Papers presented in the study commissions at the 27th annual meeting of the E.A.A.P. in Zurich 1976

Papers presented in the study commissions at the 27th annual meeting of the E.A.A.P. in Zurich 1976

386 PAPERS PRESENTED IN THE STUDY COMMISSIONS AT THE 27TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE E.A.A.P. IN ZURICH 1976 (* = main papers; roman numerals refer to th...

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(* = main papers; roman numerals refer to the number of the session)



I. Methods o f sire evaluation for dairy bulls

*Gaillard, C., (Switzerland), Dommerholt, J., (Netherlands), Fimland, E., (Norway), Gj~l-Christensen, L., (Denmark), Lederer, J., (Fed. Rep. of Germany), McClintock, A.E., (U.K.), Mocquot, J.C., (France) and Philipsson, J., (Sweden). First report of study group on standards in A.I. bull evaluation. *Dempfle, L., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Comparison of several sire evaluation methods in dairy cattle breeding. Dohy, J. and Guba, E., (Hungary). Investigations on ranking of progeny-tested bulls. Jaudas, U., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Attempts to apply the direct sire comparison to the fleckvieh population in Baden-Wfirttemburg. Buchsteiner, R., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Estimation of age correction factors for the Fleckvieh population in Baden-Wiirttemburg. Ramsauer, R., Langholz, H.J. and Jongeling, C., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Consideration of incomplete lactation yields in the sire evaluation of bulls. Elofson, L., Danell, B. and Philipsson, J., (Sweden). Combined index for milk production and growth rate as selection criteriaof performance-tested A.I. bulls. Danell, B., (Sweden). A note on the effect of herd production level and herd × sire interaction on the estimation of breeding value for A.I. bulls. Bar-Anan, R., (Israel).The modified cumulative difference. Milojic, M. and Simovic, B., (Yugoslavia). Some problems in determination of bull's breeding values. JOINT SESSION: GENETICS/SHEEP AND GOAT PRODUCTION III. Productivity o f crosses based on prolific breeds o f sheep with special reference to the Finnish Landrace *Maijala, K. and Oesterberg, S., (Finland). The productivity of pure Finnsheep in Finland and abroad. *Ricordeau, G., Tchamitchian, L., Thimonier, J., Flamant, J.C. and Theriez, M., (France). Reproduction and breeding performance of Romanov sheep, Finnsheep and their crosses: first results obtained in France with the INRA experimental herds and some other test herds. *Jakubec, V. and Krizek, J., (C.S.S.R.). The fertility of prolific breeds (Finnsheep, Romanov sheep, East Friesian Milk Sheep) and their crosses with Mutton Merino. *Fox, C.W., Choueiri, E. and Chabaan, R., (Oman). The results of crossbreeding between Chios and the local fat-tail Awassi. Tempest, W.M., Boaz, T.G. and Jones, R., (Great Britain). The comparative efficiency of Border Leicester X Cheviot, Finn X Blackface and East Friesland X Blackface profilic crossbred ewes for intensive grassland fat lamb production in England.


