Book Rewews book surveys the range from humans to invertebrates The topics dealt with are early hfe experiences and adult traRs, rmcrosurgery of the CNS, sucking m infant rats, phystological recorchng of mother-infant interactions, learmng and memory m Aplysm, ontogeny of learmng and memory, socml learmng m anmmals, amplubmn motor metamorphos~s, accessabflRy of the rat fetus, development of thermoregulat~on, early feedmg and dnnkmg behaviors, sexually d~morph~c behawor, developing tmmune and neuroendocnne systems, brain development, behaworal plastaclty, rat pups w~th chromc gastric fistulas, olfactory learning m young rats, effects of fetal methylazoxymethanol on neural and behavioral development, neuropharmacology-ontogeny, concepts and methods of study The Fetal Brain and Neonatal Brain Stem; Developmental and Clinical Issues--Edited by M A Hanson 289 pp 1991 Cambridge UnlversRy Press, Cambridge $100 The brain stem plays an tmportant role m the control of autonomic functmn The ways m which these develop m the fetus are summansed m th~s book The topics reviewed are neurotransm~tter/modulator systems, mbab~tory mechanisms m the control of fetal breattang movements, neonatal ventdatory responses to hypoxta, control of fetal c~rculaUon, metabohsm of the fetal brain, changes at b~rth, m~ttauon and maintenance of continuous breathmg, development of descendmg brain stem control of spinal cord and sensory processing, coding of tactde mformatron m the developing nervous system, auditory brain stem development, the ~mpact of asphyxm, auditory evoked responses, sleep and wakefulness, dmrnal variation m fetal breathing movements, development of fetal behawour Modern Tlnn Layer Chromatography--Echted by N Gnnberg 490pp 1990 Marcel Dekker, New York U S A and Canada $99 75, Elsewhere $119 50 TIun layer chromatography (TLC) developed by Stahl m 1956 has proved to be a qmck, inexpensive and very convement system of separatton, purification and ~dent~ficat,on of substances This book deals vath stationary phases m TLC, mobde phases, theoretical aspects, quantarattan, mstrumentatmn, special techmques (continuous TLC, forced flow, gradients, dural separation, preparative TLC), mobile phases and ume optan'uz~uon, relat~onstup between TLC and column chromatography, automation, future perspectives Users of TLC will find th~s a very useful book Managing the Clinical Drug Developmental Process--D M Cocchetto and R V Nard~ 217pp 1992 Marcel Dekker, New York U S A and Canada $99 75, elsewhere $114 50 There is a b~g gap between having a drug that works m the laboratory and getting that drug approved and w~dely used m chmcal medicine Tlus book makes the reader aware of the strategy and planning necessary to evaluate a drug chmcally It deals with why drugs fail to get approval, pre-reqmsRes for successful chmeal drug development, chances of successful drug development, choosing new drugs, assessment of benefits/risks, hm~tatmns of conventional approaches, dose-response relat~onstups, shdmg scale of benefit/risk assessment, treatment use of mvesugatmnal drugs, mamtenance of contmmty, cntacal mass, resourcehmRed versus mtellect-lnmted projects, market-push versus research-pull, major U S A laws govermng chmcal drug products, current trends and controverstes, future of chn~cal drug development
It ~s an mteresUng topic wRh possible rewards of bflhons of dollars to the successful compames Principles of Pharmacology; a Tropical Approaeh---D T Okpako 574 pp 1991 Cambridge UmversRy Press, Cambridge $150 Although there ts considerable overlap m the pharmacology of drugs used m the temperate latRudes and those used m the tropics, the tropical d~seases and their treatment are often g~ven only brief treatment m the standard texts Tlus book gwes the tropical d~seases and their treatment more emphasis Besides deahng with the basics of pharmacology and pharmacokmetacs, ~t deals with selectwe toxacRy of drugs used against protozoa (malaria, amoebmsls, lelshmamasls, trypanosonuasls), antlhelnunttcs (bflharma, ascans), tropical diseases (sickle cell anemia) and the systematic pharmacology of treatment of the d~seases of each part of the body It will be useful for those studying m the tropics, those interested m chemotherapy of parasitic d~seases and those w~shmg to treat travellers returning from the tropics Treatment of Age-related Cogmtive Dysfanetion; Pharmacological and Clinical Evaluation---Edtted by G Racagm and J Mendlewlcz 154 pp 1992 S Karger, Basel, S Fr 154 DMI66, $111 25 It is hoped that pharmacological stuches will help reduce the memory loss and tmpalrment of learning often seen m old age This book deals with the possible mvolvement of the chohnergtc mechamsms and troph~c factors, receptor changes, armno actd receptors and long terra potentmtmn, potentml cogmtmn enhancers, effects of ptracetam w~thdrawal following long term alcohol consumpUon, Alzhetmer's disease and beta amylold precursor protein, testing cognmve ~mpa~rment Hypoxla and Mountain Medielae---EdRed by J R Sutton, G Coates and C S Houston 330 pp 1992 Pergamon Press, Oxford £90 This book contains the reviews from the seventh mternaUonal hypoxla symposium Some of the topics dealt gath are learning under mild hypoxta, G reduced loss of conscmusness m fast jet air-crews, presyncope reduced by lower body negative pressure, is the adrenal an oxygen sensor7, control of flmd and electrolyte balance at htgh altttude, acute mountam s~ckness, chmcal aspects of hypoxm, oxygen dependence of muscle metabohsm, exercise m the hypoxlc enwronment, mechamsms of high altRude illness, the hfe and work of Nathan Kuntz (measurement of respiration on high mountains, m air balloons, airships and planes 1847-1920) Stress Proteins; Inductmn and Fanction--EdRed by M J Schlesmger, M G Santoro and E Garacl 123 pp 1990 Spnnger, Berhn DM98 Both prokaryotes and eukaryotes respond virtually ldenUcally to heat shock and the stress proteins (HSP70) are strongly conserved m structure Proteins related to the stress proteins are normally found in cells and perform functions wtal to cell growth and metabohsm They protect cells from ~rrevers~ble denaturation and allow them to regean the native active conformatmn when the stress has been removed Another set of protems ~dent~fied as stress produced are those normally used to turn over mtracellular proteins wa an ATP and ublqumn-dependent proteolytlc degradauon pathway Protein unfolding ~s the s~gmficant event m the stress response TIus book revtews the condmons where stress proteins are produced