of Ortho&dic Surgery. University of Missouri at Kansas City Medial 301 Holmes Sweet. Kanscls City. MO 63lOY. U.S.A.
remodeling in vcrtebratcs is widely quoted 3s LL process which optimizes the use of structural material. subject IY mechanical rcquircments. In vertchrutes, bone remodeling continues throughout life and tends IV preserve the structure of B particulur bone over decades of life. This implies that the processes which remodel bone arc stable. at least over ;I time period spanning many years. Many recent numeric;tl simulaGons of bone remodeling have used rate equations which have not been carefully assessed for stability and their ability lo produce an optimal sIructure. In this study. we w-state the conditions ncccssury for stability of ;1 particular hone remodeling rate equation derived in ;I related study. and wc investigate whether the rate equation used can produce an optimal structure. Within the context of a tinitc element discrctlzation, we show that thls rate cquatwn dws INN product a structure op~imizcd with respect to density. By making 21 smrplc niodilic;ition to lhe st;thlc remodeling r;iIc cqu;lti
The structure of bona within
the skclctal system of vortcbratcs has often been cited as an
sxamplc of ii natural syslcm in which lhc adi~ptation
of a tissue
to mechanical rcquircmcnts
has been achicvcd. kmc rcmodcling is ;I gcncral term which dcscribcs the proccsscs which maintain bone throughout the bone microstructure. within
adult life. Tissue
is laid down and rcsorbcd at surfaces within
since the rigid nuturc of the cxtraccllular matrix prcvcnts growth
the volume of the tissue. The biological principals which govern bone rcmodcling
arc currently
under ;I great deal ofdcbatc.
and numerical simulations
of bone rcmodcliny
show that the inllucncc of mechanical ctli~ts in rcmodsling arc also dillicult ability of thcsc simulations
to correctly mimic the rcmodrling
to ;ISS~XS. The
processes in bone is still being
assessed. and there is no rcmodcling rate equation which has been shown to be dclinitivcly bsttcr than others. Although
bone is constantly
being laid down and removed in order to
compcnsatc for fatigue damugu, no current thcorics for remodeling can account for this base-line ccllulur activity. The term “bone romodcling” in the shape of bone and changes in the distribution continually
maintaining and adapting the structure
is usually used to describe changes
of bone density with time. Thus,
of bones,
rcmovc fatigued matcriul and lay down new material within mechanical sophistication Wolff’s
bone illustrate
the dcgrcc of
occur in nature.
law is the most widely known theory for bone adaptation to stress. WollT’s
law is un extrapolation through
the biological proccsscs which
made by observing the correlation
the canccllous bone in iI number of joints
bctwccn patterns seen in a section
and the lines drawn in an analysis 01
stress using the mcthod of chaructoristics [XC Wollr ( 15X36)].The theory is ;L qualitative one which states that the internal and cxtornal structure of bone changes to adapt to changes in the loads applied to it. WolH”s law is often intcrprctcd today as a postulate that bone is distributed and oricntcd so as to support the loads placed on it with the minimum amount of material. This mutcrial optimization theory is very widely acccptcd as ;1 simple explanation for a complex bony structure.
but ;I rigorous
proof of the principal has not been
arrived at. A number of numcricnl models have been cxploitcd to study specific charactcrizations of Wolfi’s law rcccntly. Thcsc stud& can qualitatively predict the density
and J. J
of bone near joints.
postulates studies
of this postulate
use continuum-averaged
of the mechanical
In this study.
can certain
remodeling for a structure
on the outside Cortical
lead to an optimal
of bones.
and cancellous
and Burstein,
is very variable.
and the elastic
and orientation
1974). Cancellous The elastic modulus
bone and cancellous elastic modulus
the formulation Poisson
this study
clTccts of’gcomctric
on rcmodoling
the information
the concerted significant
but in this paper application equally
WC will
to the entire
The form of the rrmodcling ofchange
of bone density
(Huiskes state”
and Williams,
(such structure
as oxygen,
of a
1973). Thus the local
bone is produced
act microscopically.