Cumlivski, B., (C.S.S.R.). Reproduction and adaptation abilities of East Friesian sheep in the C.S.S.R. Deeble, F.K. and Barker, J.D., (Great Britain). Finnish Landrace X Border Leicester rams as sires of crossbred ewes. Espejo Diaz, M. and Mora Seco de Herrera, M., (Spain). Growth and quality of carcasses of crosses with rams from prolific breeds and ewes of local Spanish breeds. Dyrmundsson, O.R., (Iceland). Reproductive efficiency of Iceland sheep. I. Puberty and early reproductive performance. Hallgrimsson, S., (Iceland). Reproductive efficiency of Iceland sheep. II. Prolificacy and reproductive performance of adult ewes. Hanrahan, J.P., (Ireland). Repeatability of ovulation rate and its relationship with litter size in four sheep breeds. Hanrahan, J.P. and Quirke, J.F. (Ireland). An egg-transfer study of embryo survival and maternal performance in Finn, Galway and Fingalway sheep. Hartmann, W. and Wassmuth, R. (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Prolificacy, rearing and growth of sheep with different proportions of Finnsheep with regard to haemoglobin and blood potassium types. Kallweit, E., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Improvement of fertility by using Finnsheep in a single cross system. Nawara, W., (Poland). Restitution of valuable characters of the declining Polish sheep breed "Wrzosowka" with regard to prolificacy and coat utility. Owen, J.B., (Great Britain). The development of a prolific breed of sheep. Popp, T., Terzis, P. and Wassmuth, R., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Dissection results of lamb carcasses with different proportions of Finnsheep. Robinson, J.J., Fraser, C., Gill, J.C. and McHattie, I., (Great Britain). Productivity of Finnish Landrace × Dorset Horn Ewes. Vails, M.O., Cognie, Y., Valemoro, M.D. and Hallauer, J., (Spain). Crossbreeding of Romanov and Finnsheep with the Aragon breed: preliminary results about fattening and reproduction. Veress, L. and Stosz, J., (Hungary). Model experiments for developing sheep populations. I. Increase of prolificacy per lambing. Veress, L. and Stosz, J., (Hungary). Model experiments for developing sheep populations. II. Shortening of lambing interval. Nitter, G., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Improvement of reproduction performance by introducing Finnish Landrace genes in the Merinolandschaf (Wiirttemberg Merino). Radomska, M.J. and Kiewiec, J., (Poland). Some factors influencing fertility and wool production in Romney Marsh sheep in Poland. Theriez, M., Tissier, M. and Molenat, G., (France). Comparative productivity of two flocks of Limousine and Romanov-Limousine ewes in an intensive production system. Weisheit, H., (Austria). Fertility of Carinthian sheep and its short lambing intervals as a basis for fat lamb production. Coot, H. and Fai, D., (Israel). Finn x Mutton Merino and Finn X Awassi Crosses in the semi arid zone of Israel. JOINT SESSION: GENETICS/PIG PRODUCTION II. Economic efficiency of pig breeding schemes. *Ollivier, L., (France). Economic efficiency of pig breeding schemes. Introduction. *Bichard, M., (Great Britain). Economic efficiency of pig breeding schemes. A breeding company view. *Lindh~, B. and Holmquist-Arbrandt, L., (Sweden). Economic efficiency of pig breeding seheme~ Aspects on a national two-breed program. *Siler, R., Podebradsk~, Z. and Kvapil, O., (C.S.S.R.). Economic aspects of the hybridisation programme in pig breeding.

388 Naveau, J., Ferradini, M., Hamelin, M. and Derian, G., (France). Economical trend of a genetic improvement program in pigs. Niebel, E., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Testing methods, population structure and economic parameters influencing planned breeding in pigs. Peschke, W. and Averdunk, G., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). On the efficiency of estimating breeding value of gilts in the field. Kalm, E., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Economic comparison of genetic testing alternatives in pig breeding schemes. Willeke, H. and Richter, L., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Efficiency of a private pig breeding program in comparison with the regional herdbook population. JOINT SYMPOSIUM: N U T R I T I O N / A N I M A L M A N A G E M E N T PRODUCTION


