These experiment;; ::;hmved that APL ••xtrad does not nffed primordial or <"arly follides and that it arb primarily upon maturing or nmf Ut'P one~, in~n:asing the dcgt•nerative ehanges <:ommonly obsern:d awl prohahly produt:ing 1legenera· tion. in a nmtttn• group of patiPnt~ 1vitl! lryperpla~ia, lwll~'''"'·, APL· extra<'!. ap}JHl'ently prodw·ed reePnt •·orp<•m lntPa. 'J'hi,; olHt>rvnJion waH not not!•d in an itUmatnre group of pat.iPnts, also exltiJ,it.ing ltypPrplaAia of tit•· ••ndometrium. lfemm·· dmge into or about follie!Ps was e.on~i
Cornil, L., and Escarras, A.: Experimental Researches on the Gonadotropic Hormone in Uterine Epithelioma, Enclrwrinol. e patol. eostit. 3: ~08, 1!l3J. In twenty-five eases of cervical epithelioma the authors fouwl the Frie1lmau test positive in thirteen eases; of these, ten were of the predominating basal cell type. The test was doubtful seven timt's of which four eases wen· of the predominating spin
negative test. l\L:\!WI A. C.IH'I',\I.LO.
Umezawa, R.: Melanocyte Reaction of Preparations of the Pituitary Body and the Urine of Cancer Patients, Jap . •T. Obst. & Gynec. 18: 21 1934. Umezawa found that he could prO(lue.e a strongly positiv•' melanocyte reaction not only by the injection of Jl!'ep:uations l)f the post('ri.or pituitary lobe, but also by the administration of anterior lobe pre1•arations, and the so-calleLl anterior pituitary hormones. He found that eancm· patients ex(·rptf' t.lw melanoeyte hormone in their urint>. Judging from tlli~ oct•urrenee the author hc•lie,·es that <;ancel' 3lld pituitary secretions hnYe an intimate rdatiouship. 8in<·t• bP unticed that '' positive melanocyte reaction can be found only in the urine of eaneer patients, he beliewn that thiR reaction ,;an he employe
Magistris, H.: Antihormonal Sterilization of Female Animals. (1) By Preparations from Male Sexual Glands, Re,·. Soe. Argent. de bioi. 10: 179, 19;\t. The author prepared testiculm· substance aeeor.ding to the methOll of N eunumn. He injected various amounts of this preparation into female white mice and ob· tained temporary sterilization of the animals. The smaller amounts, using two to four testicles o:f male white mice, did not pro•lue<> sterilization in the female. J,arge amounts, twelve to fourteen testieleH, in ~orne cases eause,l death. A medium amount, eight to twelve tr•sticles in solution, g·ave the ]J('st ,.,,suits. ~fARIO
A. CA8TAJ.f.O,