Powder coating device

Powder coating device

Paint Flushing System An apparatus for water-based flushing for paints and other coatings. remaining scale on the pickled strip becomes activated by...

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Paint Flushing System

An apparatus for water-based flushing for paints and other coatings.

remaining scale on the pickled strip becomes activated by the peroxide; and immersing the activated strip into a second tank containing a second acid to remove any residual scale thereby forming a clean strip.

Powder Coating Device

M e t h o d of A p p l y i n g a C o a t i n g

U.S. Patent 5,701,922. Dec. 30, 1997 R.E. Knipe, Jr. eta/., assignors to De~co Industries Ltd., Spring Valley, N.Y.

U.S. Patent 5,702,209. Dec. 30, 1997 F. Mauchle, assignor to Gema Volstatic AG, St. Gallen, Switzerland

A powder feed device especially for powder coating material.

A n t i g r a v i t y Blast C l e a n i n g U.S. Patent 5,702,289. Dec. 30, 1997 JM. Champaigne, assignor to Electronics Inc., Mishawaka, Ind,

A shot peening method comprising the steps of conveying media into a transport hose at a predetermined mass flow rate; supplying gas under pressure through an inlet opening for accelerating media to a conveyance velocity sufficient to convey the media through the hose; aiming the hose at a target workpiece; and discharging media from a terminal end of the hose toward the target workpiece to discharge the media upwards against the force of gravity to form a fountain.

H y d r o g e n P e r o x i d e P i c k l i n g of S t a i n l e s s Steel u.s. Patent 5,702,534. Dec. 30, 1997 R.D. Rodabaugh and J.W. Leeker, assignors to Armco Inc., Middletown, Ohio

A process for removing scale from a ferrous alloy containing chromium comprising pretreating the strip to crack the scale; immersing the strip into a first tank containing a first pickling acid to remove the cracked scale thereby forming a pickled strip; applying an aqueous solution free of dissolved iron and containing hydrogen peroxide to the pickled strip wherein any

u.s. Patent 5,702,578. Dec. 30, 1997 H. Umeda eta/., assignors to Mazda Motor Corp., Hiroshima, Japan

A method of applying a surface coating to a subject surface with a paint spray device, which forms a spray pattern of paint having a specified diameter comprising forming an undercoating on the subject surface; coating an opaque colored base layer over the undercoating; and coating a transparent layer containing dye coloring on the opaque colored base layer by rotating the subject surface around an axis while continuously moving the subject surface along the axis.


A method for selectively electroplating apertured metal or metallized products obtained by stamping or etching comprising continuously transporting apertured products through a photoresist bath during operation, while the product are connected to a power source at least from a time the apertured products enter the bath until the apertured products exit from the bath so as to electrophoretically apply a fully closed photoresist layer to the apertured products; covering the apertured products after a drying of the photoresist layer with at least one photomask at desired locations; exposing the apertured products covered with the at least one photomask; removing the photoresist layer by means of a developing process from parts of the apertured products to be electroplated after removal of the at least one 'photomask, while a remaining part of the photoresist layer on the apertured products serves as a mask for the apertured products; and electroplating those parts of the apertured products from which the photoresist layer has been removed.


u.s. Patent 5,702,581. Dec. 30, 1997 K.G. Keriin and P. Hamacher, assignors to Herberts GmbH, Germany

A process for painting metal substrates with a phosphate treatment and electrophoretic dip coating without the use of environmentally hazardous metal compounds comprising pretreating the metal substrate with a spray or dip phosphate treatment solution without passivation treatment and without toxic metal compounds.

M e t h o d for S e l e c t i v e Electroplating U.S. Patent 5,702,583. Dec. 30, 1997 J. W, Rischke and W. van Sprang, assignors to Meco Equipment Engineers B.V., Hertogenbosch, Netherlands

Plastic S u b s t r a t e u.s. Patent 5,702,584. Dec. 30, 1997 L.N. Goenka et aL, assignors to Ford Motor Co., Dearborn, Mich.

A process of plating a metal on a plastic substrate comprising incorporating etchable filler elements and etchant-resistant metal filler elements in the plastic substrate so that some etchable filler elements and some metal filler elements are continuous to the exposed surface of the substrate; etching the exposed surface of the plastic substrate to selectively remove the contiguous etchable filler elements while leaving the contiguous metal filler elements exposed at the substrate surface; and plating a metal on the exposed surface of the substrate, using the exposed metal filler elements as anchorages for the plating mate-

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