PUBLISHER'SANNOUNCEMENT Special Subscription Rate for Students THE publishers are pleased to announce a special Students’ Rate for Spectrochimica Acta...
PUBLISHER'SANNOUNCEMENT Special Subscription Rate for Students THE publishers are pleased to announce a special Students’ Rate for Spectrochimica Acta. Bona fide students will be able to obtain the Journal for 23.10.0. (U.S.A. $10) per annum. This offer is intended to encourage young people to follow the latest literature and to start building their personal libraries. Students wishing to take advantage of this special subscription rate should send their application, with their remittance, to the Subscriptions Department of either the Oxford or New York Office of Pergamon Press (addresses are given on the inside cover of the Journal). The application should be accompanied by a brief note from their professor or tutor to the effect that the individual is a bonajide student.
NOTICE OFMEETING AN INTERNATIONALsymposium of “Far Infrared Spectroscopy” will be sponsored August 21-24, 1962, by the Wright Air Development Division’s Materials Central. The four-day symposium, to be held at the Sheraton-Gibson Hotel in Cincinnati, Ohio, has been scheduled for August, 1962, to allow for a large number of speakers from abroad to attend. Invited papers will be presented by experts on such topics as fundamental frequencies and vibrational assignments, molecular structure, solid-state studies, analytical applications, and far-infrared instrumentation. General chairman is F. F. BENTLEY of the analytical branch, Materials Central, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. Program adviser is Prof. R. C. LORD of the spectroscopy laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. Further information may be obtained from Mr. BENTLEY at the above address.