Preparation of research papers

Preparation of research papers

PREPARATION OF RESEARCH PAPERS For Annals of Tourism Research Annals will co”s,der for publication research papers and case studies dealing w,h va...

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For Annals of Tourism Research

Annals will co”s,der for publication research papers and case studies dealing w,h various aspeas oi the lourism phenomenon. In general. papers on economic. ecological.

Abbreviations and Tcrminologin: Uniamlhar or new abbrevw,om or terms should be fully spelled our and dciincd when firs, used I” the tell,.

pohrical. roc,olog~al, a”,hropolog,cal. and edo~a,~o”al aspects ot ,our,sm. includmg case s,ud,cs and industry orie”,ed Reid works. may be subm,,,ed for publtcalions in Annals.

Tables and Illustrations:

Submission of a paper requires ,he assurance ,ha, the manuscript will not be submitted for publication elsewhere o”t,l P decision has been reached as to its acceptabilily for Annals of Tounsm Rcwarch. If ,hc msnuscr,~, depends critically on anolhcr paper whsh is not published. one COPY of the paper should be mcluded for tbe reviewer. Those ma”uscr,p,s incorporsti”# the results of a detailed original research should include discussion of ,he broader significance of the subject ma,ter. All arlicles most be in English. though occasionally shor, arlicles in French (wth a summary in English) will be consadered. The articles ,rrnslsted anto English should be accompanied by a copy of ,he arwlc

Style: To faalitate and expedite the work oi the editors, all manuscripts mus, be prepared according to this forma,. published in all issues of Annals. The manuxr~prs should be d,vided into ,he followng sec,,ons. A shod inform&w title of approximately SOletters Ihoull be supplied for use as a running head. The dtle will appear on the cover sheet (but nor author’s name and affiliation).


Abslnc(: A one paragraph informative abstract (between 120-140 words) should accompany the article. It should state concisely what was done and why. what was found. and what was concluded. The abstract ends with a list of the keywwds pertinent to the central theme of the article. When possible. send alone the French translation of the Abstract Iresume): otherwise Annuls is willing ,ask of prcparin8

ranged so ihar columns of hire ma,ertals across. Nonslgniiicam be omured.



descrlpnon should be Included

in the head,“85 to make ,hcm self-cxplana,ory.


delaila should be footnored under the Iable not I” ,he title. I” the ICX,. all ,llus,rar,ons and char,s should be referred 10 IB Figures. They should be finished dnwinp ,her arwork

“o, needi”8 for-

or rypcseuing. No ,ables or figures planned for


can be larger than one page Of Annals.


ample margms prov,dcd. Preferred

length of an aticle is IS-25 lypevrllle”

pages. Longer papers wll also be considered. The date when rhe paper war submrlted and fhe aurhor’s address should bc placed a, ,he end oi ,he paper below Iht bibliography. paper should be arranged I” ,he iollowmg abs,rac,. uons),

mtroduc~~on. ,ex, (mcluding


bibhography aulhor’s



order: ,ltlc paw.

lables and ~Iluura-

concIus~ons. acknowledgemen,c.

and rhc dale of submission of the paper and

name and address



of tbe manurripts:

IS a refereed journal.

All arfxles are evalua,cd by a, leas, two reierecs. The CYPIUPcaon II done anonymously

[double blind sys,em): nalher

referees nor the authors are aware of each other’s ,den,l,xs. To iaoli,a,e

promp, rwww

by ,he referees. send the dllor

the or,gmal manuscr,p, and ,wo coplea of ,he ma”urcr,p,

to accept fhe

the resume.

Copyright: pubhca,,on

Text: All par,s of ,hc manuscr,p,s should be typed (on one sldc oi paw, only) double spaced, or preferable ,r,p,e spaccd. with ample margms. The ,ex, where powblc rhould be sub-divtded wilh wled head,“gs, preceded by a” mrroduc. lion and succeeded by a summary or co”cIus~on. The paper should bc wri,,en m rhird person (can nor use &and WC). Bibliolnphy: In the 1~x1. references are wed by ,he author(s). The Bibliography should bc typed and listed in alphabcuc order a, ,he end of ,he oaoer. Enamole: Cohen E. 9 7 9 Rclhmkmg the Saaology of Tourism. Annals of Toururn Research Vl(l):l8.35. Dan”. G I 9 7 7 Anoml. Ego-cnhanccment and Tourism. Annals of Tourarm Rexarch IVt4): 184.194. Smtth. V 1980 Anrhropology and Tourtsm: A Science-Industry Evaluarlo”. Annals oi Tourism Research VII(I):l3-33


All ioo,“o,er must be worked m,o ,he ,ex, or om,,,ed Cuat~o”l such as “personal expcr~cncc.” should “or be enrcred in ,hc reference ho bu, may be added I” parentheses dlrectlv I” ,he body of Ihe paper. Author3 mus, ensure tha, ,hetr reference% are accuralcly CI,ed Notes of e”plana,,on abou, Ihe author(r) and paper should “or carry a “umber I, 15 I”dwalrd h\ a” a\ler~~L ,a\ rhc onI\ ,\,x 01 ,oo,,w,c a,,o\\rd in the text) on the first page of the article. (SO words).


read down.

decamal places III labular da,a should

The tables and iigures should be numbered in

Arabic numerals


,n ,he original language.

Each table or dlus,ra,~on should bc

,ypcd on a separa,c page The data I” tables should bc ar-

Anna/x o/


No permw~o”

Research IS a copyrlghled

!s “eces%wy for brief quo,a,~o”r

and or~gmally worded abs,rac,s. prowded acknowlcdgemcn, ,aa”ed from

an appropr,a,e

15 gwen. Wr~,,en permwo”

the cduor

rnuu be nb-

for copymg or reprmlmg

figures. or ,ex, of more Ihan 3Q) words


I, Phould lncludc an

erphc,, r,a,emen, of lnlended use and dc,a,lcd wecc~iicar~on of the malcrlal5 co be reproduced.


15 “ormallv

Branred and a
of cwre”r boohs

wrlle 10 the Book and Aud,o-Vwal

Ednors. I,\,ed I” 4nnalr

PIeax xnd all manuscripts (I” ,hree copies) direaly Jaiarl.


Habl,a,wnal Mcnomonx.

4nnulc Rewuwc\.


Tl,ur,sm Umverwy

10 Jaiar

Rt-sseuwh. Dep, of



W~rconw~ 54751. USA.

S,>k ha, alto hecn puhl,\hed FRENCH Annalc 111.3. GERMAN: Annr,/s ,,1:4: PORTUGUESE ~nnrrlr SPANISH 4nno/, 111 2.


,n other language,,

tv:2: v 1.4; v,:2 IV-~ I” 3 IV 5. v 2


