Middle and Late Pleistocene fluvial systems in central Poland

Middle and Late Pleistocene fluvial systems in central Poland

Middle and Late Pleistocene fluvial systems in central Poland Leszek M arks MARKS , L. 2004. Middle and Late Pleistocene fluvial systems in central Po...

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Middle and Late Pleistocene fluvial systems in central Poland Leszek M arks MARKS , L. 2004. Middle and Late Pleistocene fluvial systems in central Poland. Proceeding" of the Geologists ' Association , 115. 175-1 82. Th is recon str uction of the fluvial palaeogeography of central Poland is based on an exhau stive and critical review of the publi shed and a rchival data for the Midd le and Late Pleistocene sed iment s of the a rea. Th e War saw Basin in centra l Poland was a major conflu ence area during the Middl e a nd Late Pleistocene. The fluvial watersheds have been only slight ly modified since that time. The past river systems resembled the contempo rar y one, therefore indicating rebuilding during successive interg lacial s, at least since the Holsteinian whe n the sea undoubtedly occupied the south ern Baltic Basin. The Weichselian fluvial system was strongly influenced by the Scand ina vian ice sheet, especially by meltwater runoff in the extr aglacial a rea and ice-damm ing in the Warsaw Basin where a large proglacial lake developed . Th e Weichselian fluvial sedime nts form up to three terraces in the valleys of the Vistula and its trib utar ies. The most contentious issue is the mutual relation of the ice-da mmed lake and ice marginal spillways in the Warsaw Basin, bot h being important fragments of a widespre ad dr ainage network in the Central European Lowland . Key words: fluvial dep osits, Quaternary, Pleistocene, Poland, Vistula Polish Geological Institute, Rakowiecka 4, PL 00-975 Warsaw. and Institute of Geology. Warsaw University . Z wirki i Wigury 93, PL 02-089 Warsaw, Poland (email: . [email protected])


In this pa per, a concise review of Middle and Late Pleistocene fluvial drainage pattern recon struction is presente d for centra l Poland (F igs I, 2). Occasional information on the Pleistocene fluvial sediments can be found bo th in regional monographs and short communications (Nowa k, 1960, 1974; Mojski, 1965; Straszewska , 1968; Skompski, 1969; Perek, 1970; Baraniecka, 1974; Wisniewski, 1976; Sarna cka, 1978, 1992; Lamp arski, 1983; Baluk , 1991; Pozaryski et al., I994a, b; Niewiarowski & Wysota , 1996). More data have been collected during geologica l mapping over the past 30 years. They have been used only occasionally for palaeogeographical reconstruc tion (Lindner et al., 1982; Dabrowski, 1985; Brykczynski, 1986). Cent ral Poland has not been occupied by an ice sheet since the Wartanian but has experie nced successive episodes of fluvial erosion an d accumu latio n. At present many of the main rivers of the Polish Lowla nd pass across this very area.

correlation with the Pleistocene marine sediments in the Balt ic Basin. These ana lytical dat a were supp lemented with selected information from numero us published and unp ublished sources .

Balt ic

2. METHODS There were two basic procedures that ena bled reconstruction of the Middle and Late Pleistocene drainage system in Poland. The first comb ined the local data , comprising litho logy and geological sett ing of the fluvial deposits. Th e second cons tituted regional relationships between fluvial series, their respective und erlying and overlying deposits, and incor porated dista nt Proceedings of the Geologists' Association. 115, 175-182.



Fig. I. Locat io n map of the study area ; the a rea presented in Figures 5. 8 and 9 is indicated by the da shed square. Longitudi nal profile A is show n in Figure 2, cross-section B in Figure 6 a nd cross-section C in Figu re 4. 0016-7878/04 $ 15.00

© 2004 Geol ogists'



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Weichselian ice sheet Level of Weichselian ice-dammed lake


Present level of Vistula

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Weichselianriver bed


Eemlan river bed

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• --. -


Holstelnlanriver'bed Base of Pleistocene

Fig. 2. Schematic longitudinal profile of the Middle Vistula; for location see Figure I.

