OMS leadership

OMS leadership

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR tI-t 1033 he use of copious water to dampen any accidental act. and safety glasses for all concerned. con- LARRY K. AAGESE...

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he use of copious water to dampen any accidental act. and safety glasses for all concerned.




I read the most recent JOMS News md Announcement section, it occurred to me how our specialty would benefit by an enhanced sense of fellowship through recognition of all the years of support each ind every member has made to our organization through their dues and participation. The names of those honored in the Journal become ramiliar to us and deserve the recognition accorded them. However, many others have quietly served a lifetime and provided the necessary resources that have :nabled others to excel. Those resources, ie, dues, subscriptions, and attendance fees, have allowed our organization to perform as it has on a national level. With the pressures rising on the health care system and our speciality. it could be a good time to increase our fellowship and possible overall participation, involvement, and strength. Perhaps as a society, in addition to a national listing of each of our members, we could list the year of their initial membership in our organization. For those who have served over 25 years. perhaps we could list their names in the Journal and later send by mail a certificate of recognition suitable for framing. For those serving over 35 years. a plaque or similar instrument could be presented. Finally, for those serving over 50 years, recognition could be given in a ceremony at the annual session of our society. DARRYLJ. PIROK,DDS. MS



KNOW THY ROOTS To the Editor:-During this period of rapid change in our profession, I think it is incumbent on us. the oral and maxillofacial surgeons of America. to remember our past as we look towards the future of our profession. In the educational arena, my concern has always been that the residents receive the best surgical training, and that they have available to them the educational opportunities to pursue whatever additional degrees they desire. 3f further concern to me is that expanded scope and privileges remain degree-blind. and that these are based strictly on competence and training. I believe all of this ;an be achieved and the integrity of our profession protected. However, one aspect of the current scene I find difficult to understand is why our colleagues agree to be placed on educational programs of other specialty organizations that are in direct competition with oral and maxillofacial surgery. They agree to teach these doctors

how to perform oral and maxillofacial surgeries, eg, temporomandibular joint surgery, orthognathic surgery, and rigid fixation techniques. These courses are given under the guise of continuing education. Why would anybody want to give a short course to other practitioners. We are potentially compromising patient care and perhaps our reputation and integrity. I also find it hard to understand our members lecturing to groups that allow only double-degree members into their society. What I fear most is that the dual degree issue has a propensity for producing a two-tier system. I, for one, will do everything to fight this. Those who possess the dual degree must remember that they are dentist-oral and maxillofacial surgeons who happen to have an additional degree, ie. the medical degree, and they are not physician-oral and maxillofacial surgeons who happen to have a dental degree. In the majority of the cases, it was the single-degree oral and maxillofacial surgeons who fought the “wars” so that our colleagues could obtain their medical training. Without a doubt. it is the dental background and training that makes this specialty uniquely qualified to render the traditional outstanding care to those afflicted with functional and esthetic problems of the oral cavity and facial skeleton. 1 ask all of you to take some time and reflect upon your roots and heritage. We have much to be thankful for. because our roots are well grounded in dentistry, where they should always belong. RONALDB. MARKS,DDS



OPHTHALMIC COMPLICATIONS OF ORTHOGNATHIC SURGERY To th Editor:-1 am currently in the process of preparing an article on ophthalmic complications following orthognathic surgery. I would appreciate hearing from any surgeon who has experienced such a complication tie, blindness, decrease in visual acuity, ophthalmoplegia, lacrimal injury. and so on) who would be willing to share the details of his case with me. All replies will be kept strictly confidential. DENNIST. LANIGAN. DMD, MC



OMS LEADERSHIP To thr Editor:--In the July issue, the News and Announcement section contained a story about oral and maxillofacial surgeons who are deans of dental schools. Unfortunately, one was omitted-Dr James H. McLeran of the University of Iowa College of Dentistry. Jim has been dean since 1974, making him the person with the longest tenure. DONALDS. DANA, DDS