yet containing factors.
there are
dense bone), restricts
efrccts arc either small or are
for bone thus far is fairly
is proportional
the bone density
to a “stimulus” at that
CI ~1.. 1987; Orr er 01.. 1989) use a stimulus
can bc taken
the tissue. responding
being mod&d.
by bone density.
is a value of stimulus
with a constant
of the tissue. WC arc
or physiological
to the mechanical
rules proposed
or a mcasurc of stress, divided
This “null
1977). In order to keep
bone seems to bc primarily
where non-mechanical
at a specilic point
to the stress state of the bone investigators
that the overall
to regions
bone. and WC have not asscsscd the
1987 ; Warwick
processes which
bone as isotropic,
efrects. as in the skull (lightly
of this research
to some
of bone is abIt: to scnsc its anatomic
of remodeling
on the tissue porosity
to the density
is. no anatomic
This intlicatcs
well known
to the cells which
the available
and Hayes.
in cancellous
and has an elastic modulus
bone seem to act on a local basis within
lo that information
tissue stress and
law relationship
is related
which suggests that a small region
and act according
these require-
is reasonably
bone varies with
changes on the rcmoticlling
The cells which rcmodcl
to local cuts from the micro-cnvironnicnl. is av;til;tblc
a power
by certain
rules for bone.
bone depends
WC have idealized
and an elastic
the porous modulus
the range ofdensity
We believe
1977 ; Rice cl trl.. 1988). Some authors
to assess two stable’.’ Second,
on a remodeling
of cortical
of cancellous
bone. the dense layer of material
bone is highly
and Hayes, bone
and an elastic
as proposed
some requirements
into two types--cortical
the microstructure.
are these simulations
satisfies these two requirements.
bone has low porosity,
rate equations
ments can serve as checks on specific biologically-oriented Bone is generally
law? We have identified which
and a number
processes per se. they provide
which are important
these models.
rate postulates
of the remodeling
we are using continuum-level
Thus the original
have been confirmed.
are being assessed at this time. Although
and do not assess the details
an indication
and the shape of long bone diaphyses.
made by the early anutomists
specific implementations structural
at which
which is related
For example, which
and subtracted
;IS iI constant
is strain
from a “null
the rate of change of density
a position-dcpcndcnt stimulus. A position-dcpcndent stimulus mechanical cffccts. An adjustable “null state” must bc carefully
the rate
is zero. This
the structure,
or as
is possible, due to nonused. however, since the
liberal USCof an adjustable parameter such as this can rcndcr the analysis meaningless. Careful study of the proccsscs used to simulate rcmodcling in these studies offers an opportunity temporal
to make the qualitative stability
of the numerical
of the early
bone remodeling
more specific. The
has been discussed
in a
number of recent studies. Carter EI ai. (1989) discussed convergence issues, as did Fyhrie and Hollister (1990). Wcinans et al. (1989, 1990), Weinans (1991) and Huiskes et al. (1991) have explored two discrete
the stability remodeling
of bone remodeling elements,
et al. (1990)
directly. indicated
Using a model that
the origin
with of the
unstable behavior was the remodeling rule. rather than the details of the finite element approximations. Huiskes ef al. (1991) have shown that the density distribution in bone can
Simulation be
if the strain energy density
dependent “attractor
and Hamilton
the stability
from an intact bone is used as the position-
state” in a fairly coarse finite element mesh. The stability of this model
was considered tenuous. and refinement Hurrigan
of bone remodrling
of the finite element mesh was not attempted.
(1992a) have indicated from a continuous
of bone remodeling simulations
analytical model that
depends on the form of the remodeling rule.