Nutrition and fertility of the dairy cow Lamming, G.E., (Great Britain). Nutrition and fertility in the dairy cow. Karg, H., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Endocrine regulation of reproductive and lactational performances and possible influences of nutritive factors. Kaufmann, W., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Influence of food supply on production of bacterial protein in the rumen and relations to milk protein-content and fertility. Paccard, M., (France). Flushing at post-oestrus in cows and fertility. Briilisauer, F., (Switzerland). Fertility and mineral supply; results of field data collected over several years. Sonderegger, H., (Switzerland). Investigation on the influence of energy and protein supply on the fertility of the cow. Meyer, H., (Fed. Rep. o f Germany). The influence of ~-carotin on the reproductive performance in cattle. J O I N T SESSION: NUTRITION/CATTLE PRODUCTION III. Feeding strategies for high yielding dairy herds *Broster, W.H. and Alderman, G., (Great Britain). The high yielding dairy cow: nutrient requirements of the high yielding cow. *Kroll, O., (Israel). Feeding and management of high producing dairy cows in Israel. *~stergaard, V., (Denmark). Strategies for feeding of concentrates as a means to attain o p t i m u m feeding level in milk production. *Ekern, A. and Macleod, G., (Norway). The role of forages in the nutrition of the high yielding dairy cow. Racene, L. and Reksna, A., (U.S.S.R.). Effectiveness of using rations formulated by c o m puters for feeding the Latvian brown breed cows. Szentmihalyi, S., Varhegyi, I. and Varhegyi, J., (Hungary). Systems of group feeding with complete feeds according to the needs of large high producing dairy farms. Herbert, W.A., (Great Britain). Eeonomic considerations in feeding concentrates for high milk yields. Wiktorsson, H., (Sweden). The effect of different methods for supplying energy to high producing cows fed hay or silage and concentrates. Krohn, C.C. and Andersen, P.E., (Denmark). Different energy levels and protein levels to dairy cows in the early weeks of lactation. Remer, Y., (Israel). Feeding of cows during winter and summer in a large collective farm. Herz, J. and Meyer, J., (German Democratic Republic). Practical experience of feeding cows in relation to high milk yield and fertility. Zdravka, P. and Vatcheva, K.J., (Bulgaria). Maize silage and whole maize plant pellets as the basic forages in the complete feed for milk cows.


JOINT SESSION: NUTRITION/SHEEP AND GOAT PRODUCTION IV. Use of agricultural and industrial by-products in feeding sheep and goats * q)rskov, E.R., (Great Britain). Nutritional principles governing utilization of by-products for ruminants. *Miiller, R., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Industrial food by-products in the feeding of sheep. Cumlivski, B., (C.S.S.R.). Feeding and ethology of lambs. EI-Soukkary, O.A. and Chamberlain, A.G., (Great Britain). Studies on the utilization of dietary nitrogen from dried poultry manure. Kroll, O., (Israel). Citrus by-products in the feeding of sheep. Raine, H.D. and Owen, E., (Great Britain). On-farm treatment of straw with sodium hydroxide--effect of amount of alkali and post-treatment neutralisation upon intake and digestibility by sheep. Caputa, J., (Switzerland). Some results from experiments with sheep on mountain pasture. Tait, A., Milne, J.A. and Russel, A.J.F., (Great Britain). Effect of urea and sucrose on the voluntary intake and digestibility of heather (Calluna vulgaris L. Hull) by sheep. Young, N.E. and Terry, R.A. (Great Britain). Straw and alkali-treated straw as a partial replacement of the silage diet of the pregnant ewe. Kilkenny, B. and Croston, D., (Great Britain). Catch cropping for sheep on arable farms in Britain. JOINT SESSION: ANIMAL NUTRITION/HORSE PRODUCTION III. Feeding of horses Meyer, H. and Ahlswede, L., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Investigation on digestion in different parts of intestines in horses. Tisserand, J.L. and Masson, C., (France). Effects of different rations on the biochemical activity in the large intestine of the pony. Kossila, V., (Finland). Feeding and digestibility trials with horses. JOINT SESSION: A N I M A L M A N A G E M E N T


IV. Reproduction control and reproduction efficiency in dairy and beef cattle *Swensson, Th., (Sweden). Routine recording of fertility traits in cattle and its practical significance. *De Kruif, A., (Netherlands). Fertility control by means of clinical examination on reproduction functions in cattle. *Hoffmann, B., Hamburger, R. and Giinzler, O., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Modern aspects of fertility control by means of hormonal assay. *Cooper, M.J., (Great Britain). The use of prostaglandins in the breeding management of cattle. Kr~usslich, H., Osterkorn, K. and Richter, H., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Use of non-returnrates of sires in an A.I. breeding programme. Esslemont, R.J., (Great Britain). Synchronization of oestrus - - management aspects. Mulvehill, P.F., (Ireland). Control of the bovine oestrus cycle with short-term (10 day) progestagens. Lamming, G.E., (Great Britain). Synchronized ovulation in post-partum dairy cows. Pavlov, V.A., (U.S.S.R.). Elaboration of heat detection in cows by vasectomised bulls and i t s practical application in the animal husbandry in the Soviet Union. Greve, T., (Denmark). Non-surgical egg transfer in the cow. Rasbech, N.O., (Denmark). Non-surgical recovery and transfer of bovine embryos under farm conditions.

