numbness of the right leg, no pain in the between the shoulders. The tenderness is quite superficial ; the least touch on the most tender parts causes a twitching of the muscles. Bowels costive, tongue whitish, skin warm and moist, pulse 75. DR. ELLIOTSON dwelt particularly on the morbid tenderness, and called the attention of the pupils to the fact of the right side of the spine being affected, whilst the left was free from any symptom. On the 30th of June she began by taking three ounces of the infusion of the artemisia every six hours. She took also two purgative pills at bedtime. On the 19th of July she was so much better that it was not thought necessary to continue her in the hospital. She went on with her medicine until a day or two before she left. no
back, except
DR. ELLIOTSON has employed this medicine in several cases besides those mentioned in THE LANCET, page 512, a short time since. Of the three following, two only were treated successfully :Casel. Harriet Baker, 32 years of age, a servant, who had enjoyed good health until two years since, during which period she has been under medical treatment, from which she experienced no material benefit; she
complains of lassitude, weakness, pains right hypochondrium, especially on walking up stairs, which also produces pain in the epigastrium; the pain, too, frequently occurs after meals, attended occasionally with sickness. There is morbid sensibility Case 3. The third case was one of inflamat the epigastric and hypochondriac regions on each side, extending round to the spine, matory hysteria. In this case there was great now
in the
morbid tenderness in various parts. After depletion to some extent, and the administration of mercury until the gums were tender, the patient took a drachm of the powder of artemisia, three times a day; this was on the 17th of May; she had experienced no relief on the 24th; the dose was therefore increased to two drachms ; and on the 28th she took that dose every four hours; on the 31st the infusion was substituted for the powder, four ounces being given every four hours; on the llth of June, as she was not better, the artemisia was omitted, and a drachm of the carbonate of iron was given discharged. every six hours ; the dose was increased by Case 2. This was a laundress, aged 60, degrees to six drachms every four hours. who had ceased to menstruate for 12 years. She was taking that quantity on the 28th of See had well-marked hysteria, and suffered June with decidedly good effect. She was from morbid sensibility of various parts of so much better on the 19th of July that she the body. was discharged. DR. ELLlOTSON remarked on the last case, There is morbid sensibility of the surface on the whole of the right side of the chest that the patient took the powder at first, and and abdomen; of the right arm, but more not the infusion, which was different from especially of the integuments of the upper the course pursued with the two first arm; of the upper part of the chest; and of patients. The remedy might possibly have the epigastric, hypochondriac, and lumbar done good, if it had been continued longer. region on the right side. At about the middle of the chest, near the nipple, there is CUT-THROAT-DEATH-AUTOPSY. less tenderness than higher up and lower The man SACH, whose case is reported in down, and corresponding with this, there is THE LANCET, page 382, appeared to be going tenderness of the spine, which is greatest on very well until the 18th of July. The over the two or three upper dorsal, and over external wound was diminishing considerthe lower dorsal and upper lumbar vertebrae ; ably in size. On the night of the 17th he less over the vertebrae near the centre of the took his supper as usual, and asked for a dorsal region. The tenderness is also chiefly little anodyne mixture to procure rest. His confined to the right side of the spinous breathing did not appear to be more difficult processes. There is scarcely any on the than it had been for some time. At four left side. She can take a full inspiration, o’clock, A.M., on the 18th, MR. HALLAM was but it produces pain in the right hypochon- called up by the nurse, who stated that the drium. She is subject to palpitation, patient could hardly get his breath. He especially when there is much pain in the was quite dead before MR. HALLAM could side. reach the ward. From the statements of his There is numbness of the right hand and fellow patients it appeared, that about a arm, particularly in the morning, when she quarter of an hour before, he was eating can scarcely dress herself. Sheexperiences something which he had in his locker, and
and also over some of the dorsal vertebrae. She has suffered from the various symptoms of hysteria; the menstruation occurs regularly, but in diminished quantity; no pain in the head; bowels rather costive; tongue clean; pulse 75. She began, on the 30th of June, to take three ounces of the infusion of artemisia, every six hours. On the 4th of July she was better ; there was less tenderness in the hypochondriac and epigastric regions. She went on gradually improving until the 12th, when, at her own request, feeling so much better, she was