The analytical model resulted in the derivation
of a stability
for mechanical bone
remodeling postulates, and showed that the unstable behavior which resulted from failure to satisfy the limit was not similar
to the behavior seen itz ciao. Harripan
and Hamilton
(1992b) have developed a stability analysis for bone remodeling using finite element techniques. and have shown
that the requirement
for stability
as derived in the previous
analytical model is directly retlected in a finite element model. The stability of the algorithms used to simulate the temporal evolution of the density distribution to an effective Euler backward time-stepping procedure. This
were also studied, leading
study builds on the previous
finite element work. and develops ways in which the remodeling process developed can be considered as an optimal process. By optimal. we mean a process which manipulates state variables within
the structure in order to minimize a function of those state variables.
In order to assess the ways in which the remodeling rule used here can be regarded as an optimizing
process, we will first review the development of the stability conditions
finite element analysis. The conditions
for an optimal structure which are derived here are
based on a particular stimulus for bone remodeling. using strain energy density. Other bone remodeling theories, based on stress and strain measures, have been dcvelopcd. We chose to conccntratc on a rcmodcling stimulus cmaticillly simpler than stress
An incrcmcntal structure stability
based on strain cncrgy density. since it is math-
analysis has bcon clcvclopocl in or&r
being invcstigntrtl
to small perturbations
analysis. the structure
to study the rcuction of the
in density.
analyscd is nssumcd
b’or the purposes of the
to bc at a stats of rcmodcling
: i.c. WC:assume the clcnsity distribution has cvolvcd to a steady state situation. in this analysis are dt~clop~cl using it standard mcthocl for study of it dynamic system. with the rvontual tests for stability carried out using numerical methods. Stability
In this dcvclopnicnt. and the dcvclopmcnt to follow regarding optimalily
the clcmcnt matrices arc written in global coordinates. The two indicts arc assumed to span the range
coordinate indicts, with non-zero entries only in the positions in which
the global coordinates couple to the clcmcnt. Thus we ncvcr refer to local coordinates for the clement stitTnrss matrices wc USC: hcrc. Also, the impliccl summation over repeated indices is only used when the rcpcatccl indices arc subscripts which follow displacements or stitfncss matrices. When summation over clemcnts is implied. it is explicitly cxprcssed using a summation sign, Wr will also use the subscripts /: g, p and (1to denote particular (global) degrees of freedom. The subscripts and Icft superscripts
c and s refer to element number.
When a quantity is a right superscript (used hcrc only on density). exponentiation Thus
WC have restricted our notation
in order to maintain
is meant.
clarity in the operations
intend. WC assume a material Poisson ratio which is indcpcndcnt of density. and it power law relationship
bctwcen density, (/I. and elastic modulus (Carter and Hayes. 1977). i.c.
E = E,rp. This
results in a material property matrix [C] which can be expressed as
[Cl = [C,]$‘“‘. with 4 the volumetric
density, n the material exponent, and [C,] the material property
for unit volumetric
element formulation
with the superscript
density (Bathe.
for element stiffness
19X2). Using
The average strain
matrix and
the element, “-f’, for a given displacement
energy density within
II is
with the exponent 111;t material constant. This continuum-lcvcl
the microstructure. stimulus
in a standard finite
for unit density.
with 1:. the element volume. We assume the tissue stimulus
this matrix
matrices yields
e denoting which element is used. IL,,, the element stiffness
*Klu the element stillness solution
arc hi&r
for bone remodeling is
equation is meant to retlcct the fact that the
and strain energy density are typici~lly magnified within
so that the stresscs,
than the contiliuuni-lcvcl
strain energy density within the micro-
variables. lkxupr~
ct trl. ( I990) proposed ;I
which accounts for the filet that the strength ofcn~~cllous
the square of the donsity of the tissue. so that the stress within
bone is proportional
the tissue is relittcd to the
ovcr:~ll stress in the invcrsc fashion. Since WCarc using strain energy density in this formuIiltion, antI sincc WCarc not making spcoific assumptions for rcmotlcling.