390 Boland, M., (Ireland). Twinning in beef cattle --surgical and non-surgical approaches. Peters, K., Horst, P., Kleinheisterkamp, I. and Weniger, J.H., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Reproductive efficiency under subtropical conditions in beef herds of different genetic structure as influenced by body weight and age of dams. Janson, L., (Sweden). Effects in cattle of non-genetic factors and estimation of genetic parameters of female fertility. JOINT SESSION: MANAGEMENT AND HEALTH/SHEEP AND GOAT PRODUCTION I. Parasitism in sheep and goats

*Gibson, T.E., (Great Britain). Internal and external parasites of sheep and goats. *Mantovani, A., Restani, O., Widenhorn, O. and Tassi, P., (Italy). Parasitism in sheep under mediterranean conditions. *Eckert, J., (Switzerland). Parasitic infections in sheep under different management systems. Cumlivski, B., (C.S.S.R.). Comparison of parasitic contamination in crossbreds of F, generation after Wallachian ewes and Wiirttemberg, Texel and Tsigai-Alba rams. Kearney, A., (Ireland). Relative benefits of grazing management and anthelmintic treatment with special reference to twin lambs. Sykes, A.R. and Coop, R.L., (Great Britain). An assessment of the potential loss of performance as a result of chronic parasitism on growing sheep. Thiele-Wittig, H.C., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Organisation of parasite control in the Federal Republic of Germany. Raynaud, J.P., (France). Anthelmintics in lactating sheep and goats and cheese processing and appearance. Hinrichsen, J.K., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Health control of artificially raised lambs. JOINT SESSION: ANIMAL MANAGEMENT AND HEALTH/HORSE PRODUCTION II. Parasite control in horses Fromage, A., (Poland). Efficacy of cambendazole on intestinal nematodes in horses. Hasslinger, M.A., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Comparative investigations in the control of Parascaris equorum. Ludvigsen, J., (Denmark). Comparative studies of anthelmintics in the control of gastrointestinal nematodes in horses. Gibson, T.E., (Great Britain). The control of strongylosis in horses. COMMISSION ON ANIMAL GENETICS IV. Teaching o f animal breeding and genetics *Stalinski, Z., (Poland). Teaching of animal breeding and genetics at the Zootechnical Faculties in Poland. *Freeman, A.E., (U.S.A.). Teaching of animal breeding for undergraduates and postgraduates in the U.S. *Fewson, IL and Riemenschneider, K., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Teaching animal genetics in blocked courses. *Lindstr/Sm, U., (Finland). Animal breeding: too much theory, too little application? Schlote, W. and Riemenschneider, K., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). The structure and current status of the block system for animal production students at Hohenheim University. Bakker, H. and Politiek, R.D., (Netherlands). Teaching animal breeding at the Agricultural University, Wageningen.


Bruhns, E. and Glodek, F., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Experience with simulated experiments in teaching. Petersen, P.H., (Denmark). Exercises in the planning of breeding. Hanset, R., (Belgium). The partition of the genotype and prediction formules in quantitative genetics. Weber, F., (Switzerland). How to examine the students in animal breeding. V . Free s h o r t papers

