Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 22 (1974) 96-109 © North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands
L.P. ZONENSHAIN, M.I. KUZMIN, V.I. KOVALENKO and A.J. SALTYKOVSKY Science Research Laboratory of Geology o f Foreign Countries, Moscow (USSR) Institute o f Geochemistry, Siberian Branch of Academy of Science, Irkutsk (USSR) Institute of Physics of the Earth, Moscow (USSR) Received January 1974 The distribution of magmatism and related endogenous metallogeny within short intervals of geological time displays strong lateral zonal pattern governed by the positions of contemporaneous eugeosynclines, i.e. previous oceanic basins. This pattern includes: (1) the eugeosyncline with ultramafics and mafics, and with Cu, Au, Cr, Pt; (2) the amagmatic back troughs filled by clastic sediments; (3) a zone of granite-granodiorite batholiths with Au, Mo; (4) a zone of diorite-monzonite with Pb-Zn; (5) a zone of standard and Li-F granites with Sn, W, Mo; and (6) a zone of alkaline plutons. The zones in (3)-(5) correspond to calc-alkaline volcanism, and the zone in (6) to alkaline volcanism. The zonal pattern is related to the activity along fossil Benioff zones. Great transversal faults displaced structural-magmatic and metallogenic zonality far inside continents. They are interpreted as transform faults. The existance of a zonal pattern is discussed in terms of plate tectonics.
1. Objectives and methods of the investigation The theory of plate tectonics suggests a close relation between greatly different but coeval events occurring in different parts of the globe. It has been established that extensional and compressional features are distributed in space and time according to the relative motion of lithospheric plates. The distribution of magrnatic and, consequently, metallogenic products may also be strictly determined b y this theory. The approach, offered to investigate the relationship between tectonics on one hand, and magrnatism and endogenic metallogeny on the other hand, is based on an analysis of both paleotectonic conditions and spatial distribution of magrnatic series within the comparatively short periods of time, where each period corresponds to an "outburst" of magmatic activity, and the boundaries between them being, as a rule, marked by structural reconstructions. In these periods, which we shall call epochs, magrnatic formations of extremely different types develop almost simultaneous-
ly from products of so-called initial magrnatism (ophiolites) in eugeosynclinal zones to various "synorogenic" and "postorogenic" granitoids and alkaline rocks in the adjacent areas. All these magmatic complexes prove to be regularly related. The analysis offered continues Smirnov's conception [ 1] which recognized two zones in the Pacific Belt: an "Inner" zone with dominantly a sulphide mineralization and an "Outer" zone chiefly characteristic of rare-metal mineralization. In our studies the Smirnov's "Inner" and "Outer" zones are also distinguished for each period. The available data [ 2 - 1 1 , 24] make it possible to outline three epochs which are significant for the whole of Eastern Asia; these are: (1) Early Mesozoic (T - J1 ); (2) Late Mesozoic (J3 -- K 1 ) ; and (3) Late Cretaceous including Early Paleogene times. In the northeast of the U.S.S.R. the additional epoch coincident with the time of formation of the Okhotsk volcanic series is distinguished, i.e., uppermost Lower Cretaceous and lowermost Upper Cretaceous times. For all the epochs mentioned paleotectonic schemes
MESOZOIC STRUCTURAL-MAGMATICPATTERNOF THE WESTERNPACIFIC BELT have been compiled involving the distribution of magmatic rocks and leading endogeneous ore component. A special scheme (see Fig. 3) has been compiled for the additional epoch in the northeast of the U.S.S.R. Data for each epoch are listed in Tables 1-3. The eugeosynclinal zones are shown in all schemes. The importance of their role in the development of orogenic belts is beyond any doubt. The eugeosynclines correspond to Smirnov's "Inner" zones for each of the epochs. They represent active axes of orogenic belts from which tectonic and magmatic activities spread to the adjacent areas of the continental blocks [25, 26]. They originated from previous oceanic basins and are apparently of composite structure. Inside them elements may be present corresponding to present-day trenches, volcanic island arcs and marginal basins. Unfortunately, a detailed palinspastic restoration of the eugeosynclinal zones, although very important in metallogeny, is at present impossible, due to inadequate study. However, this problem deserves thorough investigation. In the areas adjacent to the eugeosynclinal zones from the continental side, mainly the distribution fields of various magrnatic rocks are shown; of the structural elements only the outlines of back marine troughs (back-deeps) are indicated. These back troughs (of Mongolian-Okhotsk