WC chose this relationship
ahout the spccilic physicill stimulus
with the saponcnt 111Icft ;IS it pitramctcr in the
relationship. Using this stimulus.
the overall rcniodcling rate equation is
l?iP*. = Y’, - ‘P,,. t?t Here the symbol Y,, denotes ;I “null point”, where the rcmodcling rate vanishes. In general. thcrc is a rate coclficirnt for simplicity
the stimulus
(the right-hand sids of the equation), itnd
we have chosen to SGIIC time SO that the rate cocliicicnt is unity. The overill
rate equation can thus be written
(7fp< fp;” -‘%, “K,,,I~,, --. = __._.-.-._.._ ct 1V
yJ ,,.
finite clement equations to bc solved arc I<,,,,lr, = R,,. with K,,,. the ovcrilll stifTness R, the load vector for the matrix. formed by a sum of the slcmcnt stilrncss matrices. .lnd L linitc clcmcnt mesh. Taking perturbations of the linitc clcmcnt equations gives li,,,,Alr,, = - A$,,,LI,,,
with AK,,,, ths change in stilfncss for ;I perturbation with AcP, the change in donsity. ;IS
equation comes from taking derivitives
in density. This
(8) matrix can be written,
of the total stiffness matrix, written as a sum
of individual
of bone remodflinp
element stiffness matrices. with respect to density in each element. Thus,
change in displacements for a change in density distribution
can be written as
(10) Perturbations
in the rate equation. assuming a converged state. can be written as
= (d:“-“‘+(n-MI)&;-“‘-
_ ~
zr; where we have used the fact that the element stiffness terms, neglecting higher order terms in perturbations.
matrices are symmetric. Canceling and substituting
for Au gives
an d
(II - tll)ll,‘~K,,,ll* I),, = IS,.,
zL’--- .’ 4,.
with S,, equal to I il’c = s, and zero otherwise. HWXI CICC~Y
on ;I solution
which is cxponcntial
with time, and the equilibrium
in time, lhc solution
of qn
(12) will D,,
state arrived iit will be stiible, if the matrix M,,+
is negative dclinite. A matrix is negative definite if itll the cigenvalucs of the mntrix negative real parts. Since the rmttrix derived here is non-symmetric,
the eigenvalucs will be
complex numbers, ilnd special techniques for eigenvalue extraction are needed to compute them. Also. since the equations in perturbations separately. This
19921) is prcscrvecl. The ilniIlyticiIl the co&icients Harrigan
requirement that II be
IL’SS thn
and Hamilton,
is necessary
to ktxp
in this diitgon:ll matrix Icss than zero. ilnd Hamilton
remodeling simulation non-symmetric
are linear, the matrix D, can be considered
shows that the i~nillyticitl stability
have shown iI method whereby the stability
c;ln be itssessed without
of the
actually computing the eigenvalues of this
The procedure consists of factorizing
the symmetric
part of the
matrix into an LDLr form and assessing whether the diagonal matrix D contains negative elements (Crandall,
1955; Lancilstcr and Tismcnetsky.
1985; Wang.
An optimal structures approach to bone is useful for theoretical and practical reasons. The proposition that bone is iln optimal structure is one of the corncrstoncs of medical thought regarding bone. This proposition fits closely with other biological theories regarding natural selection for iidvuntagcous traits. If simulations of the natural rcmodcling situation which closely mimic itr rim
behavior arc found to optimize a given quantity
certain state variable. the theoretical framework
for these optimization
relative to a
postulates will be
strengthened. Also, if we can identify a particular state variable as being manipulated to optimize the structures studied. WC can indicate ways to frame or interpret studies of the
physical process within the microstructure. which optimizes
a function
J. J.
a formulation
for bone remodeling
relative to a state variable is far easier to use than one which
does not. since the large literature practical and the theoretical
on optimization
can be used to sood effect. Both the
issues regarding bone remodeling are important.
conceptual issues are much debated. and simulations
since the
of bone remodeling often encounter
numerical problems. In order to assess whether these simulations some functional
equations. For example. Hamilton’s by minimizing
in a structure
which minimizes
on density, one can make an analogy to the vveak solution principle as applied to elasticity
an energy functional one can solve the elasticity field equations. Thus solving
the elasticity equations corresponds to finding a displacement distribution a functional
density distribution
a functional on density if the density distribution
assessed whether a density distribution If a functional
which minimizes a functional
exists which is minimized
with respect to arbitrary
can be found by minimizing
admissible variations That
is, the first variation
equations. and the second variation
equations) should bc symmetric v&on
and results
then the rcmotlcling
with rcspcct to the two variations problem.