Strutz, Ch. and Rogdakis, E., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Phenotypic and genetic parameters of the activity of enzymes producing NADPH in the fat tissue of pigs. Weniger, J.H., Horst, P., Steinhauf, D., Major, F. and Tawfik, E.S. (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Experiments on selection of adaptation and growth -- model experiments on mice. Major, F., Tawfik, E.S. and Steinhauf, D., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Effect of selection for adaptation and growth on enzyme activities in blood serum in mice. El-Hakim, K., Eichinger, H. and Pirchner, F., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Interactions between fattening methods and genotypes (breeds and twin pairs) for the composition of cattle carcasses. Mergl, R., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Genetic correlation between the performance of purebred and crossbred hens. Khalil, H. and Pirchner, F., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Breed differences and interactions between fattening method genotypes (steers: calves, breeds and twin pairs). Alsing, I., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Influence of maternal effects on estimated heritability of litter size in sows. Heil, G., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Estimation of genetic parameters of food conversion from group means of laying hens. Zwiauer, D., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Translocation chromosomes as markers for the distribution of polymorphic systems on chromosomes. Rutzmoser, K., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Genetic correlation between characteristics of beef and milk production in cattle. Ktinzi, N., (Switzerland). A flexible programme for computing selection indices. Bakker, H., (Netherlands). Reproduction and body weight of mice after long-term selection for litter size. Bakker, H., (Netherlands). Effect of long-term selection for number of mice in the first litter on size of subsequent litters. Bruns, E., Langholz, H.J. and KSther, H., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Problems in estimating heritabilities of herds of Black and White cattle in Lower Saxony. Kiihne, W., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Breeding value estimates for sires with exact weighting of the progeny average per mate. Jongeling, C., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Influence of milk recording frequency on net selection success in dual purpose cattle. Essel, A., (Austria}. On the theoretical distribution of proportions of foreign genes in different crossbred generations. Danell, O., (Sweden). An extension of the gene-flow method. Kurm, K., (U.S.S.R.). Elaboration and application of new methods for evaluation of cattle growth genetic regulation. Slawinski, T., (Poland). Cross-fostering selection experiment on direct or post-natal materhal effect of body weight laboratory mice. Schleger, W. and Stur, I., (Austria). Correlations between breeding value data and heterozygosity degree of bulls, estimated from marker genes. Keserii, J. and Wittmann, M., (Hungary). Optimisation of factors of production in pig units with mathematical methods. Connolly, J. and Cunningham, E.P., (Ireland). The efficiency of Marker Sire Use in A.I. Dymnicki, E., Rabek, A. and Grabowski, R., (Poland). Progeny tests of bulls on different production levels.


I. Vitamins in animal nutrition

Roth-Maler, D.A., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Selected problems of B vitamins in animal nutrition. Menke, K.H., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Intestinal synthesis of vitamin B12 in farm animals. Swietlikowska, U., (Poland). Influence of vitamin BI~ and copper sulfate on some physiological and production indicators in pigs. Frigg, M. and VSlker, L., (Switzerland). On the occurrence of biotin-responsive conditions. Giinther, K.D. (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Vitamin A and D in animal nutrition. Nafstad, I., (Norway). Vitamin E as a detoxifying factor. Zubricky, J., (C.S.S.R.). ~-Carotin in animal nutrition. II. Free short papers Leushin, S.G., (U.S.S.R.). Using nitrogen-containing synthetic substance in production of full ration pellet food mixtures for cattle. Regius, A. and Szentmihalyi, S., (Hungary). Copper in intensive fattening of young cattle. Schulz, E. and Oslage, H.J., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Deposit of amino acids in organs, tissues and total bodies of growing pigs. Gundel, J. and Babinski, L., (Hungary). Sweetlupin seed meal (Lupinus albus L.) and peavine seed meal (Lathyrus sativus L.) as a source of protein in corn-based diets for growing and finishing pigs. Gohl, B., (Sweden). Influence of tannins on the digestibility of crude protein of barley. Kansu, S., (Turkey). The effect of fortified cottonseed oil meal o n egg production, egg weight and egg quality. Tuncer, S. and Senel, H.S., (Turkey). The utilization of sawdust in lactating dairy cows. Kleymenov, N.I., (U.S.S.R.). Problems of increasing the completeness of feeding and feed conversion efficiency in raising young cattle. COMMISSION ON ANIMAL MANAGEMENT AND HEALTH III. Behaviour-related factors in animal management Zeeb, IL, (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Selective behaviour of cattle in relation to climate. Bianca, W. and Hays, F.L., (Switzerland). Comparative investigations of cattle kept in stables in the lowland and mountainous regions and on alpine summer pasture. Esslemount, R.J. (Great Britain). Oestrus behaviour in dairy cattle. Suttner, K., Gr~inzer, W. and Graf, F., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Effect of keeping young cattle on alpine summer pasture on blood parameter~ Suttner, K. and Pirchner, F., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). After-effect of keeping young cattle on alpine summer pasture on later performance. Kovacs, F., (Hungary). Aspects of environmental protection in large animal production systems. Adam, T., (Hungary). Environment protection in cattle fattening with special regard to the effects of noise and poisonous gases in the air. Konggaard, S.P. and Krohn, C.C., (Denmark). Eating frequency and duration of dairy cows under different feeding systems at various production levels. Czako, J., (Hungary). Eating and ruminating behaviour influenced by feeds with different structure and consistency. Legoshin, G.P., (U.S.S.R.). Zootechnic problems of industrial technology of milk production in confinement. Eichinger, H., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Influence of fasting on criteria of heart and blood vascular system of fattening calves.