or West Sakhalin type) are usually filled with terrigenous flysch-like sequences. It is remarkable that they are usually, but not necessarily, devoid of coeval magmatic products. Tectonic uplifts seem to be the framework of back troughs. This is evident from the molasse accumulation of intramountain basins (the basins are not shown in the schemes). These uplifts formed the main areas of magmatic activity. All intrusive formations of given age are shown. They are subdivided into several geochemical types, each type is associated with a certain complex of ore deposits. The principle of recognition and the characterization of geochemical types of granitoids have been discussed in detail elsewhere [ 11, 27]. The following geochemical types of granitoids are distinguished in the schemes: (a) granitegranodiorite, (b) diorite-monzonite, (c) regular and lithium-fluoric granites, and (d) agpaitic granites and alkaline rocks. The granite-granodiorite type of rock consist of mainly batholith-like bodies (for instance, the massifs of the Uda series of the Stanovoi range) of both
granodiorites and granites; the earlier phases are represented by gabbro-diorites. This rock type is characterized by a normal alkaline content and a low (not higher than clarke) content of lithofilic rare elements. Gold and molybdenum mineralizations are generally related to the granitic rocks of this type. The dioritemonzonite type of rock is usually represented by massifs stretched along fractures. Among them, diorites, gabbro-diorites, monzonites, and in places, adamellites, tonalites and granodiorites are most abundant. All these rocks are characterized by a higher alkaline content (earlier appearance of potash feldspar together with amphibole and even pyroxene) and a higher magnesium content in both rocks and femic minerals [28]. The diorite-monzonites from the Sikhote-Alin tin-bearing areas are representative of this type. Diorite-monzonite bodies are associated with polymetallic, sometimes tinpolymetallic and gold mineralization. The granites of standard type, together with the lithium-fluoric granites, are widespread, for instance in the Transbaikal t i n tungsten belt. Their main features are the high silicic acidity of rocks, the abundance in both two micas and tourmaline varieties and a higher content of rare alkaline and fluorine along with slightly lower Ba and Sr concentrations. These granites are associated with tin-tungsten and other rare-metal mineralization. The alkaline rock type is chiefly characteristic of the presence of alkaline minerals. The K20 + Na20 content is as high as 10%. These rocks often bear rare-earth-niobium-zircon mineralization. When granitoids of different geochemical type but belonging to the same epoch, occur together, this is an indication that their emplacement took place in the order in which they are listed, the granite-granodiorite age relationship being the only uncertain fact. When the inverse relationship is the case (i.e. granodiorite intruding alkaline rocks), it may be stated that the younger intrusive rocks belong to the subsequent epoch. The various terrestrial volcanic rocks have been distinguished into two groups: those with a calc-alkaline composition and those with an alkaline composition. The first group includes rocks from basalts to liparites of a different basicity and a relatively low alkaline content. The second group includes volcanics which, according to their composition, vary widely from trachybasalts to trachyliparites, but have a relatively high alkaline content. The alkaline content is the most sensitive factor when laterally tracing the change of the composition of volcanics.
The main endogenic ore deposits of the Pacific belt, pointed out previously by Smirnov [1 ], are shown in the schemes. They are tin, tungsten, molybdenum, lead-zinc, sometimes mercury and antimony; and copper, chromium and nickel in some areas of the "Inner" zone. Tables 1-3 give the available data for the following regions: (1) northeast U.S.S.R., (2) the Mongolian Okhotskian region including North China, (3) South China, Korea and Japan, and (4) South East Asia. For all these regions are shown: (a) the eugeosynclinal zones, (b) the back troughs, (c) intrusive massifs of the following geochemical types : granite-granodiorite, diorite-monzonite, regular granits and alkaline rocks, and (4) the volcanic series of calc-alkaline and alkaline composition. Before we analyse the structural-magrnatic pattern of each epoch, it should be noted that all schemes assume that the Japan Sea, like the other marginal seas of the Western Pacific, originated due to Late Tertiary extension [29]. Therefore, the Japanese islands merged with the Asian continent, the northeastern part of Honshu Island being displaced along the Fossa-Magna fault by approximately 200 km westward with respect to southwest Honshu. This reconstruction matches the Fossa-Magna fault with the Yanshanian fault.
