L *
tooth) was treated not by extraction but by endodontic therapy.” We reported this form of conservative treatm ent in the Journal of E n d o d o n tics in D ecem ber 1981. GORDON D. MATTISON, DMD, MS SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY UNIVERSITY OF LOUISVILLE
dentures w ere com posed of porcelain prim e im portance in a dental or m edical teeth w ith metal pins, w hich m ade it suf office w hen an emergency arises. . . . PAUL KWARTIN, DMD ficiently radiopaque. . . . A large num ber WEST HARTFORD, CONN of dentures are constructed of all acrylic m aterials today that w ould not be ra diopaque. If problems had developed, the Publication reviews position of the dentures could not have been detected radiographically. I reported on radiopaque denture mate □ The review by Dr. C. Castaldi of Dr. G. rials in 1972 in the Journal of Prosthetic W right’s new book M anaging C hildren’s Dentistry, and from tim e to tim e a resolu Behavior in the Dental Office (January) tion in radiopaque m aterials receives fa w as concise, inform ative, and ed u ca v o rab le a c tio n by one co m m ittee or tional. It is a pleasure to read such an ex another of the ADA. But for reasons be pert review. Thank you for including this yond my com prehension, the profession fine section of JADA. Reviewers such as at large fails to get excited about the idea Dr. Castaldi are to be com m ended for their service to the profession. and little has been done. JOSEPH E. PRIMACK, DMD HAVERHILL, MASS
□ The article “Sanguinarine, a new anti plaque agent” (March) appears to offer additional hope and direction in preven tive dentistry. Perhaps future indep en dent studies w ill serve to explain w hat we are observing clinically: the im proved periodontal status of patients w ith ongo ing plaque problem s w h en a sa n g u i narine paste or rinse (or both) are added to their existing home care program. P. W. DECARLIS, DDS GAINESVILLE, FLA
Radiopaque denture materials *
□ In the report by Dr. Hazelrigg, “Ingestion of m andibular com plete d en tu re” (February), it was fortunate that the pa tient described had no problems from this incident. She was also fortunate that the
CPR usefulness
Presidential dentists
□ I am interested in obtaining inform a □ The news article, “Dentist takes CPR tion about the dentists w ho have treated south of the border” (February), was of the US presidents. This project is part of special interest to me. Since my retire the research for a book on the dental ment in 1979, after 41 years of dental health of the presidents. Please send in practice, I have been teaching CPR as a form ation to me, 75 E Birch, Canton, 111 volunteer for the American Red Cross. 61520. The gamut of more than 300 students in JACK S. RAGSDALE, DDS CANTON, ILL cludes juniors and seniors in high school, insurance groups, hospital personnel, state em ployees, housew ives, dentists Correction and dental staff members, golf club mem bers, board of education employees, and □ In our article on sanguinarine (March), instructor-trainer groups. Plak-Lite should have been listed as an A lthough CPR is of vital interest among incandescent, not an ultraviolet, light lay groups it is unfortunately not stressed source. sufficiently in the dental and medical G. LEE SOUTHARD, PhD FT. COLLINS, COL school cu rriculum s. It is certainly of
Henry Leo Banznai 1926-1927
Doctor Banzhaf, of Milwaukee, became the 64th president of the Association at the 1926 m eeting in Philadelphia. The Seventh International Dental Congress was held in Philadelphia at the same time. Doctor Banzhaf started his dental career as a private practitioner in Manitowoc, W isconsin. He was appointed dean of the dental departm ent of the Milwaukee Med ical College in 1902 and continued in that position after the college became part of Marquette University in 1907. He retired as dean in 1944. He was born in W isconsin in 1865 and died in 1951. Charles A. Lindbergh, air m ail pilot, made the first nonstop solo flight from the U nited States to Europe on May 20-21,1927, and instantly became an international hero. Germany was adm itted to the League of Nations. A Florida hurricane caused the death of 370 persons in the Miami area. Transatlantic commercial telephone service opened between New York and London. Each m onth, JA D A prints the picture of a past president of the American Dental A ssociation w ith a brief biography and a few historical highlights of his presidential year. The series began in February 1979 w ith the first president and is continuing in chronological order.
JADA, Vol. 108, May 1984 ■ 739