Sziics, E. and Molnar, (Hungary). Effect of space allowance on behaviour and performance of finishing bulls. Rist, M., (Switzerland). Contribution to a management of cattle and pigs which is adapted to their needs. Gravas, L., (Norway). Animal behaviour studies used in investigationsof draining floors for finishingpigs. V. Free short papers

Buchholz, C., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Influence of hand stimulation of ejection on milkability characters and interior pressure of the udder. Huck, P., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Milkability characters and milk components of udder halls milked twice or three times a day. Paizs, L., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Influence of grain size and water percentage in concentrates for high-yielding cows on consumption performance and milk production characters. Mayntz, M., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Production of asymmetrically distributed chance variables according to empirically found distributions for simulating milking procedure. Hinrichsen, J.IC, (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Transport of sheep and goats. F61sch, D.-W., (Switzerland). Ethological evaluation of hens under different conditions; in cages, on wire, on deep litter and free range. Huber-Strilby, F., (Switzerland). Acustic response evaluated with sonograms and quantitative analysis of hens housed under different conditions: on wire, on deep litter, and cages. Schmitz-Hertzberg, U. and Steinhauf, D., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Influence of high environmental temperature during pregnancy on development and mortality of fetuses -model experiments in mice. Wittmann, M. and Papp, J., (Hungary). The role of installation of pig boxes in forming dunging area. COMMISSION



II. Comparison o f breeds and crosses Baker, K., (Great Britain). Working group on breed comparisons. Langholz, H.J., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Aspects of generalizing results from breed comparison experiments with special regard to the Danish crossbreeding project. Horn, A., Boz6, S., Dohy, J. and Dunay, A., (Hungary). The crossbreeding w o r k and a system of breed comparison in Hungary. Stolzman, M., (Poland). Comparison of Friesian strains in Poland. Nowak, M.J.L., (Poland). Exploitation of biological and production potential of certain national cattle herds. Eisher, F.F. and Vlasov, V.L, (U.S.S.R.). Improvement of black and white cattle in the Ukraine. Dedov, M.D., (U. S. S.R. ). Prospects of breeding Simmenthals in the U.S.S.R. Haiger, A., (Austria). Results of a crossing experiment (Braunvieh X Brown Swiss and Braunvieh X Holstein Friesian). Liboriussen, T. and Bech-Andersen, B., (Denmark). Biological and economic aspects of intensive beef production, based on beef × dairy crossbreds. V. Early calving o f heifers

*Gravert, H.O., (Fed. Rep. of Germany), The early calving of heifers and its impact on beef production.