drinking water. Immediately after whictt sam floating on the surface. On leaving he appeared as if choked, and breathed witt it to cool, the supertartrate, being nearly in, the greatest difficulty. The night nursesoluble, will again precipitate, and by colwas absent from the ward at the moment lecting, drying, and weighing this precipiHe walked up and down the ward two otate, the proportion of pure potass contained three times, breathing with great difficulty,, in it may be ascertained, estimating it at and making, during respiration, an unusual1 about one-third of the weight. noise. He then laid on his bed, breathed By the following means it may be made;-. three or four times, and expired. Ort Boil together for ten minutes in a glass ses-
examining the larynx and esophagus, wittl sel, Bals. Copaiba, ij; Liq. Potass, :3iv; finger, no foreign body could be detected,Aq. Destill. x ; allow it to cool to about 140 deg., and add to it Sp. Æth. Nit. i. Autopsy 30 hours after death.-The tongue, them well together, and pour them Shake were removed and larynx, trachea, pharynx, a into glass separating funnel ;in a short from the body. In doing so the posterior time about five drachms of undissolved fluid of the the wound was pharynx opposite part found firmly adherent to the bodies of the(more like tarc oil than the balsam) will se. cervical vertebrae. The structures around parate, and float on the surface, from which The epiglotisthe specific must be drawn. If these ingrewere very mnch condensed. and os thyroidis were drawn an inch and a dients be shaken together cold, the same results will take place, though the balsam is half, or two inches, above the rima glottidis, not dissolved in so large a quantity. I am, towards the chin. Nothing peculiar was found in the pharynx or aesophagus. On Sir, your constant reader, A DRUGGIST’S ASSISTANT. laying open the posterior wall of the trachea July 21, 1836. and larynx, and looking from below, the opening through which he had breathed during life was found to be of about the size of a quill, and easily dilatable, so as to the
admit the fore-finger. The sides of the CORRESPONDENTS. rima were swollen and oedematous. The left ala of the thyroid cartilages was affected with ulceration, underneath an openMr. Bedingfield’s repJy to Dr. T. Cox next ing which had been made to evacuate the week. contents of a small abscess. The ulceration The letter of our correspondent at Edindid not communicate with the mucous only reached London by the post of burgh membrane of the larynx. A little pus exThursday, too late then for our crowded co uded on pressure. lumns this week. Chest.—Adhesions, apparently of old The advertisement from Dr. Hastings did date, existed between the opposite sides of to hand early enough for publica. the pleura pulmonalis of the right lung, and not come tion with the present number. the pleura costalis; and also between the ! In the letter of Mr. serous membrane covering the diaphagm, Bree, which we puband the corresponding surface of the pleura lish this week at page 599, will be found the pulmonalis. The lungs appeared to be proofs which that gentleman is capable of furnishing of the success of his club-system. healthy. If many of such proofs were in existence, Abdomen.-Many of the intestinal glands what would become of the profession? were enlarged, and earthy deposits of Our pages shall be cheerfully opened toa various sizes were found in the folds of the I of facts from Mr. Roscoe in reply statement some as as large horse-beans, and mesentery, several of the size of a nut. They had the to 11 Judex." appearance of portions of carious bones. Dr. Roscoe, who has addressed the Editor in a private note, was not alluded to in the notice in THE LANCET of July 23. The notice, however, was very erroneously printed. Sp. SOL. OF CoPAIBA.-To the Editor.—SIR :: The communication forwarded by Dr. S. —Isubjoin a method of analyzing the adver- will probably be used next week. tised " Specific Solution of Copaiba." Those Dr. UWINS is an unmerciful quiz. He has who have written in its commendation may be benefited by its publicity:-Pour the con- just pronounced Sir Henry Halford,in print, tents of a small bottle of the solution into a to be " the highest medical authority in the six-ounce phial, with two ounces of distilled country," and so gravely, that wereDr.Uwins known to have an eye to the Fellowship, he water ; add to it a strong solution of tartaric would not be thought to joke. acid, until it becomes slightly acidulous. ImMr. F. S. GERVIS, a member of the College merse the phial in boiling water, when the formed precipitate of supertartrate of po- of Surgeons, has been lately elected to the tass will dissolve,leaving the pure bal- coronership ofTiverton, Devon.