2. Description of the schemes
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2.1. Early Mesozoic epoch ( T - J 1 - 2 ) (Fig. 1, Table 1) In the Early Mesozoic epoch four separate sectors are recognized in East Asia: (1) northeast U.S.S.R., (2) the Mongolian-Okhotskian region, (3) South China, and (4) the Malaya - Kalimantan region. Northeast U.S.S.R. falls out of the general scheme, possibly due to lack of study and the fact that the eugeosynclines of that time did not yet belong to the Pacific ring. In the remaining three sectors the eugeosynclinal zones are clearly displayed along the eastern inner flanks and the surrounding outer magmatic zones. The magmatic zonality, which is recognized according to the prevailing leading geochemical types, is presented as follows (from the east to the west) : (1) the zone of granite-granodiorite batholiths with gold metallization; (2) the
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st~o~orO Grid L-F ~ranites 31kGiine ,ntrusIons related S'khote - AIIr' ) transversal (Wa ns~orm)faults
Fig. 1. Early Mesozoic structural-magmatic pattern and main ore deposits of the western part of the Pacific belt. zone of granites of standard and Li-F-type with tin-tungsten metallization; and (3) the zone of alkaline intrusive rocks. The first two zones are characteristic of calc-alkaline volcanism; the third zone is more or less coincident with the areas of alkaline volcanics. The zonal pattern as a whole follows the strike of eugeosynclinal zones. However, along the large
TABLE 1 Main tectonic units and magmatic types of the Lower Mesozoic (T-J t ) of the Western Pacific
Eugeosynclinal zones
Back troughs
Diorite monzonite Standard and Li-F granites
Calc-alkaline vulcanism Alkaline intrusive rocks Alkaline volcanism
Northeast U.S.S.R.
Mongolian-Okhotskian region
South China, Korea and Japan
Southeast Asia
Anujian zone [ 12], Alazeijan plateau [13]
eastern Sikhote-Alin, west of Hokkaido (Lower Khidaka group); intersected by great transcurrent faults (Mongol-Okhotsk and FossaMagna)
supposed underlying Alishan trough of West Taiwan
central part of Kalimantan
Mong,;lian-Okhotsk trough [15]
marine terrigenous sediments of the Hong Kong region [5]
marine terrigenous sediments of the edge of Malaya Peninsula
batholiths of Kyrinean granite-granodiorites in Zabajkalje and northeast Mongolia, Khessanian of North Korea [16]
Nanlin granitegranodiorite batholiths [5 ]
Amakan, Tegeduj, and early complexes, Kuden complexes in Zabajkalje late Kudun and llenguj granites in Zabajkalje [ 17 ] and granites of Central Mongolia [ 11 ]
not recognized
granitegranodiorite batholiths of West Kalimantan and East Malaya [ 18] not recognized
not recognized
distributed on large areas [ 14]
andesites of Koni peninsula ?
volcanism of the Orkhon area
granites of "Granite Domes" region [ 16]
granites of South Malaya and tin islands
lower parts of the Kathasian volcanic belt
Malokunalej and Kunalej alkaline rocks in Zabajkalje [17] Pihenganian in Korea [16] alkaline volcanism of the Selenginian belt
transversal faults, the zonality is sharply displaced (to 1,000 km) inside the continent and at the margins it has a horseshoe-like form embracing the faults. The transversal faults also form the boundaries between the sectors. One of the main features of these faults is that they cross-cut the eugeosynclinal zones as is clearly seen in the example of the Sikhote-Alin. Such transversal faults include the M o n g o l i a n - O k h o t s k , the Yanshanian (together with the F o s s a - M a g n a fault), the TzinLin and, possibly, the Black River faults. The metallogeny is in close agreement with the
distribution of intrusive rocks of appropriate types and do not depend directly upon the composition of the country rocks. For example, the tin-bearing deposits of Transbaikal region and Mongolia occur in terrigenous and crystalline rocks, while the Chinese deposits are concentrated within carbonate series. Only the type of ore deposits changes, i.e. a skarn deposit, appears instead o f the quartz-cassiterite one.