394 Wolf, Gy., (Hungary). Correlations between body weight measurements at different ages of bulls in performance test. Miksik, J., (C.S.S.R.). Possibilities of shortening the rearing period in heifers of the Czechish Red Pied Breed with combined performance. Br~nn~ing, E. and Wiktorsson, H., (Sweden). The effect of rearing intensity and calving age on purebred and crossbred dairy cattle. Br~nn~ing, E. and Lindkvist, G., (Sweden). The effect of different calving ages at similar body weights at calving. Sejrsen, Kr., Foldager, J. and Brolund-Larsen, J., (Denmark). Silage: concentrate ratio. Effect on productive performance in early calving heifers. Remer, Y., (Israel). Economic evaluation of early breeding of dairy cattle heifers under farm conditions in Israel. Kurm, K.M., (U.S.S.R.). Genetic determination of growth rate in cattle. COMMISSION ON SHEEP AND GOAT PRODUCTION II. Milk production from goats *Fehse, R. and Ammann, P., (Switzerland). Milk production in goats. *Ricordeau, G. and Sigwald, J.P., (France). Genetic improvement of milk goats and organisation of goat selection in France. *Fehr, P.M. and Sauvant, M., (France). Nutrition and optimisation of milk production in goats. Sauvant, M. and Fehr, P.M., (France). Typology of the curves of production and composition of goat's milk. Fehr, P.M. and Sauvant, M., (France). Influence on milk production characteristics of certain factors related to reproduction in goats. Sigwald, J.P. and Sauvant, M., (France). Goat breeding problems in large production units. Cumlivski, B., (C.S.S.R.). Milk yield of the West African dwarf goat (Kamerun), the white shorthaired Czech goat and their reciprocal crossbreds of the F 1 generation. Trodahl, S., (Norway). Goat breeding systems in Norway. SjSdin, E., (Sweden). Milk recording with goats in Sweden. Viachos, C., (Greece). Application of actual scientific methods in the reproduction of goat breeding in Greece. Vielhauer, H., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Management of goats in the Federal Republic of Germany. Sengonca, M., (Turkey). Adaptation and crossbreeding experiments with foreign breeds of milk goats in Turkey. Tuncel, E., (Turkey). Effects of inbreeding on various dairy characteristics of Saanen × Kills crossbred dairy goats. Le Jaouen, J.C., (France). Evolution of the characteristics of commercial goat milk produc tion in France. COMMISSION ON PIG PRODUCTION I. Nutrition o f breeding sows Elsley, F.W.H. and Gilchrist Shirlaw, D.W., (Great Britain). Aspects of the energy nutrition of sows. Du6e, P.H., (France). Methodology of the study of amino acids requirements in the reproductive sow : blood level of free a.a., index of this requirement. Sre~kovi~, A., (Yugoslavia). Some research and practical aspects of feeding sows.


III. Optimum age at weaning Aumaitre, A., (France). Optimum age of weaning in piglets -- general aspects. Le Dividich, J. and Aumaitre, A., (France). Optimum environmental conditions for early weaned piglets. Smidt, D., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Optimal age at weaning - - reproductive performance of sows. Te Brake, J.H.A., (The Netherlands). An assessment of the most profitable lactation length for producing piglets of 20 kg b o d y weight. Nielsen, H.E., (Denmark). Nutrition of early weaned piglets and resulting carcass quality. Zivkovic, S., Kostic, J., (Yugoslavia). Optimum age of weaning in piglets - - early weaning and management. Van der Heyde, H., (Belgium). Longevity and culling of sows in relation to early weaning of piglets Ferradini, M., (France). Economic repercussion of the choice of age at weaning. Bourne, F.J., (Great Britain). Immunity in the young pig. IV. Causes o f variation o f the feed conversion index under practical farm conditions Oslage, H.J., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Causes of variation of feed conversion index under practical farm conditions. Just, A., (Denmark). Factors affecting feed conversion under practical farm conditions. Some qualitative aspects of pig nutrition. Desmoulin, B., (France). The variations of alimentary efficiency: for which production quality? Smith, D.H., (Great Britain). Factors affecting feed conversion under farm conditions -genetics. Plonait, H., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Factors affecting feed conversion under practical farm conditions. 5. Pathology. Pfirter, H.P., Jucker, H., (Switzerland). Influence of environmental factors on the food conversion rate of fattening pigs. Bickel, H., (Switzerland). The physiological meaning of the feed conversion efficiency. V. Free short papers

