Oszillographische polarographie mit wechselstrom

Oszillographische polarographie mit wechselstrom

BOOK 80 Oszillographisclrc Vcrlag. Berlin. Pofarographie viii + J knocking off the drops; a compensator for the ohmic drop in solution. etc. Oth...

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Oszillographisclrc Vcrlag.


Pofarographie viii


mit FVechselslrom.

198 pages.

by J. ~~IEYwOVSKI~ D.A\I.zr.

156 figures.





This long-awaited monograph, concerning the principles. cspcrimental procedures and possibilities of rhc special technique of oscillographic polarography. is based on the cspcricncc gained in the last 20 years during its dcvclopmcnt and application by J. )IEYROVSK+ and his school. It is, in fact. a galvanostatic tcchniquc. An a.c. current of constant amplitude and frcqucncy polarircs a dropping or a jet mercury clcctrodc and the resulting voltage-time curve is recorded by an oscilloscope. The recording of the dcrivativc dE/df against the applied potential E is of CL-en higher sensitivity. On an elliptical curve one gets cuts in the cathodic and anodic branches at the potcntials at \vhich a substance is rcduccd and osidizcd. The dcpttr tlcpcnds on the concentration. After a chapter on general principles and thcoq (hitherto dcvclopcd onIy approsimately) general remarks on the study of electrode processes and the kinetics of the chemical reactions involved art: given. As surface-actit-e non-rcduciblc or non-osidizablc substances also gixw characteristic cuts, by lotvcring the diffcrcntial doublelavcr capacity in the potential range of their adsorption, the analytical applications arc cstcnsivc and intcrcsting possibilities for the investigation of problems of inhibition arc offered. Characteristic criteria for the oscillograms for different types of electrode processes arc summarircd. The apparatus section is x*‘c~ instructive. Detail4 circuit diagrams \vith all the data for rhc clcmcnts used cnablc the rcadcr to build every ncccssar~ circuit as long -2s an oscilloscope is available to him . hlso the pcrformanccs of the sevcrai types of “polaroscopc” designed cspccially for this method by HEYROVSK~and manufactured by “KO\-0”. I’raguc, arc: discussed in detail. This instrument includes some auxiliaq equipment. such as a unit for controlling drop-time b> knocking off the drops; a compensator for the ohmic drop in solution. etc. Other circuits. such zw

those for applying current at prcdctcrmincd intervals of drop-time pulses per drop may bc constructed according to the descriptions

or for working

with single a.c.

gi\-cn. The second half of the book deals with the Kcncral espcrimental pcrformancc of the different clcctrode types ant! the evaluation of the oscillograms mcntioncd in the introduction. A dc?tnilcd discussion of ail important prc\*ious in\*cstigations of substances in inorganic and organic chemistry. pharmac>and mcdicinc with many original oscillograms follows. This section will certainI\ stimulate further rtrscarch to a large ostcnt. X grcar help in this connection w-ill bc thccztccllcnt litcraturc ir1de.K (I 72 refcrcnccs) at the end of the book. The main advantage of the method seems to be its rapidity and cspcrimcntal simplicity. Its main fields of application are thcreforc the purity control of products. rapid semi-quantitative anaf>sis and fundamental studies on the course of clcctrodc proccjses. For the latter the short time needed for mcasurcmcnt and the passil~ilit~ of frequently obtaining both cuts (cathodic and anodic) of a substance is of great importarrcc. But b>- using more improl’cd and complicated circuits csact quantitatit-c determinations, microanalysis .and several titration methods nrc also possible as is shown. On the xvholc the book deals mainly with practical problems and csperimcntal proccdurcs and one may hope that it will stimulate many chemists to appllthis simple and rapid method with all irs striking possibilities to tlwir problems over a much wider range than is done .at prcwnt. For a nc\I’cdition. more tlctailcd. clearer and better discussion of the theoretical principles st:cms very desirable. f-i. \V.





The E,rcyclopaediu York.



of Spectroscopy. +

787 pages.












3 (1962)





Vor 30 Jahrcn war cs noch maglich. die Spcktroskopic in ihrcr Gcsarnthcit zu bchcrrschcn. IIcutc nicht mchr. Und doch muss such tin Spczialist wenigstcns die Nachbargcbicte kennen. denn oft sieht man sich in seinem Tcilgcbict x-or eincr Crcnrc, die mit Hilfo diner nndcrcn Sachwcismcthodc umgangcn odcr hinausgeschoben wcrden kann. Darum ist es ein dankcnswcrtcs und fruchtbarcs Untcrnehmcn. tin ganrcs Gcbict x’on Unter\vic dies in dem \*orlicgenden \Verk fiir die Spektroskopic suchungsmethodcn zusammcnzufassen, geschehen ist. Die 23 wichtigstcn _-\rten dcr Spcktroskopic nebcn den traditionellcn Artcn seicn hicr nur genannt &. y-. Ncutroncn-, N.&I. H., XIikro\\cllcn-SpektToskopic bildcn alphabctisch gcordnct die Hauptkapitel dcs I3uchcs. und untcr jcdcm tliescr Titcl wcrdcn in cinzclnen _%rtikeln verschiedene dazugchdrige Aspcktc bchandelt, wit Ceschichtc, Thcorie. Instrumentation. Vcrfahrcn,


EiectroaataC. Chcm.,

3 (1961) 80-8