1461 In my next letter I may be necessary to render Army Form B 182 for these transfers. be no cause for complaint. Sick and wounded from the field force sent home as invalids able to say something about the surgical features of the from general hospitals at the base or other hospitals will be wounds caused by the Mauser bullet, which seems to be the shown on a separate return on Army Form B 182, headed weapon exclusively used by the Boers. " Sick and wounded from the South African Field The health of the troops at the front is excellent and Force," and will not be included in any return of notwithstanding the inclement weather and the hardships ordinary invalids from the South African or other com- of campaigning life everyone is in the best of spirits and mands. Similarly the statistics of sick and wounded looking forward confidently to a successful finish to what from the South African Field Force admitted into any will undoubtedly prove one of the most serious campaigns hospital other than those connected with the field force will which we have had on hand since that of the Crimea. be kept entirely separate from those of the ordinary sick Wynberg, Oct. 30th. of the station to which they are sent, nor will they be included in the returns for other invalids from abroad ; but a separate weekly return of sick on Army Form A 31, headed MUNICIPAL HONOURS AND " Sick and wounded from the South African Field Force" will be rendered and continued weekly until all are disposed MEDICAL MEN. of. the procedure being similar to that laid down in paragraphs 204, 313, and 424 of the Regulations for Army Medical SerTHE following is a detailed list giving more particulars of ’ vices. When the present stock of Army Form A 29 is exhausted the weekly returns of sick from hos- those members of the profession who have been elected or pitals connected with the field force will be prepared re-elected mayors than that printed in our last issue :on Army Form A 28 which has been revised for that purpose. Bishops Castle, Shropshire.-Mr. S.Hale Puckle, B.A.Camb., The latter form will continue to be used for all other purposes M.B., C.M.Edin.. was born in 1859 in Victoria, Australia, and specified in the regulations. The general return submitted was educated at the Geelong Grammar School, at Trinity Hall, at the end of the campaign on Army Form A 29 by the Cambridge, and at Edinburgh University. After qualifying principal medical officer will be prepared on a revised form he held the post of resident physician at the Simpson’-which will be issued to him later. In all other respects the Memorial Hospital, Edinburgh, and afterwards was resident paragraphs relating to statistics contained in Part II. of the physician to the Edinburgh Royal Hospital for Sick Regulations for Army Medical Services will be strictly Children and physician to East Richmond-street Dispensary, adhered to. Edinburgh. In 1887 he settled in Bishops Castle and became a councillor in 1896. He was chairman of the (FROM OUR SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT.) Sanitary Committee 1897-98 and 1898-99, and a member of No. 1 General Hospital has taken over the permanent the Finance, Highways, and Watch Committees. In politics barracks at this place (Wynberg), which is about eight miles he is a Liberal Unionist. from Cape Town and is a most lovely spot more resembling Blackpool.-Mr. George Chadwick Kingsbury, M.A., M.D., Australia in its climate and scenery than Africa. At present M.A.O.T.C.D., was born in Dublin in 1859. He took B.Ch., all hands are hard at work fitting out the vacant barrackmany prizes and graduated in honours in the Arts School of rooms which have to be converted into wards and made the University of Dublin. He was Prosector to Professor ready for the reception and treatment of the wounded. The Alexander Macalister and took first place in the M.B. examihospital occupies an ideal situation on the top of a slight nation. He held the post of house surgeon and physician at hill which overlooks a lovely country, interspersed with Sir P. Dun’s Hospital and acted as assistant to Sir Edward beautiful residences leading right down to False Bay. Sinclair. In 1883 he settled in Blackpool. At the present The medical officers are accommodated in the vacant time he is chairman and consulting physician to the Victoria married quarters and the nursing sisters in the row of Dr. Kingsbury, who has on four occasions been Hospital. buildings lately vacated by the officers of the Munster returned to the Council, is the youngest mayor who has held Fusiliers who have gone to the front. the civic chair in Blackpool. He is much interested in sani-As far as can be seen at this early stage of the pro- tation and has been chairman of the Watch Committee. ceedings the wants of the wounded will be most amply looked He founded the Fylde Medical Society, of which he has been after here as the whole hospital will be equipped on a President and honorary secretary. liberal scale. Densbury.