Keserii, J. and Wittmann, M., (Hungary). Optimisation of some production factors in industrialised piggery-complexes. Anker, A., (Hungary). Presumable problems to improve pig breeding in future. Unshelm, J., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Performance, morphological and physiological parameters in pigs of the German landrace and crossbreedings German landrace × wild pig (F1 and F2). Haiger, A. and Konrad, S., (Austria). Results of a crossing experiment with 4 pig breeds. VSgeli, P., (Switzerland). Planification and first results (negative and positive) of a breeding experiment using selection indexes. Hamelin, M., Runavot, J.P., Kerisit, R. and PeUois, H., (France). Individual performance testing of gilts on the farm: estimation of phenotypic and genotypic parameters. Rafai, P., (Hungary). Effect of wetting of b o d y surface on heat production of fattening pigs at different ambient temperatures. Zimmermann, F., (Switzerland). Causes of variation of the feed conversion ratio in the pig. F a c t o r analysis of the reference system of production parameters. Papp, J., Gundel, J. and Wittmann, M., (Hungary). Effect of level of nutrition during pregnancy on the productivity of sows kept individually or in groups.

396 Farries, E. and SchrSder, J., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Influence of pregnancy and lactation on variations in the mineralisation of the skeleton in sows. Papp, J., (Hungary). Weaning time in reflection of behaviour of piglets. Kruse, P.E., (Denmark). The effect of passive and active immunization on survival and performance of early weaned pigs. Senft, B., Klobasa, F. and Habe, F., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Quantitative changes in the concentrations of immunglobalin classes G., A. and M. in natural and artificial piglet rearing. Newport, M.J., (Great Britain). Fish protein concentrate as a source of protein for pigs weaned at two days of age. Danielsen, V., (Denmark). The effect of some feed additives on weight gain and digestive disorders in early weaned pigs. Siwecki, J., (Poland). Effectiveness of ronidazole as a feed additive for sows before and after parturition and for growing pigs. Urbaficzyk, J., Rys, R. and Socha, A., (Poland). Effluency of Nitrovin and Ridzol according to protein level as well as Lysine and Methionine supplementation of fattening pig diets. COMMISSION ON HORSE PRODUCTION Horse breeding and selection

Kiener, A., (Switzerland). Horse breeding in Switzerland. Its advancement and problems. Raue, Th., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Investigations on the performance testing of young stallions with repeated tests. Patay, S., (Hungary). Relations between weight and racing performance in thoroughbred horses with special reference to sex allowance. Krasnikov, A.S., (U.S.S.R.). Methods of breeding, amelioration and transformation of horse breeds in the Soviet Union. Grundler, C., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Repeatabilities and assessments of conformation and of riding characters of hot blood typed horses. Dusek, J., (C.S.S.R.). Methodical basis for estimating the inheritance in race horses. Bodo, I., (Hungary). Critical considerations on variable estimates of the degree of inheritance in a race horse population. Katona, O. and Osterkorn, K., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). Heritability estimates in trotters. StrSm, H. and Philipsson, J., (Sweden). The relative importance of performance tests and progeny tests in horse breeding. Hecker, W., (Hungary). On differences in performance of genetic origin in English thorough breds in the People's Republic of Hungary. Giuliana Galizzi Vecchiotti, A., (Italy). Inbreeding and performance in thoroughbred horses (A study on stallions used in Italy from 1971 to 1972). Kr~iusslich, H. and Osterkorn, K., (Fed. Rep. of Germany). A selection programme for trotters. Czyzewics, A., (Poland). Speed in thoroughbred horses bred in Poland in the years 1948--1973. Horse training

Weier, P., (Switzerland). Practical experiences in training of riding horses and riders. Sergienko, G.F., (U.S.S.R.). Utilization of biochemical parameters of blood for controlling the training degree in horses. Kossila, V., Tanhuanp~i~i, E. and Peltonen, T., (Finland). Pulse respiratory intensity and blood composition in riding horses and trotters in rest and after physical exertion.