Cationic Electrocoating Composition
Paint Sprayer
with Inlet Silencer
U.S. Patent 5558,492. Sept. 24, 1996 J. W. Kieffer,assignor to Wagner Spray TechCorp., Minneapolis
U.S. Patent 5,556,91X Sept. 17, 1996 K. Tabinagaet a/., assignors to Nippon Paint Co. Ltd., Osaka-b, Japan
An assembly comprising an air compressor retained within a pressurizing enclosure, the air compressor having a primary air intake port, and a silencerin direct fluid communication with the primary air intake port.
A cationic electrocoating composition cbmprising a resinous component and an aqueous medium, which is free of blocked isocyanatesand curable at a temperature of 100 to 14O”C,wherein the resin component comprises a vinyl polymer having 5 to 1,000 substituted acylamide groups. .
U.S. Patent5,558,559. Sept. 24, 1996 Y. Noguchi et al, assignors to Sumitomo Metal IndustriesLtd., Osaka, Japan
U.S. Patent 5357,844. Sept. 24, 1996 AC Bhatt et al, assignors to Bhf Corp., Amonk, N.Y.
Hot-Dip Apparatus
A polishing system for opposite edge faces of a plated steel strip wherein a plating layer on opposite edge faces of the plated steel strip is removed.
A method of preparing a printed circuit board having a film redistribution layer and selective, filled plated through holes including seeding with a palladium/tin colloidal suspensionto make the exposedsurfaces catalytic for electroless copper plating; and electrolessly plating copper over the exposed surfacesand in the plated through hole barrelsto a thicknessof 0.001 to 0.0012 in.
ing grain sizes, which lie mainly in the range 80-120 micrometers, the spraying step including the emitting of the jets via nozzles, and the displacing at high speeds of the jets to sweep the support with the jets, wherein the multitude of jets is at least ten, and wherein, at each nozzle, the respective jet has a cross-sectionlying in the range 400 micrometers to 4 millimeters, thereby imparting very low kinetic energy to each jet.
U.S. Patent 5,558,562. Sept. 24, 1996 C. Diat, Vigneux-de-Betagne, France
A method of microcleaning and of microblasting a support comprising spraying a multitude of jets of compressed air charged with fine abrasive particles hav-
U.S. Patent 5,558,715.Sept. 24, 1996 P Abed et a/., assignors to SOLLAC, Societe anonyme, Puteaux, France
An installation for coating steelproducts with a zinc alloy, comprising a tank containing a bath of a molten zinc alloy wherein the tank includes a partition for separating the bath into first and second compartments and includes circulation means for circulating dross-enrichedalloy from the first compartment to the second compartment; a means for dipping steel products into a portion of the bath to coat the product with the zinc alloy; and means for accelerating the decantation of dross
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JUNE 1997