w e go to such lengths to prove a point that in reality has very little value. Why not a survey on the percent of women who get pregnant in Feb ruary who have never used dental floss? If we conclude 85% o f the women surveyed have never flossed, then may w e conclude women who do floss are not sexually aggressive? My opinion is that, regardless of the condition of the toothbrush, most people do not- use it properly. A person with good brushing tech niques could more effectively use a worn brush than a person with improp er methods using a new one. I believe if the same diligent effort were made to educate that was spent on the mentioned article, the true val ue would be much more realistic.
for children! Special—this week only —free N O -X examination. N o obli gation. Call today for appointment. Ajax Cavity Finders.” ‘‘Y our teeth deserve the finest ! Our dentists attend more refresher courses than anybody. We must be more upto-date than your old dentist. Only the latest techniques used— whether or not they are accepted by old-fash ioned dentists. Slight increase in pric es for methods less than 1 month old. Ultramodern facilities. Choice of Oriental, Mediterranean, Early American, or Wild Contemporary decor in our treatment rooms. Far Out Dentistry, In c.” Perhaps PEP should start in Wash ington. s. J U L I A N G I B B S , D D S
D O U G L A S R. D IL L , D D S
N A S H V IL L E , T E N N
. Legalized advertising
tion for the currently informed pro fession through continuing education. T. V. W E C L E W , DDS C H IC A G O
Lauds late teacher m It is with deep regret that I learned of the demise of Drummond Jackson. As a leader and advocate in the use o f the intravenous route for the con trol o f psychological and physical pain in dentistry, he will be greatly missed. H e was a teacher who will forever live in the hearts and minds of his colleagues throughout the world. H e had vision, determination, and a big heart. His name and work will be carried forth by the many he has taught. I would like to recommend that a fund be established in his name to carry on his work.
A. L. K nab ‘passes on’
H A R O L D A. L E V IN , D D S SO . F A R M IN G D A L E , NY
m I can hear it now! A recent proposal from Washing ton calls for legalization of advertis ing by professionals. Can you imagine advertisements such as the following on your favorite channel? Can you imagine the video that might accom pany these messages? “ Eighteen dentists—no waiting. Invisible fillings our specialty. Mal practice insurance to $5 million—free legal consultations with our full-time staff attorney. Our fillings are at least 10% larger. Compare! We will not be undersold ! U se your credit card. Pear ly Whites, In c.” “ Tired of those dental bills? Those twice-a-year trips to the dentist? End them once and for all! Today! Our painless surgeons will remove all your teeth at one sitting! Our experienced plate fabricators will have yours ready the next day! Thirty-day guarantee. EZ payment plan—your gold fillings (minimum five pennyweight) are your down payment. Two years to pay! Slickem , In c.” “ Afraid of X-rays? We now have the exclusive franchise in the county for the new N O -X cavity detection system , which lets us find those small cavities without X-rays. N o risk! N o lead apron! Especially recommended
• Albert L. Knab, secretary-treasurer emeritus and cofounder of the Academ y o f General Dentistry, passed on on N ew Year’s Day. The euphemism “ passed on” was carefully chosen because A1 Knab’s contributions to dentistry, continu ing education, and the Academy of General Dentistry, will live on. He was a gentle man with an unusual sense o f humor and introduced ideas which have found worldwide accep tance. For 15 years, Dr. Knab and his wife, H elen, carried on the burdens of a central office for the A G D and its 4,000 members with loyalty and perseverance. When the academy be came financially able to establish its headquarters in the A D A Headquar ters Building, Dr. Knab was drafted as the first executive secretary. He later went on to the presidency of the organization. His notable achievements were re warded by the University of Illinois with its distinguished alumnus award and by the academy and the Amer ican College of Dentists with fellow ships. But his outstanding reward was and will be the fulfillment o f the dream he helped nurture for 25 years—better dentistry for the public and satisfac
6 78 ■ LE TTER S T O TH E EDITOR / JAD A, V o l. 92, A p ril 1976
Pictures in poor taste m I would like to preface this letter by stating that at 25 years of age, I do not consider m yself to be prudish or a killjoy, but I do take offense at two pictures that were published in the January j o u r n a l . The pictures that I refer to are: —page 57, center left. —page 64, bottom right. These pictures may be fine for a college fraternity or similar publica tion, but I feel they have no place in a professional publication like t h e jo u r n a l
. P A T R IC K J . E S M O N D , D D S W H IT E H A L L , NY
Denture identification ■ I must commend the remarks of George Furst in his plea to the pro fession in his statement titled “ Iden tification of prostheses—a must” (February j a d a , page 309) on the grounds o f forensic dentistry. Unfortunately, he barely mentions