Most Pleistocene fluvial sediments do not outcro p at the land surface in central Poland and can be analysed on ly in bor ehole sections. Am ong them , research boreholes for a detailed (I : 50000) Geological Map of Poland created the foundation s for an accura te spatial co rrelat ion of the buried fluvial sediments. Lithological evidence from the research boreholes was supplemented with geological information from the 1: 50000 Ge ological Map of Pol and and other published so urces, critically revised . The resultin g reconstruction of the Middle and Late Pleistocene palaeo-valley system is based on a variety of geological evidence and it is still incomplete in man y places, part icularly to the east of Warsaw, i.e. for the drainage basin s of the Narew and Bug rivers. Lithostratigraphy All ava ilable geological, lithological, mineralogical and palaeobotanical data from archival records of several hundred research boreholes were used (Marks & Pochocka, 1999; Marks & Pavlovskaya, 2003). Most of these data were collected during a drilling programme which lasted many years and accomp ani ed geological mapping at the scale 1:50 000. The se boreholes established a foundation for the geological setting of the Pleisto cene fluvial sediments. Standard lithological an alyses of cores from the research boreholes comprised , among others, grain size composition, hea vy min eral co ntent and simplified gravel petrography (5-10 mrn diameter), collected mostly from tills. Examina tion of the original a rchival material indicated that the most promising result s were obtained from heavy mineral anal yses (cf. Racin owski, 2000) a nd, to a lesser degree. from grain size com position (cf. Marks & Pochocka, 1999). Hea vy min eral content demonstra ted (e.g. Racinowski, 2000) that variability of hea vy mineral content of wate r-lain sediments depended on hydrodynamic regime and was really

helpful in identifying buried fluvial depo sits. A simplified petrographic anal ysis of gravel s in tills was applied occasion ally to a rou gh dating of the sa ndwiched fluvial series (cf. Kenig, 1998).

Geological setting Lack of reliable datin g methods for the river sedimen ts has made Pleistocene sea-level the most important index for reconstructing the buried fluvial patterns (cf. Blum & Tornq vist, 2000). Th is is becau se the river beds have undergone adjustment in response to a new base level of erosion of the sea that has a ppea red in the Baltic Basin since the beginning of the Holsteinian. It has definitely changed a previous genera l cast-west drainage pattern in Central and Eastern Europe into a predominant flow of interglacial rivers to the north and northwest. The Pleistocene marine sediments of the Holsteinian and Eemian a re well known from northern Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark and the North Sea (Menke, 1980, 1985; Knudsen, 1985, 1986; Sarnthein et al., 1986; Gibbard, 1995; Marks & Pavlovskaya, 2003). In northeastern Europe, sediments of the H olsteinian sea occur in the Kaliningrad District of Ru ssia (Fig . 3; Kondratiene & Gudelis, 1983) and deposits of the Eemian sea are found in the Lower Vistula valley region (Makowska , 1986). The geological setting of these marine sediments is clear , due to suppo rt from mollu sc and pollen analyses in nume rou s sections (Ma rks, 2002; Marks & Pavlovskaya, 2003). Palaeogeographical recon struction of the Pleistocene interglacia l river drainage patterns could , therefore, be verified by relating the buried fluvial sediments to th e interdigitating marine deposits of the Eem ian and Holstein seas in the Baltic Basin (Makowska , 1979; Marks & Pavlovskaya , 2003) .




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Fig. 3. Corre lation of the Late Elsterian and Holsteinian sediments in the Lower Elbe (Germany), Kaliningrad District (R ussia) and the Lower Vistula (Poland) after Mar ks (I 995b), modified.

