Construction methods 5~55136 Oirectionai Ionghole boring prospects and costs McDonald, W J; Kramer, S :~J~Tcrotunnlg (Supplement to Tunn Tunnlg) VI 7, N4, April 19;~5. P23
crushing chamber behind the head to break down cobbles to a manageable size. The sewer was driven through alluvial clas. sandy alluvium, sand and gravel. This project was described and discussed at the British Tunnelling Society's meeting, 28th February 1985.
Groundwater problems
?he use of directional horizontal boring systems, which can drill large diameter holes (up to 610mm) over long distances (up to 3000m) is described. Surface equipment, downhole motors and bits, guidance systems and the economic potential of this technique are discussed.
855142 Dewatering for the well-being of tum-.elling Jones, M Tunn Tunnlg VI7, NS, May 1985, P46-48
855137 Mierotunnelling in Japan - problems and topics Yohyama, S; Ishibashi, N Microtunnlg (Supplement to Tunn Tunnlg) V17, N4, April !985. P26-27
The technique of wellpointing to lower the water table, reduce the pressure head and decrease the water make when tunnelling is introduced and its advantages and disadvantages compared with other groundwater control methods discussed. Case studies are cited.
New technologies such as small-diameter pipe jacking, curve jacking and slurry shield tunnelling are discussed. Equipment, lubricants and grouting are considered.
Surface Structures
855138 Lyon goes underground despite its rivers Braun, W Tunn Tunnlg V17, N5, May 1985, P25-28 The Lyon Metro Line D includes 2500m of shield driven tunnel with curves and gradual changes of invert level down to a maximum depth of 25m below the water table. Ground is predominantly gravel with large stones, plus weathered granite and marl. A modified hydroshield is being used, which produces a continuously cast steel-fibre reinforced concrete primary lining as it progresses. An electronic guidance system, which was specially adapted for the curves and inclines of this scheme, allows a high degree of driving precision. 855139 Drill and blast heats TBM at Glomfjord Martin, D Tunn Tunnlg VI 7, N5, May 1985, P33-35 The 7600m Svartisen Road Tunnel, Glomfjord, Norway, was driven from both ends. Drill and blast technique was used in the granite region whilst a full face tunnel boring machine started from the other end and drove into mica-schists and sandstone. Frogress with the TBM was not as fast as expected due to ~eologic and technical problems. The two techniques are briefly c~npared on bases of speed, efficiency and economics. 855140 Cznadian coal given the TBM treatment at Cape Breton Wallis, S Tunn Tunnlg V17, N5, May 1985, P39-42 On Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada, 3.5km-long drifts have been driven to intersect coal seams about 150m below the sea bed. The tunnel was driven through mixed ground, sandstone with compressive strength 10-100MPa. The initial drive used drill and blast but the majority used a fully shielded full face tunnel boring machine, with circular steel sets being used for support. Comparing the excavation methods, the TBM costs/m were less than half that of drill and blast. 855141 Newcastle slurry machine Mellors, T W Tunn Tunnlg VI7, N5, May 1985. P57-59 A 2.5kin section of the Eastern Interceptor Sewer, Gateshead, [TK, was installed by pipe jacking in conjunction with the "Crunchingmole', an earth pressure balanced shield with a
855143 Proceedings of the Conference on Geotechnical Practice in Offshore Engineering, Austin, Texas, 27-29 April 1983 Wright, S G New York: ASCE, 1983, 629P Papers describing the properties of marine soils, offshore site investigation and in situ testing, model pile tests, pile installation and the design of piles for axial and lateral loading are included.
855144 Geological and geotechnical considerations, associated with some sections of the M25 construction Newman, R L Q J Engng Geoi V18, N2, 1985, P149-160 A report on a joint meeting of the Engineering Group of the Geological Society and the Institution of Highway Engineers. Topics discussed include construction of an embankment in Gault Clay, earthwork and road construction over water filled or backfilled gravel pits and research, design and construction of the Bell Common cut and cover tunnel.
855145 Near shore projects in Hong Kong Elliott, S G Proc of the Symposium on Geotechnical Aspects of Coastal and Offshore Structures, Bangkok, 14-18 Dec 1981 P275-280= Publ Rotterdam: A. A. Balkema, 1983 Current and recent nearshore projects in Hong Kong are outlined under sections of new towns: land transport; ports and harbours; water supply and other projects. The geotechnical aspects of reclaiming over weak materials, testing of marine clays, dredging side slopes, dynamic consolidation, and negative skin friction on piles are summarised with particular emphasis on reclamation projects.
855146 Stability of arctic gravity structures Vivatrat, V; Watt, B J Proc Conference on Geotechnical Practice in Offshore Engineering, Austin, Texas, 27-29 April 1983 P267-287: Pubt New York: ASCE, 1983 Arctic gravity structures are often built on relatively poor nonhomogeneous soil and suffer severe and eccentric ice loads. Soil strength profile selection, consolidation, initial bearing capacity