2.2. Late Mesozoic epoch 0 2 _ 3 - K 1 ) (Fig. 2, Table 2) The sectors of Early Mesozoic times remain the same
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in the Late Mesozoic. The eugeosynclinal zone (the Pengian-Anadyr zone) typical for the Pacific belt appear in the northeast of the U.S.S.R., and the magmatic zonality in the adjacent areas are subordinated to this eugeosyncline. The development of the eugeosyncline in southeast Honshu took place at that time. In this region magmatism spread over the territory between the Yanshanian and Tzin-Lin faults. The structural-magmatic zonality, as a whole, remains the same as in Early Mesozoic times, except for some complication in the Mongolian-Okhotskian sector where an additional diorite-monzonite intrusive subzone has developed along the batholith framework. The Late Mesozoic zonal pattern is displaced eastward compared to the Early Mesozoic zones. This resulted in the overlapping of inner Early Mesozoic zones by outer Late Mesozoic ones. The relationship is reversed only in Korea where Late Mesozoic granitegranodiorites intrude the earlier alkaline rocks. This may be due to the fact that just in Late Mesozoic times the adjacent eugeosyncline of southeast Honshu came into existence. The nepheline syenites associated with ultramafics along the Main Sikhote-Alin fault stand apart [24]. They are similar to the alkaline rocks of old platforms and may be the result of processes which are beyond the scope of this paper.
2.3. Late Cretaceous-Early Paleogene epoch (Fig. 4, Table 3) Sn ; °
In Late Cretaceous times the structural-magmatic zonality preserves its main features but is displaced eastward. This time no appreciable influence of the transversal faults can be noticed. All the zones are directly tracable longitudinally and the zonality itself becomes linear, losing its complicated shape when long tongues extend deep into the continent (with the only possible exception in northern Vietnam and the Yunnan province). At the same time, the magmatic area narrows sharply and, as a result, in places granitoids of standard type coincide with diorite-monzonite granitoids.
3. Structural-magmatic and metallogenic zonal pattern Fig. 2. Late Mesozoic structural-magmatic pattern and main ore deposits of the western part of the Pacific belt. For legend see Fig. 1.
All the periods considered display the same structural-magmatic zonal pattern which is subordinate, ac-
TABLE 2 Main tectonic units and magmatic types of the Upper Mesozoic (J2-K1) of the Western Pacific Northeast U . S . S . R .
South China, Korea and Japan
Eugeosynclinal zones
Pengian-Anadyr [8] and South Anujian zones [9]
East Sakhalin, Central Hokkaido
Southeast Honshu and East Taiwan
Back troughs
Olei and Kolymian zones [9] Sikhote-Alin and Udian trough
median zone of Honshu
Kolymian batholiths and early granitoids in Chuckchee peninsula [9]
Udian batholiths of the Stanovic range [21 ]
Dsoezu and Abukuma granites of North Honshu [22], Tanchkhonian granites of Korea [16] not recognized
Standard and Li-F granites
peripheral Kolymian granites similar to the Okhandjin massif [9]
Acatuj, Amudjikano-Sretensk and Shakhtama complexes in Zabajkalje [ 17] Kukulbei and Gudjir granites late Tanchkhon granites in Zabajkalje [ 17] rare-metal in Korea [16] coast granites granites in northeast Mongolia [ 11 ] of southeast China [6].
Calc-alkaline volcanism
Kolymian volcanic belt
Alkaline intrusive rocks
Negolakh massif [9]
Alkaline volcanism
liparites of Sarychev range [20]
I~ t-2
~ ~n
volcanism of the Khingan, northeast Mongolia and eastern Zabajkalje alkaline rocks of the Aldan area, northeast Mongolia and upper Amur area [11, 21]. alcaline volcanism of Djida and Onon regions
Fig. 3. Middle Cretaceous structural-magmatic pattern and main ore deposits of the northeast of the U.S.S.R. For legend see Fig. 1.
Kathasian volcanic belt in southeast China, Kimmou group of Honshu alkaline rocks of Laonin, Shansi and Peking areas [5].
cording to its setting, to the contemporaneous eugeosynclinal zones and transversal faults. This pattern involves the following (Fig. 5): (1) the eugeosynclinal zone with spilite-basalt volcanic rocks, ultramafics and gabbro-plagiogranites; (2) the back troughs with terrigenous and frequently turbidite sedimentation and limited calc-alkaline volcanism. The zones of intensive terrestrial calc-alkaline volcanism (including volcanic belts) and granitoid magmatism which is subdivided into : (3) the inner zone of granite-granodiorite batholiths, and (4) the outer zone of small bodies of rare-metal granites (of L i - F and standard types) and rocks of diorite-monzonite series; (5) the zone of alkaline effusive and intrusive ma~Tnatism. The zones are generally elongated parallel to the eugeosyncline zone replacing each other in the order in which they are listed. The linear arrangement is distorted near the largest transversal faults which bring the zonality deep inside the continent. This is clearly displayed in the case of the Mongolian-Okhotsk fault. Early and Late Mesozoic magrnatism is displaced along
TABLE 3 Main tectonic units and magmatic types of the Upper Cretaceous-Lower Paleogene of the Western Pacific Northeast U.S.S.R.