the i&as
can bc made mom
which mcasurcs some property
in a spccilic numerical
ilnd il’thc rcmoctcling rule used mininiizcs
in the functional will yield the
in the functional (the first variation in the
of the rcmodoling
concrctc. If thcrc is an indicator
the functional
in density. Also. the second variation in this
In ;I discrctizcd
a strain energy based “remodeling
on density.
at steady state by the remodeling rule. then
principal, a solution
functional should bc symmetric.
is given by
of the remodeling rate equation. That is. we have
can be considered to minimize
by analogy to Hamilton’s
which minimizes
(stored elastic energy). In this study. we make an assessment of whether the
a long-term (i.e. “steady state”) solution stimulus”
of differential
problems shows that
of the density
wc can write that function as
(or lintls slablc points of) this indicator function,
rule can bc given by
(16) Thus
we can show that
JF(fp,) SCP, Thus,
a rcmodrling
. . . , fp,,,
rl?f/(fp,. . . . .cP,,)
ctp, 2tp,
f'f-((P,) c'tp, .
rule can be dcrivcd from an overall indication
function on density if
and only if the dcrivativcs of that rule follow this equation. In our stability
we have used a particular
rcmodcling rule in which
Ap, --,-. = I;‘(rp,).
and WC:have calculated the derivatives in cqn (I 7) for that rule, arriving at the matrices M,, and D,,. Since &I?, is not equal to M,,.. the dcrivativcs arc not equal for that particular rule. Thus, the mathematical form of that role is not the result of optimizing an indicator function on density. Careful study of eqn (I 3) shows that one possible way in which the matrix M,, can be taken as symmetric would be to take m = I. This would indeed satisfy the conditions for optimality, but as was shown in our previous studies (Harrigan and Hamilton, l992a, b), this choice would result in an unstable remodeling stimulus.
it seems as though this
of bone remodeling
choice for remodeling stimulus can produce either a stable structure or an optimal structure. but not both. There is a way to arrive at a simulation
of bone remodeling
and which satisfies the mixed partial derivative condition.
which uses the above rule
It involves modifying
the rate equation in such a way as to change the variable which is manipulated
to optimize
the function. Consider
the following
changes in the remodeling
rate equation.
Instead of using
density as our state variable. we can choose density to some positive power. as in
with c a positive exponent, which we will arrive at later in this discussion. Note that when 7 is equal to zero. 4 is equal to zero. and when 7 is equal to one. 4 is equal to one. If we re-cast the rate equation as follows :
we will have the same equilibrium
states as before. since
(21) and the right-hand
side ofcqn
(30) is just the right-hand
side ofcqn
(7). multiplied
by each
clcmcnt volume. The situation
when (br approaches
zero needs consideration.
dcrivativc of?* will bc zero cvcn if the clcrivativc
ofC/J,. is not.
since at that point, the
From physical considerations,
this seems like a strength, rather than a watkncss. since the volumetric density in a particular region cannot bc less than zero. In gcncral. if the volumetric
density approaches zero in a
steady-state distribution.
approaches zero. Since II-~
the matrix product in cqn (20)
is negative for stability, density
both 4: -“I and ry
““.’ will approach
zero, thcsc two factors approach zero individually,
In a region where
and they
in such
a way that their product is equal to ‘I-‘,,. This remodeling
rule will have ditferent temporal
but the same equilibrium
states as eqn (7). as shown below. Since no current bone remodeling
rule purports to closely
mimic transient remodeling processes, we do not consider our modification
to be a serious
problem for the theoretical development. The left-hand side of eqn (20) could br troubling, WC have manipulated
since element volume appears there.
