Nominating Committee prepares slate
The Nominating Committee met at AORN Headquarters in Denver Aug 18 and 19 and selected the nominees for AORN national offices. The response from the membership was excellent. Out of 325 national chapters, 128 responded with a total of 79 nominees. This represents a 37%increase in the number of chapters responding over last year. Of the
79 potential nominees, 30 withdrew or were ineligible. Members of the Nominating Committee from left are Susanne Whitmer, West Palm Beach, Fla; Linda Groah, chairman, Tiburon, Calif; Meta Hodson, Milpitas, Calif; Candace Moore, Seminole, Fla; and Loyce McCullough, Austin, Tex.
1984 slate of candidates President-elect (1 to be elected) Linda Groah, Calif Ruth Vaiden, W Va Vice-president (1 to be elected) Nancy Davis, Idaho Patricia Kapsar, Mo Secretary (1 to be elected) Meta Hodson, Calif Jean Tornello, Fla Board of Directors (4 to be elected) Billie Fernsebner, Mass Carolyn Mackety, Ohio Patricia Mews, 111
Barbara Tharnes, Fla Elaine Thornson, Tex Carol Tyler, Colo Joan Uebele, 111 Nominating Committee (3 to be elected) Shelley Bever, Calif Nancy Fennessey, Mass Suzy Fong, Ore Patricia Hunter, Calif Maureen Myers, Va Candace Moore, Fla Linda Tollerud, Tex
AORN Journal, October 1983, Vol38, No 4