-Mr. Robert Beattie, M.D., M.Ch. :R.U.I., after The officers’ ward is formed from the late officers’ mess in 1876 went to Northleach, Gloucestershire, for a and will accommodate easily 30 or 40 sick or wounded qualifying of years to assist Dr. Webb and was also assistant couple officers. The accommodation for the men comprises the premedical officer to the workhouse there. He then went to the sent Station Hospital, which makes up about 100 beds, and Loughborough Infirmary and Dispensary as house surgeon several large and airy barrack-rooms, holding 25 beds in for After this he settled down in private over two years. each room, the whole accommodation amounting to 500 beds, in Canterbury, but only remained there a year or practice which will be completed, equipped, and handed over in the two. Over 15 years ago he went to Dewsbury. The sani-course of this week. tation and water-supply of that town have engaged his attenThe surgical division will be under the charge of Lieu- tion for many years and three years ago he was persuaded tenant-Colonel R. D. Hodson, R.A.M.C., and the medical to enter the Town Council. Four years ago he was appointed side will be in charge of Major R. W. Barnes, R.A.M.C., medical officer of health to the Soothill Upper District Council each officer having a staff ofjunior officers, either of the about the same time he was appointed honorary surgeon. ,and Royal Army Medical Corps or civilians, working under him. to the Dewsbury and District Infirmary. The operating-room is being equipped by Messrs. Meyer Harrogate.-Mr. J. A. Myrtle, M.D. Edin., J.P., late conand Metzter and will as far as is practicable be up to date in to the Harrogate Bath Hospital, joined the sulting every respect, the electric light and the various arrangetown council three years ago, since which time he has ments for the sterilisation of instruments, &c., of the being advocated the purchase of the spa grounds at Harlow Moore latest description. A well-fitted ambulance train will run between this place and identified himself with other progressive municipal and the front and the wounded and invalids can be carried movements such as the extension of electric lighting works. Lostwithiel.-Mr. Robert Barclay-Allardice was born at directly to the hospital ships off Cape Town. There is any Hamilton, Canada, and lived in the United States from of volunteer talent available in case of quantity necessity, and the work of the Royal Army Medical Corps and its 1850 to 1869. He holds American degrees of M.A. and M.D. In 1898 he was elected a Town Councillor without officers will be and facilitated ’
considerably lightened
The transport Jelunga is expected here on November lst with the first instalment of sick and wounded from the front and as the course of operations extend on the Orange River and towards Kimberley a steady flow of wounded may be expected. I hear it is intended to augment the Royal Army Medical Corps by the employment of civilian surgeons from home and locally and there can be no reasonable doubt but that as far as the medical arrangements for the campaign go there will
Newark.-Mr. Frederick Henry Appleby, MR.CS.Eng., L.S.A. Lond., was a student of University College, London, and qualified asM.R.C.S. and L S.A. in 1864. After holding the post of clinical assistant at the Brompton Hospital he obtained the house surgeoncy at Newark, and on the completion of his term of office joined a firm of surgeons in the town (Messrs. Job, Matterson, and Appleby), where he is He is surgeon to the Newark HospitaL still in practice. and has been a member of the Town Council for nine years,
taking an active part on the sanitary and waterworks com. withdrawn and may be stored as a natural agent wherewith Mr. Appleby is a Justice of the Peace for the to recharge the beer. The sterilised air which takes its place borough, an Honorary Associate of the Order of St. John operates favourably on the process, causing an incessant mf Jerusalem, and an energetic volunteer, being the senior and beneficial rousing of the beer. The apparatus used for medical officer of the North Midland Brigade, and holding bottling the beer and for filling casks is extremely ingenious, as such the rank of Brigade Surgeon-Lieutenant-Colonel. obviating all contact with objectionable matters. As to the Worthing.—Mr. Frank Parish, M.R.C S. Eng., L.R.C.P. beer itself, it is made in two kinds-a light beer simulating Edin., was born at Erith in 1856 and was educated at Pilsener and a dark kind simulating Munich beer. It keeps Tonbridge School He afterwards studied at University well and maintains its brilliancy and agreeably effervescing College Hospital and subsequently held besides the usual quality. Its flavour is delicately malty, while the beer is minor posts that of ophthalmic assistant and electro-thera- very clean on the palate, a property which is so charac. peutic assistant. Later he was appointed house surgeon to teristic of the best lager beers of the continent. We have the West Kent General Hospital. In April, 1880, he pur- made what is for all practical purposes a fairly complete chased the practice of the late Mr. Cleveland Smith at analysis of the two kinds of beer in THE LANCET Laboratory Worthing and was soon after appointed Admiralty surgeon and the following are the results :and. agent and also surgeon to the Worthing division of police. Dark beer. Light beer. In November, 1898, he was elected mayor of Worthing and Total extractives cent.... 5’67 6’84 per per cent. re-elected this year. He was appointed ajustice of the peace Mineral matter 0-25 028 for the county of Sussex in October last. Dextrine 1-58 2’27 mittees.
Maltose ...... Proteids Total acidity Alcohol by weight... ......
180 0-45 012 3’97 4-93 864
0-48 0-15 397 4’93 8-64
" " "
" "
" " Equal to proof spirit THE installation of large plant and machinery in this known of a beer light