element volume here to remove it from the first term on the right-
hand side of eqn (20). Since the equilibrium
state for bone remodeling
has the right-hand
side of eqn (20) as zero within every element of the finite element model, multiplying right-hand
side ofeqn
(20) by element volume will not alter the equilibrium
since the stimulus is calculated the rate calculation
by element volume, and
divides this stimulus by the same clcmcnt volume, the effect of the finite
clcmcnt mesh paramctcrs expected
as the actual stimulus multiplied
will not intlucnce the rate calculation
from a typical dynamic
finite elcmcnt
any more than would be the change in temporal
behavior of the model between cqns (7) and (20) is related to calculating change of y. instead of the rate of change of I#. Although this remodeling rule seems artificial, minimizing
states. Also,
a functional
the the rate of
it can be shown to be the result of
on 7 if the exponent z is chosen equal to m. Since the remodeling
stimulus is the same in this equation as in the other equations shown, and since y is directly related to 4, we believe this result can have important implications for bone remodeling. In order to show that choosing z = m will satisfy the mixed partial derivative conditions, we must first assess the changes in displacements due to changes in density. The
T. P.
tinite element equations for equilibrium ~~lobai matrix 5
can be written as KC* =
if we expand the
K. we can write
or. written in terms of 7.
K,, = i
\vith “K,y the part of the stiffness simulation
(e.g. an orthopedic implant).
which remains constant during Thus
the remodeling
we can take the derivative of KU
respect to ;‘,. and arrive at
(‘4) In order to choose z properly, we write the rate equation as
and wc take tlcrivativcs
from cqn (14). we have
(27) The term 3;,, in this equation is equal to I if e = s and zero otherwise, so the first term ot the right of this equation is symmetric right-hand
in e and s by definition.
The second term on the
side of this equation contains a rather complicated matrix
be shown to bc symmetric
in the indices e and s, since
global linitc t’lcmcnt matrix.
'-'is A,,,
product which can
the inverse of the symmetric
In order to make the exponents on the terms yc and y, equal,
wc need only choose : = ttt. This
choice will
make eqn (27) symmetric
with respect to
indices c and s. and it indicates that eqn (17) is satisfied for this rate equation if we take dcriViltivcS with rcspcct
to y
instead Of 4.
DISCUSSION 13~ studying
the mathematical character of the remodeling
rate equations, we have
hecn able to assess two issues regarding bone remodeling as characterized by a remodeling rule based on strain cnorgy density : stability and optimality. In a related study (Harrigan and Hamilton. IO92b). WC used a finite clement discrctization to show an interrelationship bctwccn the bone rcmodcling process on a microscopic scale and the stability of the overall structure of bone on a global scale. This study confirmed stability requirements derived in ;I previous analytical study [Harrigan and Hamilton (1992a). and see after eqn (l4)]. We also arrived at a method to simulate temporal changes in bone density distributions within a tinitc clcmcnt analysis.
In this study, we build on the finite element study of remodeling
of bone remodeling
stability to study conditions for the presence of an optimal structure in bone. More specifically, we have arrived at a set of state variables, derived from a specific bone remodeling postulate. which can be considered to extremize a function of these variables over the entire structure. Although
we expect that the arguments put forward
finite element discretitation.
here do not depend on the
we have kept our development
this framework
simplicity in notation. A more general statement of the problem and results using functional analysis is probably possible. but is not attempted From this analysis of optimal choice for the remodeling optimizing
been accomplished. and optimizing
state variable
A derivation
for bone remodeling
of the actual functional
but an algorithm
to test candidate
rule part of an
which is minimized
bone remodeling
has not
rules for stability
behavior has been arrived at.
The function which the remodeling rateequation by integrating
we have arrived at a
makes the remodeling
the rate equation
We have found a method to differentiate on the density distribution,
be derived
but we have been unable to do this as yet.
the complicated
dependence of the displacements
but we have not been able to integrate
the relationship
in a
sensible fashion as yet. The specific form of the rate equation in 7 which will result in an optimal structure can be related back to the rate equations in 4 by substituting
for 4’ for ;’ and by expanding
derivative with respect to time. This results in
which can bc written as
The form of this equation can bc seen as very close
to the form ofeqn (7), and this ccluation
is also very close to those studied in the litcraturc I991 ; Wrinans clement
rf (11.. 1987, 1991 ; Wcinans.