Geomorphology The Pleistocene ice sheets occup ied most of Poland and in the prog lacial area extensive ice-marginal spillways ('p radolinas') developed. Thi s pr oglacial meltwater network has completely rebuilt the preceding interglacial system. Damming by the Scandinavian ice sheet favoured development of sout hward-flowing meltwater valley train s and of ice-marginal spillways running westwar ds (cf. K ozarski, 1988). Remnant s of these cold-stage river sediments are the only Pleistocene deposits to occur at the land surface. The stage predominantly represented is the Weichselian, during which several terr aces were formed, in response to ice sheet retrea t and the migrat ion of a proglacial fluvial networ k. Dating Organic intercalations within the youngest Pleistocene fluvial sequences have been radioca rbo n dated. Rough estimation of age is also given by thermoluminescence dates from the Pleistocene sediments in centra l Poland


but the value of these dates is qu estiona ble. There is, however, agreement that the Eemian corresponds to oxygen isotope substage 5e, although correlation of the Holsteinian fluvial network in central Poland with oxygen isotope stage (OIS) II , 9 or 7 is not yet possible. 3. HOLSTEINI AN

In central Poland there are no key sites with bur ied fluvial depo sits containing suita ble material for pollen ana lysis and reliable da ting. Thus, the assumed water level of the Holstein sea constituted the most important index for reconstru ction of the Holsteinian fluvial patt ern in Poland (Fig. 2). In the Lower Vistula valley, tills of the Middle Polish Glaciations (Saalian) contain glacial rafts of marine sediments with molluscs and forami nifera (Ma kowska, 1986). They correspond to the faun as in the Holsteinian marine sediments no t only in the key Hamburg region of northwestern Germany but also in the Kaliningrad District of R ussia (Fig . 3; cf. Kondratiene & G udelis, 1983). The recon structed Holstein sea-level in th is area seems to have been very close to or only slightly lower than the present Baltic Sea (Ma rks, 1994). Th e Holsteinian river sediments in central Poland are commo nly underlain by several tens of metr es th ickness of glaciolacustrine and glaciofluvial sediments within Elsterian tunnel valleys (Fig. 4; cf. Marks, 1994, I 995a--c; Pavlovskaya & Marks, 2000). T he bed of the Hol steinian alluvia of the proto-Vistula dro ps gradua lly from 110 m above sea-level (asl) in southern Poland (Pozary ski et al., 1994a, b) to about 52 m asl in Warsaw and 36-30 m asl furt her to the north (Fig . 2). Th e interglacial valley was 3-14 km wide (Figs 4-6). T he bedrock lithology cha nges down stream into more easily erod ed Palaeocene siliceous--carbonate sediments and then into Oligocene and Miocene sands. In general, the Holsteinian fluvial network in cent ral Poland resembles the contemporary one, except for the eastern part of the country (Fig. 7). Thi s similarity is also reflected by persistence of the Holsteinian water shed in the southwestern Mazurian Lakeland (cf. Marks, 1988; Fig. 7). 4. EEMIAN A compact image of the Eemian fluvial network in central Poland is based on exhaustive and critically revised geological inform ation (Marks & Pochocka, 1998a, b) and verified by connecting this ancient fluvial series in Poland with interdigita ting sediments of the Eemian sea in the Lower Vistula valley (cf. Makowska, 1979, 1986; Baraniecka et al., 1984). The stratigraphical position of the latt er was determined by Makowska (1976) who, based on pollen and mollusc analysis, found a gradual tran sition from marin e sediments in the north, through deltaic sediments to a typical fluvial












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gyttja and peat

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aeolian sand


alluvial sand

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Fig. 4. Geological cross-section of the Warsaw Basin after Sarnacka (1992), considerably modified; for location see Figure l. EI, Elsterian; H, Holsteinian; S, Saalian; E, Eemian; W, Weichselian; Hoi, Holocene; I and Ila-c, river terraces.

