, University Col-

lege. The examiners also reported that Thomas Inman had evinced sufficient merit to entitle him to the exhibition of 301. per annum for the next two years, and to a gold medal; and that John Jones Davies had evinced sufficient merit to entitle him to a gold medal. The reports were presented by the examiners, and the exhibitions and medals awarded by the senate on Wednesday.




J. D., aged 70, was admitted on May 17, under the care of Mr. Liston. He came into the hospital at ten, A.1%1., on account of a slight transverse wound of the throat, which he had made with the intention of destroying himself. He assigned as a reason for this proceeding, that he had not passed any water since the 14th, although several attempts had been made to pass the catheter by a surgeon. On examination, Mr. Taylor, the house-surgeon, found the bladder greatly distended, and reaching nearly to the navel, with extreme pain on pressure ; but the pain was restricted, or nearly so, to the hypogasnitric ether of the shops, of becoming olive- trium. On farther inquiry it appeared that coloured on the addition of protosulphate of he had had stricture for several years, but had never before experienced a complete iron, and blue with tincture of guaiacum? 4. State what are the symptoms caused stoppage. Mr. Taylor immediately passed by a poisonous dose of hydrocyanic acid, a No. 5 catheter, and met with a stricand what remedial means you would have ture three or four inches from the orifice ; immediate recourse to in order to avert from eight to nine ounces of turbid urine death. Describe the post-mortem appear- followed. The pain and tenderness, howances when this poison proves fatal. How ever, continued without any relief, and at would you proceed to detect its presence in four, P.M., it was first remarked that there the contents of the alimentary canal ? Ex- was increased fulness of the hypogastrium, plain the nature of the chemical changes with tension and acute pain on pressure exwhich occur on the addition of the several tending to the general surface and sides of the abdomen. tests. Eighteen leeches were or5. By what chemical test is the flour ofdered to the hypogastrium, to be followed by white mustard seed distinguished from thathot fomentations; and as the bowels had been confined, ten grains of calomel followed of black mustard seed ?