Photoploner for PCBs Marconi Instruments have bought out a photoplotter for use in printed circuit board (PCB) design. The Emma 210 is a desktop unit that can handle film sized up to 30 x 40 cm. It has linear motor x - y coordinate drives and high resolution positioning controls. According to Marconi, throughput can occur at 150 mm/s. It has a liquid crystal display (LCD) readout for the operational parameters. Emma 210 offers up to 50 factoryset firmware mat,ros and 260 userdefinable macros (commands allocated to define plotting patterns) for items specific to the user's needs, such as SMD footprints and company Iogos.
(Marconi Instruments Ltd, Longacres, 5t AIbans, Herts AL4 0JN, UK. Tel: (0727) 59292. Tx: 297221 MARCON G. Fax: 072739447)
Portable windowing architecture A portable window system architecture has been developed by Sun Microsystems. It is called NEWS (Network Extensible Window System), and Sun claims that it is designed to be independent of computer hardware and operating system software. Sun Microsystems is promoting NEWS as a standard window system architecture and will be publishing its specifications and licensing the technology to other vendors. Dr Eric Schmidt, Vice President and General Manager of Sun's Software Products Division said, 'NEWS addresses the need for a portable extensible window system foundation for the personal computer and workstation marketplace. It is designed to accommodate the many different needs of computer users for windowing environments and user interfaces'. According to Sun, NEWS provides a platform for the development and support of window-based applications and user-interface toolkits. (Sun
M/crosystems UK Ltdj Sun House, 3 I - 41 Pembroke Broadway, Camberley, Surrey GUt5 3XD, UK. Tel: (0276) 62111. Tx: 859017)
volume 18 number 10 december 1986
Example of Infosurf sculptured surface design
Surface design module added to CAM-X Another module has been added to Ferranti's CAM-)( system. It is called Infosurf and can use design data to produce a sculptured surface design. Ferranti says that it allows the definition, modification and visualization of doubly curved surfaces. Infosurf was launched at the Design Engineering Show, which was held In Birmingham, UK, 23rd-26th September 1986. It is an integrated module in the CAM-)( system. Ferrantl describes typical areas o f apphcatlon as being m the aerospace, shipbuilding and automotive industries, where complex blends and fair surfaces occur mdtscrete parts manufactunng. (Ferranti Infographics Ltd, Bell
Square, Brucefield, Livingston, West Lothian EH54 9BY, UK. Tel: (0506) 411583. Tx: 727898)
CAD CAM salaries lead the industry Salaries in the UK CAE/CADCAM industries are now leading those .n the high technology industries, says a report by recruitment consultants Kramer Westfield. According to the report, 51% of sales managers and 46.6% of technical managers in the CAE/CADCAM fields now earn between £20 000 and £30 000 a year. In the semiconductor market, 40% of sales managers earn more than £320 000, while only 20% of technical managers reach that figure. Kramer Westfleld attributes the rise in salaries to the rapid expansion in the industry, which has caused a shortage of qualified people. Companies have increased salaries to lure managers to work for them, and the cam-
panies for whom the managers are currently working are offering more money to keep them. The level of salaries differs from region to region, according to the report. Employees earning middlerange salaries are more common in the North of England, the Midlands and Scotland (one-third earn between £12 000 and £15 000 against onequarter in the South of England). Higher up the scale, however, the trend is reversed, with nearly 30% of managers earning over #_.20000 a year in the South of England, as against 17% in the North of England and Scotland. (Kramer Westfield
Associates Ltd, 5 The Avenue, Egham, Surrey TW20 9,4 B, UK.