Melanocyte reaction of preparations of the pituitary body and the urine of cancer patients

Melanocyte reaction of preparations of the pituitary body and the urine of cancer patients

914 Al\fERl('AN ,JOURNAJ_, OF OB~TETRICS AXH OY"'lECOLOGY These experiment;; ::;hmved that APL ••xtrad does not nffed primordial or ...

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These experiment;; ::;hmved that APL ••xtrad does not nffed primordial or <"arly follides and that it arb primarily upon maturing or nmf Ut'P one~, in~n:asing the dcgt•nerative ehanges <:ommonly obsern:d awl prohahly produt:ing 1legenera· tion. in a nmtttn• group of patiPnt~ 1vitl! lryperpla~ia, lwll~'''"'·, APL· extra<'!. ap}JHl'ently prodw·ed reePnt •·orp<•m lntPa. 'J'hi,; olHt>rvnJion waH not not!•d in an itUmatnre group of pat.iPnts, also exltiJ, ltypPrplaAia of tit•· ••ndometrium. lfemm·· dmge into or about follie!Ps was e.on~i
Cornil, L., and Escarras, A.: Experimental Researches on the Gonadotropic Hormone in Uterine Epithelioma, Enclrwrinol. e patol. eostit. 3: ~08, 1!l3J. In twenty-five eases of cervical epithelioma the authors fouwl the Frie1lmau test positive in thirteen eases; of these, ten were of the predominating basal cell type. The test was doubtful seven timt's of which four eases wen· of the predominating spin
negative test. l\L:\!WI A. C.IH'I',\I.LO.

Umezawa, R.: Melanocyte Reaction of Preparations of the Pituitary Body and the Urine of Cancer Patients, Jap . •T. Obst. & Gynec. 18: 21 1934. Umezawa found that he could prO(lue.e a strongly positiv•' melanocyte reaction not only by the injection of Jl!'ep:uations l)f the post('ri.or pituitary lobe, but also by the administration of anterior lobe pre1•arations, and the so-calleLl anterior pituitary hormones. He found that eancm· patients ex(·rptf' t.lw melanoeyte hormone in their urint>. Judging from tlli~ oct•urrenee the author hc•lie,·es that <;ancel' 3lld pituitary secretions hnYe an intimate rdatiouship. 8in<·t• bP unticed that '' positive melanocyte reaction can be found only in the urine of eaneer patients, he beliewn that thiR reaction ,;an he employe


Magistris, H.: Antihormonal Sterilization of Female Animals. (1) By Preparations from Male Sexual Glands, Re,·. Soe. Argent. de bioi. 10: 179, 19;\t. The author prepared testiculm· substance aeeor.ding to the methOll of N eunumn. He injected various amounts of this preparation into female white mice and ob· tained temporary sterilization of the animals. The smaller amounts, using two to four testicles o:f male white mice, did not pro•lue<> sterilization in the female. J,arge amounts, twelve to fourteen testieleH, in ~orne cases eause,l death. A medium amount, eight to twelve tr•sticles in solution, g·ave the ]J('st ,.,,suits. ~fARIO

A. CA8TAJ.f.O,