MRI Atlas of the Chest: Normal Anatomy and Pathology John A. Markisz, Elizabeth A. Ramirez de Arellano, Elias Kazam, Richard B. Rafal Malden, MA: Blackwell Science, Inc., 1997, 306 pages, more than 300 illustrations, $125.00.
The text of this atlas of MR imaging of the chest is divided into two main sections: the first is dedicated to the anatomy of the chest, and the second illustrates a series of different pathological entities. The Atlas proper is divided in three parts, showing the anatomical structures of the chest demonstrated in the standard axial, coronal, and sagittal imaging planes. The authors correctly state in the preface that a correct knowledge of these anatomic structures “is an essential prerequisite to using MRI as a diagnostic tool.” Much of the detail is devoted to chest wall musculature and this can be very useful. However, one would have expected more imaging of the mediastinum, and there is also minimal detail regarding the brachial plexus. While the level of detail is not always very high, and several images are fair to good in quality, these minor defects do not detract from this otherwise comprehensive anatomic review. The second section includes a rather large range of pathological entities, a few quite common and others less so, involving the lungs, the mediastinum, the cardiac and vascular structures, and the breast. This section provides a good foundation for understanding the role of MRI in the evaluation of disease of the chest, even though it does not cover any particular topic in detail. Again, in this section, several illustrations showing pathological entities discussed are fair to good quality. Overall, the strength of this textbook is its usefulness for residents who are first learning about the diagnostic possibilities of MRI of the chest, as it offers a basic and detailed anatomic review. Numerous examples are provided of how MRI can be used for an analysis of various pathological entities. It will also be useful as a reference, particularly for an MR evaluation of the chest wall vasculature. A few suggestions are recommended for the next edition of this atlas: some of the illustrations would CLINICAL IMAGING 2000;23:337–338 Elsevier Science Inc., 2000. All rights reserved. 655 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10010
be more enlightening with the addition of clarifying arrows, and the several misprints scattered throughout the text should be corrected. DAVID YANKELEVITZ, MD
PII S0899-7071(98)00099-0
Abdominal Ultrasound: Principles and Techniques (CD-ROM) Marck Deutchman, Michael L. Manco-Johnson Newton, MA: Silver Platter Education, Inc., 1998, Thirty minutes of video, over 300 pages with graphic interfaces, 12 full-screen interactive 3D animation; 4 hrs. Category 1 - CME Credit. $175 individual, $495 institutional/multiuser. This CD-ROM provides an excellent introduction to ultrasonography of the abdomen and is ideally suited for beginners, including medical students, physicians, and technologists. The interactive audio/ video format covers the basic physics and equipment, followed by chapters on: patient position and image orientation; liver and peritoneaum, gallbladder and biliary tract; aorta, vena cava, lymph nodes; pancreas; spleen; kidney and urinary tract; and the adrenal glands. The teaching material is clearly presented and easy to follow, and most of the images are of good quality. The video series are mostly black and white gray-scale scans, but some include spectral Doppler, and color and power Doppler as well. There are color and power Doppler still images and 12 full-screen illustrations in color. The last section includes 10 interactive case studies, with options for rapid review of the pertinent text. Other features include CME quizzes, a Transcript Mode for printing text, Note Pad and Carousel capabilities for customized organization of the teaching material, and a Bibliography Search Function which requires at least 12 MB of RAM. Overall this excellent work provides a strong fundamental basis in ultrasonography of the abdomen, allowing the serious reader to build quickly on a solid foundation. ELIAS KAZAM, MD
PII S0899-7071(98)00098-9
0899-7071/00/$–see front matter