Mongolian-Okhotskian region
South China, Korea and Japan
Southeast Asia
Eugeosynclinal zones
East Kamchatka
East Hokkaido
Shimanto zone, Philippines island
Back troughs
Penjian trough
West Sakhalinian trough
Alishan trough (West Taiwan)
Granite-granodiorite DioritemonzoniteStandard and L i - F granites
Eropol granite-granodiorites [9] early Omsukchan rocks [9] late Omsukchan granites
Amirian and coast granite-granodiorites [21] early Maochan rocks [21]
Kitikami granites
Calc-alkaline volcanism
Okho t skian -Chukkchian Sikhote-Alinian volcanic belt volcanic belt (Evenian series) Omolonian complex some small plutons of Djugdjur range
Alkaline intrusive rocks Alkaline volcanism
late Maochan granites
batholiths of Burma
not recognized Hiroshima granites (Japan), granites of South Junnnan and North Vietnam
Malayfin tinbearing granitic belt
calc-alkaline volcanics of Honshu Amnokanian complex in Korea [23]
alkaline liparites assossiated with the Omolonian complex, trachybasalts of Alazean plateau [41 ]
this fault by as much as 1,500 - 2,000 km inward Asia and the zonality loses its lineartty; it becomes concentric and spreads over the wide area. In the band, which is affected by the M o n g o l i a n - O k h o t s k fault, a type of "core" composed of granite-granodiorite batholiths and an area of dispersed magmatic rocks surrounding the core from outside are distinguished. The latter displays more or less clearly : (a) the zone of diorite-monzonite intrusive rocks adjacent to the batholiths; and (b) the outer zone of granites of L i - F and standard types. The outer periphery is formed by a horseshoe-like strip of alkaline intrusive rocks. The metallogenic zonality of each epoch conforms with the distribution of magrnatic rocks. The following zones are recognized (from inner to outer areas). (1) The zone of copper sulphide, c h r o m e - n i c k e l
and platinum and often gold and mineralization; this zone is typical for the eugeosyncline and is associated with spflite-basalt volcanism as well as with gabbroultramafic and gabbro-plagiogranite complexes. (2) The g o l d - m o l y b d e n u m zone coincident with both intrusive rocks of granite-granodiorite type and volcanic belts represented by calc-alkaline volcanics. (3) The polymetallic zone related with dioritemonzonite intrusive rocks. It is displayed in the areas of "dispersed" magmatism along the transversal faults. In other places this zone coincides frequently with the adjacent zones and this results in complex gold-bearing polymetallic ore subzones. (4) The t i n - t u n g s t e n zone associated with granites of standard and L i - F types, the latter also contains another rare-metal ( t a n t a l u m - n i o b i u m , lithium, etc.) mineralization. (5) The rare-earth n i o b i u m - z i r c o n zone related with alkaline intrusive rocks.
l~z-Pt 60-90~
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Fig. 4. Late Cretaceous-Early Paleogene structural-magmatic pattern and main ore deposits of the western part of the Pacific belt. For legend see Fig. 1.
Toward the outer zone there are telethermal deposits of the mercury-antimony group which often also contain gold, arsenic and polymetals. It should be emphasized that the boundaries between the zones are recognized statistically and therefore they should not be understood as clearly marked lines. Both intrusive rocks of mixed geochemical composition and mixed complex ore deposits occur on the zone boundaries. As is mentioned above, the zonality is restored within the limits of the separate epochs only. The younger zonality overlaps the older one. In East Asia the zonality is shifted eastwards with time, thus the younger outer zones superimpose, as a rule, the earlier inner zones. However, inverse relationships are possible, as for example in Korea, where Triassic alkaline rocks are cut by Upper Jurassic granitegranodiorites. These relationships are associated with the appearance of new eugeosynclinal zones and, consequently, with tile inclusion of additional areas into magnatic areas. All mentioned above shows that Mesozoic magmatism and metallogeny of Eastern Asia should not be considered as a whole as we have here the result of the repeated superimposing magmatism and metallogeny of several epochs, and not a single one. Metallogenic zones drawn a manner that involve the informations of different age are mostly artificial. At the same time, the analysis of magnatism and metallogeny within the separate epochs enables the recognition of the remarkably strict order in which magmatism and metallogeny change with increasing distance from the contemporaneous eugeosynclinal zones. This approach of metallogenic analysis evidently represents the basis of mineral prospecting. The distribution of structural magmatic and metallogenic zones over the region is only governed by the eugeosynclines and transversal faults and is, in fact, independent of the composition and structure of country rocks. The zones may overlap the old platforms (the Siberian and the Chinese Platforms), the Paleozoic orogenic belts (the Central Asiatic belt), the middle massifs (the Omolonsk, the Indonisian massifs), the earlier eugeosynclines (Sikhote-Alin) the areas composed of thick clastic sequences (Verkhoyansk Mountains), the carbonate cover of the platform (southern China), etc. The type
outer boundury o,f mugmatic area alkaline front
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~akali,*- I CalC-~r?ne Vol- I /¢a?/ne c a n t J m ] VolcaniSm Fig. 5. General distribution of structural-magmatic and metallogenic zonality in a frame of eugeosynclines and along transversal faults.