series in the south (Makowska, 1979). The Eemian sea-level was found to be very close to the present water level of the Baltic Sea (Marks & Pochocka, 1998a, b, 1999; see also Knudsen, 1985; Kosack & Lange, 1985; Menke, 1985; Mojski, 1993). Fluvial sediments of the Eemian Interglacial have been found mostly close to and within the present Vistula valley (Fig. 8). In central Poland they fill a buried valley, generally about 3-10 km wide but wider at the confluences of the tributaries (Figs 4 and 6), e.g. the Pilica River (up to 15 km wide) and the Narew

River (up to 25 km). In southern Poland, a base level of erosion of the Eemian proto-Vistula occurs at about 120 m asl (Fig. 2). In the Vistula gap across the South Polish Uplands (between the confluences of the Kamienna River and Pulawy), the local base level during the Eemian depended mostly on the lithology of the bedrock. Where the latter is composed of Upper Cretaceous limestone, the palaeo-valley is relatively narrow (1-2.5 km) and incised 5 m deeper than the Holocene channel (Pozaryski et al., 1994a, b). The Eemian river bed drops down quite rapidly to 85 m at Deblin, 80 m asl at Kozienice and about 70 m asl in Warsaw, i.e. 20 m below the present water level of the Vistula (Fig. 2). Eemian fluvial sediments are commonly underlain by Holsteinian fluvial sands (Fig. 6) but in the vicinity of Warsaw they contact with glaciotectonically deformed clays of the Pliocene (Fig. 4). To the north of Warsaw the main Vistula joined the proto-Bug River coming from the east (Fig. 8). The base of the Eemian fluvial sediments of the Bug drops over a distance of about 100 km from 70 m asl to 60 m at Wyszkow (Straszewska, 1968) and about 50 m asl to the north of Warsaw. Downstream from Warsaw the base of the Eemian fluvial sediments occurs at 60-54 m asl (Fig. 2) and the Eemian proto-Vistula valley ran to the northnorthwest (Fig. 8). In the vicinity of Ciechocinek (200 km downstream from Warsaw) the base of the fluvial sediments is located at about 30 m asl (Jeziorski, 1991a, b). 5. WEICHSELIAN


Fig. 5. Hoisteinian river network (stippled) in central Poland (cf. Fig. I), with bluffs of the post-Saalian valley (grey).

In central Poland the Weichselian fluvial system was fed by meltwater draining from the Scandinavian ice sheet. The previous interglacial river system was considerably transformed by ice-damming to the



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alluvial mud


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alluvial sand


sand with gr;l\ ·cl

Fig. 6. Transverse profile of the Middle Vistula valley near Kozienice, modified from Zarski (1996); for location see Figure I. H, Holsteinian; S, Saalian; E, Eemian; W, Weichselian; HoI, Holocene.

northwest of Warsaw and a large proglacial lake developed in the Warsaw Basin (Fig. 2). It caused a significant rise in the base level of erosion in the Middle



Vistula drainage basin. In the VICInity of Warsaw, ice-dammed lake sediments are widespread, up to 10m thick. Individual valley trains were connected to successive ice sheet retreat phases. In central Poland there are fragments of the Warsaw-Berlin spillway that developed during the Last Glacial Maximum, and of the Warsaw-Torun-Eberswalde spillway, connected with


river valleYS~~sea LL-_


Fig. 7. Holsteinian river network in central-eastern Poland.

Fig. 8. Eemian river network (stippled) in central Poland (cf. Fig. I), modified from Marks & Pochocka (1999), with bluffs of the post-Saalian valley (grey).






