Modern thin layer chromatography

Modern thin layer chromatography

Book Rewews book surveys the range from humans to invertebrates The topics dealt with are early hfe experiences and adult traRs, rmcrosurgery of the C...

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Book Rewews book surveys the range from humans to invertebrates The topics dealt with are early hfe experiences and adult traRs, rmcrosurgery of the CNS, sucking m infant rats, phystological recorchng of mother-infant interactions, learmng and memory m Aplysm, ontogeny of learmng and memory, socml learmng m anmmals, amplubmn motor metamorphos~s, accessabflRy of the rat fetus, development of thermoregulat~on, early feedmg and dnnkmg behaviors, sexually d~morph~c behawor, developing tmmune and neuroendocnne systems, brain development, behaworal plastaclty, rat pups w~th chromc gastric fistulas, olfactory learning m young rats, effects of fetal methylazoxymethanol on neural and behavioral development, neuropharmacology-ontogeny, concepts and methods of study The Fetal Brain and Neonatal Brain Stem; Developmental and Clinical Issues--Edited by M A Hanson 289 pp 1991 Cambridge UnlversRy Press, Cambridge $100 The brain stem plays an tmportant role m the control of autonomic functmn The ways m which these develop m the fetus are summansed m th~s book The topics reviewed are neurotransm~tter/modulator systems, mbab~tory mechanisms m the control of fetal breattang movements, neonatal ventdatory responses to hypoxta, control of fetal c~rculaUon, metabohsm of the fetal brain, changes at b~rth, m~ttauon and maintenance of continuous breathmg, development of descendmg brain stem control of spinal cord and sensory processing, coding of tactde mformatron m the developing nervous system, auditory brain stem development, the ~mpact of asphyxm, auditory evoked responses, sleep and wakefulness, dmrnal variation m fetal breathing movements, development of fetal behawour Modern Tlnn Layer Chromatography--Echted by N Gnnberg 490pp 1990 Marcel Dekker, New York U S A and Canada $99 75, Elsewhere $119 50 TIun layer chromatography (TLC) developed by Stahl m 1956 has proved to be a qmck, inexpensive and very convement system of separatton, purification and ~dent~ficat,on of substances This book deals vath stationary phases m TLC, mobde phases, theoretical aspects, quantarattan, mstrumentatmn, special techmques (continuous TLC, forced flow, gradients, dural separation, preparative TLC), mobile phases and ume optan'uz~uon, relat~onstup between TLC and column chromatography, automation, future perspectives Users of TLC will find th~s a very useful book Managing the Clinical Drug Developmental Process--D M Cocchetto and R V Nard~ 217pp 1992 Marcel Dekker, New York U S A and Canada $99 75, elsewhere $114 50 There is a b~g gap between having a drug that works m the laboratory and getting that drug approved and w~dely used m chmcal medicine Tlus book makes the reader aware of the strategy and planning necessary to evaluate a drug chmcally It deals with why drugs fail to get approval, pre-reqmsRes for successful chmeal drug development, chances of successful drug development, choosing new drugs, assessment of benefits/risks, hm~tatmns of conventional approaches, dose-response relat~onstups, shdmg scale of benefit/risk assessment, treatment use of mvesugatmnal drugs, mamtenance of contmmty, cntacal mass, resourcehmRed versus mtellect-lnmted projects, market-push versus research-pull, major U S A laws govermng chmcal drug products, current trends and controverstes, future of chn~cal drug development


It ~s an mteresUng topic wRh possible rewards of bflhons of dollars to the successful compames Principles of Pharmacology; a Tropical Approaeh---D T Okpako 574 pp 1991 Cambridge UmversRy Press, Cambridge $150 Although there ts considerable overlap m the pharmacology of drugs used m the temperate latRudes and those used m the tropics, the tropical d~seases and their treatment are often g~ven only brief treatment m the standard texts Tlus book gwes the tropical d~seases and their treatment more emphasis Besides deahng with the basics of pharmacology and pharmacokmetacs, ~t deals with selectwe toxacRy of drugs used against protozoa (malaria, amoebmsls, lelshmamasls, trypanosonuasls), antlhelnunttcs (bflharma, ascans), tropical diseases (sickle cell anemia) and the systematic pharmacology of treatment of the d~seases of each part of the body It will be useful for those studying m the tropics, those interested m chemotherapy of parasitic d~seases and those w~shmg to treat travellers returning from the tropics Treatment of Age-related Cogmtive Dysfanetion; Pharmacological and Clinical Evaluation---Edtted by G Racagm and J Mendlewlcz 154 pp 1992 S Karger, Basel, S Fr 154 DMI66, $111 25 It is hoped that pharmacological stuches will help reduce the memory loss and tmpalrment of learning often seen m old age This book deals with the possible mvolvement of the chohnergtc mechamsms and troph~c factors, receptor changes, armno actd receptors and long terra potentmtmn, potentml cogmtmn enhancers, effects of ptracetam w~thdrawal following long term alcohol consumpUon, Alzhetmer's disease and beta amylold precursor protein, testing cognmve ~mpa~rment Hypoxla and Mountain Medielae---EdRed by J R Sutton, G Coates and C S Houston 330 pp 1992 Pergamon Press, Oxford £90 This book contains the reviews from the seventh mternaUonal hypoxla symposium Some of the topics dealt gath are learning under mild hypoxta, G reduced loss of conscmusness m fast jet air-crews, presyncope reduced by lower body negative pressure, is the adrenal an oxygen sensor7, control of flmd and electrolyte balance at htgh altttude, acute mountam s~ckness, chmcal aspects of hypoxm, oxygen dependence of muscle metabohsm, exercise m the hypoxlc enwronment, mechamsms of high altRude illness, the hfe and work of Nathan Kuntz (measurement of respiration on high mountains, m air balloons, airships and planes 1847-1920) Stress Proteins; Inductmn and Fanction--EdRed by M J Schlesmger, M G Santoro and E Garacl 123 pp 1990 Spnnger, Berhn DM98 Both prokaryotes and eukaryotes respond virtually ldenUcally to heat shock and the stress proteins (HSP70) are strongly conserved m structure Proteins related to the stress proteins are normally found in cells and perform functions wtal to cell growth and metabohsm They protect cells from ~rrevers~ble denaturation and allow them to regean the native active conformatmn when the stress has been removed Another set of protems ~dent~fied as stress produced are those normally used to turn over mtracellular proteins wa an ATP and ublqumn-dependent proteolytlc degradauon pathway Protein unfolding ~s the s~gmficant event m the stress response TIus book revtews the condmons where stress proteins are produced