of both magmatic products and ore deposits is always only defined by the position of a given zone with respect to the contemporaneous eugeosyncline. This suggests that the flow of juvenile (mantle) material plays an important role in the formation of magmatic rocks and associated ore elements. At the same time, the environment defines, to some extent, the compositional features of intrusive rocks as well as the formational type of ore deposits. Quartz-vein and greisen types tin- and tungsten-bearing deposits occur usually in terrigenous sequences, whereas skarn deposits are in the carbonate sequences. In a similar manner, the structural features govern in places the granitoid emplacement and determine the location of ore knots. The regular structural-magmatic zonal distribution under consideration implies a causal relationship be-
tween the terrestrial magmatism and the phenomena occurring within the eugeosynclinal zones. This enables to properly relate the geosynclinal process with the phenomenon of so-called tectono-magmatic activation (or revivification). The tectono-magmatic activation represents a part of the entire geosynclinal process which is fully displayed in the eugeosyncline zones. Recently it became clear that the similar structural-magmatic zonality is not unique, but was peculiar only to the Mesozoics of East Asia. Similar structuralmagmatic pattern subordinated to the previous eugeosynclines (oceanic basins) is restored, for instance, for the Middle Paleozoic (Devonian) of the Central Asiatic belt [ 15, 26]. The replacement of calc alkaline volcanics by alkaline ones with the distance from the eugeosyncline was also shown by Mossakovsky [30] for the Late Paleozic volcanic belt of Eurasia. Consequently,
MESOZOIC STRUCTURAL-MAGMATICPATTERN OF THE WESTERN PACIFIC BELT we may speak of the general regularity inherent to all geosyncline systems and the structural-malgnatic zonality itself appears universal to some extent. This zonality has, of course, some individual features due to the peculiarity of certain epochs and regions and, these features need to be recognized and examined. However, the change of granite-granodiorite batholiths by granite and alkaline intrusions as well as the change of calc-alkaline volcanism by alkaline volcanism remains invariable with increasing distance from the eugeosyncline.
4. Discussion and possible interpretations When analyzing the pattern of structural-magmatic zones the following points should be emphasized: (1) the interrelation between different events which occur within the eugeosynclinal zones and their framework; (2) the appearance of terrestrial magmatism under the conditions of strongly dissected topography; (3) the nature of transversal faults; and (4) the causes of zonal distribution of magmatism. Possible interpretations naturally cannot go beyond the scope of the most favourable hypotheses. The interrelation of events occurring simultaneously in the eugeosynclinal zones and the adjacent areas of the continental blocks is likely to be best explained with the existence of a single deep-seated active zone belonging to the type of present-day Benioff zones or to that of the tectonosphere after Sheinmann [31] which is dipping under the continent. Conjugation and subordination of the calc-alkaline volcanic belts with eugeosynclinal ophiolite zones displayed clearly in Mesozoic times of East Asia are known to be evidence for the existence of fossil Benioff zones. Therefore, the presence of such fossil Benioff zones appears to be most evident in this conception. The Benioff zone out crops in the trench, i.e. in the eugeosyncline, and all other stuctural-magmatic zones are arranged above it (Fig. 6). The shifting of the Benioff zone in any direction causes the displacement of the whole zonality in the same direction. Considering the fact that the Benioff zones play an important role in recent plate tectonics, it is desirable to explain the observed picture from the standpoint of interaction between the moving lithosphere plates, as was done to interpret the metallog-
