patients have reportedly returned to normal after four weeks of successful therapy. This patient was initially treated with ciprofloxacin for external otitis and developed NOE while on the drug. A recent report by Lang et al. described encouraging results with this quinolone in 23 patients with NOE, although non had AIDS. Other therapeutic alternatives include extended spectrum penicillins, some third generation cephalosporins, aztreonam and aminoglycosides. Perhaps additional therapeutic valve can be gleaned in HIV+ persons by adding granuloctye-macrophage colonystimulating factor to enhance neutrophil function. Further observations are necessary to establish the frequency of this association of NOE with HIV infection and optimum therapy.
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Pan American Society for Clinical Virology Society Information The PanAmerican Society for Clinical Virology (PASCV) was founded in 1977 asthe Pan American Group for Rapid Viral Diagnosis (PAG-RVD). It was founded to help raisethe standards of diagnostic virology in the Americas asthe “European Group for Rapid Viral Diagnosis“(now titled: EuropeanSociety for Clinical virology, FGGNIRO/ESCV) hasdone elsewhere. The name was changed in 1995 to reflect the expanding role of the society in all areasof clinical virology, includ-
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ing diagnostics,manifestationsof viral diseasesand viral pathogenesis,prevention of and therapy for viral diseases and the improved understandingof all of these.The PASCV sponsorssymposia, workshopsand annualawardsin clinical virology. Currently, two awardsare presentedannually: The Clinical Virology Award (sponsoredby Bion Enterprises) and the Diagnostic Virology Award (sponsoredby Becton Dickinson). The Society alsoprovides several$600 travel grantsto the Annual Clinical Virology Symposium for students,postdoctoral
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