",Pile present officers o[" iht! society are: f~]hah'lllali - 1Jr. 1)..1' Lawless: Vice,( :h:lirnl.lll ~-DI'. E. G. Si[a-gDlllsdell; 1{oi1, Tleasurer d ) r . V. U. I,tlt~}clle; IItJii, Sc(:l'l'ta[} ~)r. R, S. FlallCiS, T h e r e nre 5 t/lelldlel3 t}l+Ci)llllCiI2 I)l', ,1. "r', }~I(~.D; J)r. i 1 [, Elphinstone; ])r. ]l. RanlSay; t./r. '~V, F. Illchards; DF. I~. "~Vt/olL Fo~h~x~ing the FeBig/la[iflll of lip. Silo Ltlnlsdell as die Society's 1{2pregellt~llive oi1 dlCJglhll 'rttl)cl'r CmtnclJ, Dr. R. S. Francis was etcc~ed lds successor. In its lwellih Veal" tile society has maiumilmd its activldes in all fields. T h e cllni(al ])l'Ogl'anlllll~ hils inehlded the I'M]owlng sul~iects: bl'l~lleh[al c;li'chl{~lllll hl X~Olllell: dysphagia plletlnlol/ilis; experim/ec bl findi~lg congeldtal hearl disease t?mn X-la} Bhns; treatgnent <+f hlamN helniaj [tlY[id septal defi:cls: chlxlllic het'}lllosis; die diagnosis of pllCtltnoconlogls; pxlhll~lnnl'y ellll?()llSlll; benign tlllllOlll'S ()1~Ih(? lung; tllltlSUn[ puI[[lonaty nlallgllan