( Lim it or Weichs elian gla ciation

30 km

Fig. 9. Weichselian river network (stippled) in central Poland (ef. Fig. I), with bluffs of the post-Saalian valley (grey).

the Pomeranian Phase. These spillways collected proglacial and extraglacial water from the Neman and Vistula drainage basins. In central Poland Weichselian fluvial sediments occur commonly at the land surface, up to 15 m above the present water level in the Vistula. The spillway valley was up to c. 20 km wide (Figs 4, 6 and 9). The fluvial sediments form up to three terraces in the valleys of the Vistula and its tributaries (Fig. 4). In the Warsaw Basin the terraces are usually cut into glaciolacustrine sediments and, therefore, undoubtedly post-date the Last Glacial Maximum (Marks, 2002). They developed within the ice marginal spillway during a terminal phase of the Weichselian (Wisniewski, 1976). At present the alluvial series and the river terraces cannot be correlated with respective stratigraphical units of the Weichselian. The relation of the icedammed lake to the ice marginal spillway in the Warsaw Basin is also unclear. The spillway formed an outstanding fragment of a widespread drainage network in the Central European Lowland during the Late Weichselian (Ehlers, 1996).

Eemian seas in the Baltic Basin was the driving force for river system development. This made the interglacial fluvial patterns roughly similar to the present one in central Poland (Figs 5, 8, 9), with the main northern watershed in the southwestern Mazurian Lakeland since the Holsteinian (Fig. 7; Marks, 1988). The principal features of the Pleistocene fluvial network in central Poland were established during the Holsteinian (Figs 5 and 7). In spite of occupation of this area by ice sheets of the Middle Polish Glaciations (Saalian) and general modelling of the land surface at the termination of the Wartanian, this Holsteinian river network was renewed during the Eemian (Figs 4, 6, 8). During the Weichselian, the Middle Vistula valley to the north of Warsaw was filled with widespread glaciolacustrine deposits. Subsequently, fluvial deposition was interrupted, then as the ice sheet margin retreated, the flow was deflected to the west and the base level of erosion rose in the Middle Vistula Basin and partly also in the upper reaches (Fig. 2). During deglaciation the Warsaw-Berlin and Torun-Eberswalde spillways developed and three overbank terraces were formed in the Vistula drainage basin (Figs 4, 6). They are the only Pleistocene fluvial sediments that occur at the land surface in the Vistula valley and in its tributaries. The Pleistocene history of central Poland indicates that the area of the present confluence of the Vistula, Narew, Bug and Wkra to the north of Warsaw was an important confluence zone (cf. Baraniecka et al., 1978). The Holsteinian hydrographical network arose from residual overflow lakes and the connecting channels, formed at the end of the Elsterian due to catastrophic runoff from ice-dammed lakes (Marks & Pavlovskaya, 1998, 1999a, b). These Holsteinian buried valleys were not fully re-established during the Eemian (Figs 5, 8), when the drainage resembled the fiuvio-periglacial system developed at the end of the Wartanian. Thus, a similar drainage pattern has prevailed in Poland during successive interglacials (cf. Brykczynski, 1986), at least since the Holsteinian, when the sea undoubtedly occupied the southern Baltic Basin for the first time. The fluvial watersheds have been only slightly modified since that time. The reconstructions of the buried Middle and Late Pleistocene river valleys (Figs 5, 8, 9) may not accurately reflect the time period they represent. They are complex images of fluvial discharges but may, however, contain possible chronological inconsistencies, due to lack of credible dating methods.

6. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS This reconstruction of the fluvial network of the Middle and Late Pleistocene in central Poland is based on a review of the published and archival data. The main river valleys have been reconstructed for the Holsteinian, Eemian and Weichselian. The area occupied by the interglacial seas in the southern Baltic basin closely resembled the present Baltic Sea and, therefore, the relation to the level of the Holstein and

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The paper benefited greatly from careful reviews by Peter Allen (Royal Holloway, University of London) and an anonymous reviewer, and from the very helpful comments of David Bridgland (University of Durham). I wish also to acknowledge Irina Pavlovskaya for stimulating discussion on earlier drafts of this paper. The Polish Geological Institute


(project 6.20.9801.00.0) and Warsaw University (BW 1419/8) supported the research. The paper is a contri-


bution to IGCP 449 'Global correlation of Late Cenozoic fluvial deposits'.

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