O~tob.r,: s 9 9 j
The Committee suggest that in the ease of all nitrogen compounds the results be expressed as parts of nitrogen over 100,(g)0, including the ammonia expelled on boiling with alkaline permanganate, which should be termed albuminoid nitrogen. The nitrogen will, therefore, be returned a s - 1. Ammoniacal nitrogen from free and saline ammonia. 2. Nitrous nitrogen from nitrites. 3. Nitric nitrogen from nitrates. 4. Organic nitrogen (either by Kieldahl or by Combustion, but the process used should be stated). 5. Albuminoid nitrogen. The total nitrogen of all kinds will be the sum of the first 9 determinations. The committee are of opinion that the percentage of nitrogen oxidized--that is, the ratio of 2 and 3 to 1 and 4--~ves sometimes a useful measure of the stage of purification of a particular sample. The purification effected by a process will be measured by the amount of oxidized nitrogen as compared with the total amount of nitrogen 9existing in the crude sewage. In raw sewage and in effluents containing suspended matter it is also desirable to 9 how much of the organic nitrogen is present in the suspended matter. In sampling, the committee suggest that the bottles should be filled nearly completely with the liquid, only a small air bubble being allowed to remain in the neck of the bottle. The time at which a sample is drawn, as well as the time at which its analysis is begun, should be noted. An effluent should be drawn to correspond as nearly as possible with the original sewage, and both it and the sewage should be taken in quantities proportional to the rate of flow when that varies (e.g., in the emptying of a filter-bed). In order to avoid the multiplication of analyses the attendant at a sewage works (or any other person who draws the samples) might be provided with sets of twelve or twenty-four stoppered 88 Winchester bottles, one of which should be filled every hour or every two hours, and on the label of each bottle the rate of flow at the time should be written. When the bottles:reach the laboratory, quantities would be taken from each proportional to these rates of flow and mixed together, by which means a fair average sample for the twenty-four hours would be obtained. The committee at present are unable to suggest a method of reporting bacterial results, including incubator tests, which is likely to be acceptable to all workers.
PARLIAMENTARY PUBLICATIONS. To be obtained from Messrs. Eyre and Spottiswoode, East Harding Street, Fetter Lane, E.G. PUBLIC IIEALTII ACTS AMENDMENTBILL. Special Report and Report from the Select Committee, together with the Minutes of Evidence ~nd Appendix. By post, ls. FINAL I~EPORT oF THE DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE fl,.I'I'OINTNDTO INQUIRE INTO CERTAIN MISCELL.IA'qEOUSDANGEROUS TRADES. By post, 6~d. ~EPORT OF THE INSPECTOR OF I~ETREATS FOR INEBRIATES. B y post, 3.~d. REPORT ON PRISON DIETARIESp SCOTLAND. B y James Craufurd Dunlop, IvI.D.
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APPOINTMENTS. A r m i t a g e , E., .[J.I?.C.P., L.R.C.S., reappointed M.O.H. of Grimsby ~.D.C. Black, S., _~f.D., B.C., appointed M.O.Tff. of ~Braintree ~.D.C. B r o w n , 5 , M.D., D.P.H., appointed ~I.O.tI. of :Baeup ~[.]3. Buchanan~ R. MEN., M.B., C.M., appointed bacteriologist to Corporation of Glasgow. "Davey, E.,
[email protected]., L.R.C.P., reappointed M.O.H. of Walmer U.D.C. F r a n c i s , H., M.B., t3.S., reappointed M.O.tt. of Arnold U.D.C. H a y d o n , H. W., M.R.C.S., L.1LC.P., ~ppointcd M.O.H. of Wadebridgo U.D.C. H i t c h o n , H. H. 5., L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., reappointed ~I.O.II. Of Heywood M.B. H o u s l e y , 5., M.D., M.R.C.S., D.P.H., reappointed M.O.tL of Itetford It.D.C. 5 e n k i n s , 5. H., T,.R.C.P., D.P.IL, reappointed M.O.H. of Usk U.D.C. K e n y o n , G. R., M.B., reappointed M.O.H. of ttoylake U.D.C. M o r s e , E., L.R.C.P., M.1LC.S., reappointed M.O.U. o! Torrington M.B. Pearce, G. H., T,.R.C.P., appointed 1~I.O.~1".of D~rton u.D.c. P e c k , H., M.D., D.P.H., reappointed M.O.II. of Chesterfield R.D.C. Rommeis, E., M.D., appointed M.O.II. of 1%rfli Freemantle, Western Australia. R o s s , 5. A., ~LB., C.M., renppointed M.O.tL of Penistone U.D.C. S o l o m a n , C., L.R.C.P., reappointed M.O.tL of Skirlaugh R.D.C. S t e w a r t , C. P., M.B., appointed M.O.H. o[ Perth M.B. T h o m s o n , G. D., r,.R.C.P., reappointed I~LO.II. of Ituskington U.D.C. W a l l i s , P. E., L.R.C.P., M.R.C.8., reappointed M.O.H. of :East Grinstead U.D.C. .All
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