enetic zonality of the eastern Pacific [32-33]. According to the theory of plate tectonics, the oceanic lithosphere slab sinks along the Benioff zone and undergoes friction, heating and partial melting at depth; the resulting melts elevate to give the whole range of calc-alkaline rocks. This is accompanied by sialic masses accumulating in rear parts, and melting of these masses to yield granitic masses. However, this rather simple and harmonious explanation encounters some difficulties and requires still some corrections. An extremely large amount of magmatic products originate above the Benioff zone. Their abundance in acidic and intermediate varieties, enriched in potassium and other lithophilic elements including ore components, is not compatible with their origin from partial melting of the oceanic plate. This is pointed out by many geologists. Consequently, along the Benioff zone there should occur an additional upflow of material not associated with subduction. This upflow is supposed to be rich in lithophilic components which might have provided for the formation of rocks above the Benioff zone. The necessity of such an upflow, which moves in the direction opposite to the subduction, is a new and important addition to the mechanism of plate tectonics. This also follows from some other data. The recent Benioff zones are a composite part of the island-arc systems, the marginal oceanic basins being one of the most important members of these systems. These basins are characteristic of a high heat flow which does not agree with the subduction concept. Moreover, as has recently been established [33], the marginal oceanic basins have extensional, not compressional, features as they should have had according to the orthodox variant of plate tectonics. They were originated by sea-floor spreading which is analogous (but evidently not identical) to the spreading in mid-oceanic ridges. It has been shown that eugeosynclines contain remnants of oceanic crust of the geological past [34]; with great reason they may be compared to both the earlier island-arc systems and the marginal oceanic basins. The eugeosynclines also originated due to extension, and old spreading processes are reconstructed within them [26]. Consequently, the analogy with recent marginal basins may be considered right. This implies that high heat flow was generated during the development of the eugeosynclines.
Hg,Sbl TR alkoline vol
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ca/c-alkal;ne volta- ~ bach" I.
Cr, Ni, PL
eugooscn cline (oceanic Gaain~.CpiT/~eEaaaltiC valcaniam
L i "t:h o'r,,b;p ~'e r el I iliJl~...__1 I00
Asthenosphere --
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Fig. 6. Structural-magmatic and metallogenic pattern related to the activity of the Benioff zone (after Zonenshain [26] with some corrections). Elongated crests indicate light lithophilic substance, which rises up along Benioff zone. Arrows show the movement of energy and substance. Dashed lines correspond to supposed thermal and, possible, hydrothermal flows. Oblique crests indicate granite-granodiorite batholiths, the thin cross-hatching indicates diorite-monzonite, black corresponds to granites of standard and Li-F types. Oceanic lithosphere, newly created by sea-floor spreading, is thick cross-hatched.
The extension in eugeosynclines and the oceanic basin formation through sea-floor spreading had to be compensated, according to the principles of plate tectonics, by compression in other places. Traces of such compressions are expressed by intensive deformations which occurred during the entire Mesozoic. The unconformities within the Mesozoic sequences seems to reflect certain periods of highly intensive spreading in the eugeosynclines. This suggests that due to the eugeosyncline spreading, the adjacent continental plate shifted slightly aside and underwent a strong warping. This may explain the formation of back troughs as downwarp and surrounding uplifts as upwarp features. The general fracturing
facilitated the supply of magma-forming fluids. The accumulation of sialic mass might promote melting of eutectic granites. The deformation dies with distance giving way to quiet tectonic conditions that favour the intrusion of alkaline rocks. Plate tectonics may be helpful in the attempts to explain the nature of the transversal faults. These largest faults appear to intersect the entire lithosphere At the same time, they bring the zonality inside the continent without breaking its continuity. Only the eugeosynclines - the zones of spreading and newcreation of the crust - are offset by the transversal faults. This suggests a certain analogy with the mid. oceanic ridges where transversal faults of a transform nature are clearly developed [35].
