Oceanographic Abstracts
FRIxscI~, J., 1962. Erfahrungsvericht tiber Messungen mit dem Askania-Seegravimeter. Deutsch. Hydrogr. Z., 15 (4): 142-173. After several general introductory considerations on sea gravimetry, measurements with the Askaniaseagravimeter arc reported. The effect of disturbances on the measuring value is theoretically investigated. The results of these investigations are compared with the values obtained from experiment. The cross coupling effect is, before all, made the subject of investigations on so-called ' star cruises' by moasuring the horizontal and vertical acceleration. These investigations show that up to sea state five the cross coupling effect lies within the order of magnitude of othor disturbing effects that are limiting the measuring accuracy of the Askania-seagravimeter to 2-3 regal. It will be useful to average the values of the ship's courses on her ways out and back while on measuring cruise. FtmNO, K., 1963. Intra-uterine selection due to maternal-fetal incompatibility of blood types in whales. Sci. Repts., Whales Res. Inst., No. 17: 53-65. From the results of blood-typing (Fujino, 1962), there are in Area IlI of the Antarctic at least two different breeding populations of fin whales which have different frequencies of occurrence of bloodtype. This may support the results of marking investigation reported by Brown (1954). He also described significant differences in the percentage pregnancy among mature females by blood groups. This suggests that intra-uterine selection caused by maternal-foetal incompatibility of blood types, which has b ~ n reported for human beings and some other mammalian animals; also takes place Jn whales. Here, the results of serological observation, i.e., the existence of natural iso-antibodies, their hemolytic properties and marked ascending of titre of the iso-antibody seemingly caused by isoimmunization between foetus and mother are described as evidences relating to intra-uterine selection. Secondly, on the assumption of coml~nsatory mechanisms for intra-uterine selection, quantitative relationships are discussed between frequency of occurrence of blood types and relative rates of pregnancy by blood groups, and the rate of incidence of the selection estimated. Consequently, it was noted that in the postulated Atlantic population ca. 37 per cent of the beterozygous foetuses expected from Jul type females at incompatible mating were disadvantageously selected and this figure correspond to ca. 5 per cent of the recruiting generation of the population. This is only 0"3 or 0'4 per cent of the aboriginal population of the Area III.
GAINANOV,A. G. and V. P. PETELIN,1963. On physical characteristics of some bottom and coastal rocks in the western part of the Pacific. (In Russian). Mezhd. Geofiz. Komitt., Prezid. Akad. Nauk, SSSR, Rezult. Issled. Prog. Mezhd. Geofiz. Goda, Okeanol. Issled, (8): 112-124. I he investigation is discussed of the physical properties of twenty-seven samples of rocks and ancient lithified sediments, twenty-three samples having been collected from the bottom of the Pacific by E/S Vityaz, and four samples---on the shores of New Britain Island and Viti Levu. I. The basic igneous rocks and some organogenous-tuffaceous rocks possess the highest average volume by weight (2"72-2-75). Lower average volume by weight is characteristic of coral and coralalgal limestones (2.34), and then of tuffaceous rocks (2.00). Low average volume weight is stated for organogenous-terrigenous argillaceous rocks (1.40) and terrigenous argillaceous rocks (1"26); and minimum average volume weight--for pumice (0.80). 2. The basic igneous rocks possess the highest average coefficient of magnetic susceptibility equal to 1350" l0 -6. This coefficient decreases to 810.10 -a for tuffaceous and organogenoustuffaceous rocks. For organogenous-terrigenous argillaceous rocks it is equal to 490 • 10-e, and for terrigenous argillaceous rocks--to 236. I0 -a. The lowest coefficients of magnetic susceptibility are characteristic of pumice (120 • 10-6) and of coral-algal limestones (45.10-8). 3. The basic igneous rocks, coral and coral-algal rocks, and breccia consisting of fragments of these rocks are characterized by a higher average velocity of elastic waves propagation. This velocity is equal to 4.5-4.8 km/sec. It decreases to 3 km/sec for pumice. Small average velocity of the elastic waves propagation are characteristic of tuffaceous rocks (1-8-1"9 km/sec), organogenousterrigenous argillaceous rocks (1.6-1 "7 km/sec), and terrigenous argillaceous tocks (l. I-1.2 km/sec). GALLARDO,A., 1962. Descripcion de una nueva especie de Ampelisca (Amphipoda). Gay., Zool., No. 7 : I 1 pp. A new species of Ampelisca was found in benthic samplings in the GulfofArauco, 37 ° 02'S-73 ° 20'W Chile. It occurs as the dominant species oftbe soft-bottom fauna where it is an important fish food. A description of this new species is given including a comparison with its nearest relative, ,4. mexicans Barnard. This is the second species of this genus described from Chile. GANTAR, C., 1962. Tables of EStvSs correction to continuous sea gravity measurements for Mediterranean Sea latitudes. Boll. Geofis. Teor. Appl., 4 (13): 37-46. The values for the E0tvbs correction to the surface sea gravity measurements made by Osservatorio C_reofisco Spedmentale di Trieste have been tabulated in the latitude interval of the Mediterranean Sea (30 ° to 45°N).