CI (11.. 1989, 1990). Since taking the time dcrivativc equal to zero for each Ollt2
out tt1 ild
Cp“‘‘-” , the stable long-term
states for bone
rcmodcling will be the same in this analysis as with a strain energy density formulation as in Harrigan
and Hamilton
discussed aftrreqn
The complication
as 4c becomes small. which was
(2 I), is still evident, only in eqn (29), the right-hand side is further divided
by 4’” - “q so that thr conditions necessary for the simulation to approach equilibrium regions with very low densities arc somewhat stricter than in eqn (7). The requircmcnt equilibrium
is now that the entire right-hand
fitShY than +L” _ I’. However.
this rcquircment
for for
side of eqn (20) approaches zero (with time) can be eliminated
by simply using eqn (20).
The optimizing standpoint.
nature of bone remodeling is important
bone has been postulated
from a thcorctical and practical
as an optimal
century. and much ofthc biological and medical knowlcdgc ofboncadaptation rclativc to this assumption.
an optimization
for over a
is intcrprstcd
proccdurc is much casicr to apply
than a point-by-point time stepping proccdurc. In a previous study (Harrigan and Hamilton. 19921). WC have shown a modification to existing bone remodeling algorithms which is ncccssary for stable time-stepping of thcsc equations.
In this study. WC show that by modifying
the state variable used to charactcrizc
the temporal rcsponsc of bone to strain energy density, we can product a simulation
satisfies the conditions for the existence of an overall cost function which is cxtrcmizcrl. We have derived a stable simulation of bone remodeling which is optimal in some sense. and which is similar to those in the literature
which appear to correctly mimic bone
T. P. HARRIGAN and J. J. H~titrros
density distributions in a qualitative fashion. These simulations satisfy two qualitative mathematical requirements (stability and optimality) and are similar to simulations which qualitatively mimic bone density distributions. Further numerical analyses will be needed to assess whether the modified simuIations we arrive at here will correctly mimic the natural bone remodelting in a quantitative sense. REFERENCES Bathe. K. J. (t982). Fit&e Eiemetzr Procedwes In Engitreering Ann&six Prentice-Hall.Englewood Cliffs. NJ. Beat@, G. S...Orr. T. E. and Carter, D. R. (1990). An approach for time-de~ndent bone modeling and remodeling-theoretical development. 1. Orthopedic Res. 8.65 f -661. Carter. D. R. (1987).Mechanical loading history and skeletal biology. J. Biochem. 20. 1095-I 109. Carter, D. R. and Hayes. W. C. (1977). The compressive behavior of bone as a two-phase porous structure. J. Bone Joint Surgery S9A, 9511962. Carter. D. R.. Orr. T. E. and Fyhrie. D. P. (1989). Relationships between loading history and femoral cancellous bone architecture. J. &o&em. 22.3 1-244. Cowin, S. C. (1984). Mechanical m~eiling of the stress adaptation process in bone. C&if, 7%~. Inr. 36 (Suppl. If. S98-s 103. Crandall. S. H. (1955). Engineering Anulnis. McGraw-Hill. New York. Fyhrie. D. P. and Hollister. S. J. (1990). Comparison ofa trabecular tissue strain remodeling theory to experimental results. Tram. Orrhupedic Res. Sot. IS, 107. Harrigan. T. P. and Hamilton. J. J. (199 la). An analytical and numerical study of the stability of bone remodeling theories: Dependence on microstructural stimulus. 1. Bionrcch. ZS(S). 377488. Harrigan. T. P. and Hamilton. 3. J. (1991 bf. Fin&c clement simulation of adaptive bone remodeling: stability condi~i~~nsand a time stcppinp method. iptr. J. cVtmr. &fc*tlt. Enyit