NOVEMBER 2002, VOL 76, NO 5
paced health care environment. This manual serves as an aid to meet this challenge. It addresses developing easy-to-read patient education materials and provides patient education handouts on a wide range of topics related to musculoskeletal disorders. The handouts are intended to decrease patient anxiety and help patients make informed health care decisions. The purpose of this manual is to help health care providers implement a high quality, comprehensive patient education program by providing low-literacy patient education materials in both English and Spanish. This resource manual includes numerous patient education handouts at two readability levelsthird grade and sixth grade. The topics are organized according to five categories: diagnostic studies, traumatic orthopedic conditions, nontraumatic orthopedic conditions, pain management, and surgical proceduredtechniques. CYNTHIA D. TURNER Each handout addresses one topic RN, BSN, MSN, CNOR, and is presented in an easy-toLCDR, NURSECORPS,US NAVY read font. The length of each TEAM LEADER handout varies, ranging from two NAVALHOSPITAL CAMPPENDLETONpages to 10 pages. The manual also provides CALIF information on how to write easyto-read patient education materials ORTHOPEDIC PATIENT and how to identify and present EDUCATION RESOURCE essential patient education inforMANUAL, second ed mation. Issues that are likely to Nancy L. Hiltz, ed affect patient comprehension are 2001, 6 sections reviewed, including writing style, $229, loose-leaf binder readability, and simplicity of lanroviding patients with concise, guage. Key variables to include when testing materials for comtimely, pertinent information prehension also are addressed. is a challenge in today’s fast-
providing care for this patient population. Ethical decision making is discussed using the moral principles of autonomy, respect for others, justice, beneficence, and nonmalfeasance. The author examines end-of-life care through several different perspectives, such as palliative care, hospice care, and cwing to caring. The importance of spiritual and religious concerns also is discussed in-depth, including how nurses may help with the patient’s and patient’s family members’ spiritual well-being. The meanings and implications of advanced directives, do-not-resuscitate orders, and withholding or withdrawing care are reviewed, ethically and legally. This book is easy to read and understand, and it provides nurses with a wealth of usehl information. It is an excellent resource book, and I highly recommend it for anyone providing care to the older adult population. This book is available from Springer Publishing Co, 536 Broadway, New York, NY 10010;
This manual uses a loose-leaf format that allows for easy removal of patient education handouts and easy placement of future updates. The materials will be expanded, updated, and refined through annual supplements. The handouts also are available on CD-ROM, making them easy to personalize with additional comments, instructions, font changes, and clip art. Space is available for inclusion of the facility’s logo and contact information. The reference materials and handouts in this manual can be used in a variety of ways. The handouts can be copied and placed in examination rooms or waiting rooms so patients can read about topics of personal interest. They can be copied and distributed to patients, with additional instructions, as needed. The reference materials can be used for staff member development by adding a post-test or using supplemental material, if needed. I recommend this resource manual. It is clearly written, easy to understand, and designed for ease of use. It is a welcome addition to the limited resources available to help health care practitioners meet the educational needs of low-literacy English- and Spanishspeaking orthopedic patients. This book is available from Aspen Publishers, Inc, 200 Orchard Dr, Suite 200, Gaithersburg, MD 20878; GWENDOLYN WATKINS RN, PHD, CNOR MANAGER, NURSING EDUCATION AND PUALITY WESTSUBURBAN HEALTH CARE OAKPARK,ILL