Style: Preparation of research papers for

Style: Preparation of research papers for

TEXT. All parts of the manuscTlpts should be typed (on one side of the paper only) double-spaced. or preferably trlplc-spaced. wth ample margins. The ...

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TEXT. All parts of the manuscTlpts should be typed (on one side of the paper only) double-spaced. or preferably trlplc-spaced. wth ample margins. The text, where possible, should be subdivlded with 11tled headmgs preceded by P” ~ntrodwtlon and succeeded by B summary or conclwon. The paper should be wnt’.en in thud person tdo not “se I and we,. LITERATURE CITED: In the text, references are cited by number. The Literature C&d sectton should be typed and grouped separately at the end of the paper I” alphabetlr order, by first author and numbered. Consequently citations such as “Paper submitted.” “personal commwv cation.” “personal experience.” should not be entered in the reference list but may be added in parentheses directly in the body of the paper. Authors must ensure that their references are accurately cited. Notes of explanatlon about the authors and paper should not carry a number.

ANN.\LS OF TOURISXI RESE.-\RCII Vol. 111.No. 2, .November/nerrmber 1955

ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMINOLOGIES: Unfamillar or new abbrewatlons or terms should be defined when Rrst used I” the text.


Each table or illustra TABLES AND ILLUSTRATIONS: tlon should be typed on B separate page. The data in tables should be arranged so that columns of like mate-


nals read down, not across. Nonsignificant decimal places m tabular data should be omitted. ‘Ihe tables and f%ures should be numbered in Arabic numerals. Suffi-


cient description should be included I” the headings to make them self-explanatory. AdditionJ details should be footnoted, not in the title. In the text. illustrations should be referred to as figures. They should be finished drawings not needmg further artwork or type setting. No tables or illustrations planned for reproduction can be larger than one page of the ANNALS, with ample margrns provided.


ANNALS will consider for publication, research papers and case studies dealing with all or various phases of the tourism phenomenon. In general. papers on economic. ecological, political. sociological. psycholopical. and educzitional aspects of tourism, including case studies and industry oriented works may be submitted for publication in ANNALS.

OTHERS: Preferred length of a” article is IO-20 typewritten pages. 7he date when the paper was submitted and the author’s address should be placed at the end of the paper, below the reference list. The paper should be arranged m the following order: title page, abstract, Introduction, text Iincluding tables and illustrations). summary and/or conclusions, acknowledgement, reference notes. and the date of submissIon of the paper and author’s address.

Submwlon of a paper requires the assurance that the manuscript will not be submitted for publication elsewhere until B decision has been reached as to its acceptabibty for ANNALS OF TOURIShl RESEARCII. If the manuscript depends critically on another paper which 1s not published, one copy of the paper should be Included for the reviewer. Those manuscripts incorporating the results of detailed origmal research should melude dlscusslon of the broader sigrdficance of the SubJect matter. To facilitate prompt rewew by two or more referees. send the editor the original manurrlpts and one cup? ,411articles m”st be I” T;nghsh.

flgurrs. ed use



.Iuthors may sub”” papers prepared m a standard format. However. to facdltate and expedite the work of editors. they would appreciate rewvlng articles prepared m the style described here. The manuscripts should be dlvlded mto the followmg sections:

AX’NALS also solicits rewzws of current tourism books. Tbey will be published in the review se&o” of .4NNALS entltled “Tourism in Review.”

COPYRIGHT: ANNALS OF TOURISM RESEARCH is a copyrighted publication. No permission is necessary for brief quotations and origmally worded abstracts, provlded a” appropriate acknowledgement 8s pven. Wntten permlsslo” must be obtained from the editor for copying or reprintmg text of more than 500 words, tables, or


If possible a short infornmtwe title should b+ TITLE rupplwd for use as running head. Title, author’s name and alfihatlo” are to appear on a cover sheet.





an explicit


the like permission

of intend-

send all manuscripts

of the author.




Jafar Jafarl. EdItor ANK.\LS OF TOURISM RESEARC!l Dept. of.Habitataonal Resources. Tounsm University of Wisconsin-Stout Menomonie, Wisconmn 54751 U.S.A

.ABSTR.ACT, .4 one paragraph inform&we abstmct of no more than 200 words should accompany the article. It should state concisely what was done and why, what was found. and what :VZ,L , ,,,wluded. ANNALS

It should

and detailed specification of the materials to be reproduced. Permission is normally granted contingent