MESOZOIC STRUCTURAL-MAGMATICPATTERN OF THE WESTERNPACIFICBELT TABLE 4 Analysis of Late Cretaceous volcanics of the Sikhoto-Alin belt * Location
h (kin)
d (km)
Eastern part of the Sikhote-Alin belt
Central part
Western part
2 --
2.50 2.67
220 230
525 525
* Kss = the K20 content (%) at 55% of SiO2; K6o = the same for 60% of SiO~; h = the depth to the Benioff zone (after Hatherton and Dickinson [37]). d = the distance to the Benioff-zoneexposure (to previous trench). The transversal faults of East Asia are interpreted as transform faults extending inside the continent. They are not, of course, associated with mid-oceanic ridges but with the previous systems of island arcs and marginal oceanic basins. It is not incidental that these faults separate the sectors, each sector developing independency and being possibly associated with the activity of the Benioff zone involved. Separate segments of lithosphere plates were also sliding along these faults. These faults were evidently the best channels to transfer the material and energy of the earth's interior to the surface. The main problem is to explain the magmatic zonality itself. Its main feature is a gradual increase of the alkaline content from normal in granite-granodiorites through higher in diorite-rrronzonites and to the highest in alkaline rocks. The alkaline content also increases in volcanic rocks. The increase of alkaline content coincides with that of the potassium content in magmatic rocks as the distance from the continental margin increases. Vistelius et al. [36] demonstrated this feature by example of Late Mesozoic granites of northeastern Asia (the potassium content in contemporaneous granites increases from 2.7 to 4.5%). Hatherton and Dickinson found that recent island-arc lavas displayed a sympathetic relationship between the potassium content of different rocks (according to their silica content), and the depth to the Benioff zone or the distance to the Benioff-zone exposure [37]: the
greater the distance, the higher is the potassium content. The same was shown by our calculations for Late Cretaceous volcanics of the Sikhoto-Alin belt, chemically analysed by Popkova et al. [38] (Table 4.) The data mentioned above show that the K-activity in the magma-forming fluids increases with distance from the eugeosynclinal zones (continental margins). There may be at least two explanations for this regular variation in the composition of magrnatic rocks. It may be thought that fluids of different composition were simultaneously separated from the main upflow at different depths, the fluids branched at a greater depth being of higher alkaline (potassium) potential and highly saturated with lithophilic element. However, it may also be assumed that the upflow travelling upward along the Benioff zone reached the lower boundary of the lithosphere and spread under it, at a depth of about 100 km. A portion of the flow cropped out near the Benioff-zone exposure and contributed to the formation of a eugeosynclinal oceanic basin, the other portion flowed subhorizontally under the continental plate and was responsible for the entire continental magmatism. This horizontal branch may be considered, to some extent, to be analogous with transmagmatic solutions from Korzhinsky [39]. It is evident that the composition of these solutions has to vary, as they move inwards continents, due to the precipitation of a number of components (which go upwards) and changes in the temperature regime. The alkaline content as a whole has to increase with distance from the eugeosyncline. Undoubtedly, there are also other mechanisms worth discussing.
5. Conclusion (1) The structural-magmatic and metallogenic zonality of the East Asian margin restored for short intervals of the geological past is closely associated with the contemporaneous eugeosynclinal zones. The zonality remains uniform for all the epochs and appears as follows : (a) the eugeosynclinal zone with spilite-basaltic volcanism, ultramatics and gabbrogranodiorite intrusive rocks, and with gold-bearing copper sulphide, chrome-nickel, and platium metallization; (b) the back trough with terrigenous sedimentation and limited calc-alkaline volcanism.
108 Zones of intensive terrestrial volcanism and gramtlc magmatism which are subdivided into: (c) the inner zone characterized by the development of granitegranodiorite batholiths with g o l d - m o l y b d e n u m mineralization; and (d) the outer zone of rare-metal granites of standard and L i - F type with associated t i n - t u n g s t e n and other rare-metal deposits; rocks of diorite-monzonite composition associated mainly with polymetallic mineralization are also concentrated here; (e) the zone of alkaline effusive and intrusive magmatic rocks with characteristic rare-metal manifestations. (2) Continental magmatism (tectono-magmatic reactivation) and the development of eugeosynclinal zones are closely interrelated representing different forms of the single geosynclinal process caused probably by the existence of the Benioff zones dipping under the continent. (3) Metallogenic analysis should be, consequently, carried out within the limits of the short intervals corresponding to the active periods of the given eugeosynclinal zones. The structural-magmatic and metallogenic zonality recognized for different Mesozoic epochs of East Asia is peculiar to not only Mesozoic times. Therefore, the regularities considered are evidently of general importance.
Acknowledgements Materials concerning ma~Tnatism and metallogeny of South East Asia were presented to the authors by Drs. J.G. Gatinskii, I.V. Vinogradov and A.V. Mishina. They have also taken part in the compilation of the paleotectonic schemes. Dr. L.M. Natapov helped us very much in compiling the schemes for the northeast of the U.S.S.R. Drafts were drawn by V.A. Novikova. We would like to thank all the persons mentioned above. References
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