D. Lascari, Editor
N e w books r e c e i v e d Motor development in early and later childhood: Longitudinal approaches
Kalverboer AF, Hopkins B, Geuze R, eds. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1993. 385 pages. No price listed. Synopsis of pediatric emergency care
Surpure JS. Stoneham, Massachusetts: Indover Medical Publishers, 1993. 438 pages. $55. Primary care sports medicine McKeag DB, Hough DO. Carmel, Indiana: Brown & Benchmark, 1993. 609 pages. $120. Managing the violent patient: A clinician's guide
Blumenreich PE, Lewis S, eds. New York: Brunner/ Mazel, 1993. 178 pages. $21.95.
Ambulatory medicine: The primary care of families
Mengel MB, Schwiebert LP. Norwalk, Connecticut: Appleton & Lange, 1993. 647 pages. $23.95. Klinik leitfaden padiatrie Renz U, Schaffler A. St. Louis: Mosby, 1992. 628 pages. No price listed. Medical care of the adolescent athlete Greydanus DE, Luckstead EF. Los Angeles: Practice Management Information Corp., 1993. 323 pages. $45.95. Mothering the mother: How a doula can help you have a Shorter, easier, and healthier birth Kennell JH, Klaus MH, Klaus PH. Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1993. 168 pages. $12.95.